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Ep. 61 - Murder without a Body? The Barry Morphew Case

September 02, 2021 Hebets & McCallin PC

Here's one for all the true crime fans. Suzanne Morphew's disappearance has attracted a lot of media attention lately, and it's clear why: the story has a love triangle, mysterious circumstantial evidence, and plenty of room for juicy speculation. The case is now before a judge to decide whether there's probable cause to proceed to trial. What are the arguments the prosecution will use to advance the claim that Barry Morphew murdered his wife? What evidence will the defense use to exculpate Morphew? And just as importantly, will our guest Alex Stafford be able to answer the age-old question, "Is this legal?" Settle in and find out!
Also, be sure to check out Alex's Instagram for pithy craft beer expertise.

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