Rainbows Rising

Journey to Meet your Spirit Animal - Guided Shamanic Journey to Lower World to meet your Power Animal

Rainbow Raaja Season 1 Episode 14

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Sometimes we need some extra support, we are a little lost or confused...  Experience a guided meditation to meet your spirit animal and ask for their guidance, medicine or just spend time talking with them to get the support and clarity you need.

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/ Outro - Traveler and Bonfire by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to rainbows rising. I am your host, Rainbow Raaja. Today, I would like to lead you through a guided meditation to meet your spirit animals. Last week we talked a little bit about recognizing the medicines of the animals present in your life, whether they be your favorite animals, or animals that you come across in your day to day life. And this week, I'd really like you to be able to do interact with those animals, ask them any questions you have, find out what their medicine is, find out what they can do for you. So, some things to kind of prepare you get you in the right space get you in the right headspace. Peace some more comfortable. If you are driving, today is not a good day to listen to this particular episode. Because this episode might put you in a trance like state, please make sure you're not operating any heavy machinery during this episode. I really recommend that you listen to this episode. Laying down in a bed sitting upright in a chair. Definitely find a space you can be alone. You don't have to be you know, somewhere completely private. As you can just kind of close your eyes and listen, but make sure you're not doing anything that requires any focus because I will be drumming and drumming hesitancy of putting people into trances. So please be aware of that. Another thing that I would like to ask you to kind of be aware of is your breath. When we start just try your best to follow your breath I will do my best to guide you with kind of an open mind I normally I do one on one guided meditations is going to be one of my my first times doing a a group guided meditation so me me my guides be with me today. So what I'd like all of you to do is just get comfortable. Just start breathing into your body and just want to bring attention to how you're feeling in your body. Paying attention to the edges of your skin. Bring attention to your heart space. This is where we will be starting our little adventure is in the heart space. All right. So I'll begin to drum in just a moment. Just breathe into that heart space stay there and breathe into that heart space. Imagine a place Imagine a place of pace. A place in nature that makes you feel They can be real or imaginary just bring yourself to this comb please feel the air on your skin is the breeze blowing Is there anything around you do you see tree are you in a field cave mistake no your environment September July Are you comfortable here if you're not going to ahead and change the lives you want to make sure your wife is safe feels like once you're in this space you take a moment once you just see way down there a hole in your tree in the ground is expected to go down what's on the other side of the darkness what's the job this Is do you see as anyone come to greet you ask him if it is your spirit or your mind you here for me welcome here below don't judge things exterior. Every animal has an important lesson you might feel yourself being blind. To change to shoot live. Listen to your instincts run with the enemy. So this is the asking what it has to teach you to skateboard and wants to teach you today. seeing you again you can just come on through you should be where we started our journey make sure you're sleeping Are you still on the plane make sure you're in that space make sure you're there if you're not please find a way to get there ask your friends for some guidance ask them to take you back to your own space while sitting in this space integrating the experience you just share just to your body allow the vibration memory to take over your physical body the spiritual world experience to come back into your physical body when you breathe so should be back hoes was just a short little journey. I just want you to take a nice deep breath and do your body try and make sure that you are all the way down into your feet ground deep into your feet. Some of you may have completely gone to Other places become different things. Or even, maybe you just more so just experienced sounds and feelings, had some colors and visuals, that's totally fine as well, we are all different, we all experience our spiritual journeys in different ways. So, take this time right now. And I want you to kind of recognize what animal you worked with. It's really important that if you happen to listen back to this, a second, third, fourth, etc, amount of times, that when you do go on this guided meditation or journey, that you start in a place that feels like home, we all have a spiritual home, we all have a place, like the most beautiful place we could ever imagine the most beautiful, beautiful place we could ever imagine. A place that feels like, we could spend eternity there. I know you know, exactly that place, you'll you'll get it in your mind's eye, you'll see it. So that that is where you want to start, every journey that you do, if I do more of these, I hope I do, I kind of fun. And you do want to go down to interact with your spirit, animal friends, you want to make sure that you are diving down into the lower worlds. And that when you get there that you do have an animal greeting you. And it should be an animal that that you've worked with. So today, you were meeting your spirit animal, we set the intention that you were meeting a spirit animal, one of your spirit animals. So you should have met them pretty close to the entrance of this space. And then you had your experience whether it be you shapeshifted with them, maybe you hung out with them, you had a conversation with them. I want to encourage you guys to play and do what what is called to you follow your intuition? Let let your intuition guide you do not try and guide it. One of the beginning my beginning problems when I first was learning journeying from somebody else, because I was kind of already doing journeying. Just like totally subconsciously. When I when I started to dive more into shamanic practices. I I'd taken some shamanic classes, because I want to make sure that I was doing what I was doing, right. And in these glasses, they were like, you have to specifically have these specific things that you're doing, which is helpful. Yes. But also it. It blocked me from listening to my own inner guidance on what I needed. And that wasn't helpful. It also made me not want to do journeying as much to do guided meditations as much because I felt like I had to almost keep an eye on myself, right? I had to like babysit my spirit in the spirit world. That was not a comfortable feeling for me. Like I feel that I am eternal. That my spirit knows what's best for me and I shouldn't have my conscious mind which is just a baby be babysitting my my spirit. So make sure that when you're doing these things, just have fun. And you know, you don't want to wander around too much in the place you began. You just kind of want to investigate your surroundings. And then when you go into lower world, make sure you have an animal companion with you. You can always meet new animals each time you go down there. You can have fun. And just know that not all the animals down there are Oh For you, some of them are just inhabitants of that space. So make sure that you that you're like hanging out with your your people. And you can always have conversations with the animals that are not necessarily your spirit guides or spirit animals. You can interact with them, listen to their stories, hear what they have to say. But just know that, you know, there's specific animals that are for you, and others that are just kind of living in that space. So please take this time to you can journal this, I recommend journaling it, journal the adventure you had. Or if there were any lessons or messages that your animal shared with you, it's it's important that you kind of take this time and integrate that, that energy into your being. Because, really, the separation I know that I feel a well, I don't know if it's so much anymore. But when I first started, I definitely felt this separation of physical and spiritual. And sometimes I'd even forget my journey completely upon returning. So writing things down is good, because you can kind of follow the progress that you're making, for yourself with working with your animals, working with your your guides. So that was today's today's little, little podcast, Jared journey. I hope you guys enjoyed, please let me know what you think. Please email me. And let me know how you're liking the show. If there's anything I can improve, if there's anything you'd like to hear more of. Maybe you guys liked my light language stuff, and you want me to do that more, or the tarot readings. Or maybe you just want me to go on random rants more. Let me know if you like the music throughout the show. I've done that a couple of times. I'm just playing around with things I'm new to this feedback is really important for me, so please let me know what you guys think. I really appreciate you guys trying this out being open minded. I hope you met some amazing animals today. I hope you guys you know, got some good messages for where you are in your life. Remember, you can always utilize this track again and go on another journey and just kind of resonate with animals and if you want to ever have like a a more pure track, just email me email me and I will record you a personalized journey for for you so that you can do it without me talking in the background or guiding but I'm here for you guys. I offer sessions and I just want to help you guys wherever you are on your journey. Whatever I can do to do be here to support you guys. I am here for that. I appreciate you. And I can't wait to be with you guys next week. I hope you have a good rest of your day. Thank you guys so much for joining Remos rising where we are sang together. Have a good week you guys I Hey, it's me, Ray borracha thank you so much for listening to today's show. Did you ever notice I don't have any ads or promotional content. That's because I really want to make sure that I focus on the lessons, healing, and tips and these episodes without any distractions. While that also means I don't monetize at all. If you like the show, your support is the only form of payment I receive from producing this show. If you have a moment today, please show your support with writing the review, telling a friend about rainbows rising, making a donation, joining my Patreon or getting a private session with me. Thank you so much for the continued support and let's ascend together