Good Times With Bad Movies

Saturday Night Fever

Good Times With Bad Movies Season 2 Episode 3

Tim and Paul are disco dancing!

The guys watched the 1977 cult film "Saturday Night Fever" and sat down to talk about it!

Along the way they discussed  the Bee Gees,  sticking out like sore thumbs and is "Kung Fu Fighting" a disco song or a funky dance song?

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and now good times movies returns you back to the saturday night fever remake starring john travolta and will smith
stefan this is uh joey this is double j this is bobby c keep my wife's name out your [ __ ]
mouth we just wash the hair yeah you know i work on my hair a long time and
you hit it he hits my head [Applause]
welcome to another episode of good times and bad movies i'm paul ireland joining me as always is my fantastic co-host tim
two slices morrison how are you sir hey paul how you doing i'm really good tim very excited got my
dancing shoes on today how are you oh i'm great great great this is uh this is an interesting one that we chose to
do this time yeah i'm really excited this is this is really fun tim today we're doing 1997's saturday night fever
from paramount pictures and uh this is so this is like i said 1977 so
i don't know if a lot of people have seen this so maybe we'll just kind of give you the premise up front here because this one's an interesting one tim so imdb says anxious about his
future after high school a 19 year old italian american from brooklyn tries to escape the harsh reality of his bleak
family life by dominating the dance floor at the local disco yeah that's that's basically what it is
it's uh there's a lot of stuff going on in this movie so this this is my first time seeing it
i had never seen this movie before i've seen the clips and stuff and know about like the bgs and everything that provide
the soundtrack for the movie for the most part have you ever seen it before
no before this i mean i think i i probably sat through about 30 minutes of this before i i think about a year ago i
was with my brother-in-law i was sitting down and i was like let's just watch this i got a good feeling about this and i think i made it through about half an
hour of this like i said and i just felt bad for the guy and i was like all right i'll cut you loose we'll just watch
something else i think most of my experience through the show is yeah through pop culture
seeing you know travolta do the little point and staying alive kind of dancing but i think for me
and i've seen this movie before basically by watching that 70s show have you ever seen the episode tim where they
go to there's a there's a disco that opens up in town okay and they decide to go to this disco and
basically nobody gets let in except for the girls and fez and then everybody else is staying
outside this whole episode getting so mad trying to get in and he goes in there and he is basically john travolta
he's like this his exact moves he does it's like they obviously just just took the movie and they just choreographed it right but
like it's amazing and so i was like damn like i've seen this before and the fez is a great dancer i mean travolta is a
great dancer in this too we're going to see as well but so like that's basically that's my experience up until this point you know
and then i finally sat down and i watched this whole movie and i gotta tell you
the the reason why i thought we should talk about this is just like the ending of this movie just takes
uh i guess right now i won't spoil anything but uh a weird left turn to say the least
yeah yeah that's pretty accurate i had no idea where this movie was going when i first watched it honestly i
watched this i think three or four probably four times just because
i each the first time i watched it i was like kind of doing stuff and like watching in the background and like even
like halfway through i was like did i miss something because i don't really know what this is about like besides the dancing there's a lot
of dancing in it but well as as we'll find out there's way more going on with this than just dancing i think
i don't know it's this movie is really weird to me and uh yeah i don't really want to give like my full-blown opinion
until we get to like the very end but this was really good for like this is a really good choice
uh considering that neither of us have seen it so i'm going to enjoy both of us getting to react to it right now
oh by the way this is the first movie where that john travolta danced in oh really
okay yeah i think i don't know where i saw that maybe when i was like skimming through wikipedia or something like that so i think this was before greece oh
yeah this is he did i think he went right out into greece right after this because i've done some research on this movie uh because i had some fun taking
into this one i'll tell you i was on vacation so i just had nothing but time to look into saturday night fever so i
found out a few things about this movie so this is not our first john travolta movie okay we
have sat down before we watched the fred durst classic
the fanatic right where john travolta plays a very different character i'll just say than
any other thing he's ever played in the movie but you mentioned before that he had a bit of a singing career and for those who
haven't uh ever heard of that before i just please just look up razzmatazz the song
razzmatazz okay i'm just curious was this song in and around this time like do you know do you
know that often if it was released around and then or i'm i actually don't know where i've stopped my head but i'm gonna assume that it was released after
greece so like maybe like near around this time because he sang in greece right
so i want to say that he yeah i don't know i i i think it was
after this movie john travolta is 23 years old i think in this movie it just seemed like that was a fairly
fitting time for that for him just to release that song razzmatazz that's what i just thought of i was like this trouble to
dance in the club right now like this is the story of tony monero the ballad of tony monero
that's right it's razzmatazz this movie is insane
this movie is insane okay i feel like i feel like there's some of this that we may not even be able to like explain
accurately just because of the content of it but we'll see we'll see what we can do here
i guess we're dancing around this no pun intended so we should just get into this what do you think tim all right let's grab our paint cans and
go struttin let's strut tim so this movie starts off with an aerial shot of the brooklyn bridge i'm assuming
the uh camera operator is like sitting in a helicopter or something it's kind of circling around the bridge and then we're just looking at brooklyn
and i don't know that in the 70s brooklyn looked pretty dirty
yeah yeah i haven't i've never been there but i mean as far as the way it's been portrayed in film and
uh we're seeing a subway a pretty rickety-looking subway and it's just like covered in spray paint but maybe
that's pretty common everywhere i don't know i i mean honestly i've never been to new york but it seems like it's a whole
other world right and new york i think was really it's like gotham like that's like that's like that's like gotham you
know like that that's the joker that's basically what that movie is right that's the world they're showing you that's kind of where uh tony monero
lives so i guess he lives in the world of batman potentially i guess that's what i'm trying to say we're about to meet the star of the
movie here john travolta as tony monero as you described in the the beginning
he's a young italian living in brooklyn and he is strutting down the street he
has a gosh he has some really nice uh dance uh red dancing shoes on black
slacks uh nice biting up red shirt with a uh i think maybe a leather
shirt or a leather coat right after it and he's strutting down the street kind of
remo this reminds me of spider-man 3 when he was dancing no but he's not going quite as far as uh
peter parker and spider-man 3. but again he's not wearing any headphones or anything he looks like he's dancing by
the way he's carrying a can of paint
the i was i was really i do i wouldn't have guessed that he actually works at a paint store
i don't know why that wasn't my first guest but like for this whole opening scene when i was first watching the movie i was like where's he going with
that paint dressed right nice like that but it turns out he's just a he's just a
customer service rep in that paint store yeah well he's he's out uh we're gonna find out in a second here he's out actually grabbing some paint from
another store and bringing it back to his place but along the way he stops off so first of all we gotta set the tone
here too like bg's obviously you mentioned this before they play a huge part of this movie and
drop this little tidbit down too basically what happened was the uh the producers of this film i think was a
producer of this film was looking first for music for this movie and he called up the bee gees and he was like
hey guys do you want to write some songs for me for this thing and they said that they were doing uh they were in the in
the middle of i think mixing a live album or something right so they were like no we can't do that for you buddy
so they were like do one better for you though all right you know what they said to him they were like we've got like a
half an album written right now we got six songs do you want to hear these six songs and
