Rainbows Rising

What's your Spirit Animal? - Learn to connect with totems and get a power animal reading

Rainbow Raaja Season 1 Episode 13

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We all have favorite animals we connect with.  Maybe you happen across an unusual amount of Rattlesnakes or you have an affinity with the mighty bison.  The spirits of animals have been calling out to humans since the dawn of time.  It is time you learned to connect with them.  Commune with the animal spirits within you for guidance and to expand your understanding of the interconnectedness of the universe.  Also receive an animal totem reading for the week.

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/ Outro - Traveler, Fantasy Ambiance, Forest Walk, Nowhere Land, Wonderland and Tranquil Fields by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. Thank you so much for your support and for joining me today. This month, I would really like to focus on totems. We've all


had those days where we've run into a strange animal on the street, something that isn't necessarily a localized animal. I used to live down in Santa Clarita, California, and driving to work one day. I happened across to egrets on the side of the road. These birds, I don't believe are native to the area, there's not a lot of water in the desert. They're water birds. And they were walking along the side of the freeway. Now, in the beginning of my journey, I had begun to explore animal totems. And I had asked the universe to send me more diverse animal totems than crows and red tailed hawks, which are native to the area. And this particular day, I got to eat grits. I remember driving and contemplating the, the meaning behind these little waterbirds. Now, e grits are a totem, about being able to stand on your own two feet, be independent, find stillness, tranquility, it as a totem of reflection, of being able to live between the physical and spiritual plane and still find that balance. Now at this time, I happened to be at the beginning of my journey. And this is kind of back when I was opening my first business and it was a spa. And I shared the the ownership responsibilities with some family members of mine. And we had a tendency of not seeing eye to eye on the creative. We just didn't see eye to eye. And we fought a lot both at home and unfortunately on our in our workplace, not the healthiest business relationship, unfortunately.

Rainbow Raaja:



during this time, after seeing the grid and contemplating on the stillness, and being able to be reflective on my own behaviors, and being able to tread softly into these like, you know, murky waters where you don't know if it's shallow or deep, and how that might relate to my situation. Just how deep do I want to go in this business situation? And am I I'm creating the spa environment. And yet I myself am not at peace? And how can I create that for my clients. And I was able to reflect on on the meaning of these birds, meaning to me, and how how this related to my own situation and how I could incorporate the lesson of the egrets into my work. And trust me it made a profound shift in my day. Because I began to recognize just how much I needed that peace and that stillness that the ygritte was encouraging me to do recognize and through my own practice of this, I noticed that other people were also practicing this stillness, even the person in my business that I was not seeing eye to eye with and this provided space for shifting of changing. So this this animal spirit did not just affect me but it affected my work environment just through my own interpretation of the lessons that this animal brought me. This week, I really want to emphasize the importance of investigating the animal that has come to you, on your own. Find out what they eat, find out when they sleep. Find out the types of behaviors they have, maybe watch like an animal planet episode or, you know, watch watch something on this animal like watch how it moves, watch how it interacts with the other animals. Where is it in the food chain? What is it known for? If your favorite animal of all time is the mole? Why? Why do you have this favorite animal? What is it about this animal that draws you to it? What is it about this animal that speaks to you? We all have favorite animals. Every single one of us has a favorite animal. they emphasize on elementary school, what's your favorite

Rainbow Raaja:



And it may change from time to time. I remember my favorite animal and like first and second grade was like my black cat, which was my pet. I was like, I love my black cat. Shadows my favorite animal. By about fourth grade it had shifted to a jungle cat of South America because I had done a rain forest. Rain Forest essay. And this essay really really inspired me to understand these these cats that not only were able to travel on land, but in trees and and water what a magical magical animal it was. And, and I loved horses for a time and I felt drawn to dolphins at a time. But why?

Rainbow Raaja:

Why? Ask yourself what your favorite animal is. Ask yourself what animal Have you been seeing recently? What about this animal catches your eye? Tonight? When I was out with my family. I saw an owl I was captivated by it.


I I who did add it. It moved. I was I was quite quite excited by this. This owls movement at my hooting and it flew off silently. I could not hear a single wing beat. That was magnificent to me. It was silent, silent in its approach to capture its prey.

Rainbow Raaja:



I wonder what its message for me happened to be. So what I want you to do is to explore just one animal this week. Keep your eyes open for an animal that maybe you don't see all the time. Oh my goodness gracious. Is that a peacock in the neighborhood? I was not expecting that. Just minutes ago, I was outside getting the mail. And I heard a flock of geese a flock of geese? I don't hear that all the time. What is their message? Really think about? Think about the Think about what that animal means to you. Right? Think about what the animal is doing when it interacts with you those geese. I could not see the geese, but I could hear them. And there was a lot of them. A lot of them they were all honking making a ruckus beyond the horizon in the dead of night. And here I am reaching out to all of you in the dead of night. Being confident in myself,

Rainbow Raaja:



maybe that's his message. So. So really, yes, you can look online, you can buy a totem deck and you can read the meaning in the book. But I'm here to teach you how to connect with your medicine. How to reach deep within your soul within your heart and do remember that You have the answers within you. And that nature speaks to you. You look online on somebody else's interpretation of, you know, the animal you met today. And you're going to see their interpretation, their experience with that animal through their eyes. And it might not resonate with you as deeply as speaking to the animal itself. You can meditate on the animal, listen to its sounds, close your eyes, find a YouTube track with that animal sounds and just listen, and breathe into the silence between its calls. Just really be with it. Maybe you want to download a picture of the animal and put it as your screensaver on your phone as your wallpaper. And every time you look at that animal, just really stare deeply into its eyes. ask it questions throughout the day and see if you get an answer. Sometimes I like to print up a picture of the animal in place it above my workstation, or place it next to my bed. before going to sleep. Or before working on a project. I take a glance at it. Ask for the power. Share your power with me. Oh mighty, mighty geese. Share your power with me. Right? It sounds silly. Hey, hey. I mean, I literally did a Halloween pagan ritual just a couple days ago, right? Silly maybe. But I know that when I have reached out to the animal kingdom for answers, for support, and for guidance, they have never let me down. And like I said, we all have had a favorite animal at some point or another. And we all have stumbled across a strange animal that does not belong there. That almost seems to connect with us and make us realize that it's there to speak to us. Right? Every single culture, every single tribe or, or Aboriginal peoples, they all have used animals, for storytelling, for teaching fables, for teaching lessons for imbuing power, for recognizing inner power. utilize those world around you and connect to that ancient wisdom. Connect with the sacred wisdom of the land. Be open to it be open, ask for a special animal to find you tomorrow, and I entrust me an animal Well, it could be in a picture. It could be an actual animal coming up to you. It could even be you know, a commercial or a cartoon. Maybe your daughter gives you a toy randomly at the grocery store. And it's that animal asked for confirmation from the universe send me my Totem animal three times, right? Use a stuffed animal connect with that. I'm just giving a whole list of all the different types of ways you can connect with your Totem animals. Now you may be wondering, how do I choose the totem animal? Well, sometimes that you don't choose them. Sometimes they choose you. Like I said they might just stumble across your path and remind you of a healing that is needed. Remind you of a piece of yourself that maybe you haven't been in touch with for quite some time. Maybe it's some support you need. Oh my goodness. Have you not had your boundaries for a while? Well, here's an armadillo. Protect yourself. Right? So, listen, listen to their messages, open your heart. Open your heart to that. Well some other ways you can connect with an animal Totem is choosing your animal Totem saying you know what? I could really use some courage today. And when we think of the word courage, what animal comes up for you? I want you to visualize that animal. When you think of courage. What animal do you think of? Well, I'd say probably 99% of you thought of the lion, the lion, if you didn't think of the lion, what animal did you have? I'd like to know. I think of a lion. When I think of courage, it is one of the most stereotypical images of courage. Now, I could dress like a lion. do my makeup like a lion. I could paint a lion. I could study lions, I could choose to watch the Lion King. These are all ways that I could personally connect with that lion energy. Maybe I'll roar like a lion. Maybe I'll walk around my house pretending I am a lion right? Now all of those things actually draw the power of that animal India. You want to connect to the spirit of that animal?

Rainbow Raaja:

You You have to become


that and you have to call in that animal spirit. You say? I'm calling on you. Share your power with me. What do you do about an animal that maybe isn't does like, you know, can't really, you know, dress like an ygritte you know what I mean? You can wear white. You can wear white. You could new, an interesting eye makeup thing if you're a woman, or man that likes wearing makeup up to you. Hey, no judgement. But you could wear some gold, incorporating gold and white. Growing up picture. Maybe sitting by the lake. Stick it stick your feet in the lake connect that way. Now, you might be wondering why it's important to connect with these animal spirits like Oh, yes, well, they all mean something super trivial. Not necessarily true. For example, coyote, like what what do you think of when you think of a coyote? You know, we can't we usually see kind of like, like, you know, skinny dog like creatures. In in a lot of different cultures. they're seen as tricksters or deceivers. I know where I used to live, I would come across coyote a lot crossing the road. They travel in packs, they're skittish. They're territorial. And at the same time, I feel that they also are great teachers in teaching you when you are deceiving yourself. They remind me when I have a deception that I'm making for myself that I I kind of have to reevaluate. Oh, goodness gracious. I am stumbling across a coyote with this friend of mine. And this person has a habit of not being the most honest person in the world with other people.

Rainbow Raaja:

Hmm, maybe


they aren't being that honest with me. Maybe I should evaluate that. That is how coyote speaks to me. What about cat? What if you have a cat at home our dog? Cats are independent. They're magical. They can see things that most people can't see. They see beyond the veil, dogs. They're loyal. They're trustworthy. They are great companions. They teach you how to love unconditionally. Do you ever Canary, canaries speak the song of the heart? They are joyful. Their song is joyful despite being caged. They are always singing the song of joy and freedom of life. Even when they are caged. They are birds of the sun. sunny disposition happiness. Oh You don't like those you like lizards? Okay, well, lizards, they kind of sleep all day under the sun. Perfect time for dreams. lizards are all about dreaming, daydreaming, dreaming of the possibilities, dreaming of different realities in different worlds. And, you know, being able to kind of slip in between these different states of constant ever changing parallel dimensional realities. So, there is legitimately lessons for each animal. If you want to know what I see for your animal, if you really can't connect with the animal, you're having trouble trusting your intuition. I would love for all of you to just give it a try. Pull out a piece of paper, pick your favorite animal, write down all the qualities you can think of that associate with that animal. I want you to draw that animal out. See if anything comes out while you're drawing it. You know, play around, see what you get. And if you still need help, look it up online SEO close you were don't always get the first result please, please, please double triple check with different sources. Okay. Please, please, please.

Rainbow Raaja:



well to wrap up today. I wanted to go ahead and actually give a totem reading. For the rest of this week. I'm going to pull one card from my three different Totem animal decks. And I will be interpreting the meanings for these cards. So I've gone ahead and drawn three cards. The first card is from the animal spirits knowledge cards, paintings by Susan satin Boulet. I hope I said that right? The first card is rabbit. Now I want to point out that rabbit is quite fearful creature. Rabbits have always been prey for everyone else. They somehow still go about life. Absent mindedly without feeling fear, despite them being kind of at the bottom of the a circle of life, right.

Rainbow Raaja:

So I feel like


rabbit is encouraging you guys to connect with that that feeling of living and not so much fear. Don't fear what's going to happen next. Live in this moment. Go have fun. Focus on your family. Since bunnies are all about families, big ones that constantly continue to grow. It's I think that rabbit really is about connecting with with a sense of excitement for life and forgetting all about that fear. That is really, really prominent right now. Everywhere. We're all so fearful. Get back to living. Let go of that fear. reconnect with your ability to live hop freely through the fields of of the forest without worrying about where the wolf is or the hawk or the owl. Rely on your instincts to let you know when it's time to hide, and when it's time to come out of your home. The second card is from the wild unknown animal spirit by Kim Krantz. My card I drew from that deck is sea serpent. Now, this deck is a little different. It is broken down much like a tarot deck into a type of suits. They have the five elements they have water, fire, air, earth, and spirit. And sea serpent falls under spirit there's only seven cards to the spirit suit. And sea serpent right presents

Rainbow Raaja:

The third eye looking at this card, it,


it reminds me of the fact that time isn't linear. We are constantly living in kind of drifting memories and ideas of the future. And this present moment, and watching TV programs have different realities and different possibilities and reading books of different realities or possibilities or other people's lives. This world is not linear, like we are told, like we are shown in television programs or whatnot, or what were shown in school. I mean, technically it is. But in our mind's eye, we're looking at our future. We're remembering our past. We're reevaluating our choices and trying to imagine what it would have been if we had chosen those other options. We're looking into other people's lives are watching TV shows of other people's lives in different realities. Where What if this had happened instead, we can tap into all of these possibilities, endless, endless, endless possibilities. This sea serpent in this picture is eating its tail, it is the traditional sign of the oroboros. Sure, I'm saying that incorrectly, but and it also reminds me of the Bermuda Triangle, this space where people just disappear randomly, like Amelia Earhart just disappeared, flying around the world disappeared.

