A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

A Mindset Shift that Will Help Every Team Member Find Greater Fulfillment

Akhtar Badshah, Chief Catalyst, Catalytic Innovators Group Season 9 Episode 12

A lot of conversations around leadership tend to focus on corporate culture.  While culture is important, it tends to be a bit ‘big picture’ and not particularly relatable to the entire hierarchy of team members.

This is where ‘purpose’ can play an important role in helping support both individual team members to find more fulfilment in their work, as well as creating a greater sense of direction for teams.

If you’re wondering how a company can inspire people to change the world, then this is the podcast for you.

In this episode I’m talking with Dr. Ahktar Badshah, creator of Purpose Mindset Workshops, and author of Purpose Mindset: How Microsoft Inspires Employees and Alumni to Change the World

Dr. Badshah is  a seasoned executive with over 30 years of experience in international development, managing a corporate philanthropic program and co-founding a global nonprofit for social enterprise. He led Microsoft’s philanthropic efforts for ten years, where he administered the company's community investment and employee contributions.

In this episode of A Seat at The Table, Dr. Badshah will be discussing:

The game changing value of focusing on who you want to serve as opposed to who you want to be.

How your values and mission combine to create your purpose.

Purpose Accountability: Why being transparent with your purpose is crucial.

Why we should prioritise being effective over being efficient.

Why doing things the right way might not be as rewarding as doing the right thing.


Dr. Akhtar Badshah’s websites: 

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