Native Exiles

Shall We Go On Sinning? // Good News (4/11/21)

Alderwood Community Church Season 1 Episode 27

Romans 6:1 poses the question "Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?". God's grace is abundant, so doesn't that mean that we should go on sinning so that's God's glory and grace may increase? Our high school pastor, Curtis Warren, and Pastor Wyatt talk about how this attitude toward God's grace is flawed and misunderstands the purpose of following Jesus and belonging to the Kingdom of God. The two then go on to share practical ways to follow Jesus closely, one of which is to practice Sabbath. Curtis and Wyatt explain the importance of Sabbath and the benefit of it for us right now especially while we live in a fast-paced media-centric world.
One of the podcasts referenced in this episode was "Fight Hustle, End Hurry". This podcast is hosted by John Mark Comer and Jefferson Bethke and can be found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. To listen, click the links below.
Apple Podcasts:

To read the passage referenced in this episode, click here:

Thank you so much for listening to First Look! We hope this was an encouragement to you. If you have any questions whatsoever, whether it be about something discussed in this episode or about who we are, please reach out to us at or visit us on our website at

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WHO WE ARE: A podcast sprouted up from Alderwood Community Church, based in Lynnwood, Washington. Our mission statement here at Alderwood is to live and to lead others to live as everyday followers of Jesus.