Polygreens Podcast

035: Microgreens Edition

July 23, 2021 Joe Swartz & Nick Greens Season 1 Episode 35

In this episode Nick interviews Roberto Meza and Donnie Greens about the microgreens business.

More about Donnie Greens:
Website: https://donnygreens.com/

More about Roberto Meza:
Website: https://www.emeraldgardens.farm/

More about Nick Greens:
Website: https://www.nickgreens.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InfoGreens

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Hey, what's going on. This is the poly greens podcast, episode 35, little bit different this time, Joe Schwartz. We'll be back for next week's episode, but today it's going to be me, Roberto and Nick. Hey, what's going on everyone? Good morning. Yeah. So I, I thought that this show would be very interesting by, uh, by bringing, uh, you know, uh, us three together and then just making this whole episode about microgreens in general.

Um, you know, use both have interesting stories. Use both have really interesting directions, uh, that I want to get further and discuss about. So that way the viewers can really have an understanding that there's many models to this. It's just not a for-profit model. I mean, what we all have to make money in the business, but it doesn't have to be product driven as well either.

Um, yeah. Dani, do you want to go ahead and introduce, uh, I mean, you already introduced the thing you want to let everybody know a little bit about you and stuff. Yeah, sure. So, uh, my name is Donnie greens. I, uh, started my Korean farming about four and a half years ago, five years ago. I really just had a passion for agriculture, but I discovered in college my sophomore year, and I always knew I wanted to kind of work for myself.

So, um, I was just scanning the internet, you know, what am I going to grow? What am I going to grow? What can I make a profit with? And then the microgreens videos started. Quit my job that I wasn't really liking at the time and just, uh, invested all my money and stuff. What was the first one was the first video that you can remember that popped up.

Do you remember that video? Um, I don't remember. It was definitely by Nate Dodson, my greens farmer.com. And it was probably a YouTube video just showing, I dunno if I got hit with an ad first or a YouTube video. Cause, cause I was actively searching for stuff to grow. Uh, that would be profitable too. So I don't think it was an ad.

I think I just stumbled across this video that was kind of going through the growing process. And from that I was like, oh I get this. I understand what he's doing. Yeah. I just knew that I could make a business out of it. Nice, nice. Nice. And then we got Roberto messa from, uh, Colorado. Uh, me and me and Roberto have done some, some projects together.

I've helped out his farm a little bit, but then they just took the torch and just really ran with it. Um, you know, w one of the persons that I've helped, uh, seen, just, just take off so fast. Uh, Roberto, do you want to tell the audience a little bit about yourself and what you guys are doing? For sure. And thank you for having me, um, podcasts really appreciate it.

Um, I'm a first generation farmer, so I don't have a farming background. I similarly to Donnie back into it, um, actually via grad school, uh, which I eventually dropped out. I was pursuing an arts degree at MIT and, uh, subsequently starting to experience a lot of, uh, And it really just kind of took me into a tailspin.

Didn't really know what was happening, where all of these different symptoms were coming from. I was having mood swings and everything, and that really forced me to take a leave of absence. And so I went back to, um, where my family and was living in Ohio and, um, basically was on medication for a while.

And. Dosed and, uh, out depression then. Yeah, it was like depression. I mean, society and mood swings. And, you know, I had no idea what was happening. So as Western medicine kind of treats these things, um, they put me on pills and completely suck away my, my drive and my creativity and motivation and, uh, And it wasn't until I got a dog, uh, who I still have right now.

His name is Yoda.  a hairless brute that, uh, I needed to take them out for a walk or do this, going to destroy my bedroom. Then I'd have to clean it up. So after being, you know, kind of tucked away in my room for, um, a few months, Going outside for the first time, I was like seeing nature again in a totally new light.

And I realized that I had kind of developed a sensitivity, um, to, to plant life. And so. Um, just having that new perspective reignited in me, uh, curiosity to begin developing my relationship with plants and the natural world. And, um, thereafter started working on little hydroponic and aquaponic projects in my basement that didn't really have a land, no resources.

And, um, my surprise, it was the most empowering feeling that I've ever had. Encountered my entire life to harvest my first screens. And, um, and then that really kind of paved the way for, uh, connecting with local farmers who were primarily Amish. Um, in what year was your first harvest? That was 2012. Oh, wow.

