Carol ReMarks

Hurling, Huntsville Drivers, Inauguraton Day, and more...

January 25, 2021 Carol Marks Episode 44


I am back to doing my authentic free flow style episodes. Come along with me to hear what I have to "remark" on during the week.

First segment, I talk about setting a new record on the rower and what happened to me for the first time after working out.

Second segment, some things I do to occupy my mind during a long row. It involves cardinals and squirrels.

Third segment, terrible drivers in Huntsville, Alabama.

Fourth segment, comments on inauguration day. :: eyeroll ::

Fifth segment, why I feel so good these days. It involves a certain diet/lifestyle.


Chapter markers and transcript available on the More ReMarks Buzzsprout website.

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Well, hey, hey, hey y'all. Alrighty then. It is Monday, Martin Luther King Day, I'm

Carol Marks:

doing my cool down walk and it's windy out here. So you will probably hear some wind in the microphone, I have decided to go back to my free form freestylin free flowing type of podcast where I take you with me on my cool down walks or to the grocery store, or in the car on my way to work, whatever. I'm going to stick with that because I like it. And I enjoy it. My daughter says she likes it too. And I think it's a little different. We will see, we're still going to do our regular you know with a microphone in the house indoors. Episodes together she and I Gracie nigh to it just will be every now and then I guess something happened to me this morning. After I rode I rode 5000 meters and 26 3026 minutes, 30 seconds now, I wasn't planning on setting a personal record on that. When I first started, I just got on started rolling. I knew I was only going to do 5000 meters though. But as I went along, as I saw the monitor ticking along with that if I do this or that I can probably make a personal record. And that's what I did immediately afterwards. I don't know I don't know any other way to say this, except that I hurled hurled or spewing. Those are two delicate words to use for what you know what happened, instead of using a different word. I don't like the other words he used for that. It's just gross. Yeah, but that's what I did. Right after I had finished their wit. Now nothing goes there. But you know, it's something came out coffee. But that's the first thing they This is the first time that has ever happened to me or after a workout. And I've been working out for quite some time. After that having and now cooldown log, I kind of feel like a badass. I've seen other people do it. I've did a personal record. I feel good. I did not row yesterday. So I had a little bit of a rest day. And I think that helped me row a little stronger this morning. And yes, it is a holiday but I'm still going to go to work today because it's an option you can or you don't have to but I decided to go. You get paid for the holiday and you get paid for hours work. So a little extra money. Not bad. And that's what I'm doing today. I hope you caught our last episode where Gracie and I got together for an episode called catching up with grace if she hadn't been on. Gosh, it's like six months or something like that. And so she came on yesterday or the last episode in caught us up on her life. Well, I guess that's it for now. I'm getting ready to come in on the homestretch here, heading back home. And I will pick it up again. Pick this up again. In just a little while. So don't go anywhere. Stay tuned. Hey, welcome back. Now it is Tuesday morning. On my cooldown lock. It is a little chilly out here. The sun is not out. It says it's in the 40s but it's still kind of chilly. It's supposed to get up to the 50s low 50s still gonna be overcast all day. Well, highroad 12,000 meters this morning. I got a little bit of a late start because our neighbor had come out to her mailbox and was putting something in it and she was walking back and she's a talker. But bless her heart. She lives alone. She's in her 90s. And at first I was like, Ah, I'm gonna be behind my rowing bow. And then I thought you know what, Carol? Just stop. She needs somebody to talk to you. So that's what I did. And we had a pleasant conversation. And you know what, I still got my rowing done. just slow down, Carol, just slow down. So the gin I were having a conversation at dinner the other night. We were talking about rowing and he's like, Man, what do you what do you think about your How do you occupy your mind on the rower for like an hour or two hours? Well, this morning. I was blessed with two Cardinals victory with one another.


I watched them for about 20 minutes before they finally, you know, went away or did whatever they were supposed to do.

