A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

A System for Turning Ideas into Action Plans

Natalie Turner, Founder & CEO of The Entheo Network Season 9 Episode 11

Everyone loves to gather round the conference table and brain storm new ideas.  We all enjoy exploring the possibilities of what we could do … what it might look like … and of course the big success that we think could result from our innovative ideas.

But how often does ideating actually lead to the execution of a project? 

How many times have we seen the high energy experienced during the idea phase quickly run out of gas or get lost in the woods when it comes to taking action - or more importantly taking consistent action that will bring a concept into fruition?

In this episode of A Seat at The Table I'm speaking with Natalie Turner, Founder and CEO of The Entheo Network, which helps companies build innovation systems, culture and capabilities. She is also the inventor of The Six ‘I’s, a model that helps people measure their innovation strengths so that they can achieve greater impact from new ideas.

In this podcast Natalie talks about:

1. How to create a more innovative, results oriented culture.

2. The 6 I's of Innovation and how leaders can use them in their companies.

3. The  mindsets and skills we need to harness diversity.

4. The different dimensions of innovation, and how can leaders identify them - and then use them to build better results in their companies.


Connect with Natalie Turner:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalieturner1/

Learn about The Current Situation in Sourcing:  https://thecurrentsituation.net

A Seat at The Table website:  https://seat.fm

Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm