A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

Why Passwords are Less Secure Than You Think - and What's Replacing Them

Denis O'Shea, founder, Mobile Mentor Season 8 Episode 2

Data security is something we take for granted.  We don’t often think about the consequences, until one of our devices or data servers gets hacked.

I’m talking about password protection.

It’s a subject most of us overlook - me too! - until its too late.

And it’s not only personal data, companies face dire situations when a hacker gets into their records and holds them for ransom.

Today I’m speaking with Denis O’Shea, a technology expert and founder of Mobile Mentor, an endpoint ecosystem helping companies create the right balance between good security and employee experience. 

Mobile Mentor was named Microsoft’s 2021 Global Partner of the year for modern endpoint management.

In this podcast Denis talks about

- Why we need to ditch our passwords
-  What’s driving the surge in security breaches and ransomware attacks
- How to secure remote workers who are using their personal devices for company business


Connect with Denis O'Shea:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/denisosheamobilementor/

Learn more about Mobile Mentor:  http://www.mobile-mentor.com

Mobile Mentor's Research:  https://endpointecosystem.com/

Learn more about the Current Situation in Sourcing:  https://thecurrentsituation.net

A Seat at The Table website:  https://seat.fm

Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm