A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

What Brands Can Do to Win in a World Ruled by Amazon

Robin Gaster, PhD Season 3 Episode 7

Regardless of where you live, Amazon probably plays a role in your life. 

For many of us, Amazon has  become the go-to place when we need something - and want it delivered - or when it’s something we can’t find locally.  Or maybe we’re looking for product reviews.

For most retailers, more often than not, it’s the 800 ton gorilla that has either eaten your business - or is about to!

We all know that Amazon has the benefits of scale, a multi faceted business model that powers further growth, investors who aren’t pressuring its on profits, and seemingly bottomless pockets that allow it tremendous freedom to innovate, as well as grow it’s infrastructure.

But unlikely as it might seem, Amazon’s has it failures too.  There are sectors that even Amazon can’t crack.

In this episode, Dr. Robin Gaster, author of Behemoth, Amazon Rising:  Power and Seduction in the Age of Amazon, will be explaining where Amazon’s real strength lays.  Why being the world’s biggest store actually works against Amazon.  And strategic opportunities for everyone who’s not Amazon.

(1:40)  How Amazon Wins in Key Categories
(2:50)  The Pros - and Cons - of Having a Massive Product Catelog
(9:37)  The Real Strategy Behind Amazon's Foray into Private Label
(14:28) Amazon's Next Move - New Sectors with Big Implications
(23:42) Why We Should be Worried
(27:53) Why Amazon is Likely to Win Any Antitrust Suits
(40.51) Where Amazon Could Stumble
(50:15) If You're Not Amazon - Here's What You Need to Do

This book is a must-read for anyone who wants a sharp and well researched view of Amazon’s true strengths and weaknesses, as well as insights into how brands need to rethink the way they approach customers.

Although Behemonth, Amazon Rising, is packed with facts, statistics and technology explanations, it’s a surprisingly fast and engaging read.

Dr. Gaster is a visiting scholar at George Washington University Institute for Public Policy and the President of Incumetrics, Inc., a data and program evaluation consultancy that serves clients seeking to understand the intersection of technology, innovation, economics, and politics.

His clients include think tanks like the National Academies, Brookings and the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy; US government agencies including Navy, SBA, and NIST; foreign governments (Sweden, Finland); large companies like Houghton Mifflin and Deloitte - and many more.

In this episode, Dr. Gaster will be explaining where Amazon’s real strength lays.  Why being the world’s biggest store actually works against Amazon. And strategic opportunities for everyone who’s not Amazon.

Before we get started, if you are looking to develop collections that will be bestsellers both online and in stores, then Spinexpo is the fair for you.  It’s  the primary exhibition for yarns and knitwear.   It’s also the top resource for precise trend information that cannot be found anywhere else.  To learn more, go to SPINEXPO.com

I’m also pleased to announced that A Seat at The Table now has its own website where you can find the show notes, access to all of the podcast episodes and other useful information.  You can find it at www.seat.fm.   

Learn more about SPINEXPO:  www.spinexpo.com

More about Behemoth, Amazon Rising: Power and Seduction in the Age of Amazon

Visit A Seat at The Table website:  www.seat.fm

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