Rainbows Rising

Gratitude and Sacred Drum Medicine with Walking Crow

Rainbow Raaja / Walking Crow Season 1 Episode 16

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Walking Crow shares wisdom gained from his journey and working with animals and spirit.  Through gratitude and doing the inner work, Walking Crow has been able to inspire and guide others through his Medicine songs and with his Animal Medicine Drums, Rattles and Tools.

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🚶‍♂️🦅Contact Walking Crow to join his workshops or purchase some of his Medicine Tools.

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/ Outro - Traveler and Ambient Motivational by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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Welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I am your host, Rainbow Raja. And I have a super special episode for you guys tonight. I have a guest, we have walking crow with us this evening, walking crows going to be telling you a little bit about his journey, and the type of medicine that he offers. Welcome walking grow. Oh, thanks for having me. Good to see you again. Has has, it's good to see you, too. So, last time I saw you we were we were making drums and a drum workshop, are you still hosting those drum drum making ceremonial workshops, still making the hosting them, but I'm limiting them now to like, maybe five or six people max. So everybody gets my personal attention. And then I do individual sessions here, here at my home in Sedona. And, you know, we get to do one on one, which is pretty cool. So people get that full attention with me and the ceremony and all of that. Yep. Yeah, I know that, that when when I was in your workshop, it there was kind of a vie for your attention. Everybody was was, you know, kind of crowding you a little bit. So I can imagine that that was a really strong boundary you needed to draw there was like, Can't have too many people here. Well, I gotta tell you about that, that, you know, those are all usually their girls, the spiritual people who show up to do that kind of a journey. I call it a journey. I don't call it a class or workshop. But the only two people have all those people who weren't worth needing or wanting my time. Literally, were you in your truck. You guys were like doing your thing and you got it. You just have to look at it, you got it. And I would come over and look at him. Like they don't need me, I go for free. My partner's drum ended up like the the string or something that that had been with that like broke or something mid mid rap. So I remember you needing to help with that. But I did notice that everybody had so many questions. And there were just a lot of people who are going through a lot. And I was in a really peaceful place in my own life. And I was like, Hey, I have his number I can call him. You know, I'm sure he can make time if I really need him. So I appreciate I appreciate you giving those people that time. And, you know, like, and forgiving me time when I when I do reach out. And I like just reach out and say hi sometimes. Yeah, you do. And you you get something different than everybody else. You you went into time you're drawn. I want to say to fit your personality. Did you did more of a? What looks more like a Webby than anything else. And I remember that. And I thought as literally my son was I hope that holds together. And I'm sure it still does. I get the creative nature of doing that. People don't get creative too. Sometimes they're a little fearful. Yeah. There you go. Yeah, I still have it. It's one of my favorite drums to use it. Even though it's a I believe it was a deer skin or was it out? It was elk. It was elk. And I remember it because we talked a lot about stamina. Oh, about having stamina for the long haul. And I believe my drum will have stamina but it's it's really held up and it ended up having like a really deep resonance for the size. That's a nice resonance. Yeah, it's it's been really helpful in my healing work for myself. I mostly use it for myself for like, you know, work I have to call in some ancestor. So there you go. Yeah. So speaking of drum. Yeah, speaking drum making. We always have to utilize animals for these drums. And I know in your other work you've been you've been making fans and I think I saw some pouches at one point. You know, like feather fans and stuff. When you're doing that work, how do you connect and draw power from those animals? But interestingly enough over feathers wings that I have all that. I mean, I have like I don't know how many hours how many hawks it's usually roadkill and I pick it up, I do ceremony with the animal on lets us out for instance, the last hour I picked up was on the way back from Nogales, Mexico. And on the whole, it's four hour drive there, four hours back. The whole time, my guides, were telling me watch the road, watch the road, keep your eye on the road, keep your eye on the road. But they didn't mean because I needed to stay awake or anything or who know or keep watching my speed. They were asking me to look for the animals because I saw deer I saw Bobcat that's all kinds of things on the road. But I was moving so fast that I couldn't pull over and do anything about it. But on the way back. I was just outside of Tucson, and I saw this thing in the road. So I pulled over I passed it in I I backed up. And interestingly enough, I thought it was a cat. I thought it was a cabin or was orange cat like Garfield. So I get out of my car, I go back and look at it. And it's it's a barn out of beautiful orange. Just pristine barn owl probably got hit that morning or his car that morning. But it was sitting out in the 190 degree heat. It was pretty stinky. So I put him in a bag different took him with me back to brought him back here to my home. And our medicine