Project Geekology

Fallout (2024)

April 29, 2024 Anthony, Dakota Episode 78
Fallout (2024)
Project Geekology
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Project Geekology
Fallout (2024)
Apr 29, 2024 Episode 78
Anthony, Dakota

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Ever wondered how the world of Fallout would fare in today's time? Anthony and Dakota, your trusty guides through the ruins and revelations of the future past, are about to serve up a platter of post-apocalyptic ponderings. Vaulting straight into 2296, we muse over the peculiar coincidence of our episode number not aligning with the bomb-drop year in the Fallout universe, chuckling at the mishap while unpacking the enduring message that war never changes. We invite you into our conversation about the revived fascination with the Fallout series, analyzing how new life has been breathed into its dusty corners, not only through games like Fallout 76 and Fallout 4 but also the Fallout TV series on Amazon Prime that's stretching the boundaries of the lore we treasure.

Buckle up for a double scoop of tales and insights as we whisk you away to Disney World, sharing the laughter and sweat of a 10-mile race, complete with Disney characters cheering us on. Then, we set sail through the grand narrative oceans of "One Piece," offering a slice of our own lives with the practicality of choosing to fly instead of drive for a quick escapade. We're also peeling back the layers of our podcast, shedding the music to sharpen the focus on our voices and the stories we bring. Tell us what you think—does the stripped-down format hit the right notes for you?

Navigating through the Fallout wasteland, we dissect the vaults' dark secrets and the experiments lurking within, while speculating on the Brotherhood of Steel's murky motives. Vault 33's tale grabs the spotlight as we share our captivation with its dwellers and the masterful storytelling that keeps us gripping our Pip-Boys for dear life. When it comes to adaptations, we're all about staying true to the source, and we tip our hats to how the creators behind the Fallout TV series have achieved just that. So, fellow geekologists, prepare your RadAway and join us for a session of unraveling the enigmatic world of Fallout, where every turn is a new discovery.

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Project Geekology:
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Dakota's Twitter:


Geekritique (Dakota):

Twitch (Anthony):

Gimme Three - A Series For Cinephiles

Gimme Three is a love letter cinema. 3 films. 1 Theme. A hell of a lot of fun!

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Ever wondered how the world of Fallout would fare in today's time? Anthony and Dakota, your trusty guides through the ruins and revelations of the future past, are about to serve up a platter of post-apocalyptic ponderings. Vaulting straight into 2296, we muse over the peculiar coincidence of our episode number not aligning with the bomb-drop year in the Fallout universe, chuckling at the mishap while unpacking the enduring message that war never changes. We invite you into our conversation about the revived fascination with the Fallout series, analyzing how new life has been breathed into its dusty corners, not only through games like Fallout 76 and Fallout 4 but also the Fallout TV series on Amazon Prime that's stretching the boundaries of the lore we treasure.

Buckle up for a double scoop of tales and insights as we whisk you away to Disney World, sharing the laughter and sweat of a 10-mile race, complete with Disney characters cheering us on. Then, we set sail through the grand narrative oceans of "One Piece," offering a slice of our own lives with the practicality of choosing to fly instead of drive for a quick escapade. We're also peeling back the layers of our podcast, shedding the music to sharpen the focus on our voices and the stories we bring. Tell us what you think—does the stripped-down format hit the right notes for you?

Navigating through the Fallout wasteland, we dissect the vaults' dark secrets and the experiments lurking within, while speculating on the Brotherhood of Steel's murky motives. Vault 33's tale grabs the spotlight as we share our captivation with its dwellers and the masterful storytelling that keeps us gripping our Pip-Boys for dear life. When it comes to adaptations, we're all about staying true to the source, and we tip our hats to how the creators behind the Fallout TV series have achieved just that. So, fellow geekologists, prepare your RadAway and join us for a session of unraveling the enigmatic world of Fallout, where every turn is a new discovery.

Twitter handles:
Project Geekology:
Anthony's Twitter:
Dakota's Twitter:


Geekritique (Dakota):

Twitch (Anthony):

Gimme Three - A Series For Cinephiles

Gimme Three is a love letter cinema. 3 films. 1 Theme. A hell of a lot of fun!

Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify

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Speaker 1:

welcome to episode 78 of project geekology. But guess what guys? We are in the year 2296 and guess what? We're in a vault. Everything above us is destroyed. I don't even know if anybody's listening to us right now. I am one half of your host, anthony, and joining me, as always, is Dakota and, yeah, people will be listening.

Speaker 2:

But you know what? You know what doesn't change War. War never changes.

Speaker 1:

But you know what does change Talk to me the value of bottle caps.

Speaker 2:

Oh snap, and actually you're drinking a beer or you will be drinking a beer later that has a bottle cap.

Speaker 1:

So at least you have the value locked, know. So whenever it goes high, you can just you could get rid of it, sell it. I'm starting up on my collection, you know, ready for the apocalypse, ready for when, I, you know, climb up to the surface anthony, you brought something up to my attention, but right before we started recording.

Speaker 2:

This is episode 78 of project ecology. But the bombs dropped in 2077. And you know, the first couple vault dwellers went into their vaults in 2076. How did we fumble this so poorly?

Speaker 1:

We did. We folded. We're sorry to the fans. We let you all down. We folded. We're sorry to the fans, we let you all down, but I guess we're going to have to start our own Fallout storyline in 2278.

Speaker 2:

We don't even know what we're talking about anymore, Guys thank you so much for joining us here on Project Geekology episode 78.

Speaker 2:

You may notice something a little bit different. We're trying it out. If you like it or don't like it, let us know. But there's no music on this podcast. We do want to try something just a little bit differently in our editing process and we hope you like it. Maybe it's a little less distracting. Wink wink Rich, I know you're listening, but yeah, I think that this will honestly just be easier for us to edit and, you know, get out to you guys. So that's actually kind of exciting and I kind of hope that we can still incorporate music uh into, I guess, future episodes, like maybe an intro or an outro. So if you have have any ideas, let us know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Anthony, what have you been up to this past two weeks? Because, my bad, we were supposed to record last week, but I'll talk about that later. What have you been up to?