you can tell us what you think and they literally had how deep is your love uh you should be dancing night fever
staying alive they had they had a bunch of these songs written and they were like here you go what do you think and they were the guy was like i love this i
want to put this in my movie these are going to be the songs so they actually this is basically how half the soundtrack got made was just they're
like we love these songs we're just going to use them this movie they're like cool and then they wrote a couple extra songs for us
so anyways the point of the story is jesus paul that was really long sorry guys
the point of the story is [Music] staying alive is playing here okay that's the longest way to explain that
staying alive is playing here we get it there we get it they're really the beegees are really important so that's going on
yeah he's strutting down the street to stay alive all right tony monero this young kid with his little red collar
popped with the leather jacket and the tight pants and he stops at a pizza store okay and ladies like hey tony how
are you two a tree today and he's like two two that's good and then he just stands there for like
five minutes okay and then he gets his pizza and he's now he's cramming two slices of pizza folded
in half in his he's got he's got pizza sauce all over
his face while he's walking down the street just strutting having a good time while the bee gees are going on the
background i think this is the greatest scene in this movie is it it's awesome
tony here strutting down the road here got pizza on his face gets into the paid store
and uh what happens is he pulled a bit of a hustle as he went to another paint shop across town bought paint off them
and then he basically marked up the price of the paint and gave this lady a bit of a discount he goes because she
was pissed off because she's sitting there for 30 minutes wait for this paint so it's near the end of the workday and tony is expressing to his manager who
was trying to give tony advice that he's really not worried about the future dancing and going at night is tony's
life and then he heads home and when we're at home we see that he
has a younger sister and he lives with his parents with his younger sister
his father is unemployed but we'll get back to that in a little bit we're just going to fast forward to
a montage of tony monero getting ready in the mirror he's blow-drying his hair he's getting
ready to the song night fever by the beegees which is actually a pretty awesome song
it's really weird because it's just like he's just staying there he puts like one necklace on at a time using a hair dryer
to dry his hair uh putting on his clothes really slow
i don't know if i didn't know anybody who's trying to seduce himself like in the mirror he looks like he's just like
staring at himself oh and he also only has a speedo on too for the first part of it it's really
it's those those are like 70s underwear you know i mean they're just like tidy whities but they're just like dark it's
like that black the black tight little you know huggers i don't really know what to call
them they're just like they're pretty form-fitting yeah so he's got his pink slacks on
tonight uh he's combing his pla he's he's combing his pompadour and uh dancing in the mirror and he's
getting ready to head out i'm telling you this is like honestly i watching this i just see fez
from that 70s show tony is about to head out to town and meet his friends his friends pick him up
in this i don't even know what kind of car that is but some old car from the 70s so tony gets into the car with his four
other friends joey double j and gus oh and bobby c
just to just to set the tone of where this movie is going folks tony is getting in the car
someone apparently almost closes the door on his hands and we're just going to play you tony's
i didn't realize like that this was like kind of like a bit of a raunchy movie
it surprised me a little bit but then yeah that's nothing [Laughter]
i mean you're right there that is literally not even the tip of the iceberg in this movie that is like a chunk of ice floating out of the water
we're like oh that's something this is just like this movie gets crazy on their way to the club tony tells them
that no one's allowed to do any drugs until he says so
and i don't know why they're just but they're just talking about doing like a bunch of speed uppers and downers and stuff they get into this club and they
they found a table four of them were sitting around five of them were sitting around the table here and
this girl named annette comes up and uh she's uh she's really into tony and just
kind of likes these guys and they're kind of messy to each other
tony kind of makes a joke saying that he doesn't want to ask her to sit down because he knows the answer would be yes
so tony's kind of mean to this girl kind of mean
kind of mean i'm not going to spoil anything but this this poor girl this poor girl
so before we get to the dance floor we just the the writing in this movie is
sometimes you know quite raw and aggressive
um probably somewhat uncalled for i would say in a lot of instances uh but you know sometimes it's also
i guess kind of lame i don't know what there's there's some weird lines in this movie and there's some weird interactions
so before we get to the dance floor annette is asking tony to dance
and they have a little bit of an interaction here so we're just going to play you a little clip i'm in like a dance with you but you
know you're not my dream girl nothing like that you want a dream girl well then go to sleep and have a
nightmare roasted okay what i i don't i didn't really understand what that meant either
yeah i i felt like someone is was that an improvised line or
i don't know i don't know what that means it's a very it was a very poor comeback go to sleep and have a nightmare
but then they go and dance right away yeah they immediately go to the dance floor and
yeah start dancing with each other the dj in this movie too monty i think this guy is i love when this guy's in the
screen this guy is hilarious he reminds me of like someone who began like porn or something like in like
in 70s porn like the big mustache and his just hair hanging out and big or bob
ross even if i was gonna like recast this movie now in into 2022 i would honestly i
think like you would have like a celebrity someone like will ferrell i would have be this guy this character because i think he's hilarious he seems
like he's having a great time so i like this character he doesn't do anything wrong in this movie i think he's one of the only people that doesn't do anything
wrong this movie honestly yeah maybe yeah he's sticking to his job well we don't know what's going on when we're when you know the camera's not on him
yeah i think he's probably a sketchy dude everybody everybody is he'd be the only one that wasn't
i don't want to believe monty is but you're probably right the dj he's probably got a bunch of drugs and stuff going on back there and selling liquor
to underage people and you know something bad mommy's probably a scumbag you're right no one's getting this world tim the person working beside
him looks like she's like 14 years old and so yeah
i don't know okay let's hit the dance floor so what do you say so john travolta and annette are have
hit the dance floor and john fulton basically does a thing where he's kind of shuffling his arms and
bouncing and dancing around in circles [Laughter] it's pretty ridiculous and then
he does this move where there's a like i don't know there's an actual term for
it but he's basically pointing a lot like there's a lot of pointing in disco like when you're pointing out so he
points he goes like kind of high and points at her head around her neck and then starts pointing at her waist and
pointing at her knees and you know just pointing her out all over the place and pointing the ceiling and then he they
trade off and then he puts his hands up and then he starts pointing at him all over the place while he's pointing right
he's like he's got this floral pink and white shirt on with these really really skinny
tight like bell bottom pink sam these like salmon colored pants and the the
like i said bell bottoms and uh platform shoes and he's just kind of like his hips he's just kind of thrusting his
hips while he's kind of pointing his hands up and down all around her and she's kind of just standing there you're right just taking it all in and then she
kind of points at him a little bit and looks sort of disinterested but they just had this crazy interaction of like he's like kind of like yeah i'm just
i guess i'll dance with you but like i really just don't care and she's like shut up and then they just go and do this yeah and they seem like they have a
whole choreographed routine because after a while they're doing the exact same moves
well and you know what i we're going to see in this movie too there's like at some points honestly there's like
disco line dancing going on so i feel like in the 70s there must have been just you go to the
club and there's certain moves right like you know like when like like rap now and stuff oh i'm i'm
pretty i'm out i'm pretty much out of the new rap game now right but like i'm gonna date myself so bad here but you
know like like when soldier boy the soldier boy tell him you know like so you like that dance that's like that's like
a dance right or uh the whip and the nae nae where you know like they did there's
like a dance to that right or whatever the new thing is now oh man i can't even say dougie because that's like jesus
where did i fall off the rap game anyways uh travis scott doesn't have any rap moves or dances so i don't know what i'm
saying man but you know i mean like that that those those things so so i feel like yeah there's probably certain songs there's like the hustle do
the hustle you do the hustle to the hustle right i guess so there's probably certain songs
like everyone we know these moves and everything else is just sort of a free-for-all it's like a disco mosh pit i bet there's probably a whole like
fighting uh sequence for kung fu fighting you're probably right is that a disco song
though oh yeah everybody was kung fu fighting
yeah it's totally just go where else were they listening to that of course they had to be listed in disco
place yeah it's like doing like a piece of like party in the usa yeah i'd still disagree i think it's totally a disco
song it's a dancy song i bet it's probably on soul train i bet if you looked on like
the old soul train show i bet there's like a train of people dancing to that song you might be right if i'll put it
this way if it's on soul train and then you win it i'll say that it's a disco that's one like funk too right like it's
not like they just no it's yeah it's definitely funky no i just mean like like soul train like they did play just disco stuff right
it's like this like funk r b like you know so someone let us know way in out there on
the internet folks let us know if you think kung fu fighting is a disco song or is it just like a dance kind of funky
song just listen to the guitar it's all i'm saying and listen to it okay you're right though they're they're dancing
okay all right everyone's dancing on soul train oh yeah yeah yeah they're they're totally into
it you're right there's a dance for that
you just can't be playing kung fu fighting mid podcast here we're gonna get really sidetracked start dancing around so amongst all this dancing this alleged
kung fu fighting and soul train dancing and stuff the dave's floor kind of clears out in this this salsa kind of like merengue i don't know what it says
it's like it's like a you know a latin number comes on and he comes over and he's like monty this sucks turn this
crap off and he's like hey baby she likes it turns around and there is
this girl stephanie and stephanie is now she's just tearing the dance floor up and she's dancing to this hot latin
number just having a good time with this guy who looks kind of like the principal from friday the 13th part eight james
jason takes manhattan that's what this guy kind of looked like yeah he does a little bit he's like 47 years old and he's on a he's in a nightclub with a
bunch of 20 year olds what is going on right now how old is this girl i mean we'll find a lady i think she's like like 25 or like
30 or something but like jeez louise what is going on here this is what happened in the 70s people
in your 50 just showed up to dis the discos and yeah i think i think that's kind of mean [Laughter]
like i don't know i don't think there's like you know i think it depends on how like able you are i mean it's odd to see
like someone like a senior citizen maybe someone in their 60s but you know there's people
i don't know i haven't gone to a disco before so i don't know but i'm i think people up
into their 50s probably oh okay i'm just looking at this guy and it's just like maybe he's not like 47
right i could i could be exaggerating a tad bit people out there um just let you know
but he's dressed like he's 47 or 50s and but it's a 72 right everyone's wearing you
know brown and button-down stuff and gray and it's like what's this guy doing he looks really adult and everyone else is kind of like this disco person right
he just he stands out like a sore thumb i guess i don't even know how to how does this how does a sore thumb stand
out anyways do you know that works is it just because you can't close your hand or something is that why well yeah yeah it stands out because there's almost
like nothing you can do with your hand without noticing that sort of thumb i could just have my hands down but okay
we're getting sidetracked here no no it's not for other people for you because you you notice a sore thumb it's not because it's not like you would sore
thumb and other people around it's like oh look at this because it sticks over to you
you're like no no no i don't yeah no it's for you you and if you had
a sore thumb it would stick out really bad to you okay fair enough any kind of discomfort or
pain i feel like would like that's like you stick out like a shotgun to the leg you're like yeah thanks man i know i
would notice that too sir
okay we're getting so sorry [Laughter]
paul you missed your [ __ ] ritalin today [Laughter]
so stephanie dances with this guy i don't know how old he is we'll leave it alone
tony is frustrated he goes off into another room now and annette kind of follows him
there is apparently in the background just as a stripper
right now it's very distracting because it seems like it's supposed to be like a serious scene too
with within that tony in and out of sitting there talking about potentially being partners
uh for an upcoming uh contest i guess like in a week or two or
something like that on a saturday night and yeah while they're doing that this girl
is just like i don't know how to describe it but she's just in the back dancing and like
she's near naked and it's very quiet and like
he's not dancing seductively necessarily he's like full on like kind of i don't know it's a little aggressive
it's what i would call like 70s stripping right because it's more like it's supposed to be like teasing stuff it's a lot of like her grabbing her like
bra and like shaking it around and stuff you're like it's very awkward and she's got like a thong thing on it but this
whole thing is going on here and there's like this really sad dramatic music playing and this girl is
like doing this weird striptease dance thing up on the stage okay and tony's standing there and annette is just like
hounding him basically being like why don't you go out with me and he's like not into her but the big takeaway from that is that
is the 2001 odyssey is going to be holding a dance competition and she wants to partner up with tony and tony
says basically like i will partner up with you but that's it we're not in a relationship this isn't a thing because she's just
she's just like driving to the hoop on tony hard you know for whatever reason this character annette this poor girl
just for bad definitely for for worse just really likes tony that's at the end
of the night we kind of fade to the next morning where tony is back home in bed uh back
in his tight tighty wetties and he looks like he kind of hung over and
he sits up in bed and maybe you can explain this to me paul but i didn't really understand this and i watched this a few times
he sits in bed he reaches into his his underwear and touches himself
for like i don't know two or three like a few seconds and then takes his hand out
and he's thinking and that's it then he goes and looks in the mirror
why did this what's what's going on here is there something i'm missing why is he touching himself
why is this in the movie i really i don't know i don't know what the answer is um
i think he's making an adjustment down that's what it seems like because you know i mean again underwear in the 70s it did they don't have the same
underwear game we have today you know our underwear it's like you get pretty comfy stuff right man like those lululemons are rocking around like woof
those are nice boys hang out you're good you're secure and those in the 70s it's just like
here's this like little cup that we're gonna put your stuff in that's what it seemed like right
yeah those look awful so okay well i guess sometimes he's picking himself up
so tony's gone to work and at work he's lucky enough to get a raise i think he
was making like two dollars an hour and i was making four dollars and he's pretty happy about that he goes
home he's late for supper but as he's helping uh clean up the dishes his dad's still sitting there and he tells his dad
that he got a four dollar raise and at first his dad seems like or actually he told his dad that he had a raise and his
dad's pretty happy about it until he tells him that he's only just making four dollars and he only got like a two dollar raise or something
and yeah this dad just kind of bashes him he's like what that's all you got and
his father hasn't been working for six months [Music] his dad makes no money
and he's just like totally criticizing tony here for not getting a good enough raise so
tony's like i knew you'd piss on it dad and then he storms out of the house and now he goes off
to meet annette and they're gonna go and practice their dance first yeah and it's like waiting outside for him down the street and just
because she likes the way he walks so tony and annette have their little dance lesson and
he notices that this girl that he saw at the club named um stephanie is also
training for dancing in the same place and they're talking about maybe being
partners for the um the contest uh annette doesn't know that though she's
gonna be awfully disappointed it's the least of our worries in this movie
unfortunately so then tony gets home and his parents are like super depressed because it
turns out that his older brother is home and he has decided to leave the uh priesthood
and he is no longer a priest and his parents are really upset about that
and now he's sleeping in tony's room and they kind of have a heart to heart
that whole side story is like really pointless it really it doesn't have much impact on the movie whatsoever in my
opinion yeah frank is uh he's lost his faith i guess and and he's just kind of stepped back from the the priesthood
right doesn't want to do it anymore like we're going to see he kind of comes in and out of this story a little bit
here but tony obviously looks up to this character frank right in a world where
tony is the person that basically all this peer group look up to this is the guy that that tony looks up to right
like in in uh he's put in good times a bad movie sermon it's like uh in roadhouse when sam elliott showed up
you know he's dalton's he's dalton's guy that's his guru that's the guy who taught him everything right i mean frank
didn't teach him how to dance but you know that's that's what tony's been working on as a little brother on the
side there he's been learning how to dance at the nightclub he's doing pretty good so john travolta and his brother frank
fall asleep in their little race car beds and they wake up the next morning and travolta presumably without a can of
paint this time he's going down the road and he's going to the dance studio um to go meet stephanie because they're
going to work on the routine and he walks in the club and this weird owner the guy who owns his club he's dressed like like a professional bowler i
thought not really like a disco guy more like a like i said like a professional bowler but like if john waters was a
professional bowler i guess he looks like john waters and uh they're
just they're doing disco line dancing again to disco duck but it's like a bunch of like executives what looks like
a bunch of people that like work in an office are dancing here at like
1 30 on a tuesday apparently like what is this well i think that's the idea of it i think it's like just to show you
that there's like a whole bunch of people that are like not hip to the scene like trying to get into it i guess so it's so crazy like
looking at some of these adults it's just like you guys like really just even dressed up just to go to a dance studio you know it's like you're
not even wearing like sweatpants it's like that's people used to dress up man not anymore eh no one dresses up anymore i'm just wearing like just like
literally like especially where i live there's a bunch of people walking around and sleep dancing like what's wrong with you man like get your life together
stop wearing sleep pants out well i i think i think that the core quarantine did that to a lot of people no but even
before quarantine man there's just oh yeah it's just yeah that's everywhere you're like come on
put some pants on so tony goes to the studio and he meets uh bowling john waters
there and he tells him where stephanie is and so tony goes off to meet stephanie and i guess they they're kind
of working on on their routine now and uh we're gonna see in this movie it's like tony is just trying really hard to
put the moves on this girl and she is just just shutting him down at every chance
here like this is just like no it's just a non non-starter with her yeah she seems like she's like super sophisticated i get the impression that
they are the same age but she seems to be like doing really well in business like she's kind of a
name dropper she talks about like meeting i think jimi hendrix uh lawrence olivier or something like that
like just these really big actors and artists from the uh from the 70s and
yeah tony really doesn't have a clue about anything that she's talking about he's never even heard of like i think was bob dylan or something like that cat
stevens and yeah that's the idea she's supposed to be a big shot and
wants nothing to do with tony sexually and that does not stop his advances in
any kind of way at the end like after they have dinner
there he's like sort of walking her home they're kind of walking together and she decides she's like well this is where we
split up and he's like what i can't walk you home and she's like no and walks away and tony has like a whole like
like a toddler meltdown he's like gosh darn it and like kicks a trash can or out and like i don't know it's just a
little bit too much in my opinion it's like a pretty big overreaction for someone who has told you that they are not interested in you
and you're freaking out because they won't let you walk them home but whatever she leaves
and tony meets up with three of his other friends because something bad has happened they're freaking out so tony
meets up with his friends and it looks like there's a a gang the the barracudas or the barons they've kind of
got gus they beat him up really badly and now he's in the hospital so tony and his friends they jump in the
car and they spring into action and they're cruising around now and they're looking for these guys and they kind of stop off at their
clubhouse and they don't see anybody in there they get really mad they get back in the car and they got like a bunch of like switchblades and stuff too it's
like i forgot like people in the 70s carrying knives just like what is going on like you guys are nuts man what's wrong with these people yeah it's like
it's like new york in the 70s probably a lot of people created weapons around with them i guess so but it's like you so it's like you guys dress up like you
do and you go disco dance but you carry around these little switch blades and butterfly knives
like what like you like it was this west side story what the hell is this it's not far off a west side story really
what's going on this right so they jump in the car and they're looking for these guys and thankfully they don't run into
them so what happens is they kind of decide that they're going to cool off let's just go home we'll regroup we'll talk about it later
and they go home and and frank's there at the house and and they have another sort of blow up at the table again as a
dysfunctional family does basically it ends with tony uh
yelling at his mother saying ha now that my brother's not in the priesthood anymore and i have i
don't really have much of a career going on you got three shitty children how does that make you feel and like and
she's there she's bawling her eyes though because i guess she she believes that and the funny thing about it is that like i
don't know why he had to say that about his sister like his 14 year old sister [Laughter]
like just because the two older brothers have failed in life he's like ha all three of your children suck
it's like you see her she's not even graduating high school yet what an idiot yeah i i i couldn't believe that scene i
honestly i kind of laughed a little bit i was like what is going on right now i was taken aback i couldn't believe this guy the delight in the delight in john
travolta just being like yeah your kids suck mom but obviously that's just a reflection
on how angry tony feels at himself and society and life around him and he's just like you know guess what like he's just spiteful obviously because he's
very bitter right now tony leaves he kind of storms out of the house decides it's time to go
practice dancing and outside of the studio is annette waiting for him to practice and he breaks the news to her
he's like you know it's really hard for me to tell you this but i'm not going to be your partner for the competition
i'm going gonna go with stephanie instead it's in fact she's waiting inside waiting for me right now so you
need to leave and annette is you know she's got this crush on tony she's just heartbroken she starts crying and tony's like ah come on
my mother and now you get out of here kind of like she comes to kind of grab her face and shoves her
away and walks into the he doesn't actually do that but he might as well he walks into the studio
and kind of leaves the net crying and uh then it's time for a nice montage of
tony and stephanie practicing for the contest so tony and stephanie are done dancing now and
they're uh they're done listen to that weird awkward pan flute version of more than a woman and they're walking down the
street having a nice little end of their evening here and tony wants to ask stephanie a
question basically this question is am i intelligent and am i interesting
and let's hear her answer interesting yet yeah
intelligent no maybe
in all fairness i mean that's not it's just fair enough he doesn't seem very intelligent but good on her for being honest well
what do you know all right he goes
okay yeah that's yeah that's so that's so that's like she just roasts them to his face
and he's just he's just like all right this is great he's like you might think i might be intelligent this is cool this is awesome
like so you're saying there's a chance yes that was it that was what i that was
instantly what i thought of was lloyd christmas right like he's an idiot
so the boys are going out now and it's uh it's probably saturday night and they got the fever you know so they're gonna
go out and disco dance they head to the club and tony's got his brother frank with him now too in tow so
they're all going out and tony's you know eager to show him some moves and there's one point here where tony is
dancing and he sort of breaks away for a solo number and i thought it'd be really fun here tim if you sort of
took everybody through the motions here and just brought us into the world of saturday
night fever and let's go over tony's dance moves here on the solo yeah so basically tony here wants to
show off for his brother i think he wants to show his brother what his like you know his life is really all about
and this song starts and tony kind of gets a strut on and walks into the middle and everybody just forms a giant
you would think a circle but it's actually a big rectangle anyways he's on a really cool dance floor that's
like lighting up a bunch of different like uh colored lights and dots different patterns on the floor and john
travolta for the beginning of it is basically just kind of shaking his pelvis and pointing at everyone like
really slowly like turning around a circle moving back and forth walking forward and then power
walking backwards and just a lot of shaking your pelvis and pointing he does that little wavy
thing with your hands i don't know what you call it but it's like the wave i would call it the wave yeah
you join your hands together and you kind of do a little wave a little motion wave i love that move he does that there's one point in this thing where he
just holds that for like a good like five seconds and he's just waving it yeah yeah it does it like at his chest
level and then above his head and a lot more a lot more pointing like
pointing point like you'll go point with the left point with the right tap his left uh foot
it's kind of like a little bit of a hokey pokey uh kind of stuff if you've ever seen it
just a lot more uh a lot more rhythm to it and then at one point he's doing this it's actually kind of cool he's kind of
like rolling around on the floor but not really rolling he's like i don't know it looks like something you'd see like a ufc
fight or practice doing or something like that like a little bit of a weird rollover uh
maneuvers and stuff and near the end of this whole thing he does what i what i
dance like a russian dance like how how exactly how you picture russians dancing like the little uh
thing where you're holding your arms you have your arms folded and you're just kind of throwing your shins out but you're like
betting in a sitting position [Music] and it kind of made me think at that moment too do you think like disco music
is influenced by like russia like like like the song like rasputin and
stuff is like no that's just out of this
yeah it's like it's a guy rasputin was like a real person right so it's like i don't know why they wrote the song it's
obviously you know songs sometimes are about historical figures but no i think i don't think disco was influenced by russia i
don't think it was a kind of a depressing time you're talking about communism i don't think people are disco dancing right true
so yeah this this dance goes on for like almost the entire song uh it kind of cuts away for a moment to bobby talking
to frank tony's brother here and
bobby has a conundrum and that his girlfriend whom he's not married to
is pregnant and he wants i guess this is bad for for his
religion he must come from a religious family and he wants to know
instead of marrying her could he get the pope to bless
an abortion and his brother is like no
you can't why it seems like they're clearly making this guy he seems kind of slow like i've
got i feel bad for this one like all the these these group of friends are quite obnoxious
like put together even individually but this guy seems like he seems like a nice guy
who just can't seem to get anything going uh
i don't know i don't really don't i don't know i mean like he's a nice if i was forced to hang out with any of
these ones i'd probably hang out with him i think you just take pity on this guy more than anything yeah yeah that's
right i don't really think that's a great quality you know i mean they did i just could just like say like honestly
you know like there's really like i said there's really no good people in this movie probably not the disco guy monty
he's probably bad too poornette though so
tony and his friends are sitting at a table presumably doing a bunch of drugs or something and
annette comes over and she tells tony hey guess what he's like what he's like
we can actually start having sex now because we're not partners we're not dance partners anymore so that
professional aspect of our relationship is gone and tony's like give me a break
and like really this guy i don't know i feel bad for her but at the same time like take a hint like he's
snubbed her as a partner and like he kind of just insults her on the fly like he really doesn't seem to value her in
any kind of way or treat you with any form of respect yet she keeps on like just wanting him
so he's like well you know what maybe i will just have sex with you tonight yeah so what
happens is tony's in the car with annette and things are getting hot and heavy and he's like you got one of
those iou things and she's like what and so you're fixed are you fixed yeah but yeah are you fixed that's what he
asked this this poor girl like annette these are all red flags please what are you doing
but you know so this all gets broken up by by tony's friends who are just completely upstanding citizens and um
they they're all like let's go drive out now that we're all loaded to the brooklyn bridge
and we're gonna just see apparently this is just a regular thing it seems like these guys do right now
the guys pull up to the bridge here okay in this movie this really confused me what happens here now like i it got kind of serious here for a
second and there is points in this movie where there is humor injected into this and
i'm like sometimes i'm like oh that's kind of funny but this was like this was weird this
was one of these moments in this movie i was like why did we need to just i mean obviously it's gonna set
something up for later but like you know we just didn't need any of this stuff i feel like this was a wild detour
in this movie but the guys show up to the brooklyn bridge now and they're just drunk
and disco line dancing on the bridge on the edge of the these like
steel girders and stuff with just water underneath them like they're just like cool with this yeah
they swing right on like the grabber hole the cables and like swing out to like the outer areas where the construction workers and stuff would
like do maintenance and stuff like it seems yeah this is like a drunk parkour course or something right now and they're playing
with the lights and stuff and like i just like couldn't believe this in the 70s you'd be able to pull over like this
and climb on the stuff and not have the cops show up in two seconds oh yeah i'm sure a lot of places are still like that probably i
guess so yeah i don't know where the cops are it's like whose bridge is that right you know but at one point tony monero is just like
kind of on this net on like a really narrow part high above high up he starts like kind of shuffling and going like ch
and he's like shaking his hips and stuff and like having a really good time smiling and he looks at a net and has it
says this line i don't really understand it but he goes hey you're dead can you dig it i knew that you could
i guess that's i guess it's supposed to like some kind of a hip line but yeah so he does that and then one of the
other friends he jumps off of this beam and hangs off of like i don't know a cylinder like
pipe object or something like that and slips off and annette's like freaked out it looks like he just fell and that
peers over and she's like completely distraught she looks traumatized already and below her is are
like the three friends they're just like standing there and laughing because they just freaked her out
yeah there's like a little there's like a little platform just underneath and it looked like they all just jumped to their doom it was like kind of like
almost like a lost boys moment this point this movie really this like this blew me back for a second i was like oh
my god did these guys just die i'm just standing there because i was with the net for a second i was like where where are we going with this
and of course they think thankfully they're still alive they're just standing there laughing at her all hammered and stuff so you know it's the
70s and no one's around so they just get up and drive in their car again and load it and go back home
so we skip ahead to tony going back to his job it must be like later on in the evening or something like that and he apologizes for his outburst and
asks for his job back and the guy his owner apologizes to you and says that you can have your job back look you're
going to be here for a long time and he kind of points around to like the other co-workers in there and they're out and says like you know this guy has
been here for 35 years and so on and so forth and
tony sort of kind of starts to reflect a little bit and thinks like maybe i don't want to be here for a long time anyways
they leave on a happy note and when he goes outside annette is out there waiting for him again and she has
a handful of condoms you guys she wants to show him that he has
protection against uh getting pregnant and tony's just like give me a break and
like walks away and the condoms just slowly fall out of her hand and she breaks down and cries
like you know you know like at the start of batman every time that bruce wayne's parents get murdered and you just see
the pearls that always that shot of the pearls getting ripped apart falling down maybe tim burton saw this movie was like
i like that shot he's like i'm gonna use that one day for something yeah that looked really sad
he put his own spin on it yeah so tony's going to meet up with his friends here now
and they've they've got a uh they know where the club is for the uh i
don't know the barracudas i think is the name of this um latino gang and
they're kind of like they're plotting their entrance with like what they're gonna do in the car and i can't remember the name
of the guy that's driving but the person who's driving is like no way i got this and he just lands on the gas and slams
right into this uh little clubhouse building and this disco brawl breaks out you're right
it's awesome this is slo-mo car comes crashing through and all the boys jump out this is this is like
they're they're kind of like the t-birds right now dressed up is what this is you know and there's like some some funk
music going on stuff here and it's it's just yeah this girl is dressed like a lumberjack with purple pants and she
jumps on on tony and then he like just starts fighting people like there's like this is incredible what happens here
this fight scene this is kind of it's a little better than happy days but it's not much better but the fighting in it is amazing
because tony is just like kicking people in the face here and like fight almost kind of fight dancing that's what's going on right and uh and there's like
yeah like i said there's this girl that shows up at one point and just one of the guys just hauls off and belts this chick and i know like you should be
hitting women but just like just it was like it was a moment of like a will feral movie is what this seemed like because he just
they're just pulling people off each other fighting people and also this girl just comes to know where he's just like pap just punches her and just decks this
chick it was it was hilarious and horrifying so then bobby the the the
kind of odd one here shows up with the car i don't know i guess they backed the car out and he went driving around the
block for a little bit and then pulled up and then they all climbed in and uh they're all they all look pretty bad
they're all pretty beat up i mean they beat the other guys up but they look kind of worse for wear themselves so
anyways they're all like a little bit unimpressed that bobby wasn't there uh they immediately go to the hospital to
tell um gus here the the one that they believe the barracudas put in the hospital they want
to tell them the good news about the revenge they just got and he's like oh cool guys that's really
good uh i'm not really sure where the barracudas though and they're like what what do you mean
he's like yeah i'm not really sure i kind of just said that like but you know could could have been someone other gang
and they're like what the hell like so really these guys are are complete
idiots all of them none none of this was even necessary at all
these are morons this is like kind of some dark humor in this movie man like like was like what is going on in this
like because people almost got stabbed too in this as well and they are cut up it's funny looking too because they have just bandages all over their face but
all the guys are dressed like it's like it's the 70s prom that's what they all look like it's amazing
so yeah now they all feel really stupid but you know it's time for the uh contest
i can't believe that tony went out and did this right before the contest that he's been practicing for right this
seemed like this happened like maybe two hours before because they had enough time to go to this place not get i mean like oh just avoid
getting stabbed like commit vehicular assault and then just like beat the hell
out of each other go to the hospital get bandaged up talk to their friends and then just like dust themselves off
and tony's gonna just like crack his knuckles now and they're gonna go out and dance yeah so there it's it's time for the contest
uh we're really only gonna see two couples dance the first one is tony and stephanie um
honestly this is like not that i'm really big on all the dancing in this movie at all but this is one of the
lamest dance numbers in the entire movie and i i would like it's really slow
they're not really doing that great i mean to be fair though tony did just kind of get into a fight right he got
into a gang fight i guess so you know he's like he's like let's take it easy on this number what do you
say you know so they did a slow number maybe that's what happened right that's my guess but you're right if
you're doing a dance contest and this is like the last big number that you're gonna do in a big disco dance movie you
think you'd want to build up to that right like the rap battle again in eight mile like he has some journey some highs
some lows along the way right like i said his eight eight second sex scene and all that stuff right like and then he becomes something and he goes to the
end of the movie and just starts clowning everybody else and wins the rap battle like you know that's do you think
they would do that in this movie but it's there's some different choices they've made in this in this movie overall i
would say so after their performance it's time for this latino couple to do a performance
and they're really good it's much more fast paced uh they seem like they've probably done
a lot more work choreography wise tony says that he's impressed while he's watching them
this uh this dance couple the one guy he this he kind of looks like somewhere between
jack black and paul rudd dressed like a magician but yeah they're you know they're
they're moving they're killing it on the dance floor here yeah tony says like there's no chance we're gonna win and then we got our guy monty here dressed
you know dressed up he's kind of like ron jeremy but like i skinny ron jeremy this guy looks like in the 70s you're
right he's not a good guy i take that back i think that previously back probably probably pretty greasy yeah he
looks greasy for sure but the contest is over and that
greasy guy he hands out the number one trophy to tony and stephanie
tony is really doesn't appear to be very thankful about it he accepts the uh the
trophy begrudgingly though and he looks like really upset and everyone's congratulating him and
he's like look we didn't win this like you guys no one's being straight
with me and he's basically saying he's like look the spanish couple deserve it they
should have won they were way better using like racial slurs to describe them but he is basically saying that he
doesn't deserve this and that the only reason that they won the contest is because everybody's racist
and tony list like kind of grabs the trophy and i don't know it shows dollar prize there's like an envelope or
something and he goes and hands it to the uh the couple that got second place and said hey you deserve this this is
yours and walks out and then we have this like kind of like
argument sort of thing with stephanie because stephanie's like and rightfully so she's like why do you just give our
trophy away because you know they work for it this whole this whole movie has been getting
to this point and they got the trophy and without even consulting her he just kind of gives it away so she's upset and
the money that's 500 in 1977. so that's like it's probably a couple thousand bucks right realistically yeah when you're
making what four dollars an hour yeah 500 bucks is pretty good that this is kind of where the movie
starts to take a weird turn to me because like you're right like it's just anticlimactic the the whole dance wasn't
good and obviously that's probably done on purpose to sort of just delineate these other people to this crazy number and
these guys are this slow number and obviously tony should win but you you root for tony so you want twenty to win and he's
mad and he storms out and he gets into a fight with his friends and he's just like having this whole it's almost like
this moment of like righteous indignation or something where he's just like talking about how you know he like his friends are idiots
he thinks right he's kind of almost realizing this now that his friends are just kind of just bad people and he just
probably should it almost seems like he's having like i should straighten my life out kind of moment i guess that's what i'm trying to say right and he's just but then
while he's having this this speech he gra and he's grabbing stephanie and he's taking her out but by the hand he just
kind of leads over the car and then just tries to just jump her bones
while he's just being about like whatever and he's gonna like change his life and smarten up or something and it's like well but you just you're just
gonna go do this now like yeah yeah he gets very aggressive with her and then she kind of like smacks him
and she's like get off of me and then he just tells her off so yeah it's weird that it seems like
for a moment he's like somehow developed like a conscience and like because he went and beat up an innocent uh latino
gang he's like suddenly not racist anymore and gives an award to the
latinos but he's still not his conscience still isn't strong enough to like not force himself physically force
himself on this girl in the back seat this girl who the entire movie for the
most part has said i'm not interested in you keep this professional
yeah it's it's i don't i don't know what i don't know what's going on in his head man for like a half a second i was like oh tony's
just gonna start getting his life together right on he's gonna smarten up and he's gonna be just like a good person and maybe start moving forward in
