The Triple C Project

What does it mean to live life Lit!?

Ryan Spence Season 2 Episode 4

In episode two, I talked about what The Triple C Project is.  I broke down the three C's, clarity, confidence and courage. And I talked about why this podcast is a project.

But if you listen to the intro, you'll notice that I talk about why this podcast is helping you gain clarity, confidence and courage. And the reason why is so you can live life lit!

Living life lit is something that I talk about a lot, I talk about it on my social media, I talk about it on my website I've spoken about it in podcast interviews. And some people just get it instantly. As soon as you talk about living life lit, they love it, they get this feeling inside themselves, and they can picture what that life is for them.

And for other people, they're not quite sure. They don't quite know what lit! means. And that's okay. So, as we're still early on in The Triple C Project, I want to give you a clearer idea of what's going on, what you can expect, what I'm about, what I'm trying to help you with.

So I felt that this was a good moment to answer the question, what does it mean to live life lit?


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Ryan Spence:

Welcome, welcome to episode four of The Triple C project. And in episode two, I talked about what The Triple C Project is. What the hell does it mean? And I broke down the three C's clarity, confidence and courage. And I talked about why this podcast is a project. But if you listen to the intro, you'll also notice that I talk about why this podcast is helping you gain clarity, confidence and courage. And the reason why is so you can live life lit! Living life lit is something that I talk about a lot, I talk about it on my social media, I talk about it on my website I've spoken about it in many a podcast interview. And some people just get it instantly. As soon as you talk about living life lit, they love it, they get this feeling inside themselves, and they can picture what that life is for them. And for other people, they're not quite sure. They don't quite know what lit means. And that's okay. So, as we're still early on in this new series of The Triple C Project, I want to give you a clearer idea of what's going on, what you can expect, what I'm about, what I'm trying to help you with. So I felt that this was a good moment to talk about, what does it mean to live life lit? Now, I think I think we can't have a conversation about living life lit without first talking about what the opposite of lit is. And to me the opposite of living life lit is living a life of lethargy. So obvious question, what does living a life of lethargy mean? So, we've all had those days, right? Where you get up in the morning, maybe you get up late, you're rushing out the door, you get to the office, and you just feel a bit bleugh. And no matter what is going on, no matter what comes in, you just can't quite muster up the energy and the enthusiasm to get shit done. And you get to the end of the day, and you kind of think, I've done nothing today, I've been really, really lazy, and you feel a little bit bad, maybe beat yourself up a little bit. So, we all have days like that. Now that's perfectly normal. Nobody is completely exhilarated, excited all day, every day. I mean, that'd be weird. Lethargy for me is when those days turn into weeks turn into months turn into years even. And I used to confuse that with being lazy. I would sort of berate myself for just being lazy that day, or not just getting the easy things done that I could do quite easily. I mean, I was good at what I did. But as I've gone through my personal development quest and sort of looked back and reflected and shed the layers of the BigLaw lawyer that I was. What's been quite apparent to me is that I wasn't lazy. I was living a life of lethargy. And I want to share just a little bit from my book just to show you what the difference is. So I'll read a little bit from the introduction. It says that Laziness is an unwillingness to do something. Lethargy is a lack of enthusiasm to do something. Laziness is a character trait. Lethargy is a symptom of feeling unfulfilled, unmotivated and uninspired. The two are not the same. So, being lazy is just can't be arsed for no other reason, than you just don't want to do it. Lethargy, I think is something that affects people who are good at what they do. They are good at their job. They know what they're doing, they know what they're capable of but they just can't muster up the energy to do it. Because what they need to do what they're supposed to do for the job that they're in, just doesn't excite them, it doesn't challenge them, it doesn't light them up. There's obviously an argument that people make which is that your job is not supposed to light you up, your job is supposed to just be a job, and you just suck it up. I disagree. And I disagree, because I've met many, many, many people who do jobs that they absolutely love. So it's not a question of whether you are an employee or whether you're an entrepreneur, that's not it at all. It's a state, it's a feeling. So you can be a lethargic entrepreneur, you can be a lethargic employee, I was a lethargic lawyer. And I know people that love law, but that's lethargy. So having a day or two or a few days here of lethargy, that's fine. But when you're consistently feeling like this, you're living that life of lethargy. And my view is that you don't have to do that. Life is too short to be consistently living a life of lethargy. And the thing about lethargy is that we look for ways to get rid of that. And those ways, generally aren't the healthiest of ways. For me, retail therapy was a big one, spending lots of money on expensive things that I didn't really care about, to kind of get that hit that hit of dopamine to get that excitement into my life. Could be alcohol, going out on big nights out, drinking great cocktails, and just generally getting crazy. Some people it's drugs, some people, it's sex, there's lots of ways that you can artificially pull yourself out of that life of lethargy. Those ways are not sustainable, and they ultimately lead to self destruction. Okay, enough of the depressing talk of lethargy. What does it mean to live lit!? Well, now, naturally, living life lit! is the opposite. It's doing things that you want to do that align with your values that allow you to, to express yourself fully. Living life lit! means you're not trying to fit yourself into a box of somebody else's making, a box that wasn't designed for you. It's doing what you want to do, rather than what you think you should do. So this is why, to go back to episode two, and we started with the first C, which is clarity. You need to know who you are. Because if you don't know who you are, how will you know what's in alignment with your values? And so therefore, how can you then live life lit!?, because you have to know your values, you have to know what lights you up what's important to you, what you will do and what you won't do in order to craft and create a life that fits into that narrative. But feeling lit, lit is different for everybody. And this is why I talk about feeling lit as a feeling not as a, this is how you live your life, not as a quit your job and become an entrepreneur and you're gonna live lit, because that ain't true. And that's not the way that's not helpful. And it's different for everybody. But if I had to distill it down, lit is a feeling of joy, a feeling of excitement, a feeling of aliveness. So, just to take some examples from my end, it's that first sip of coffee in the morning, just that that certain that smell as it hits, that's great. That's lit, it's completing that run. You know, you get up you go on the run and maybe you feel a bit lethargic because you start but but the end of it, you finish and you just feel exhilarated, you get that runner's high, those endorphins are flowing. It could be seeing your kids first thing in the morning when they kind of wander down the stairs bleary eyed, you know before they get into the craziness that kids get into when they don't want to go to school in the morning. Hanging out with friends. There's a whole host of things. One of the one of the things that always comes to my mind when I talk about living lit for me is driving in my car, sun shining windows down. Hip Hop blaring from the speaker. Specifically Jay Z, I think a great Jay Z track, and me rapping along full pelt like I'm on stage at Madison Square Garden. That's it, that feeling of just freedom of autonomy of like just being in that zone. So whatever that feeling is for you think about that. And a life that's lit is taking those feelings. So it's those feelings that you might have occasionally each day. And it's living a life where those feelings are magnified. It's a life where those feelings become the norm rather than the exception. So we're not sort of chasing this that one thing in the day where it's like, oh, that just made me feel great. For some people, it might be going on that cigarette break that first cigarette of the day. It's not waiting for that. It's knowing that when you wake up in the morning, you're excited about what's ahead of you about the opportunities that might present themselves, you have a purpose, you have a mission that you're working towards, and you're excited about doing that. Now, I don't want you to get this twisted, okay, we're not talking about fake or toxic positivity. Living lit is not ignoring when things don't go to plan or when things are a bit shit. Because they need to be acknowledged. And I'm going to talk in a future episode about about my framework for dealing with those situations. So I don't want you to think that I'm saying that, yeah, we have to wake up every day, we have to feel amazing. And we have to just block out anything bad that happens and pretend that everything is fine, because that's bullshit. And that's doesn't help anybody. And that is not what I'm about at all. But living lit is feeling pretty fucking awesome about life. And that's whatever feels awesome to you. You know, I just talked about me and my car blasting hip hop, you might hate hip hop, you might hate music, although if you hate music, what kinda person are you? But it could be curled up in a sofa with a book, and a glass of wine, or great coffee. You know, it could be going out on a really long bike ride alone, and just taking in the scenery and feeling the wind on your face. As I say, lit is a feeling and it's finding out what that feeling is for you, it's recognizing what creates that feeling for you. And then it's thinking about if you had the life that you wanted, where that feeling was the norm rather than the exception, what things would you need to do, what would need to be in your life in order to create the lit life. That's what living life lit means. That's what I work with my clients on achieving. That's what this podcast that's what the book The Triple C Method, is all designed to help you figure out for yourself, what it means to you. One of the stories I'd like to story I'd like to share about the lit life for me is I remember being on a trip to Bali. I love Bali. I talked about Bali in the last episode, but I love it I've been many times. And again, it's a second point that sticks in my mind where I got up in the morning, just as the sun was rising. And the villa where we were staying was not too far from the beach. And so I went out for a run barefoot run down the road onto the sand did a great round as the sun was rising. And on the way back stopped at this really cool coffee shop just off the beach. And I got a really great coffee, black coffee. It was amazing. And a fresh coconut and just sat and sipped them, looked out to sea before heading back to the villa. And in that moment, I said to myself, This is how I want my life to be. This is lit! So, takeaway for this episode. I'd like you to take some time over this week to notice those feelings of litness in your day and start to map out what a lit day would look like for you. What would you do? Who would you do it with? Why would you do it? Even down to what you might wear. I mean, for me, I haven't worn a suit and tie in over two years and I don't want to have to wear a suit and tie again. You know, for me, my lit life involves wearing hoodies or if it's somewhere hot T shirts and barefoot as much as possible, you know. So figure out what that is for you. Because once you're clear what a lit life is. You can then start to figure out the steps you need to take the things you need to do the decisions you need to make to start making that life happen for you. That's it for me this week. See you on the flipside.