Rainbow Raaja:

Where'd she go? Nobody knows. There's all bunch of boats that just disappeared out of nowhere.


Did they slip into a different reality than they What happened? Nobody knows. They cross some veil. A sea serpent is about seeing beyond that. Seeing into the place you wish to be about recognizing that we are in this cycle. And kind of have a theme going on we have rabbit with the being a piece of this cycle of life. Being what nurtures everything else, right? Then you have the sea serpent which is kind of the top of the food chain. It is the one kind of deciding who gets to live in the ocean, at least right. And the very last card we have the medicine carts, the discovery of power through the ways of animals by Jamie sounds and David Carson. I like this deck

Rainbow Raaja:

a lot.


If you're somebody who wants something that's super duper easy to carry, get the first deck. If you're someone who wants to know what you can do to balance your energy want to know how to really balance everything else that you are back where you're supposed to be. Get the second deck. If you're someone who really likes to do the deep work, dig in deep. Get the third deck. It's like three pages of information per animal with the medicine cards. And the card that I pulled. Number 43 spider. I just so happens. I currently live somewhere where these little orb Weaver spiders are quite common. And right now we're seeing a whole bunch of them. They're huge. E things are massive. They're beautiful. Don't get me wrong, beautiful spiders, very big. Their webs are really intricate. And I don't really ever see a spider hanging out at the edge of a web. I always see them at the center, the center of a circle,

Rainbow Raaja:



If I could show you guys these pictures, we've got a bunny in the center of a circle we have an eye in the center of a sea serpent circle, and we have a spider in the center of a dream catcher. Spiders are all about

Rainbow Raaja:

weaving your dreams into reality. They are about recognizing that you are the creator, that you are in control. And sometimes being in control is about patiently waiting for your moment to strike.


It's about patiently waiting and enjoying your creation. Take a moment and really have gratitude. really admire your work. You deserve it. You deserve a moment to admire your work. I'm going to take a moment. And Meyer this podcast when I'm done. Not because I'm arrogant. But because I worked hard. I deserve to feel proud of the work I do. And so do you. Please, please, when you're done manifesting, when you're done evaluating what it is you need to do with your life, when you start to create that new start to weave that web, right, when you complete your web, take a moment and really appreciate it. What is the last time you really stopped, stopped trying to move forward for a moment and looked at the life you've already built? And said, goodness gracious me. I did a darn good job. High five, high five.

Rainbow Raaja:

Right. Hope that wasn't too loud. I'll find out later. Well, yeah, we have your dreams into reality. Take that time, really appreciate what you've made. Just kind of, to bring all of those those animals together we have rabbit sea serpent spider, we have let go of your fear.


We have see beyond see beyond the veil, see beyond what you think is possible. Shift your state of mind, change, change what you think is possible, right. And then, when weaving your dreams into reality, take a moment and admire your work. Because when you do that, you are much more likely to land that opportunity, that fly is going to come straight to you stop working so hard that fly will come step back, step back. Chill in the center of your creation, that fly will come it'll land right where you want it to. Alright, if you guys want a personalized reading, you know where to find me. Description below, right. And I did want to take a moment here at the very end. And thank you all so much for supporting me. I just started this in on September 1. And I'm just, I'm just so humbled by how many people have been affected by this podcast so far. I have over 250 downloads at this point. And I'm just so grateful for those of you who ever viewed me who have reached out to me. It's It's such a humbling experience to know that the information that I have is helping and benefiting people. So please, if if your listener, I encourage you to reach out, please let me know what you think of the show. If there's anything you'd like to suggest, write a review. Subscribe if you desire to write, let people know about me. share the wealth. share the wealth, right. Thank you so so so much for joining me today. And I am so grateful. so grateful. Good luck on your animal hunt this week. Please let me know what you find. I am so excited to hear what kind of animals you guys are coming across. All right.

Rainbow Raaja:

Have a good week.