is about your inner knowing seeing somebody for their true self. I was talking to another medicine woman today a food on data here in Sedona today. And I was talking to her about a past marriage of mine, where my wife would say things to me and I would say are you going to tell me? You're gonna say that to me? She would say Well, yeah, why I'm like who you know, I carry out medicine because I know when people are telling me truth or live I, I'm looking at you and not looking at you. I'm looking into you. So our medicine for me is significant of that. Of that medicine is about knowing my darker senior to the darkness and knowing what's there. And so the wings when I get back, I usually do ceremony which involves my blended tobacco, sage, prayer, drumming rattling and I usually take the wings, I take the tail feathers if they're complete I even take the talent and I keep those and I use those for for medicine later. Sometimes they don't even help them make any sense I just using the way they are. Now it has some set of bones that were made for me by a woman in in Portland, Oregon. My friend charity average. She said that she made fans one day and I thought Oh cool. I remember that. So I called her I said how much would you charge me I want to make three fans. I have a crowing from a complete crow that I had picked up before right before I moved this has done it. And I have a out a great horned owl pale feather tail feathers, which I picked up in just outside of Santa Barbara on the one on one and then I have I have a a cooper Hawk tail feathers which I picked up I was on the way to Grass Valley and I was driving through Stockton. And there was and and I brought a little homeless we were I did ceremony with a cooper Hawk up in grabs Ellen that brought all those parts back with me. And she said Are you kidding? When I was gonna ask her how much she would charge me she said I would be so honored to do those for you for nothing. Wow. I was like wow, she says you have no idea because she she honors me constantly. When I when I'm doing something and she'll send me messages and and because I honor I'd not only honor the medicine but I honor the divine spirit of duality within me with regard to the divine feminine divine masculine, and she's a priestess, and she is also a native. So she did this. She said just send them to me and I'll start working on I said Okay, so I sent them to her and she then she said hey, I have like this my drum that I made and it's made with sinew, you know what simulans used to be casket, but it's now this wacky material that a lot of native crafters use and It was tied with that on the back. And it's gotten old into overtime and loose and she said, Would you read? Me Time I drop my Absolutely. Are you kidding? That's all you want me to do? Yeah, I'll do that. So the gift of trading the gift of people honoring me, and taking my medicine and turning it into even more medicine is really an incredible gift. I mean, the the hack is about communication. It's Mercury communication and how I can how far I see how from above. And what it is that I see. And what it is that I know. I'm back, I ran into, I was on my way to my studio, in the middle of Oak Creek here in Sedona yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, was that Saturday, I mean, I was yesterday. And I came across a juniper tree. And there was two hawks sitting in it. And I flipped the U turn to go back, because I wanted to honor the medicine, and amazing who in a park in front of the juniper tree. I got out of a car, they didn't going where they stayed, and I started to speak to them. And thank them for their presence in my life. Because I knew something was coming. I just wasn't quite sure what. And as I was speaking to them, they screeched at me, and they both flew off together. And I thought, Oh, that's interesting. I wonder what that means, right? And then something happened this morning, that led to something else. And there's somebody who came into my life that wants to be in my life. And I thought, Oh, they finally want to gather a hole. So I need to pay attention to the behavior of the animal, not just that the animals there. What did the animal do? You know, I was driving through the Navajo Nation to Window Rock, Arizona, a year ago, August and I kept seeing crow city sitting on the telephone lines, and maybe one like every other telephone line. And I'm like, What are they trying to tell me. And I started talking to women was literally about communication about the transformation that I was going through, because I had just seen you in June, or May. And I was chronically ill. And I told you this the other day, and I didn't even tell you I was just really sick. And I was when I was going to Window Rock, Arizona to the Navajo Nation. And here were all these crows and they were reminding me that I'm out to me, I'm shapeshifting and I was going through a transition in my life that I wasn't paying attention to. And to pay attention because that's what my medicines Crowood keeper of the of the sacred law, CRO is alchemy, CRO is shape shifting from darkness to light. So, I mean, I'm a lot healthier than I was a year ago. And but it was really about doing the shape shifting in the work that he do with my mother and my father who's been gone for almost 30 years. My mother still here, but I needed to do that work. In fact, that was when I saw you, I was living in your home for five months. And I hadn't done that since I was 19 Yeah, it was awesome have crows also have a deep connection with family because they're, you know, very, very communal birds, they they mourn their dead, they, they have family units. And they can even pass wisdom from you know, recognizing different animals or even specific humans, like generations down. You know, a crow might recognize you because you look like somebody that fed it two generations back. It's it's just really really incredible. Like the the family connection in crows in general. So it's just kind of beautiful how these crows were communicating to you about this communication with your mother and, and communicating with you about, you know, healing that ancestral wound, that obviously was sickening you and it's beautiful, beautiful medicine. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you know what my mom and I would last summer she would she watches the Dodger games and I would sit with her watching Dodger games and I don't like sports. Sitting there and I was asking my guides. Why am I why am I sitting here watching Dodger game? And the answer they gave me I need something square. I'll use my phone. They said you are home They changed the basis basis of your fundamental relationship with your mother. And I was like, Are you kidding me? That's how you're going to do it. That's what you're going to tell me. That's how it's gonna happen to baseball. And that's just what happened. Just being in the room not necessarily having conversation and talking, although we did do some of that. We were busy watching the game, but we weren't in the same place together in peace in harmony. There was nothing happening. It was just for the first time in, in a lifetime. There I was sitting with her, and learning how to be with my mother without having to ask or beg, or what for love that I didn't get as a child as a younger person. But I didn't need to ask her for that. I was getting it just as I was sitting the number and giving it at the same time. Space. Yes. Beautiful. Yeah. So you never know. You know? And then when you were they were in a patch when you saw me? Yes. Yeah, that was that was a a wound from my father that I had to do the work on my healer. I went to see her three or four times. On the fifth time. I went to see her. And I was on the table and she was preparing the room. And I started to cry. And I started to cry. And I started to cry. And she's I mean, I was soaked. My the table was soaking wet. I'm looking at your table back there. My back here uncovered, was just crying and crying and crying and my shirt was wet. The top of the pillow was where everything was. That's how much I was crying to her and I'm with you. I said it's here. She says what's here, the issue in my tissue that is affecting my eye the thing with my father. And she said, What do you want to talk about it? I said, yeah. I've never been afraid to do the work. And she said, So tell me. And you know, and it's highly personal. But I'm going to tell it because others need to hear this because they never know what it is it's going to help them. And my father as a child, my father and father was an alcoholic all my life. But my mom used to work sometimes days, sometimes swing shifts, sometimes graveyard. This particular time, I was about five years old. She was working in swing, so she was at work. And my father was home and he was looking for a tool or something. I don't even know what he was looking for. But he was looking for something. And he blamed us for losing it. You know, he had to be us. And that's not that he was drunk and may have misplaced it. But he blamed us and he lined us up it was just my, my older brother two years and the younger sister two years younger than me. But I was first in line and he took a rope a nylon rope, threw it over the rafters in the garage, put it tie the slipknot in it, put it around my neck and said, If you don't tell me where that tool is, I'm going to hang you. I carry that the rest of my life Give me three years of carry back. And I was talking to a friend of mine in Ireland who's a mystic. And we're doing a talk show and he looks at me and I'm wearing a patchy says that I sing with you is about anger. And I you know I had searched my life. I couldn't find the anger. I couldn't find an anchor but it has it is it turned into hurt. It was showing up as a wound hurt, not sadness, not actually anger. So I told her this. And she said, Well, are you ready to go to work? I'm like, yeah. So she she said, I want you to talk to your father because my father has been dead for 29 years. She said, I want you to talk to your father. I want you to forgive him. And then I want you to forgive you. And then I want you she says Do you know that? Oh, hold on Apollo. So yeah, she says I want you to recite that to your father, and then to yourself and then to your father and then to yourself to you don't have to do it anymore. And I fell asleep doing that. And then she went to work. And when I left there never were the patch again. Wow. Congratulations for that. Thank you. It's how we'll have the human lineage is just amazing. If people can get over their their their pride and anger in their you know their Yeah. if you will. Yeah, you know, the the animal medicine just really runs very, very deep. And the animals I mean, I'm sure you do doing the work that you do, you probably have done quite a few journeys and visited the animals in their in their realm. And I know that even in my journeys to the lower world and like working with them down, they're just like it's it's really interesting the types of animals that come up when you go down there for for healing or for messages, like some of the things you just really want to expect you one expect how you get the medicine either I had a Ernie one time, I went down, I don't I don't know if this is like you're allowed to do this or not. But I'm just gonna set the intention that this is this is for someone, this is for someone listening. So I went down, and I had an intention, I can't remember what the intention is. But I went down into the lower world. And I came across kind of like a pit of scorpions. And at first I was kind of freaked. I was like, Oh my gosh, scorpions. But then I became one of the scorpions, and I started fighting another scorpion. And like, it was just really weird, like, how they how they battled. And like being in the throes of this of this clashing and the fire, like there's so much fire, but it's like tempered fire because they like pull back. They're there before unleashing is really interesting. Like, I never ever thought, oh, yeah, that would be a great way to like get healing is to go down there and become an animal and like live as that. But it really was very, very impactful on me, coming out of it, I felt very empowered. And I had gone through like several different kind of visions, after the whole fight thing. But the fight was just very vivid for me, because the way they moved and interacted, it was so tangible, to me. And I know coming back that I had brought this, this ability of waiting and reading other people's movements before acting, it was this, this patience and this inner knowing that I had power to, you know, either heal or hurt. And that I I have to be very careful with how I utilize that medicine in my own life. And I just thought that those, you know, a really interesting way that that spirit gave me that. That information. We never know how that's going to come. Yeah. I mean, I see two hocks right? I know what they what they're symbolic of. But then today, but here's I'm sitting across the table from somebody who just wants to, and I was like, Oh, they flew off together. And I left her I was like, Okay, I got I got it. Okay, it's not just about just that. She also a spiritually in tune person. She's a look good on there. That makes so much sense. We've known each other for a while through social media. And just this morning, I sent her a message asking her if she would like to have lunch? And she said yes. And it was really weak. When we sat down there. It was like we have known we never stopped talking the whole time when we were sitting there. It was just sharing and sharing and sharing and sharing. Now you love those conversations. Yeah, because the night before I had had a conversation with an artist up in Jerome. And she kept telling me how different she was and how this she was natural. And I was just like, I want to hang up now. I was like I said, Well, I don't know about that. I didn't get into all the personalities and drama and ego. I said, I don't That's none of my business. It's only about ex boyfriends and stuff. It's like why do I need to hear that I need to be talking to you. Well, it's, you know, sounds like that was her healing process. She's going through, she's going through kind of wrapping up her old ends and figuring out who she is and what she wants. And it's important that she does that. And it's important that you set your boundary on. You don't need that right now. So that's that's great. In fact, she said, You know, I'm getting ready. I want to move out of Arizona. I said, not me. I'm not looking like a boundary. But you know, I don't want to I don't really want to be with somebody who's got that much work to do. Because what happens is we become a crutch and I don't want to be anybody's crutch, you got to do that on your own. I'm not. Now, I'm sure gonna fix you, this woman today, I don't have to fix it. She is a balanced, it's a balanced nature. And I love that, you know, I don't not looking towards anybody for anything. And I talked about it, if you saw my video this morning, I said, if if love you love yourself, like you want a lover to love you. And if you can do that, that lover will appear, that person will appear and be a part of your life. But you can't wait for the outside source to come and fix you because I was made to attack. But that was all related to my mother. I had to do that. That ancestral work. I had no business trying to love a woman that that I couldn't love because I was busy. Not being able to love myself. Low self esteem, you know, ego. Poor cut back low superiority complex with low self esteem and all that stuff. No, it doesn't work doesn't work for anybody. You hear about it all the time. There's people in relationships constantly. And they never do anything about themselves, but they want to do something, but the relationship will do something about yourself. And you will, you'll be doing something about the relationship like the collective. Everybody wants to repair the collective, but they don't want to do anything about themselves. And I tell my clients do the work. And the collective will heal on its own as the individual parts of the collective heal itself. That's right. And heal as a whole. In my schooling world, as walking Crow, I am the example. I'm the example that I can I can live in the in the heavens as a bird. But I also walk on the earth and I am grounded is grounded can be and anybody who meets me in the medicine world or anywhere, get that when they when they're sitting with me and talking with me or a monk sitting on the earth and I'm drumming. I'm grounded. And people ask me, why are your name walking crew? Well, that's the name that was given to me. But I had an experience where I saw a walking crow. And that was one of my features. Emma, I don't know if you know, Emma. And and when people ask me, Well, what does that mean? It means that I walk on the earth, but I live in the heavens. I live in the heavens I live. I don't I live in the in the two worlds. You know, and no, you know, religion teaches that. But they teach a lot of other things that won't cause us to detour to be deterred by by their constant message. This message came to me from the spirit world was it was channeled to me I said, Okay, I took the responsibility. And I became like the quote, and I'm you hear me, and I, you know, in the morning when I'm asleep, or I wake up and I'm listening to them, I'm talking to them. And they're outside. They don't even know they might know I'm in the house. But