A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

Turning a Love of Fashion into Business She Loves

June 19, 2021 Lacee Swan, Founder & Illustrator Season 4 Episode 4

Getting into the fashion industry as a designer is not easy.  Staying in the industry can be even more difficult.  Especially nowadays when companies are facing so much uncertainty.

That’s gotten many designers wondering what alternatives might be available for them.
If you love the fashion industry but are looking for a way to pivot from some the industry’s traditional careers, then this is the podcast for you!

I’m Jane Singer and thank you for joining me on A Seat at The Table. 

This episode is part of our new Launch to Legendary series where we get to hear from entrepreneurs and innovators who have taken the ordinary and turned it into the extraordinary.  Who have built their businesses by seeing opportunities in inopportune circumstances.  Who’ve defined success in their own terms.  Together we’ll be able to learn from their experiences and be inspired by what they’ve achieved.

In today’s podcast episode we’ll be hearing how Lacee Swan parlayed her talent and love for illustration into an incredibly successful business doing  collaborations with  leading brands, as well as creating her own product line. 

And how each time she was faced with adversity, she managed to find a way to make her next move towards building a profitable business that she loves.  One where her art can bring a touch of joy and encouragement into the lives of people around the world.

This is not just a story of remarkable business success. It’s also a story of faith, of learning to be your own cheerleader, and of never giving up on your goals and dreams.

Before we get started, if you’d like to create winning knitwear collections then SPINEXPO is the place to go.  It’s the primary exhibition for yarns and knitwear.

The fair is a rich resource featuring well-edited, high quality collections, as well as cutting edge technical innovation. 

Not to mention outstanding  trend information that can not be found anywhere else.  You can learn more at www.spinexpo.com.  There’s also a link in the show notes.

Also checkout our website.  You can find all of the previous episodes of a Seat at The Table, the show notes, news about our upcoming Master Class series and lots of other useful information.  You can find it at www.seat.fm.

Now let’s hear Lacee’s inspiring story of how she went from fashion designer to highly sought after illustrator and successful entrepreneur.


Learn more about SPINEXPO:   www.spinexpo.com

See Lacee Swan's illustrations and products:  www.laceeswan.com

A Seat at The Table website:  www.seat.fm

Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm