In the Hub
Welcome! You’re listening to the 'In the Hub' Podcast. Every Wednesday we bring you some of the greatest minds and voices in the media, entertainment and broadcasting industries to discuss the world’s newest trends, technological advancements and powerful ideas.
In the Hub
Ep 49 - The Future of Sports Broadcasting Pt.1 - w/ Harm Van Houten & Wilfried Wuest
PlayBox Technology UK Ltd
Season 2
Episode 32
Wow. 1 whole year ago, we released the very first episode of the In the Hub podcast. 49 episodes later, we're joined by returning guests - Harm Van Houten (YourSide) and Wilfried Wuest (Sport.Media.Net) - to discuss the exciting and uncertain future of live sports broadcasting. This is the first of a 2-part series, so look out for next weeks episode for the full package!