a positive direction in his life and this movie was gonna start moving in a positive direction and like i said there
was the one turn and then so that interaction happened
and then the movie takes another turn here because uh we're gonna have another thing happen where uh so now
uh uh stephanie's left and tony's getting out of the car and there's his friends and annette is coming out and
she's kind of got her arm draped over one of his boys there and they have this moment
where annette kind of looks at tony like kind of gives them this look like yeah this is what's going on i'm going to hook up with your friends kind of i'm
going to hook up with your friend kind of thing right because now it looks like this girl annette and
one of these one of tony's friends are kind of like they're they're making out a bit now right and they're kind of getting close tony gets mad now and he just like grabs
a net he kind of breaks it up he's like what are you doing and all of a sudden tony's friends jump in now and they they start fighting amongst
each other and then his friends are like hey like tony you didn't really care about this girl like what's your problem like chill out it's done your business
right so tony's like whatever okay they all decide to get into the car now
okay this is again where the movie takes another turn so they're all drunk and in the car now
driving down the road from the club and they're gonna go spoiler alert they're gonna go out to the the bridge
again and on on their way to the bridge this is where this movie the first time i
watch this i would it just blew my mind okay so tony is in the car now and
he's in the front seat with two of his friends and the one guy that was making out with the
net and annette are in the back seat now and they're just like having sex that's just
happening now and tony is just drinking just hanging out
just just and he's looking forward like he's like he's he's in a trance like in another world
it's like it's almost like he's like thinking like what am i doing with my life that's kind of the look i have where it's like if you if you already
didn't make that analysis like when you were fighting people you were getting into gang wars like i don't know
what you were like where were you man now this is happening okay so
the the guy in an enter in the back having sex and then all of a sudden that abruptly ends we'll just politely say
that okay because he's just he's he's he's done so he
all of a sudden they pull the car over and then again this is where this movie broke my brain
again okay my mind shattered now okay because what happened is they pulled the car over
and tony's friend gets out from the back seat and the friend from the front seat swap
and it didn't seem like annette knew about this at this point in this movie
now this other guy and annette are apparently having sex and i don't
think annette knew about this yeah she she didn't consent to this it seemed like she was pretty surprised
that this was going to happen and she's clearly ex like expressed like no
in the back seat like she like these are more than hints like that she
is not okay with any of this with this guy like basically forcibly having sex with her and it's a really dark scene and it's
really weird that tony is just like in the front seat like a foot away just staring ahead listening to it
and he's drinking yeah having a beer it's it's actually a very very uncomfortable scene i thought we were dancing i thought we were disco dancing
uh yeah yeah the disco disco stuff is i don't know it's not that stuff went
away it got really dark we just yeah we just danced all that out of the movie this is what happens when you i guess
you should just leave before 3am don't stay and do disco until like the after hours just like go home don't go to a
bridge i don't know this is the dark side of disco apparently this is
oh this is like just makes me feel dirty just talking about this oh god tony here in the front is just like
not doing anything about it like i think that's like like i guess insult to injury this that just seems like it
makes it even more uncomfortable that he's just not doing anything about it and the guy finishes
and leaves and then it's at this point everybody has gotten to the car except for tony he's in the front seat
and annette is in the back seat crying trying to sort of get her head get get her mind together a
little bit she's obviously traumatized and tony says to her they look at each other and tony says to
her are you proud of yourself there now you're and he gets out of the car and that's
like holy crap that is mean and cold like
this this girl basically just had you know it's it's i heard you we don't want to
use the words on the podcast but considering what she just went through that is like just a nasty thing to say
like tony is an awful person yeah like yeah yeah tony is not a he's
not a good guy this is not it's not gonna look for you john travolta i don't think so sir i really don't i don't
think so any of this none of you and your friends you're misfit eight mile friends this is not good
but yeah that i this again my mind when this happened when that happened afterwards
because it just like i when she's sitting there trying to process what just happened i'm sitting there trying to process what just happened i was like
what what what again we were disco dancing and this and then tony he just drops a c-bomb on
her again and he's just like good like there you go yeah like shame on you this
is what this is your fault like that's like there's total victim shaming like it's horrible that all happens okay so now they're
like they're they're on the bridge again this this crazy drunk parkour bridge okay and the two dudes are like standing
and one guy's got like his pants down and they're drunk and hanging out and all of a sudden
like annette just jumps out of the car and again my mind exploded and i was like oh
no that poor girl and so like i annette now is like
she's walking along the bridge like she's gonna just do something bad
and tony stops her before she gets out there which is like you're like thank god because i was like please don't don't make this movie
go for a dark turn please please don't make this movie go any darker right you you would
think you would think however again
just did there's they're climbing on stuff yeah they're doing they're doing handstands and stuff
so bobby okay bobby is drunk and if we don't remember who bobby is folks i know it's hard to
remember all these guys because there's just so many of them uh but bobby is the fellow again with the girl who's
pregnant and he is basically the horrible irresponsible dad um and
looking for the pope to bless him and uh so he's he's drunk and he's you know
he's literally on the edge right now he is on the edge of this
bridge and again this is where my mind if it wasn't already blown enough like i said it just kind of melted now i guess
because it was already into pieces so it just melted it's just vaporized it's gone this is when oh it's gone so
bobby is dancing around on this bridge and just
the next shot is basically a mannequin falling over the side into the water
yeah well he seems like he's going to commit suicide for a second and tony is
like talking him down and he seems like he's actually chosen like
he's not going to and he's like going to come back to tony however he like loses his footing and yeah he falls then he
dies yeah that happened in this movie do you see like we just again we went from
disco dancing to this this is like this is like this all happened i swear in like seven
minutes of this movie just forever changed the tone and outlook of this
movie like we could have just went to tony in a paint store you know trying to get his life together yeah enough had to
go to a dark turn they needed this character arc or something in this apparently so
this is what we got so the cops show up and they're asking what happened here and so basically tony
is like you know there's there's ways to kill yourself without killing yourself tony makes it seems like this guy almost
meant to kill himself accidentally on purpose so the cops let everybody go
and after all this happened with annette and the guys annette
doesn't this poor girl doesn't say anything to the police about what happened
and then just goes with these guys and they all get in the car and they're just gonna drive off now
like just nothing happened apparently yeah they're all drunk too and yeah and that yeah yeah on top of everything okay
this again in my mind it's just like it just exploded it's gone and it's my head it's it's ripped off
and it's done because it's just it's incomprehensible how crazy this got and dark
and in like seven minutes eight minutes now we're out and tony storms off cause he's like forget
this now tony has like the maybe i should change my life kind of moment after all this this is what they took
all this for tony like maybe i should smarten up that's that's kind of what it seems like so tony storms off now and he
gets kind of drunk and and wanders off into the street car wow how deep is your love plays and and goes off into the
night yeah he's taking the subway to manhattan
because that's where stephanie has moved to like that's where her new apartment is
so he basically doesn't sleep stays awake all night takes a subway to manhattan it's
daylight by the time he gets there and he's like completely beat up and still in the same clothes he was wearing the