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, honestly, you know we had watched the Fallout show and since then I've dove back into the world of Fallout. So has I mean, honestly, everybody who either is a fan or a new fan of, or an old fan or a new fan of Fallout has been hopping on to Fallout and, honestly, the various games, like it's crazy, like literally, it's not like one specific Fallout game that everybody's playing. People are playing Fallout 76. Like Fallout 76. When that game came out it went through like a like a period, like a period of of hate. You know, a lot of people didn't like it. It released it released to, uh, you know, some harsh critical reception. But since then they've done a lot of updates and now there's like a new love for it. So that's been interesting.

Speaker 1:

Um, I've always kind of liked fallout 76, even in its um humble and, you know, over the top buggy days, even though it's still like really, really buggy. But I mean, that's just the reality of fallout games, like you know, and that's honestly part of the charm. Like a lot of people love the game, the games, because of the ridiculous bugs, you know. And then also people have been playing fallout 3, fallout 4, new vegas, even the older ones, so that's been really cool. But yeah, I, I've, I've taken a trip down memory lane paul, uh playing fallout 76 and uh, fallout 4. So, and actually, fallout 4 just recently got a next-gen update, so for all of you new and old fans coming to Fallout at this time, it should look a lot better now.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually really excited to jump into it. My only real introduction to the fallout series besides like watching other people play was playing the, the, the mobile app fallout shelter for like 10 years ago. That was really fun for you know, a couple weeks, whatever. But I was familiarized with the, I guess the world of fallout through and the vault specifically through that game. So I knew a little bit about it, going into it and I'm really excited to jump into, potentially, fallout 4. As you said, it's just gotten a new little makeover and, yeah, I think that would be a good first step for me in the, the, the gaming side of this franchise, because I'm really I'm really impressed with the, the lore side of this and you know we're talking a lot about the games right now, but I do want to stress that we're going to be covering mostly the tv series the, the fallout tv series on amazon prime oh, absolutely, you know, and not without touching, you know, on the games, because obviously you know, yeah, that's a huge part of its history, and all that, exactly exactly.

Speaker 2:

If they made an Elder Scrolls TV show, you'd have to talk about the Elder Scrolls games too. Exactly exactly.

Speaker 1:

Oh. So yeah, my first foray into the fallout series was wasn't it wasn't the first two games. The first two games, I think for the most part they were pc only and back then I wasn't really like that was like in the 90s and I I wasn't really like pc gaming back then. I think that, like my first jump into pc gaming was like with you when we started playing wow and some of those other games.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But, yeah, my first jump into the the fallout, the fallout world was a fallout three and I had gotten a game of the year edition when that came out and, dude, I absolutely like fell in love with that world. But, you know, I definitely want to talk more about that world and and I absolutely like fell in love with that world. But you know, I definitely want to talk more about that world and and why I like it a lot more when we talk about the show, because it I mean the show takes pretty much almost all of the elements from the video games and puts it into the show. So it'll be hard not to talk about the games with, you know, when talking about the show. But yeah, I no, for the most part I've been really just enjoying my, my trip back into the world of uh, you know, fallout it's. I think that I think that this is a a great time to like get back into the, to the series. I don't know it. Just it's been a while since we've gotten a it also like proper fallout game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah it. It kind of came out of nowhere.

Speaker 2:

The tv show um you know, I agree there's been rumblings about it for years, literal years. I remember hearing about it back in 2021, early covid years, and and then I didn't. I didn't even watch the trailers for the show. Like I didn't, it was just kind of like off my radar until, like, early reviews started coming in and I was just like I should probably check this out, okay, and basically that's where we are now. But uh, besides, besides, fallout, what have you been up to these past two weeks?

Speaker 1:

well, you know I've also been, you know I've also been diving into the world of um per sour beers, you know.

Speaker 2:

I think Anthony's like made it a point to like he's got to say persona or persona three, at least once per episode.

Speaker 1:

I have to because I know that it makes Dakota die internally it makes Dakota die internally, you know. But he'll get why I enjoy it once he finally hops into the world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, all right, I will, I will.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, no, I mean, for the most part it was, yeah, no, watching through the Fallout series and kind of taking note of a lot of the influences and some of the stuff that they pulled from the different games. But yeah, no, man, it's been pretty much all Fallout for me. Awesome, how about you? I know that you've been doing quite a bit of stuff. You've been out and about traveling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the reason this is a week late is 100% on my side of things, this time around anyway, or most times. Let's be honest, most times it's my fault that we're late. But this time we had a Disney World trip planned from Friday to. We got in on Friday night at midnight and then we left around Tuesday morning, so it was a three-day trip, but you know, over four nights, and that was a lot of fun. Originally we had booked this weekend, my wife and I to do the 10 mile race at Disney World and my wife did end up doing it, but I hurt hurt my knee pretty badly two weeks prior to the trip, so it got to a point where I was limping just to and from work and I'm just like, how am I going to do this race?

Speaker 2:

How am I going to do this race? And I think I just decided a week before the race that at this rate rate, even if I do heal properly, if I do run 10 miles in disney world, I'm gonna hurt it again and it's gonna be even worse. And I was just like, let me just sit this one out, I'll cheer my wife on and she did great um and she had a lot of fun and I had a lot of fun too. You know just, there was like random characters that I you know at the finish line that I was just taking pictures with. I can send you. I took pictures with baymax and the kid from coco and, uh, timone and rafiki. I made I I had rafiki teach me a cool pose for pictures and everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, uh, it was fun but, and then we spent the the next couple days just in random disney parks. But uh, yeah, so that was that's. That's pretty much. Uh, the majority of you know what I've been doing this past couple days. Um, but I do want to do like a Disney race at some point, preferably without an injured leg, um, and what?

Speaker 1:

was frustrating, what was so frustrating it? Or like was it like, when you were training, I was training, I didn't fall, it was just I was overtraining it.

