A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

How Digitization Could Make Healthcare More Accurate & More Accessible

Robin Wiener, President, Get Real Health Season 7 Episode 12

One of the lessons from the pandemic that is often overlooked is the critical role that data plays in the healthcare sector.

Admittedly, if you don’t work in the sector then it’s something that you’d be likely to think about.

However the importance of having your own health records digitised - and the ability for healthcare professionals to be able to access patient data across nationwide or even international platforms can be lifesaving.

And yet despite huge tech advancement in diagnostics and other areas of healthcare, when it comes to data the sector trails just about every other industry.

In this episode I'm speaking  with Robin Wiener, President and Co-Founder of Get Real Health, an award winning HealthTech company that helps doctors to have greater access to patient health data, while making it easier for patients to get healthcare - regardless of where they are located.

In this episode Robin talks about:

  • Why having better access to data can help the healthcare sector solve some of the world’s biggest healthcare challenges.
  • How new technology is bring better healthcare to people outside of major metropolitan areas.
  • What’s holding the industry back from implementing technology already in use in other sectors.


Connect with Robin Wiener: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rwiener/

Get Real Health website:  https://getrealhealth.com

The Current Situation in Sourcing website:  https://thecurrentsituation.net

A Seat at The Table podcast website:  https://seatpodcast.com

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