night before and apologizes to stephanie and basically says that he wants to get his life together
and move to manhattan and they agree to do it as friends too they're not going to
have like any kind of like a romance they're going to keep professional that's kind of just where this movie
ends yeah and that's where the movie ends how deep is your love plays and uh that's the end of saturday night fever
the whole ending is really odd i feel like i feel like they just wanted to illustrate like what rock bottom really
looks like for tony monero but it's like they really need to go like that far
and it's another one of these movies again like kind of like crossroads and uh dirty dancing like there's this like
other side like the main character gets through everything pretty reasonably fine like with no consequences but these
side characters are like just horrible horrible stuff happens to them and that
their story is never like rectified at all like i met everything that she went through in that
movie she had like a terrible ending and there's like nothing to redeem her story
at all it's kind of just really really sad and the way tony retreated her like through it and especially at the end is
just like kind of leaves me speechless like it took all the fun disco stuff
like away just like if you had a movie a fun dance movie and then at the end of it
you were like let's metaphorically just take this dog out back lenato back actually and we'll just murder in front
of a crowd of people just to horrify them like that's kind of what this movie did you know i mean it just
you just took that good time you had and it just nose dived out real quick that was like you like this movie
no here's this horrible like do did we need that did we need is that
was that a driving plot device in this movie we needed to to do that to pour a net like come on yeah i feel really i
feel really bad for it it sticks out so much after the movie's done yeah and if okay like if you want to root for tony
like i understand having like cheering for anti-heroes or like flawed characters or you know something like that but
you know i mean like tony makes him some i understand tony just being a kid and not being you know sometimes being an
idiot and shooting off of the mouth and but he's trying to better himself you know because he does kind of treat that movie a little bit he's he's there's a
bit of a character arc there he's like improving himself and tries to get his relationship with his boss down better and with his family and stuff you go you
go through all of that stuff where he tries to improve himself and then you you just all of a sudden you why would i like tony at the end of this
movie when he fully just sat there and just listened to all that happened and didn't even like try to do anything and
just like listen to it happen and just sat there and drank and it's like do yo if aren't you like the puppet master of your friends can you like i mean i know
at that point they all had like a falling out where they were all like punching tony and fighting with tony so maybe tony doesn't have any say he
doesn't think but it's like dude you could like like you gotta kind of you gotta kind of stop that that's just not a good thing you know like the first
time you know with your buddy and him like annette was cool with that the second time uh she was not cool with that like i
said to put that lightly that was it that was that was pretty uncomfortable yeah that was like we we had a nice fun
dance movie and that's what i thought you did yeah i didn't expect it it really surprised me like i didn't expect the movie to go there at all this was
like a sucker punch really is what that was i was like holy crap and that's why i was like the first time i watched it
my mind was like i said just gone and vaporized and i was like i text you i'm like you just just watch this movie and
tell me what you think because it's like am i am i watching this correctly what we we just watched you know like
did they they did that and because this movie too is very highly acclaimed right like it's
it's it's on on imdb i think it's got a high score it's like in the sevens you know you know it's another one that's highly rated and and i'm pretty sure
it's like in the smithsonian for like cultural relevance or something but it's like well yeah i was gonna say like this this probably this movie like spoke to a
culture you know there's this it's probably reasonably accurate and stuff right like as far as what life was
like in certain areas i i hope that part was embellished you know yeah that's all i'm saying i hope so probably not
but it would be cool if it was i'm i'm gonna we're gonna we're gonna say it is in our in our world it is okay
no that's you know like it's just bad writing we don't need that in there that's that's a definite you know this this movie took a really
dark turn what do you think i yeah i i thought it kind of came out of nowhere i felt like
there should have been more said at the very end i don't know what but it just like it ended on such a
dark tone that it's hard to reflect on the movie be like super pumped for it like it's i
don't know it's it's weird but you know i i enjoyed the movie for the most part i feel like it's a half hour too long
because of the dancing like the dancing i feel like for what for where the movie ended there was just
way too much dancing like this movie it didn't need to be like so much stuff at the club
by far not not one of my favorite john travolta movies at all as far as like the john travolta movies
i like this this one's pretty low yeah this is like i mean the character is like somebody some of the acting is
interesting like i like when he's strutting down the street eating his pizza i thought that was cool i enjoyed i enjoyed that part i was laughing you
know that stuff's funny yeah i like all the shots of old school new york and stuff i thought that was really cool yeah and i mean like the character and
you know like i said i watched the second movie and the the character arc in that it's basically it's the same thing like he literally is just the same
person it does the same stuff and i was like well it's just him on broadway and you know stallone is directing it so
it's pretty interesting definitely not worth a watch though um but this is yeah i don't know it's there was i think
there was something here that is kind of interesting and fun definitely the dancing stuff is hilarious and i think it's interesting to watch that that far
it's kind of like you know because that's probably pretty legit to the 70s and what people were doing in the clubs
so i think that's pretty interesting and fascinating people are wearing these clothes and dancing this like that they just think about my like my parents
doing something like that you know my parents in the background with travolta flying dancing disco and
whatever it is i think that's hilarious that potential thing so you know and i think the music is is really cool too
this is one of those movies i think that's like it's so bad but i i over just listening to this movie and
stuff again the soundtrack something about i'm like damn though it's some pretty good songs i think the soundtrack
is probably more famous than the movie like i would i i i think that that's
probably a big factor in why the movie is so like acclaimed or like people know about it so much it's just because like
without that soundtrack the move i don't think the movie would be nearly as nearly successful yeah definitely that
theme that likes that you know staying alive that song just kind of like it's it's like that's a pretty you know it's one of the songs that i used to hate but
now just watching this movie i'm like it's it's it's just a well-written song you know it's really good there's something about that that really makes
that opening shot with him just strut strutting down the street you know that's that's pretty iconic and that that i've seen before and that's
interesting and the dancing was really good and give it to travolta like he he worked he worked his butt off obviously
yeah yeah he could go yeah he could dance you know he had some moves but there's
there's a lot to be desired with this movie it's like come on man like why you could have just please just write better
character arcs um or if this movie's gonna be gritty like this i don't i just this there's nothing that really deemed
redeemed itself and especially just to kill it at the end like that it's it's a hard way to go out yeah i wish that tony
would have been more of a likeable character but you know we got what we got yeah exactly it's we
got uh we got an interesting story i guess it's you know with some
good dance moves the dancing movies i find kind of lend themselves to us doing the show you know there's something
about these dancing movies i don't know why but it's it's they're they're kind of goofy but
enjoyable except you know like the ending of this was just that was that was a that was a
tough one yeah it was uh yeah that was a bit of a lemon to the eye you know but that's
that's okay um we'll uh we'll move past it and onward and upward to bigger and better things i guess yes yes on to the
next one that's right i don't think we need to say anything else about this we can just turn the lights off in this discotheque
what do you think tim yeah let's shut it down so that's it for us on this one maybe we'll just uh let trevor to see
you on the way out i don't think there's ever been more cursing in one movie than in saturday night fever