The Dairy Download
A podcast series presented by the International Dairy Foods Association and Ever.Ag. The Dairy Download is a 30-minute podcast hosted by Phil Plourd and Kathleen Noble Wolfley of Ever.Ag that covers dairy market news and offers fresh guest commentary on the consumer and policy trends shaping dairy. Breezy and informative, The Dairy Download takes listeners through a top-line report on the CME dairy markets, and then dives into the headlines and trends shaping dairy production, consumption and marketing with industry experts, market analysts, and leaders from across food and beverage. The Dairy Download is available wherever you get your podcasts, as well as for direct download from https://www.idfa.org/thedairydownload.
The Dairy Download
Ep. 43 - Workforce Issues Facing Dairy
From worker shortages to wage pressures, employers across the country are facing labor challenges – and the agricultural industry is no exception. In the latest episode of The Dairy Download, we speak with two guests on the forefront of today’s workforce struggles.
First up is Congressman Dan Newhouse, who represents Washington state’s fourth congressional district. Rep. Newhouse tells us how his background in agriculture steers his policymaking, particularly with workforce issues. He also sheds light on the Farm Workforce Modernization Act and its potential impacts on ag labor.
Joining us next is Jackie Klipplenstein, Senior Vice President of Government, Industry and Community Relations with Dairy Farmers of America. She talks about her efforts to ensure the farmer-owned cooperative has an adequate workforce, including working with Congress to adjust and expand visa programs.
The episode is sponsored by FOGG.
Fogg has been in the dairy industry for more than 65 years. From single-serve to gallons of traditional milk, Fogg can fill it. Check Fogg out at go.foggfiller.com/dairy and see the difference in a Fogg."
If your company is interested in sponsoring a block of episodes of The Dairy Download, contact IDFA’s Melissa Lembke at mlembke@idfa.org.
You can find The Dairy Download for free wherever you stream podcasts and at www.idfa.org/thedairydownload. Or take the hassle out of download times and subscribe below.
If your company is interested in sponsoring a block of episodes of The Dairy Download, contact IDFA’s Lindsay Gold at lgold@idfa.org.
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