A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

The New Technology Revolutionizing Commercial Real Estate

Rob Finlay, Founder, Lobby CRE Season 4 Episode 9

One of the many sectors that have been disrupted by the pandemic is commercial real estate. 

From consumers embracing online shopping and people working from home for over a year - to what could be long term migrations out of cities, this kind of movement clearly impacts the property sector.

However to fully understand what’s happening - and to be able to see where there might be opportunities - or obstacles - requires data.  And the ability to not only collect that data, but also to analyse it in ways that highlight things that might otherwise be overlooked.

Like many industries, commercial real estate has been slow to adopt technology.  However that’s changing now - and it’s affecting everything from identifying top locations to shining a light on operating costs.

Rob Finlay, Founder of Lobby CRE,  knows the knows the extraordinary value of combining tech, innovation and data within the commercial real estate sector.

He’s pioneered applications that essentially do for commercial real estate what Bloomberg terminals did for the financial sector - making previously difficult to get data accessible.

Rob joins me today to talk about what he sees happening in commercial real estate from market shifts and cost management to using data to identify new opportunities.

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The fair is a rich resource featuring well-edited, high quality collections, as well as cutting edge technical innovation. 

Not to mention outstanding  trend information that can not be found anywhere else.  You can learn more at www.spinexpo.com.  There’s also a link in the show notes.

Also checkout our website.  You can find all of the previous episodes of a Seat at The Table, the show notes, news about our upcoming Master Class series and lots of other useful information.  You can find it at www.seat.fm.

Now let’s here what Rob has to say about commercial real estate.


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