Nice. Yeah, that was my first harvest. And that was making a window of farms out of, um, Two liter bottles and, um, you know, plastic water bottles, you know, just turn that into it. You mean creating an algae farm? Well, basically, yeah, right. Um, I had an air pump and it was pumping up water and trickling down to the hydrogen or the play pellets and was using Rockwell at the time.

And I was like, oh my God, it's so easy. And. Then started to really understand medicine as food or food as medicine and, um, and started connecting with local farmers, helping them. By the end of my first season, uh, working with the farmer, I had a renewed sense of purpose. My health had also renewed and solidified my then to Armen for the rest of my life, and then started to explore other dimensions of it, such as farming as a public service, as a way to understand social political and economic issues.

And offering solutions to also address them. And so when you came out to Colorado, my business and farm partner, uh, Dave and I decided to, um, start our own 35 acre farm, but no, we didn't know what to do. We were like 35 acres. There's nothing on it. Or there's no power. There's no water. And we had this like romanticized vision of permaculture.

And what's the, what's the age of both of you is when you took on this project, how old were both of you? Um, so probably in our late twenties very far now. And, uh, yeah, we acquired the property in 2013. And have been building it ever since, um, now where it's beautiful, passive solar year, round greenhouse, and, uh, continuing to experiment and develop our microgreens business.

But now with the awareness of having to develop our own distribution organization to meet the needs of our business.

Nice. Nice. Yeah, you you've. I mean, usually a lot of people do start with the health thing, you know, when they start growing food. Uh, but you, I mean, it was, it was more than health. It was chemical imbalance. It was, it was just a lot of other things going on. Yeah. And just to just define, I made that Yoda's an awesome dog, by the way.

I love, I got to spend time with Yoda, for people that are listening out there and, and awesome dogs. So I can see that dog just being at, being a healer for you. So that was, that was an awesome, yeah. Yeah. And he showed me the way, you know, and, uh, Well, that's your wisdom. I mean, he's got the name,

Danny Donny. I brought you on, uh, to kind of, uh, tell everybody about, about, you know, your, your, your unique business model that you have in long island. Um, you know, it's thriving, you, you, I mean, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're in a 20 still, right? Donnie making six figures a year from, from a, from a microgreen farm.

I mean, who would have thought that, you know, micro greens. You know, you could be making this kind of money. I know it's a lot of work. Uh, do you want to tell everybody about your business model? Yeah, sure. Uh, so when I first saw that video that I talked about earlier, uh, obviously it was showing me how to grow, but it was also showing me that I should be scientists.

So here I am growing this stuff, bringing it to chefs. The chefs are giving me the run around I'm nervous. I'm like dressed, super weird. I'm in like khakis and like a collared shirt and stuff like stuff I never liked wearing. So I feel uncomfortable. It's so awkward because I'm first starting out. But anyways, I realized quickly that I didn't really want to work with the chefs there.

Uh, you know, there was this one chef who was like, bro, if you grow cilantro microgreens and you bring that back here, I swear the whole town will be buying these. So I spent a month or two learning how to grow these cilantro microgreens and I bring it back to him. He was like, I don't want that. So that's when I knew like, all right, secure the chefs, I'm not working with these chefs.

Um, and at the same time I was learning about microgreens for business. I was also learning about living foods for health. So sprouts microgreens wheat grass. My friend was growing sprouts on his window cell. And that was like one of the things that just kind of like started this engine in my head. And it made me realize how easy it was to grow some of these.

Um, so I realized like, all right, microgreens right. Businesses about value chefs are using it as like a garnish on a plate. Um, or oftentimes also for like flavor. And I figured that the best value that I could give somebody via these products was health benefits, right? The real value of these products for the health benefits.

So if I was going to get people eating these microgreens on a daily and weekly basis for health benefits, I was going to have to make it very convenient for them. So I decided to start a home delivery service. A subscription model and people would tell me what they wanted me to grow for them each week, I would grow it for them and deliver it right to their house as long as they were now, how did you go off about promoting this?

Um, I, I, you know, I mean, is it just, did you go door to door? Did you send out a flyer? Did you, was it word of mouth? What was, what was the marketing behind that our Digitas happened organically? So, I mean, thinking back, I was probably really thinking very hard about how to get all the products out at this point.

Feels like it happened very naturally, but I started off at farmer's markets. Right. Farmer's markets are awesome because the customers are local. So they're perfect candidates for local delivery service. They're at a farmer's market looking for farm type products. So that also works really well. Um, and then it gives you a chance to test different packaging, test, different pricing, talk to the customers, see what they really like about the products.

And then from the farmer's markets, I was actually recruiting people into my weekly home deliveries. So that was how I was getting my first home delivery customers. And then in tandem with that, I also linked up with a distributor in the area who are just awesome people. It's called our harvest and they source products from all different farmers.

People can order from all the different farms right on their website, and then they drop it off to one central location. So I was working with them, doing the farmer's markets, recruiting the home delivery customers. And then I was also walking into various like family owned health food stores and getting some of those clients.

Yeah. Yeah. I really, I really enjoyed that model and that's kind of similar to what, uh, Emerald gardens is doing as well. Right. Um, similar model you experienced the restaurant stuff. Do you want to tell us a little bit about your experiences with the restaurants as well? Yeah, definitely. Um, yeah. Farmer's markets.

I totally agree. Like that's such a great testing ground to rapid prototype of business model. Um, your approach, uh, your narrative, the story. And, um, yeah, we had a lot of success, but back then, very few people knew about Mike again. So we ended up giving out a lot of samples, um, and engaging in a lot of education, but at the same time, building very strong friendships and relationships.

Right. And so, um, that was kind of the first key for me. Is that like, no, I need to, I need to build relationships first and friendships, maybe. That will then, um, you know, transfer into customers and loyalty. And so that was like a huge wake up call for me to understand what really resonates with. And, um, it, it, it informed my approach to marketing as well, so that when I started approaching chefs, it was much more on values.

This is what I w you know, the value that I'm giving my community and to you, I'm trying to identify what were their challenges, sources of food, um, and how I can make it as convenient as possible. Like, what is the problem that I'm able to solve for them if we have this business. And, um, yeah, we quickly started to generate quite a bit of support from the culinary world and a lot of more chefs here.

Um, but where we wanted to go, we knew that we wanted to develop. Um, a business that was able to scale because we have 35 acres. Right. And so how do we optimize that? And, um, we from the onset at our eyes on wholesale and started to acquire local, independent grocery store chains. And, um, and then, you know, one after another, the more that we got, the more other people wanted to hear our products, other stores, period products.

Um, and you know, for me, it was like, wow, it was that easy to get our first grocery store, um, grants. It's a lower value, um, in terms of pricing than directed consumer, but it was much easier for us to develop a model that would be able to expand into other chains and then acquire a distributor, do that distribution.

So it was good for, for me to understand both the retail and the wholesale experience. Um, and now having this hybrid model where we keep both, um, but now having to aggregate products from other farmers and, um, and ensure that we can democratize access to a lot of other markets. Nice. Nice. You know, there's, there's one question that I get tons all the time ask, um, you know, and both of these can come up with this answer.

What is your biggest product seller? I mean, what, what was, what did you start with that? You start with the zillion. Did you start with one or two? What to you, what is your biggest sell? I mean, for me, there was something that happened very quickly. I realized that I needed this one, like best-selling item.

So I actually, it didn't happen by just having it around and people choosing it to be the best. Um, I actually created it to be the best seller in the first place, and that was the sunny sampler box. So it was a little bit of all my different microgreens on one box. So, um, it had a higher perceived value and great name too as well.

Yeah, mostly sunflower in there. The whole base of it is sunflower. Um, so kind of. Did you do like a mixed with it or? No, it wasn't mixed in, it's like sunflower on the bottom broccoli on one side radish on the other key, down the middle, a little bit of micro mix. That's great. That's awesome. It was like, um, and especially being on long island too, like it's a little boozier over here.

So it's like this beautiful box, like script lettering on it and like the summer sample there. I mean,

Yeah, for me, it was equally, um, the sunflowers that were the most, uh, kind of the leading product that drew people in. Um, but it was the novelty overall are these tiny routes? Uh, one of the challenges for us was that, um, there were other farmers at the market selling plants. And still, we got confused with that as well.

People thought that they were plant sites, which they could be, you know, people could plant too, but they didn't really see them as a finish product that was ready to go. Um, so that was a bit of a challenge that we had to overcome. Yeah, peas, sunflower and Brock root were our top sellers in the very beginning.

Mr. Lee. No, no. I have this interesting story, uh, um, that I experienced with, uh, when I was down in Colorado, Roberto, uh, we got to go to the farmer's market and I don't know if you remember this day, Roberto, but, uh, we were sitting there and we were, we were, we were, you were selling your microgreens and someone comes up and asks you for all of the broccoli.

Microgreens. Every single broccoli, micro green that he grew. And there was, I don't know if the kid had a condition or he had a disease or something, but he needed to eat broccoli. Microgreens are just broccoli in general to stay alive. Dude. Do you remember this, Roberto? Do you know more information? I do.

Yeah. So, um, I know that broccoli, um, has sulfur a thing, which is really bad at targeting information. And, um, obviously all, a lot of the microgreens also have these specific vital nutrients and enzymes that just allow your organism, your body to run at optimal levels. And so this, um, this kid really responded to the monkey.

And a lot of the issues I had, I don't remember specifically what they were, um, were very much mitigated consumption of broccoli specifically. And so, um, his parents would go out of their way to ensure that he's getting this medicine. They didn't really see it as a food. Right. And that was kind of like the big realization for me.

That's like, yeah, we should look at this as like, Um, that that's a whole food and, um, and it was just such a joy to be a service to that family. And so, um, you know, for me it became a. To try and, um, and share this mirroring experience with other people that probably didn't even know those were sick.

Similarly to my story, I didn't really know what was happening, um, until I found relief, um, healing myself. So it was a good way to say, you know, we're not just selling a product, we're building community and we're, we're building our reciprocity and relationships. You by supporting me is allowing me to continue to say, yeah, that is such an interesting story.

You know, to think that, you know, this little micro green has that much power, you know, that's just amazing. Yeah. They really are powerful crops and especially the broccoli, because it's so concentrated in that nutrition. Um, from like by research, apparently broccoli is the most nutrient dense, so 40 times more nutrient dense than the broccoli veggie.

And then of course sciatica. So for fan the anticancer properties, I actually had a, a customer recently who was suffering with cancer and, uh, she's now in remission. And we think that the broccoli microgreens were a big part of that. She was picking up two trays worth every two weeks. So she was going through about a tray a week.

Wow. I stand now. That's a cool story too. Yeah, it's nice to be there for people. And even just like the emotional support, like as she's going through this, just whenever she picked up her green is just telling her, like, just keep it up, you know, keep your head up. You're looking great. Like all that stuff.

Um, I didn't even think about the impact that I was having until she like came back one day and was like, yeah, I'm in remission. And like, she was looking amazing. And man, it was, that was a really powerful feeling. Yeah. So it's humbling. It's humbling. You know, like you said, like these tiny greens incredible impact.

For sure. Yeah, the education part has been really, really focused part of me as well. Um, just making sure that, you know, people hear these stories and you know, microgreens are no different than a regular plant. All right. Everybody thinks micro greens is just this rare other varieties of plants. They're weird.

No, they're not, they're the same varieties that are selected for certain characteristics that we like. Uh, one is we liked the micro green seed to grow slow. We don't want the microgreen green seed to grow super fast because if it grows super fast, the tastes usually in the oils are not there. Um, my, my belief on that is, I don't know if you guys believe, uh, believe this as well.

Uh, um, quicker means sicker in the plant world. Some somewhere, some bacon guy told me that one time

and it's nice that they do have, yeah, they have generally a quick turnaround. Right. Which is one of the perks of the business is that you always have the cash flow. You always have a harvest. And it's not subject to the winds of climate change the way that other cross sign field example. Um, but we noticed that, um, you know, we also had this, um, added narrative on top of all the values that we kind of discussed on it using very little resources, having a smaller group.

And optimizing your yields right? In the same amount of like, um, you know, square feed that we would generally approach it with agriculture. We can grow by the times as much by using the same amount of energy and resources. So, so the term, the term behind that is nutrient dense. Yeah, that's basically what it is.

You packing more nutrients in a square foot than, than any other farm miles and miles around them. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, yeah, I think when we started to develop our approach to greenhouse growing vertically like this, like we see the racks behind me. Um, you know, let's realize that's not you're out of your mind.

Like you're going to block out too much. You know, we haven't had an issue with play. We had eaten. Uh, magazines are always consistent. Uh, we don't use, um, unnecessary, um, no lights. We only use the lights to see and in the evenings. Um, but it's just great. I mean, specific to Colorado, we have such intense sunshine there.

Um, and we have over 300 days of it. So for us, it just made sense to grow in a group 310 days, Everett or somewhere around there. Sounds like San Diego, California, for sure.

Yeah, but it can be intense, you know, where I feel like the sun is just a little bit more for boating. So what does the next two years look like for Emerald guard? Um, well, right now we started actually farming the rest of our acreage. Um, and we're creating this amazing opportunity to embellish and enrich our salad.

Um, so we're just trying to get offer now for parents siloed, ready to go meals, um, straight from the farm, uh, whether it's going to a grocery store or to a consumer, and then being creative in our avenues for distribution. Um, you know, putting fridges at different locations and kind of looking at standalone, um, uh, nutrition.

So this is like a CSA drop-off locations you're putting in place or, um, well right now, uh, we have a warehouse in the city about 20 minutes east of the farm, where, uh, we have cold storage, dry storage, we have commercial kitchen and that's where we're rapid prototyping menu. Um, but we're not only using our ingredients, but all of our other farming, um, uh, community members as well.

And, uh, you know, it's, it's kind of a cooperative way that we ensure all of our viability, um, so that we're not necessarily competing against each other, but we're using each other's produce to, um, to create something that can feed all of our community. Is, you know, we, we see too often how common issue between smaller farms is like, can be good, but I think there's a limit.

And if we look towards more cooperative and collaborative ways of working with each other, then we ensure all of our bias and it's just overall. More of a brain, uh, to develop an agricultural model and this, and this is basically an, every industry do this. I mean, every, every industry from the airlines to the hotel industry, to the, to all these industries help each other.

So you know, that that is good, that that farmers and the food industry is starting to see that, you know, does any of that direct to consumer or is that getting dropped off? How, how is that? Yeah. So, um, I got to give props to Colorado because, um, they really are leading the way in food access, um, to address hunger and food insecurity in different communities.

And, um, even before the pandemic, they had different initiatives. Um, that would subsidize the cost of food, local, fresh food, or, uh, communities that were under-resourced. So for example, we have the food pantry assistance grant, which provided, uh, direct financial grants to food pantries to purchase exclusively.

Local food grown in Colorado. And, um, you know, for me that was like really the main mission of our farm was to create a source of year-round food, um, that all communities to access, regardless of means. And this opportunity with the food pantry assistance grant allowed that possibly because, um, we didn't have to worry about, um, catering to a chef or to specific grocery stores.

This was purely to sustain our. And we're getting paid for it. Traditional food pantries and food banks relied on donations of food, which, you know, may not be the most nutritious, mostly canned food and goods and sweets. And so this was just a good way to get nutritious food to the people in the communities that need it the most and fresh too.

Most of the stuff that they get at the food pantry is expired. Exactly. And so add, allowed me to develop the relationships so that when COVID hit, um, we activated those and that literally saved our farm when we started to lose markets and restaurants left and right. So it was a good way to link farmers to food access initiatives, and then develop this model.

That would be more integrated. And accessible and equitable. And so we do still work with food pantries. Uh, some of them are ordering bulk food. Some of them are ordering box items, almost like a CSA. And so we add micro green mixes in there along with other veggies, um, and some bread as well. Some other producers, uh, we do have an online store that customers can order directly from us.

Um, but we also work with a distributor that distributes throughout the front range. Um, to generate that food service partners that are reopening and some of our grocery stores as well. Are you serving the Colorado, the Denver, uh, surrounding areas too as well, Metro, um, as well as some of the resort towns.

And then now branching out into other states as well, our local supply chain. Nice, nice. So Donnie, same question. Uh, where do you see, uh, Danny greens going in? Uh, two years? Well, um, I'm finding that I'm really fascinated with the whole marketing aspect, um, of business in general, but also I'm obviously drawn to farming and agriculture in green county.

So, what I'm actually trying to do right now is get all the farming off of my hands so I can focus on other bigger picture things. Um, I've been working in the farm for five years. I'm looking to, uh, either sell part of my company and have somebody else to take on the growing, or I'm trying to work with this other person who can essentially do like contract growing for me.

They'll grow it for me, but then I'll deliver and deal with the customers. So that would free up a lot of my time and a lot of my mental capacity. So that way I could work on some of these other things and really just support the whole microgreens community as a whole. That's what I'm trying to do right now is like, we're all out here, like doing our things and it's hard.

You know, entrepreneurship is hard, running a business is difficult. So if I can make everybody's life easier, then I feel like I can have a bigger impact impacting all the other microgreens farmers. Then I can just growing myself here on the line. So that's my like, mission. So you, so you feel that your, your, your talents are better for the industry than self-driven as well.