Speaker 2:

So the issue is I live in New York, it's really cold in the winter and there's very few days that are really good for running. So I ended up, you know, at the start of spring, really training up to about I only trained up to about five and a half miles from like zero miles. I'm not a runner. So I trained up to about five and a half miles from like zero miles. I was, I'm not a runner so I was able to do five and a half miles and the goal was 10 miles because that was how long the race was and the quick increase of mileage was really bad on my joint, like my left knee joint. So like under my shins I got like uh, like like a really bad case of runner's knee, which is a thing I didn't know about until it happened to me.

Speaker 2:

But I do want to do a Disney race in the future. It just sounds so cool. Like my wife, she said that she started in the Epcot parking lot, ran through Epcot like it did around the world, and you know like there's cast members from every country. You know there's my the world and you know like there's cast members from every country. You know, there's my wife there, I'm back Anyway.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back. You know when she ran around the world, you know were they passing out drinks?

Speaker 2:

They were passing out like water and Gatorade or Powerade, I think it was. No, they didn't do that. Apparently, there were like people on the side of the road that like were handing out like actual, like bottles of alcohol, like the little tiny bottles. Um, I saw a video of a guy dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow. Like he looked great, by the way. He great Captain Jack Sparrow. He was running the race and someone said Captain Jack, and they, they showed him like a little bottle of picardy and he like grabbed it and chugged it and kept running.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god it wasn't a disney employee, it was just a random guy running yeah yeah, no, I could.

Speaker 1:

I could figure that that also sounds like that would be really hot dude running that and it was a heat wave, this past like this past weekend. It was like 90 degrees in april. Yeah, but uh, it was, it was early heat wave this past weekend. It was like 90 degrees in April. Yeah, it was hot this weekend.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, but it was early in the morning so it was before the parks were open. It was dark out, so at least there was mostly no sun until you know like 7 o'clock rolled around, whatever. But yeah, so it was cool. She went through Epcot, she went through Hollywood Studios and did like the galaxy's edge run. It seemed like a really cool, cool thing. Other than that, what else? What have I been up to? I have continued my reading of one piece oh yeah, I saw that.

Speaker 1:

Uh, you're reading that in the plane yeah, which I was wondering if y'all were gonna drive down or fly down which?

Speaker 2:

we decided to just drive or fly down, just because it's kind of for for a single, for a single weekend, a couple days. It just didn't make any sense to drive. You just waste so much time in the car, um, but I'm really enjoying it. They're finally in the grand line. Uh, they've passed uh log town and they're currently on an island with two battling like the. The pirates are currently on an island with two battling like the. The pirates are currently on an island with two giant like literal giant warriors battling to their death.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I remember that in the anime uh, I'm having a good time with that. It's a really good like little arc, so I'm just really pleased about that. And what else? What else I've been up to? I think that might be it. I'm looking around. I'm always looking around my room to see if I can identify.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, how did you like the giant turtle that ate the ship? Was it a turtle?

Speaker 2:

It was a whale, it was a whale.

Speaker 1:

It was a whale, yes.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was kind of stupid, but I just kind of went with it.

Speaker 1:

But there was like an island in the inside. It was.

Speaker 2:

It kind of looked like Master Roshi's island. The dude had his own, like. It kind of looked like Master Roshi's island.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It was interesting. It's still some Like, even though it was like really dumb, like there's still a lot of like heartfelt stuff going on in it. Right now they're escorting the princess of alabasta, or how does. How do they pronounce it in in the show alabasta or arabasta?

Speaker 1:

it's alabasta, yeah, in the show, but I know that like it's, yeah, it's, it's, it's so insane because, yeah, like you, you, there's different pronunciations and different yeah arabasta yeah anyway, I'm enjoying.

Speaker 2:

I'm enjoying the. My continued one piece read. I'm officially let's see. Let's see what chapter I'm on I'm on. I'm on chapter 120, so I'm like 11 through the entire series, which is kind of cool if you look. If you like, think about it that way but yeah, that's actually not bad no, that's, it's not.

Speaker 2:

when you put it in terms of like percentage, completed, completed, it's not actually that bad. Yeah, there are 1,100 chapters in the series, but the chapters are easy to breeze through If you have a little time to read. 5-10 minutes it's just nothing.

Speaker 1:

So are you just reading through the manga Right now? I'm just reading through the manga, or are you right now through?

Speaker 2:

the anime. Right now I'm just reading through the manga. Okay, just because I was trying to do like the manga and the anime at the same time and it was just taking too long because I would read a chapter. I read a couple chapters, an arc, whatever, and then I go to the anime and I'm just like I just I, I literally just read this, you know, and it was just kind of like it was enjoyable. Yeah, it's also trying to find time to like watch the show with the wife in the house, just because it's. Sometimes anime can be like really loud and annoying if you're doing homework or whatever. So, yeah, so that that's pretty much where I'm at right now, but I'm giving you the good boy, thumbs up, you have rad poisoning.

Speaker 2:

Let's jump into the Fallout series because I feel like we have a lot to talk about and I don't want to waste any time on it.

Speaker 1:

Let's do it. You know we don't want to set the world on fire.

Speaker 2:

I was just I think I'm just so impressed by how well they were able to capture the lore and I'm saying this as someone who doesn't know the lore. You know I have not played the games, but I can tell, just like I can just intrinsically tell they put everything into this. They did everything that they could to stuff as much lore, uh, and random items and stuff and references to this and that and shady sands and all of this. It all had meaning and I could tell like there was a bigger meaning for everything that came from the games, which is why I'm so excited to like jump into the games as well, like new california republic, whatever, yeah yeah, the ncr I.

Speaker 2:

I think that that is all super impressive and when I was doing research after having finished the show, like I watched game spot, they did a fantastic timeline video on the fallout series and I usually don't watch timeline videos from other channels, but I figured I'm never going to be in a position to have actually played through all the fallout games to be able to, like express that right in in my own video well enough, so I just wanted to listen to someone else do it, and they did.

Speaker 2:

Game spot did a fantastic job breaking it down, and what I love about the series is it's all kind of released in chronological order, like every game comes out and it's a later date on.

Speaker 1:

That's on the fallout timeline right, with the exception of 76, which that's correct 76 takes place before, like all of the games, right, yeah, that's.

Speaker 2:

That's the for the most part, though they kind of prequel yeah. Yeah, and I was impressed when I found out that Fallout the series isn't a rehash of any of the stories that played out in any of the games. This occurs several decades after most of the games even take place.

Speaker 1:

Right, and see, that's the beauty of Fallout Fallout, you really don't have to rehash a story that's within the storyline Because, honestly, everybody's experience with Fallout is different. It's non-linear. The worlds are so massive and there's so much DLC. Some people play the DLC, not everybody plays the DLC, and so, yeah, that's. The thing with fallout was that even if they put the tv show within the same timeline as one of the other fallout games, you would be none the wiser because it'd be like, okay, this is somebody else from a different vault. You know, the games have established that there are several vaults. So, um, something that I found interesting and I don't think I don't think it was ever really shown in the games, but it would make sense that they exist is this is that three vaults, kind of like cohabitating, but kind of being their own society in the same time, like there was?

Speaker 1:

right uh, 31, 32, 33. Well, in the games they don't really have that. I mean, there are, you know, in the games you do come up upon other vaults within the world, but not really vaults that are connected within, you know, with other vaults and the way that the show is, and so that was a change. But it didn't really bother me because I feel like in the world of fallout each vault and each situation was different, that it is very plausible that there could be three vaults that exist in that kind of way.

Speaker 2:

And throughout this I kept trying to figure out what the social experiment was in Vault 33 and 32 and 31. And that's kind of like the looming mystery of the show as I see it right now, because, knowing anything about fallout, it kind of just the each vault has and correct me if I'm wrong each vault has some sort of test that it's performing on its inhabitants or and or its victims. Am I, am I wrong in saying that you know?

Speaker 1:

honestly, I'm maybe like I'm there. They might have been, because I'm now. I think about it.

Speaker 1:

The way that fallout 4 begins is that the, the you're in cryo sleep in fallout 4 right and then all of a sudden, you kind of get woken up and, uh, you kind of, yeah, you get woken up, uh, in cryo sleep and your character has has a wife and a child they kidnap they, they shoot your wife and kidnap your child and you witness this, but then they put you back in the cryo sleep. You know, yeah, and then you wake up like a bit later, and then everybody in the vault is dead, you know, like the life support system, but somehow you're, you're alive. So, yeah, there there. Yeah, there's definitely something you know. Vault tech is definitely very like shady, you know, and they, they make it a lot more apparent. I mean, it's it's apparent in the games, but they definitely highlighted a lot in the show yeah, I was.

Speaker 2:

I was curious about that, but we'll get back to like, the little experimentation that each vault has. But when it comes to vault tech, you know, as as a vault dweller which I'm assuming most fallout games you're, you're the vault dwell or you're a vault dweller on the surface, correct?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you start off in the vault and then you go out into those. Yeah, you go to the surface and it, and it's for various like different reasons.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's not for the same thing. Yeah, every every every story is unique in that sense and that I like that it's. It's a fleshed out world, but for the most part I I doubt your characters believe that Vault-Tec, the person or the company who created the vaults for you to survive in, is some evil corporation pulling the strings. Like you, as a vault dweller probably do not have that mentality, at least not before you go out to the surface.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, Like no, you're pretty much honestly dude, like a lot of the times you know you're leaving much honestly dude, like a lot of the times you know you're leaving the vaults like you know what's going on, like, like why is the a lot of the time the vaults like empty?

Speaker 1:

and fallout and fallout 4. Um, you're, it's been a while since I played fallout 3, but fallout 4, like I said, you know you, everybody's dead. You know they're in their crowd chambers, they're dead and you know. So it's not like. It's not like the other. You know some of the other vaults where it was like generations and generations just living, you know. And then, uh, I think fallout 3, you wake up and, yeah, I think like the, the vaults you know everybody at, if I remember correctly, like like everybody's dead also, but not because of like Cryosleep, I think Raiders came in or something like that, kind of not unlike the show. Dude, it's been a while. I need to get back onto 3.

Speaker 2:

That's all right. That's all right. So my question to you with that knowledge in mind of you know the vault dwellers generally don't believe that vault tech is at fault. How do you feel after having seen this series and they just spell it out to you like they were the ones who dropped the bombs like how does, how does that make you like a life, a lifelong fallout fan or most, most of your lifelong, uh, fallout? How does that make you feel?

Speaker 1:

I mean, honestly, it makes sense, you know, because, yeah, you do, you find this stuff out Through the gameplay, you know, throughout the gameplay, and so it really does. It makes sense. And it's not like you know, they don't just, you know, drop the bomb on you. They slowly, like, they divulge a little bit, like, oh, vault-tec has their hands and this and this and this, they own almost everything. And then you're like, yeah, they're the ones that drop the bombs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, going back to each vault has its own experiment. I'm going a little ahead of myself in the, you know, just like talking about the series. But when lucy and maximus get dropped down into, uh, that one vault I forget where or like what number it is when they get dropped down into that vault, one of the characters asks lucy, what was the experiment in your vault? And that got, that's what got me thinking like, well, what is the experiment? Because it's kind of like a perfect little society. Everyone seems happy for the most part, and then 32 is just like everyone is has gone crazy and killed themselves and they all blame vault 31 for that. And then later we find 31 is basically all the high-up Vault-Tec employees have cryogenically frozen themselves to eventually take over and lead Vault 33 for some purpose. So that was interesting. I'm curious about what the purpose of that and obviously we're going to find that out uh, because fallout season two has been greenlit at this point so I'm just do you think like, maybe, maybe the experiment, maybe it's like a two-part experiment?

Speaker 2:

well, I think it's a three-part experiment because of 32 as well.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, that's what I meant, I guess. In a way, I meant that they're kind of coming here and showing this perfect society and then obviously there's something shade, you know, like maybe maybe they're trying to see how they, how they respond to you know how life would be, you know, in in bad way, you know, and some sort of crazy thing going on that I mean at some point it forced them to kill themselves, you know so the vaults that lucy and maximus fall.

