A Becoming Journey

Guarding Your Heart

Julie Ouellette Season 1 Episode 7

Our spiritual heart is the seat of our emotions, our deepest thoughts, desires, and feelings; some might even call it the “spirit” of a person. I believe it’s the essence of who we really are, and it seems natural to call this place the “heart” since the physical heart is so central to our physical bodies.  It’s no wonder that Proverbs instructs us to guard our hearts above all else! An ignored and unprotected heart is a prime target for an attack from the enemy of our souls. This episode is a look at what it means to protect our spiritual hearts, how to do it, and how to recover when we fail prey to an attack.

Visit abecomingjourney.com for a blog post about this topic, as well as other information and resources, or to connect with me!

Scripture references: Proverbs 4:23, Ephesians 6:14