A Becoming Journey

Keys to Building a Lasting Friendship

Julie Ouellette Season 2 Episode 36

Last time, we talked about several of the obstacles to forming close friendships. How then do we go about forming the bonds with people that will ultimately turn into a meaningful friendship? Well, I've got a "friendship expert" on the podcast today, my husband, Jason!

For as long as I have known him, my husband has had many enduring friendships, and I'm thankful for the wisdom that he shares. 

On this episode, we discuss:

  • how to value people and connections
  • learning to accept others where they are
  • looking for opportunities to build a friendship
  • seeking to become a good friend to someone in need of one
  • choosing to invest
  • being the one to initiate or to take the first step
  • the value of vulnerability
  • dealing with conflict

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