Speaker 2:

Everyone seems to have some sort of body modification, um, or like growing organ. Some people have like an extra nose or one eye or like an ear on the top of their head.

Speaker 1:

I loved the and this was like fallout humor, like straight up, okay, uh, the dude with the one eye.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that.

Speaker 1:

He's like he's like trying to like read, and he puts on glasses and it's, like you know, regular glasses and none of the lenses are covering his eye and he's like and then what he called him? He called it. He's like goosey mclean goosey.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he kept calling her goosey yeah, I know dude. Some excellent humor.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of minor details about the series that I absolutely love and, honestly, to tell you the truth, I feel like, when it comes to adapting a show from any IP a book, a video game, whatever it is I feel like the small details are just as important as anything that might be in the macro level and, just honestly, the, the setting. The setting looked exactly like the, the world, the, the sets, whatever. It all looks like something out of a fallout game. The clothes that they were wearing, you know the pit boy, the mannerisms felt very fallout yeah, when they went to the town called philly f-i-l-l-y uh no relation to philadelphia, I don't think.

Speaker 2:

But when they when they went to philly, I was so impressed with the set, like it was just a massive town that they had built and it was just ramshackle and like old western but also future, like retro futurism a little bit, and it was just like I loved it. It was like an old west. Yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no and so yeah, no. I'm glad that you point that out. That's actually something that's very interesting About the Fallout world. Is that the Fallout world in a in in our future? It's in 2077, right, but in the world of fallout it's like the 50s.

Speaker 1:

2077 is like 1950s yeah, it's almost like, but it's futuristic because they have, um, they have, mr handy, they have um, these like these like nuclear fusion vehicles that they like drive. You know they're using nuclear energy for a lot of like different things. They have the power armor that uses the fusion cores. It's it's so interesting because it's like old school but like it's like an alternate 1950s, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was really interested in like how that could happen, like logistically, like their style of the world kind of paused like post-world war ii, but the technological advancements continued. So you still had that 50s vibe, that 50s, 60s, you know. Look throughout the entire series, especially like in the flashbacks I like that they did that yeah, let's talk about the flashbacks a little bit in a sec.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, they, they had those, that aesthetic, but they kept the growth in terms of technology moving forward. Yes, especially, you know, considering they have like fusion cores, like we don't have ready access to nuclear energy, like that. But yeah, it's, it was just such a it's that's what I'm like so impressed by, um, not just with the show but the, the lore in general, and it's got me so excited to dive deeper into it with, like fallout 4 or 76 or new vegas, whatever. Yeah, yeah. So let's you, you, uh, you wanted to talk about the, the flashbacks. It actually starts with a flashback like yes, and it's an interesting scene.

Speaker 2:

I just went back and watched that, that flashback scene, right before we recorded this. So because I wanted it to be a little fresh in my mind, right, we get what's his name Cooper Howard.

Speaker 1:

Yes, walter Goggins character he is. He's this big movie star and he, you know, he kind of I guess he he kind of falls from grace when he is like kind of like he becomes like an advocate for when he becomes an advocate for Vault-Tec pretty much, and so I think, that's why you see him doing these kids' birthday parties with his daughter.

Speaker 1:

And dude, let me tell you, I love that. They did the whole Vault Boy thing with his thumbs up. It tracks, it makes so much sense. It's like you know. You know. His daughter says you know what? Can you show me the thumb, the thumb thing? And it's like you know, if your thumb can cover it, then then like you're fine, but like if your thumb doesn't cover it, then oh, if your thumb covers it, then run.

Speaker 2:

If your thumb doesn't cover it, then don't worry about it, you know, or something like that, because like it's just too close, it's too late, yeah yeah I, it's such a powerful scene and you kind of know it's coming the entire time, like there's a looming threat, um, like the on the tv, on the radio everyone's talking about, like this might be it, this might be, you know, after 10 years of like prolonged nuclear threat, this might be the time.

Speaker 2:

And like they know, after 10 years of like prolonged nuclear threat, this might be the time. And like they turn on the news and like the weather guy goes how am I supposed to do the news if there's not going to be a next week? You know, and it's just like you have this looming threat and then everyone kind of like turns off those, uh, turns that off so that they can focus on the birthday party, but like that that is looming in the the background of the scene and then obviously the bombs go off. So one thing that I want to point out about this scene that I thought was interesting on a rewatch is we know that cooper howard's wife I forget her name, but his wife being a vault tech had space in the vaults lined up for her husband and her daughter.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and it was like a.

Speaker 2:

She said it was like a. It was a good vault, right, right, right, like a supervisor's vault. So I'm guessing it was Vault 31. Because a bunch of the Vault-Tec people showed up in Vault 31, for whatever reason.

Speaker 1:

That's just my personal theory right and and it's in these flashbacks that you that a lot of dots start to be connected between cooper and, you know, mclean and even moldaver, which is like really like. Moldaver is like the quote unquote, like she's the antagonist but she's really not the bad guy type person. You know, that's always been the thing about the ncr. The ncr is like not bad, but like they're. They can kind of be an antagonist but they're kind of protagonists, like a pre-antagonist it's so moldaver confused me.

Speaker 2:

Like you, you have this she's. She's a threat. In the first episode. She steals hank mclean, brings him to the surface, for whatever reason, we find out later well, actually no, she stole um paul atreides yes, yes, the the paul atreides from david lynch is doing yeah I thought it was funny that he was in this show. They stole Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks. How the heck is she alive? Like did she get into vaults somehow? Was she cryogenically frozen? They never explain like her age. I can kind of understand the ghoul's age.

Speaker 2:

You know, Cooper Howard turns into the ghoul after radiation poisoning and he just basically like keeps taking drugs to maintain his life.

Speaker 1:

That's right so so that, so, as far as I, as I remember, I I do believe that, yeah, like ghouls kind of go through a period where that, yeah, like they, they can go from, you know, just being a person to what they call they call feral ghouls in the games, and I'm guessing there's no coming back from that. Yeah, I mean you're, you're a zombie, you're a zombie. Yeah, you're a zombie at that point, dude. So how about, uh, walter goggins playing the man?

Speaker 2:

He nailed that role so well Playing both the ghoul and Cooper Howard like two completely different characters, yes, but over a span of like 219 years you can see how the wasteland would totally remove any trace of the original Cooper Howard any trace of the original cooper cooper howard.

Speaker 1:

You know what's crazy is that like he almost he kind of became a like his persona changed to like some somebody from one of his movies yeah, I was thinking about that because he did a lot of westerns in the old days.

Speaker 1:

So it's like he became a bounty hunter and you know, in this wasteland and it's. It's like it's so crazy. It was nice seeing, like I said, dude, like the small details with the weapons you see, some of the people with like the pipe rifles and the and the pipe pistols and stuff you know like just guns that are just kind of put together well one thing, that one thing I want to talk about too.

Speaker 2:

We'll talk about the, the power armor and the brotherhood in a little bit. But while we're still on the ghoul and Cooper Howard and his wife, my question is what happened to Cooper Howard and his wife that he and his daughter did not make it into a vault when the bomb started dropping? Maybe the daughter did, because at the end of the series Cooper Howard says where's my family. So that kind of introduces the idea that maybe we'll definitely see his wife and at least his daughter probably.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. So the fact that there was a cliffhanger made it promising that they have plans for the future.

Speaker 2:

Right, but we know that at the birth. So like I was re-watching it and I was really surprised at the line when they they basically said that he's doing this birthday party for alimony, which means that they're now divorced. He and his wife are now divorced and he has his daughter with him. For some reason, would vaultec not, or would his wife not, have wanted the daughter to, you know, be in a vault at the time that the bombs were scheduled to eventually go off? Or did Vault-Tec not actually drop the bombs?

Speaker 1:

Or maybe because you know he did do some eavesdropping. Yeah, you know, maybe that got found out. Maybe, you know, maybe vault tech booted her and she got pissed because of that. You know, I'm just, I'm just.

Speaker 2:

This is all speculation oh yeah, yeah, no same with me, I'm just trying to figure this out myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, maybe something happened to where she got kicked out of vault tech and you know she she herself isn't in a vault, you know. So maybe she wasn't in the know how that stuff was coming down. So I mean, yeah, yeah, dude, it's, it's all speculation. We won't really know until I'm pretty sure that the show will tie those loose ends up. At least I hope they do oh, I'm sure that.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure they have some something in mind, because the show as a whole is super tight with its, with the story that it wants to tell. Right, it's a small cast, you know. You have really three main players and then you know a couple characters that orbit. Each player lucy mclean, uh the ghoul, aka cooper howard, and maximus, the uh brotherhood guy so let's talk a little bit about the brotherhood. Tell me, tell me about, like, what their whole thing is, what, what's their mo?

Speaker 1:

the brotherhood is steel man. What's their mo bro? They're, they're, they're. They're pretty much like, yeah, like they're.

Speaker 2:

They're a militia man they're kind of like ex-army, I'm guessing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a lot of them. So that's what they maintain that boot camp atmosphere they kind of adopt almost like that King Arthur and the Round Table type thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's an interesting way to put it.

Speaker 1:

And so, yeah know, there's knights, there's knights and they have, you know, squires. And so it was interesting that that by the end of the show, like he's he pretty much has gone from. You know, he's pretty much gone from like them wanting to like kill him, to like all right, you're gonna lead me, you're gonna lead my, the, the new brotherhood of steel type of thing, you know, like you know, we've kind of fallen in the wayside which is kind of interesting too.

Speaker 2:

I almost wonder if that means that there's going to be another faction broken off of the brotherhood of steel, because I'm assuming that one, that one guy isn't the the leader of the entirehood of Steel, because I'm assuming that one guy isn't the leader of the entire Brotherhood, probably just that faction of the Brotherhood or whatever.

Speaker 2:

But it does seem, like you know, like throughout history, like you'll have religions that will go on, will go on, and then there'll be like one guy who's just like you know, I think it should be done this way and then that religion will branch off of this religion. And you know, you're in the 21st century and now there's like 40,000 different groups of Christians who call themselves Christian. You know, like they can't all be the, they can't all be truly Christians, but hey, hey, they've branched off and kind of made that like web of christianity or christendom, but it's kind of that's. That's how I kind of took that scene. As you know, they they're going to branch off from the, the line up the brotherhood of steel, and maybe come, maybe become the brotherhood of maximus. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd be. I'm definitely interested in that Maximus. His character's interesting because you could tell that he's a character that wants to do good, but then he does some morally questionable things, you know do you, do you think that uh Dane put that in the shoe, or do you think maximus put that in the show? Yeah, that that's. That's a good question because at the end of the day, like I felt like maximus did do it and he seemed surprised that dane would took, would take the fall right like they.

Speaker 2:

they had some, some unspoken words between them that kind of led me to that conclusion, but it's not said outright.

Speaker 1:

Right and honestly to tell you the truth, maximus, his actions throughout the show honestly makes it seem like he would do something like that.

Speaker 2:

He is conniving. He's always trying to like put himself on top and I think that's probably part of his upbringing and part of his you know, outsider isms that he has. You know, like he's always kind of the odd man out. He's the one who's getting beat up by the other recruits.

Speaker 1:

And you could tell that there was definitely jealousy when he wasn't chosen to be a squire.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, he had a little freak out and you just kind of assumed like that was it. And then the next day Dane's putting on his clothes and cuts open their foot and I'm just like, did he do that? But it's never really confirmed one way or the other.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of people assume that he did right right I mean, we could be wrong you know, at the end of the day, you know he might have not done it but, like you know, I was just thinking because of the actions and because of yeah like the very subtle non-verbal nods to yeah, he potentially did do it definitely kind of pushed me into the camp of I think he might have done it, he definitely has it in him.

Speaker 2:

I hope he didn't.

Speaker 1:

Oh, absolutely, I hope he did like I think he he might have dude like you saw how, like how he stomped on uh buddy's foot oh, dude, that was.

Speaker 2:

It's so gross, like when he took his shoe off and his like toe was just hanging off and his, his foot was all broken. How was he able to walk that far?

Speaker 2:

um I know, and he's just like, he's like limping with it with a freaking big old bag too did you notice that they all kind of had um, or not all of them, but the main, uh, the main people had like roman names, like maximus titus, thaddeus, like they. They all have that us at the end, which is just very roman, and I'm I'm trying to understand like what, what the purpose? It's very, very brotherhood of steel yeah, I guess like they're knights and squires and I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It's cool yeah, no, no, it's, it's. It's definitely like very much so. The brotherhood of steel it, what do you call it? Oh, I also like the, so so we have the dog that's in the show also, and the dog that's in the show is pretty much a nod to the dog in fallout 4 okay, you know what the dog's name in Fallout 4 is what Dog Meat?

Speaker 2:

Dog Meat. Oh, and he calls him Dog Meat a couple times, right. I think, did he say. I feel like I've heard Dog Meat a couple times. They did.

Speaker 1:

They also played the Fallout 4 theme song a couple times in the show also. I thought that was really cool.

Speaker 2:

I didn't catch that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they did the Fallout 4 theme. They played it. The 50 songs that you would hear in the video games, especially the I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire, that's actually the intro song to Fallout 3. Dude, I've had that stuck. Set the world on fire? That's actually like the intro song to fallout three.

Speaker 2:

Like I've.

Speaker 1:

I've had that stuck in my head all week, just just that line, but anyway it's so interesting it, the fallout world definitely introduced a lot of people to some like oldies music yeah. Cause I remember listening to some songs and I'm like it's like I kind of like that and like back then I just whip out shazam to like you know? Yeah, what's this song called?

Speaker 2:

yeah, um, let's talk about vault 33 and its dwellers. We have, um, it starts with lucy and her brother and, like the, the people of vault 33, uh, welcoming a marriage from Vault 31. Instantly I thought this was just incredible world building, like the fact that these vaults do not interact, but only for rare occasions. Yes, like vault dweller transfers. So a vault dweller from 32 was going to marry Lucy, basically it, and it turned out to be um raiders and they they ended up taking, uh, hank mclean because of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, as soon as I started to see like he he had scars on his body I'm like I said I'm thinking. I said I think this is a raider okay, yeah, I didn't. I didn't know what to expect and then, and especially, when she pulled up the pit boy and, like the, the rad counter started to like go off. Which dude? That sound that it makes is the exact same sound from the video games that like that's a counter sound.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. You know, that's what I'm saying. Like the very subtle tiny details that I pick up, you know. You know the. It shows a little pit boy, the vault boy, on the screen, yeah, showing, like the, the status of her body. That's the game dude. I love the, the whole map thing that she pulled up on the thing, and the pinpoint dude, like it's just all video games. But like we don't ask for much for adaptations, okay no, yeah, we don't ask for much, just come on, guys.

Speaker 2:

Like stop taking, like stop trying to reinvent the wheel, just do this, you know there's a lot of people can can learn from this adaptation and and even the the the last of us, one wait, you're saying that people can learn from the last of us, or people like last of us should learn from fallout.

Speaker 1:

no, no, no, like like I'm saying that you know future companies that are thinking about making adaptations of you know anything, especially video games. You know they can learn from these two shows like hey, look, we're okay with liberties, but stop trying to like reinvent something that's already there, right?

Speaker 2:

And a good example of reinventing the wheel when it comes to a video game adaptation, I think and some people like it, some people don't like it the Assassin's Creed movie with the Animus. There was really no need to make it a big crane arm that you can do dance and flips with. It didn't need to be that way. The video games aren't like that. There's no reason for that um, and it kind of just that's where I I lose it a little bit with that um, and I'm sure there are things in the halo series that you feel like they're reinventing left and right right, like they're.

Speaker 1:

They're trying to change the character of master chief and it's like dude, you know this is an established character like it's like dude, like you're committing a sin by changing this guy like and they're trying to say like oh, it's an alternate timeline, but like, bro, that's a cop-out. You know like that's just yeah, you know it's yeah, like dude. It's like we don't ask for much, Just respect the IP. We don't care if you do make some little changes here and there, but make sure that you keep some of the small details and some of the important. You know stuff like look Fallout, it fits within the timeline. You know this Fallout show. It fits within the timeline, it respects the ip.

Speaker 1:

You can tell. You can tell that the people who created this show like really did like their homework. They must be fans of the series. Because it feels. It really feels like I'm watching the game one of the games like on the screen. The story like makes so much sense. It feels like a fallout story. I mean, you know the, the father of, of you know a vault dweller getting kidnapped and you have to go and find your father.

Speaker 2:

That that's perfectly fits in the fallout. Yeah, so what do you think about lucy like what as a character? And? And ella purnell is an actress. Um, I think she did a fantastic job of just being believable yes, I absolutely loved her character.

Speaker 1:

I loved her character so much because she, she was naive. But that's a vault dweller, you know, if you don't know what the world is like on the surface and you only have you know whatever it is that you experience in the vault. That's what you're going, the vault, that's what you're going to reflect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what you're bringing with you. That's what you're bringing with you.

Speaker 1:

And so it makes so much sense. You know, like that's very like. You know, like your characters, you know in the show they're a little bit on, you know. I mean they're different because you're playing the character. So really it's like your personality reflecting through. But like personality reflecting through but, like you know, just not knowing what's going on, like, hey, trying to figure stuff out, being bright-eyed, and then slowly like degrading to what the surface world is like, which you saw lucy, slowly she started to get the gist like okay, I gotta be like this out here, yeah, yeah so, yeah, no, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And you know what I loved that they did and I'm like man, you know what this this shows like. This is like. It shows like how much they care about the fans, about making new fans and the old fans is that they actually took this. They took stats for for the ghoul for Maximus and for Lucy, stats for for the ghoul for maximus and for lucy, and it's like if you wanted to build a character that's just like them. These are the stats that they go. These are their stats that they go based off of oh, like, how do you find that?

