The Triple C Project

Why I Celebrate Every Win; And You Should Too

September 22, 2023 Ryan Spence Season 2 Episode 81
Why I Celebrate Every Win; And You Should Too
The Triple C Project
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The Triple C Project
Why I Celebrate Every Win; And You Should Too
Sep 22, 2023 Season 2 Episode 81
Ryan Spence

It's almost race day! And as I conquered two intimidating hills on a training run this week, I celebrated like Rocky when he ran up the steps in Rocky 2.

It may be a small win to some, but celebrating every win, no matter how small, can be a game changer. 

This episode is all about the power of acknowledging your achievements and using them as a springboard for future endeavours. 

Here's a promise - you'll pick up practical tips on recording and cherishing your wins. Whether it's maintaining a win journal or simply jotting down notes on your phone, we'll explore various ways of appreciating your accomplishments. 

Every single win is worth celebrating, from tackling formidable hills to waking up every day. 

After all, if you won't celebrate yourself, then who will? So buckle up and get ready to change your perspective on your wins, big or small. Prepare to be inspired and start celebrating your victories today!

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It's almost race day! And as I conquered two intimidating hills on a training run this week, I celebrated like Rocky when he ran up the steps in Rocky 2.

It may be a small win to some, but celebrating every win, no matter how small, can be a game changer. 

This episode is all about the power of acknowledging your achievements and using them as a springboard for future endeavours. 

Here's a promise - you'll pick up practical tips on recording and cherishing your wins. Whether it's maintaining a win journal or simply jotting down notes on your phone, we'll explore various ways of appreciating your accomplishments. 

Every single win is worth celebrating, from tackling formidable hills to waking up every day. 

After all, if you won't celebrate yourself, then who will? So buckle up and get ready to change your perspective on your wins, big or small. Prepare to be inspired and start celebrating your victories today!

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Ryan Spence:

How many times have we got to the end of a day and, rather than taking pleasure or joy or patting ourselves on the back about all the good things that have happened, all the good things that we've done, we beat ourselves up for the things that we didn't do, for the things we didn't cross off the to-do list, for the things that fell by the wayside. That's what we do to ourselves. You're listening to the Triple C Project. Welcome to the Triple C Project, the podcast that helps you gain clarity, use confidence, build courage so you can live life lit. I'm your host, ryan Spence, the Big Lord, dropout life coach, author, speaker, lover of hoodies, hip hop and big, hairy, impatient goals. If you're tired of living the life you think you should want, and ready to start living the life you do want, this podcast will help you get from where you are to where you really want to be. So now, with friends, I invite you to grab a drink, take a seat and allow me to guide you towards living a life that's lit. Hey, hey, welcome to episode 81 of the Triple C Project.

Ryan Spence:

A few days before race day. For me, it's been following the last few weeks. You'll know that I've got a tanker race coming up, and you'll also know that I had issues with my back which hampered my training. But I'm back on track and actually a few days ago, as you're listening to this, I went for a super-roading morning run 5.30am, still dark outside and it was fantastic. I live in the city of Sheffield in the UK and one of the things that Sheffield is famous for is its hills and where I live, generally if I'm going for a run I've got at least two real major hills to get up or down, depending on where I'm going, and this week's run I was out at 5.40am Within a few minutes I had the first hill, did that, and then the end of the run ended with the second hill, did that. And it was great because when I started training a few weeks ago, those hills scared the head out of me and the idea of running up there just wasn't going to happen. And so I pleased myself because it just shows the consistency of training even though I had those spells out has really helped me not just physically but also mentally. And so this is why I talk about consistency-beating intensity, because if I'd just gone out for a really hard run, I'd never made it up those hills. But it's those little games, the 10-minute runs, the 15-minute runs, the 30-minute runs, the speed runs, the interval training all together that have made the difference. So we'll see how I fare on Sunday. I still don't feel I've trained enough, but I'm just going to go there and enjoy the process.

Ryan Spence:

So one of the things that I have started doing more now every time I go out for a run is, apart from really enjoying trying to enjoy the process of the running is to celebrate at the end of the run. So I'm a massive, massive Rocky fan. I love the Rocky movies. The Rocky movies are fantastic and even if you've never watched the movies, you probably know that famous scene where he's running through the streets of Philadelphia in that grey sweatsuit and then all of the kids are following behind him and then he runs up those steps to that statue and he jumps up and throws his hands in the air Kind of what I do in the end of the run. Not quite, but I do give myself a big yeah out loud and just throw my hands in the air. And it's not just because I want to emulate Rocky and it's not because I want to show myself up around whoever else is watching, but it's because it's important to me to celebrate the fact that I completed the run, the fact that I got up, but I didn't want to. So you can, at 5.40am, when it's still dark outside and it's raining, got on my running shoes, got on my running gear, got out for a run, kept running and finished the run that I intended to do. It's important for me to celebrate along the way, and that's what I want to talk to you about this week is celebrating your wins.

Ryan Spence:

I used to talk about celebrate the small wins, but actually scratch that. I now want to talk about just celebrating all wins, because I think that when I talk about celebrating small wins, sometimes people get hung up on well, is this a small win, is this a big win, is this a medium win? And actually all I really care about is that you celebrate your wins. So one of the first questions I asked clients when I'm working with them at the beginning of every session is what went well for you this week, what are the wins for you since our last session?

Ryan Spence:

And I asked that because, partly because I love the reaction and partly because we are always at our worst critics how many times have we got to the end of the day and, rather than taking pleasure or joy or patting ourselves on the back about all the good things that have happened, all the good things that we've done, we beat ourselves up for the things that we didn't do, for the things we didn't cross off the to-do list, for the things that fell by the wayside. That's what we do to ourselves, and if we treat ourselves that way, if we keep beating ourselves down, if we don't celebrate ourselves, then who's going to celebrate you? You've got to be looking out for yourself and be recognizing the things that you've done to give you that motivation, that inspiration, that desire to get up the next day and to keep on going. That's why I asked clients the question. And the interesting thing about when I asked that question is, nine times out of ten, with every client, they start off by saying nothing, because they want to start the session by usually talking about what didn't go well that week and what they want to focus on for that session, what they need support with. And that's all cool.

Ryan Spence:

But try it, think about it. Whenever you are in that headspace of feeling down, look at how your body language is, your posture goes. You maybe hang your head low, maybe you feel quite tense or quite anxious and that's not a good state to feel inspired and to get shit done right. But when you start to think about wins, things that excite you, things that you've done well, everything changes. Your shoulders roll back, your chest puffs out, your head hangs up, maybe you even get a little cheeky smile on your face and you feel, yeah, I'm great. Okay, what's the next thing? And you build up this momentum. So that's why it's important to take note and celebrate all of your wins.

Ryan Spence:

Now, there's a number of ways you can do that. I used to be pretty consistent at keeping a win journal and every month I would sit down and think what are my wins for the month? Inevitably, I think I have none, and then, with the space for about 10 or 15 minutes, I would just have a list of 15, 20, sometimes more things that had gone really well that month. I'm not as diligent at doing that anymore and it's maybe something I'll get back to. But I will sort of take time, post my model of meditation, do a bit of journaling to kind of think about what's coming up for me and what's going well. You could take notes in your phone. Maybe just keep a running total in your phone at the end of each day if that's something that works for you. But finding some way to reflect upon the things that went well will stop you dwelling on the things that didn't go so well. And the more that you build up this body of evidence, this body of wins that you have, that's going to kind of help you when things aren't necessarily going your way, when obstacles arise.

Ryan Spence:

So celebrating your wins is very important. Now you may say to me I really don't have any wins. I mean, as clients do, I really don't have any wins. And if you really can't think of any wins, the best thing that I find to do is start with the things that are staring you in the face, which you might not even class as wins. So I guess the prevalent one is the fact that you woke up today and you're alive. That's a win. It might seem, yeah, but that's nothing. I didn't do anything.

Ryan Spence:

But you did. You got up. You could have woken up, stayed in bed all day, you could have skived off work, you could have just hidden away and called us away. But you got up. You probably got yourself dressed, you made yourself food. You woke up in a place with a roof over your head. Maybe you had some money in your pocket. You had somebody who you could converse with, a companion, a friend. You helped somebody out of a sticky situation. You gave somebody advice, some advice that they really appreciated. You did a really good piece of work, even if you hated your job. You actually went and then you crushed it. Today you did something great that a client really appreciated. You ate really good food today. You didn't drink today, if you're trying not to drink, or you didn't eat any junk food today, if you're trying not to eat junk food.

Ryan Spence:

Throughout the course of every day, there was so many wins that you can have, that you will have had, but unless we take the time to really focus on celebrating those wins, those wins are going to pass you by and you'll be left with this pile of things that didn't go great that are going to continue to weigh you down. So that's my message for you in this week's episode Celebrate all of your wins, no matter how small you think they are. Whether they you think they're medium or large does not matter. All wins create this foundation from which you can launch yourself, from they launch this body of evidence that's going to help you counteract the negative feelings when things aren't going your way, when challenges arise. I know this because I do it, and I know this because clients do it.

Ryan Spence:

I see the shift in them when I ask that question and I don't let them off the hook by saying nothing happened. I just sit there and wait for them to bring something up for me. Maybe they've even told me about something in the previous week. They've mentioned something in a message that they may not have thought of as a win, but I would have seen the growth or I would have seen their development in them and I can point that out and say but what about this? Didn't you feel good about that? You said you felt great about that. You said that this is a change from what you may have done before, and I can help them to see for themselves that they have got more wins than they ever thought that they had. And once they see that, their body changes, their whole demeanor changes and we can then proceed to the remainder of the session with them in the right frame of mind open-minded, curious, positive, determined. So that's what I want for you. You're not sat in a coaching session with me, but you can still do this yourself by taking the time each day.

Ryan Spence:

Find it's useful each week, whatever frequency is good for you to think about. What are my wins today? What are my wins this week? How have I succeeded? How have I done what I set out to do or made steps towards what I set it out to do? How have I made somebody else's day better? It doesn't really matter. You can call it a win. It doesn't matter if somebody else calls it a win. It's about you. It's about what's furthering your mission, whatever that is, whether it's personal growth, whether it's knowing yourself better, whether it's getting to a particular place, whether it's acquiring a particular thing Wins will happen for you every day.

Ryan Spence:

And even if the only win you can think of that day is the fact that you woke up and you're alive, that's still a win to be celebrated. And as to how you celebrate that win, entirely up to you. You can be like me and reenact Rocky II. You can get yourself a nice glass of champagne, which I also partial to 90 times. You can just say to yourself good job. Just nod your head, just sit and silence for a minute and reflect on. Yeah, that was something really great that I did. That's something really good that I've done. I'm really pleased with the way that that went.

Ryan Spence:

It doesn't matter Big celebration, small celebration you can tell people about it, you can shout it from the rooftops, you can post it on social media. Again, it's all about what you feel comfortable with and what works for you. But please, don't let those wins pass you by, because you're going to need them. You're going to need to rest on those, because things are going to get tricky as you go from living a life of lethargy towards living a life that's lit. Things are going to challenge you Because you're changing the whole way that you think, the whole way that you live. You're changing your whole being in some senses, and so, having those wins to see that, yes, I have made a lot of progress, I am on the right track and this is what I have to show for it it really goes to help you keep going and keep moving forward.

Ryan Spence:

Thanks for listening this week. As always, I'd love to hear what you take away from this episode. Tell me, in fact, tell me, one win that you are celebrating today, either, as you listen to this episode, what's one win that you will celebrate today, and how will you celebrate it? And send me an email, hey, at imrinespencecom, or hit me up on Instagram at imrinespencecom. Or over on LinkedIn, find me, rhyne Spence. All of those links are in the show description, so please tell me. I really want to hear and I want to be able to cheer you on. And if you want to experience what it's like to be in those sessions with me where I sit back in silence staring at you as you frantically try to think of what wins you've had this week and then see how that changes, how you progress and helps you move further forward from that life of lethargy towards a life that's lit, then I'd love to hear from you. Head to imrinespencecom and book yourself a consultation call. We'll sit 50 minutes, we'll chat, I'll find out more about you, find out where you want to get to, and together we'll formulate a plan to get you there In a way that's sustainable to you, in a way that acknowledges your strengths, in a way that acknowledges where it is that you want to get to and in a way that helps you build a healthy practice of celebrating all of your wins. Thanks for being here and I will catch you again next week for another episode of the Triple C project. Until then, stop living a life of lethargy, start living life. Thanks for tuning in to the Triple C project.

Ryan Spence:

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The Importance of Celebrating Your Wins
The Importance of Celebrating Wins