Real Talk: Black Minds Matter
Real Talk: Black Minds Matter
Ep. 8: She Bipolar
Bipolar Disorder. A mental illness that causes people to have episodes of mania and depression. All too often a term thrown around in the Black Community...what’s wrong with Aunt Jackie? Oh you know she bipolar! Meaning that she’s moody, unpredictable, toxic, or chaotic. We are here today for the Sistahs. We are alright. Our mental health is impacted by so many factors- body image, imposter syndrome, physical appearance, etc. Our emotional responses have been labeled long enough, and it’s up to us to In the Spirit of Auntie Maxine...reclaim our time, and tell the world who we are before they even attempt to define us.
Dr. Rheeda Walker Bio:
Dr. Rheeda Walker is an award-winning Professor of psychology, a fellow in the American Psychological Association, and a leading scholar who has published more than 60 scientific papers on African American mental health, suicide risk, and emotional resilience. She is also a licensed clinical psychologist who prepares doctoral students for independent careers.
Dr. Walker's impact has expanded beyond academia and she has quickly become a fan favorite with the release of her first book, The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health. Delving into the heart of the Black experience, Dr. Walker debunks myths about mental health, builds the case for psychological fortitude, and delivers practical advice for use in everyday life. Her charismatic vision and practical approach to life’s challenges has led to numerous appearances on Good Morning America, The Breakfast Club, and NPR, among others. She is often quoted in major publications like the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Huffington Post, GQ Magazine, and the Houston Chronicle.
Dr. Walker’s eclectic mix of experiences positions her well to bring culturally-meaningful insight and emotional health tools to audiences in the U.S. and around the world.
Dr. Afiya Mbilishaka
Being in love with hair her whole life, Dr. Afiya grew up as her family’s hairstylist, graduating from lawn chairs at cookouts to eventually holding space in her college dorm room for a mini-salon. Her trait of being a skillful active listener translated smoothly to the field of psychology, earning her degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and Howard University. At the age of 26, Dr. Afiya earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and was a full time therapist at Columbia University and then she was a professor at the University of the District of Columbia. Dr. Afiya is a natural hairstylist and partners with N Natural Hair Studio in Silver Spring, Maryland where she loves creating art with locs, twists, and afros.
How can you get involved?
- Join the BMHA Social Media Community https://www.facebook.com/blackmindsmatter1 , subscribe on YouTube at Black Mental Health Alliance, and follow us on Instagram at @black_minds_matter_ and @youngblkmindsmatter.
- BMHA membership offers an opportunity to connect with a premiere mental health organization of clinicians, educators, researchers and change agents all focused on emotional healing and whole health for the global Black community. Our members enjoy the benefits of: 1) having their articles and position papers published on our online platforms; 2) free promotion of their events, book launches, and other initiatives on our social media accounts; 3) free or discounted tickets to our workshops and events offering VIP access to invited national thought leaders; 4) opportunities for mental health providers to earn CEUs free or at a discount; and 5) receiving member-only invitations for wellness and self-care activities. BMHA also offers a special benefit for clinicians who become members - their contact information in our database of providers interested in being connected with those in need of a men