Carol Marks:

That was a that was fun. You know, I read somewhere recently that birdwatching is the number one activity to reduce stress. That's interesting. I wonder why. I don't know why I don't think the article explained it. But I think that's interesting. And sometimes I watch the squirrels because you know, my garage door opens to the back alley, and there are some trees there that separate us and then the next neighborhood and lots of squirrels, birds, it's fun. It is relaxing. There's really nothing else going on. So stay tuned. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back with the next segment.


Hey, again,

Carol Marks:

it's me same day, but later in the day. Now I am sitting in my car. It is a quarter till three. I am getting ready to go into work. I work three to 1130 but I like to sit out here in my car and wait a little while and just kind of chill out. The drive in was okay. Okay. I live in Huntsville, Alabama. Huntsville, Alabama is not while it's in the south. It's not the true south or indicative of the South. I have been in the real south and it is different. Huntsville is not the south and here's why. We are an engineering town. A lot of research and development. We have Redstone Arsenal here. Someone said something about the NASA, NASA something, the space program, something was moving here. So we have a lot of smart, big time, like people here. So they are that means they move here from other places from the United States. We have a lot of people from a lot of different areas, a lot of the military that are here on the arsenal, they like to retire here. This is a great town to live in it is the housing cost is not skyrocket. Hardly, you know the crime is you know, not like it is in other places. And it's a decent city. There's lots to do and plus Huntsville is closer, I say there's lots to do not for me, there's not lots to do. Because I've been here for way too long. I've done everything there is to do and you know, so the new people have moved here, they think it's great. Which you know, in all areas, other areas. It's it's a decent town to live in. It's not bad, as close to Nashville is close to Birmingham. Chattanooga, Atlanta. So you know, it's closer to other bigger cities. But having getting back to what I was saying about the all the different people that move here. I don't know if that makes the driving worse. But there are some terrible drivers here in Huntsville. I've been I go out of town. And I can tell as soon as I get closer to Huntsville, because of the bad drivers. They are horrible here. A couple of different things. Like I said, I think it's because a lot of different people move here. But I also think it's Huntsville those roadways, because when they built the roads, I don't think they built them thinking that they would expand so much. The roads here are not built to expand anywhere. So that makes it a little bit more difficult to get around in. I mean, granted, our traffic is not anything like Washington DC, or Chicago or LA. No, I mean, it shouldn't be complaining. I'm not talking about I'm not talking about big traffic. I'm talking about terrible drivers. awful, awful awful here in Huntsville, Alabama. All right, let me get off here. Stay tuned. Don't go anywhere. I'll be back with another segment soon. In just a few. Well, soon. It'll be tomorrow morning for me, but for you. It'll just been a few seconds. So standby.


Good evening, everyone. It is a quarter till seven at night. January 20. Or as some of you might like to recognize as Inauguration Day.

Carol Marks:

I did not watch any of the inauguration today. I put it on I Dream of Jeannie in one room and then the other rooms. I think I had her on Hogan zero


But here's,

Carol Marks:

here's what happened to me today. I slept until 10 o'clock this morning. Normally at 10 o'clock in the morning, I'm on the rower, and usually about 10. I mean, usually about two to 5000 meters into my row. I slept until 10am. That was eight hours of sleep for me because I didn't go to actually get in the bed until two o'clock in the morning. Now I work second shift three to 1130. I get home about 10 till 12. But I didn't want to disrupt my husband because he has to get up super early in the morning. And so and I wasn't really that tired. So I stayed up a little bit later, trying to figure things out on me, we are my way or whatever that new social media is called. I don't know how you pronounce it. If anybody knows, let me know. Me w e, I would think that would be me. But that sounds kind of weird. I slept it till 10 o'clock this morning. I woke up and I was like, Whoa, what the heck. So I didn't get any rowing done. But I'm at work right now. I'm on my lunch break. I'm sitting in the car. I am listening to a lot of political audio right now, on Sirius XM, and I and iPods, gosh, listen to me. And podcasts. And I'm listening to them. And I didn't think I would listen. Now they're conservative. So, you know, I still thought I would stay away from it at all, because it would just make me mad, but it's not making me mad. It's not. And I'm surprised I'm listening to them. And of course, my other Twitter account my personal Twitter account? Well, I guess I have two personal Twitter accounts, one for the podcast. But on my other Twitter account on Carol remarks. That's where I'm really letting my opinion be known over there. I think I tweeted out something like well, Joe Biden signed Executive orders for masks mandates. Now granted, it was for federal property. And like they weren't already wearing masks anyway. So he really did something there didn't he? I really didn't want my podcast to turn into a political podcast and it won't. But I am going to talk about everything, anything and everything because it's my podcast, and it's called more remarks. So I will be talking a little bit of politics. I will try to keep it light hearted. We shall see. Or if not light hearted. I'll just tell you the truth. factual, truth. Okay. I probably need to go back into work. Just wanted to pop on real quick and say, Hey, remember my podcasts. I'm like bringing you with me out and about now whenever I go out and about Stay tuned. Don't go anywhere. Because another segment will be coming up in just a few seconds. Good morning again. It is now Thursday. I think it's the 21st or the 22nd. I know it's Thursday. I am on my cool down walk. It's a little it's overcast, drizzle just a tad drizzly. Definitely overcast. Probably mid 40s. Not bad, I guess. I don't know if it's supposed to clear out or not. Finished rowing, I did my rowing this morning. I only did 30 minutes. Woke up a little late, who woke up at nine. Then I set the bed for an hour drinking my coffee scan in through the inter net. And I beat my personal record already of 5000 meters and I didn't hurl. It was a nice steady beat this morning. And I stayed consistent with it all the way through instead of like the other day when I was just kind of meandering along and then I realized, Hey, I could probably be I could probably do that. And that's why I pushed myself a little too hard. And when I hurled. So this morning, I got on and started started up and it was easy. I think I could even break it again. I did 5000 meters in 26 minutes and two seconds. Were a few days ago I did it and 26 minutes and 30 seconds. shaved 28 seconds off. That's a lot I think. Not bad and I feel really really good. I don't look I'm back on keto again, and I've been on it for maybe a week. Just a hair over a week maybe. And I am feeling so much better y'all no aches and pains. No joint pain. No Muscle joint pain. Oh my gosh, I feel so good. So, so good. lost a little weight, getting tinier close fit a lot better.


Anyway, I

Carol Marks:

just hope I can keep it up. I've passed the two tests, we've gone out to a restaurant and I've stayed true to keto. And we've ordered in and I've stayed true to keto. The third and final, big huge test will be when we go to Tunica, again, because there is nothing to eat there. But junk. I will have to prepare and take things with me, I


guess. All right. All right. Maybe

Carol Marks:

I will. Come on here again. And just a few later today here, it'll be a few seconds for you. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. I don't know how I'm going to end it. This. This episode. I don't know. If this will be the last one for this episode or not. It's Thursday, so I'm gonna try to do one or two more. To close it out. Anyway, stick around. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back. Hello, hello, welcome back. It is now Thursday, late evening. 11:50pm. I'm driving home from work. And I have all of the roads to myself. I don't mind driving in Huntsville at 1130 at night when I get off of work. Because everybody is home in bed asleep. And I have all of the roads to myself. Yay. Anyway,


I thought I would just come

Carol Marks:

on and say hello at this time of night on this peaceful drive home. And I will be putting this episode together this weekend. In about eight minutes is going to be Friday for those of you that work Monday through Friday. Have a great weekend. I am off. I'm off this weekend, of course. And I will be putting together this episode to put out for you on Monday. So have a great weekend. Well, by the time you listen to this, it'll be Monday. So have a great week. I have to get used to this recording ahead of time and then publishing it later. Okay, have a great week. Wait, wait, wait. Don't go anywhere yet. Stick around for a few more minutes because I have something to say about buzzsprout

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