Audaciously Speaking

Welcome to My Audaciously Speaking Podcast

November 29, 2020 Nathasha Alvarez Season 1 Episode 1

My first of many podcast episodes about the lessons I learned in life. You can go to to get your free gift but after you hear this episode. 


Welcome to audaciously speaking. I am Natasha Alvarez, and this is my first episode of a brand new podcast. I am very excited about this. Believe it or not, this is probably my 20th attempt at doing this particular episode, I hope it goes, Okay. And I wanted to let you know why I'm actually making a podcast show. It's not exactly how I thought it was gonna be. But sometimes, the vehicle that we use to get to our destination might not be the vehicle that we thought it was going to be. And that's okay. Additionally speaking, is my podcast show. Because I want to leave something behind, from when I'm gone. I have a nephew, and I have a niece. And you never know what the future is gonna bring. I might have more nephews and nieces. And I might have more relatives, and maybe I'll meet them, and maybe I won't. But I thought it would be so cool if they knew who I was. And they heard my voice. It's kind of because when I look at old photographs, I read the back of the photographs, and my abuelita she used to write little things on the back, should you take a photo of me as a baby. And then she would write about how, you know, I'm so chatty. And I did that, or I did this whatever's in that photo. And I thought that is so cool. Nowadays, people don't even print out their photos. So a podcast might be a great way for me to leave something, it might be an image that I want to put in your brain, about who I am and what I'm doing with my life. The other reason that I decided to make this audaciously speaking, podcast, is because many people have told me, You should share what's happened in your life, and how you handled it. A lot of people might benefit from the way you handle adversity, the way you achieved goals, and the way you gain some success. Now Actually, I really thought there's nothing I can share. But I've noticed after speaking to, former students, friends, co workers, family members, and even strangers, that there might actually be something for me to leave behind, that could help other people. My main target audience would be people like me, people with physical disabilities, through something very profound in the idea that there are many people out there who have physical disability, who don't believe that they can do more with their lives. And I just don't believe that, I believe that we all have something that we can do. But sometimes we just don't know how to do it. And maybe if I share my experiences with you, and I tell you step by step, how I got certain things done, it might help you, it might motivate you, it might inspire you, you never know you might come up with your own solution. And it could have started from listening to one of these shows. The podcast isn't just going to be about me, I'm also going to put guests on here, but only if they're willing to really dig deep and share their most brutal and raw thoughts with you. Because honestly, I'm not a fan of podcasts. When all I hear people saying the same exact thing with the same exact wording. It's very robotic, and I can't handle that. So I thought, I'm just gonna make those podcasts show that it gets to the point. And sometimes the episodes are going to be small, like short and brief. And sometimes they're going to be a little bit lengthy. And that's fine. Because it's not about the time. What's the quality of that time? And isn't that something that we want in everything. We all want quality. If you're looking for quantity, then you might need to rethink how you're living your life. Because actually, when it comes down to it, it's all about quality, quality books, quality conversations, quality and television, entertainment, and therefore quality in a podcast. And I'm hoping that I can give you some quality should join me as we explore how to live an audacious life. This is Natasha Alvarez. And please join me again for audaciously speaking. Thank you