Let's that's what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah. I would say so. I think, I think naturally I'm really good at putting things into frameworks that people then can learn from a news. Sorry. My cat does knock something over. Um, and then also I think like, um, I'm kind of like naturally just a natural born teacher.

I've been doing it on YouTube and it seems like people are responding really well. Uh, so yeah, and then, plus it's also kind of a legacy thing, cause I was actually named after my grandfather on my mom's side, who died when I was three and he was kind of like the legend of the family in a way, like he's the reason why my grandma's side has money.

He was a very successful model. And I learned that actually only a few years ago, I thought he invented this weird little thing to cut out, uh, like articles from a newspaper. It turns out that was not the case. He was actually a marketer. And I feel like a lot of that stuff that he's learned has been passed down to me through my day.

So I just feel very drawn to it. And I feel like that's kind of like the next phase where I want to go to so I can stay in the car, taking over grandpa's legacy. Exactly. And it's great because I get to do that stuff, which is my new primary interest, but also stay within the field of agriculture, which I think is the best industry on the planet.

Nice. Nice. So there's another question. This question, I don't know if you've listened to the podcast much guys, but this question is something that I asked, usually everybody. Yeah. So, if you can go back to your, uh, you know, 13, 14 year old self and give some advice to what, what would that advice be? I would've told myself, um, to just do things, do the things that I wanted to do, even if the people around me didn't want to, because I knew I was an entrepreneur at a young age, I was trying to shovel driveways.

I was, I was, I got in trouble in school in the fifth grade for selling erasers and pencils to my classmates. So. I was always trying to get my friends to start something or just start like a sh like driveway, shoveling business, something simple. And it just never worked because nobody wanted to work or like make money like that.

So if I can go back in time, I would tell myself, just screw everybody buckled down on your own and figure something out on your own. It doesn't have to be with somebody else. Cause what happened was, um, I never got into that agricultural world until after college. So I spent 10th, 11th, 12th grade, and then all of my college years kind of just slacking off.

You know, drinking and doing drugs and it's just, that's not productive. So if I could have been selling stuff earlier on and, and focusing on the skills that I knew I had earlier on, I think that would have, uh, turned out even, I would probably give myself the advisor, um, being patient being humble and staying creative.

And so in any endeavor that you choose to go into. You know, finding ways, of course, correcting and rapid prototyping so that you're staying on the path of innovation progress. Um, and if something doesn't work, don't be afraid to, you know, tear it all down or start over again. Um, I think that's like the biggest learning lessons.

No, sometimes we're afraid of like, you know, turning our back on something that has spent so much time on, but it's not working, you know, we need to be humble enough that, um, that it's okay. So you start over, you take a different direction. Um, you know, I was on my way to exploring the art world and being a professional.

And really putting in four years of my life after, after college to do that only to kind of take a different turn of farming. And it took me a long time to get over that, like, man, I'm doing something totally different, but now I understand that, you know, it was the best choice I could have made. So if you're not happy doing what you're doing.

Don't be afraid to change it up, to take a gift for direction. Um, knowing that stick with it. If you're humble, you're patient and creative, you'll see the end of the tunnel. But along with that passion that you have, I can, I can just like, feel the passion just coming out to your voice. Roberto, you, you are very passionate about what you're doing in Denver.

And I just want to say thank you for, for doing what you're doing out there. Uh, you know, not only is he doing the microgreen farmers out there, people, but he's also involved with a lot of community stuff. He's on boards, he's on a bunch of things and I just salute you, uh, um, Roberto and thank you for.

Thank you. I appreciate that. And Donnie, Donnie, come on. You're you're you're doing awesome things in long island. I mean, you're, you're in your twenties, you're making six figures and you're already thinking bigger things, you know? Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. He. So, well, thank you everyone for joining us on the, on the poly greens podcast.

And this is the microgreens edition. Uh, we definitely have to continue this again and talk more about the micro greens. Um, I just wanted it to kind of, uh, you know, point out the stories that used to had, uh, that I thought that was very unique and, you know, anybody can start a microgreen farm, whether of your you're starting it to, uh, to produce it for teas.

Reducing it for shakes or whatever, you know, like there's so many things that micro greens can take you down. I thought if you find yourself in Colorado,

the links in the description down below, if you just wanna, uh, go ahead and look, uh, if this is a podcast, the links will also be in the description. Uh, so thank you everyone for joining us. And this was another poly greens podcast. So y'all take care.