Speaker 2:

I actually don't. I didn't see that yeah, yeah, um.

Speaker 1:

So in the game, in the game, the stats it spells out special and you know, there's, like you know, look, and charisma and agility and strength, perception um endurance, like you know so it's kind of like.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of like dnd a little bit, where you have you can kind of uh build your character based on however you spend your skill points yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

And so if you want to do somebody that's, you know, very brawny, then you know and like, so use a lot of melee characters. So you're probably going to use a lot of, you're going to probably like, put it a lot into uh, strength. Or if you want somebody that's really good at like hacking and stuff, you, you know cause there's hacking, you know and and it shows you'll be like, oh my gosh dude yes, they did it.

Speaker 1:

They did it Like that. That hacking that he did in the show, that's exactly how you hack in the game. I love that dude. I was like, oh. I was like, oh, my gosh, you like the game, dude. Dude, like I'm telling you, it's the small details like, and the computers look just like the computers in the games and like the tvs and everything like. I was just like I was blown away like how much care was put into this ip. And dude, it's like it's like it's so random, like out of you're right, like I'm like. I was like, oh, there's a Fallout show. I was like, is it going to be good though? And I actually it was like, probably, no, not probably. It is literally one of the best adaptations I've ever seen from a video game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm really impressed by it. Just all together, all the acting was phenomenal. Somehow, you know, the ghoul is still like somewhat like handsome at the like, even though he's like all his skin is like melted off. Basically he doesn't have a nose, but he's still kind of handsome in a weird freaky way oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

So look just I can't see but yeah, but yeah, there's like the ghouls, it's like the ghouls official stats for special stats in it and it tells you his strength and his endurance and all that stuff, send that to me, send that to me yeah, I got you yeah that's, that's super cool. But yeah, dude, I I was, I was absolutely just I was. I was blown away.

Speaker 1:

Dude, like I just I can't help but gush over something how well yeah and and I'm excited man, I'm excited to see what they do next I I really hope that they they take this this steam and they just keep it going, man. They keep this train going what?

Speaker 2:

what I find kind of interesting is that, like, up until now it's only been video games, like there's no comics, there's no novels, there's nothing to add to the lore of this game up until now with this tv show, and I love that it's not a retread, it's just another chapter in the lore. So, like shady sands was something that um correct me if I'm wrong it's something that they brought up in either Fallout 3 or 4, right, shady Sands was the town in the.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

California Republic.

Speaker 1:

New Vegas, I believe.

Speaker 2:

Was it New Vegas? Okay, okay, so that was introduced in New Vegas, but I just found that they were able to weave a fairly large plot like a lore element from a previous game into the first game.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it was so it says so. Shady sands first appeared in fallout um, with the ncr only being mentioned, and then the ncr appears in fallout 2 and in new vegas shady sands is mentioned by by some characters. So so it's actually, yeah, the original like two games yes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that's that's pretty amazing. But what I'm, what I was trying to like express somehow, is that like they were able to take a pretty significant lore element, pretty significant lore element from the the video game series and incorporated in a meaningful way into not one but two characters' pasts Three if you count Hank McLean in terms of how they got where they are now. So it was the bombing of Shady Sands post whatever was the most recent game, because I don't think the bombing of Shady Sands has happened in the games recent game, because I don't think the bombing of Shady Sands has happened in the games up until this point. So that's a new element. And it's that bombing that was influential for Maximus to join the Brotherhood of Steel and it was a catalyst for Lucy to end up finding the truth out about her father and Vault tech and all that. So it's just crazy, like the way that they weave everything together.

Speaker 2:

It's such it's amazing I'm I'm floored and I don't know if I'm gonna do a video on this. I kind of want to it. It's probably. If I do make a video, it'll probably be like not a timeline, but like a timeline review, um, in terms of like what I liked about how they incorporated the game's timelines into the the show in a meaningful way, because it is pretty amazing like, and you don't you as a fan, didn't like blink and think, wait, that can't have happened because of this or that, you know, um, so I, I was, yeah, I just impressed all around absolutely they, they honestly they took, they decided to add a, they decided to adapt a video game that, honestly, didn't even think that was on the radar for anybody to adapt and they just knocked it out of the park.

Speaker 1:

Man, like they, they. I was highly impressed, man, as, as a, as a fan of of, you know the series, you know.

Speaker 2:

Just two thumbs up, man two pitbull thumbs up, um guys. Thank you so much for listening to us here for our 78th episode not 76 or 77 yeah, we really screwed that one up. 78th uh, if you liked this video and you haven't already, be sure to give this podcast five stars on whatever podcast app you are listening to, and be sure to follow us on twitter and instagram, and you'll find all of our socials, including the podcast socials, in the show notes down below.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you know, make sure to. You know, make sure to share our podcast with your fellow Pip-Boy users.

Speaker 2:

Fellow Vault Dwellers, probably not Brotherhood of Steel, because it's kind of like weird and culty there. You might actually be beat up or killed, potentially Maybe some ghouls. I think ghouls would like it, especially the ones that are a little far gone.

Speaker 1:

They'll just sit there and listen to it and be like they wouldn't know what they're listening to, but they're listening to it anyway.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's still a listen. I'll take it, Anthony. What are we covering next week? We are we continuing our x-men?

Speaker 1:

coverage. Yes, yes, definitely let's I'm definitely excited to hop back into the the x-men, but I mean we could not pass by covering this. We just couldn't. Yeah, no, fallout is too good oh so good.

Speaker 2:

So, and there'll probably be a couple more things that we can't, you know, bother passing up. But yeah, this was something special, guys, we're going to be talking X2, x-men United next week, so be there or be square bub, I'm going to be a triangle, alright well, on that note, thanks guys. Have a good one, bye.

Project Geekology
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(Cont.) Project Geekology
Exploring Lore and Experiments in Fallout
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Speculation on Brotherhood of Steel
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