I'm talking to him and wishing them good morning. You talk to them in Chrome, or do you talk to them in in, you know, English. I talked to them in CRO so I mean, I'm also a CRO like, Pro is definitely one of my main medicine. We talked about that the other day. But for me, like I literally will sit outside. And I always connect with CRO really, really strongly. They're always around me. And I will literally like call at them. I did a demo of that early. And I'll sit out there and I'll call and they always call back and I can like I really understand what they're communicating with their families. Like yesterday, I heard I heard them talking about like, oh, there was some kind of distress about like one of the crows was kind of messing with somebody else's nest and then there was a whole ruckus and I was like, oh man drama, crow drama. And of course I'm like Chroma right? I talked to them in English, but I also talked to them in the spirit language, which is the ancient when the ancient speak through me. And you know, whatever is being said is being Good, I don't always have to understand it. I feel that yeah, the I mean, I think a lot of people are starting to tap in with that ancient ancient knowledge I'm seeing more people bringing up what they're now coin, you know, they've now kind of given it this, this phrase light language, I'm hearing that a lot this light language. And I, I mean, I know that when I do medicine work and my guides come through, I get the same spirit, you know, I get the same guides, but I also get guides from my, my clients, like I'll get their, you know, grandmother or their, you know, one of their guides come through, and it very rarely is it an English but the medicine that is that is spoken through me or sung through me, or toned through me. Like sometimes it's really male, or sometimes it doesn't even feel like it came from Earth. Sometimes it feels like it came from like, ancient, you know, ancient Mesopotamia or whatever, wherever it came from. It's just really interesting. How that ancient I mean, there's different dialects. Um, I don't know how you got tuned into, to your ancient wisdom, your your guides in that way. I was doing a radio, a radio show on Goldilocks production, the transformation of sacred medicine, should I be talking and all of a sudden, this would come out of my mouth, a horse in one corner, I thought a horse shouldn't want to hit. And I would say and I'm like, I didn't know what that was. And people would ask me, what is it like, I don't know, there. That's what they're what's coming through me from wherever. And when I first came to Sedona a couple of years ago, I met I was at an art fair. And I was walking by a booth and the lady named arabelle, who is a Navajo woman. She said, what what taught what nation are you from and why do you have a terminal? Why are you asking me that? She says we look native. The way that we both started laughing. And I told her what my lineage is on my mother's my father's side. And as soon as I said that to her, she lit she took out sweet grass, and we both smudge with it. And she took tobacco out and we shared tobacco on the spot. And she said my family is from Monument Valley. Whenever you come to monument, Monument Valley, there will be a Hogan for you to stay in. And I was like, wow, that's powerful. That's beautiful. Now, I didn't know it. But her mother and her sister were also selling native jewelry there. That's what Eriko was doing. She was selling jewelry jewelry. And I was walking around and I saw this grandmother and I went over and I started talking to her and she started telling me about her husband. Now her husband is deceased. And her husband's name is Harold cheap by a portrait and she said my husband was a road man. He was a healer. He would go from town to town healing people. And I was like, How ironic. The grandma, I have to ask you something. I said there's something that I do that I have some shame behind because I don't know what it is. And I don't know what to call it. I have songs and I have this these words that I use and a nice set a horseshoe the one on one up though. A horseshoe one a Hey. And she says that is his spirit language and you are supposed to say yes to it. And I'm so good. I'm so honored and glad that she gave me permission right? The 14th Yeah, the twin flame. She gave me permission how that elbows back and now that you know it goes full circle with what we're talking what it goes. And I said okay, and then after that, or even before that I would go up to Bell Rock are on a hike and I've been out there and 100 and whatever degree heat and a pair of shorts and medicine bag and nothing else on the tennis shoes, and I sit down and our drummer and I were awkward tobacco and I were burn sage and I would start to sing i will start to drum and then I will start to sing in these songs. We started coming up so I would record them. And it was in the language sounded different some limits on the Japanese some of the very best very ancient. And what I discovered was a whole Shinto one or not die means thank you great spirit. Thank you Great Mother Thank you power in the guidance of the medicine wheel, all my relations the Holy Temple yet see. And then a portion of one Hey, means thank you brothers and sisters. And I always set them together because I was doing a show. And they were already channeling through me to the listening audience those that were tuned in die cuz I was tuned in. And they were to me, I don't know if you've heard me talk about being selfless, like the grandmother tree. And I talk about being rooted and fruited and I extend my branches into the heavens, and the birds of the air of the crow's nest and my branches and eat of my fruit and what is my fruit? To what to do your point, by fruit is the experiences I share of how I got from point A to point B. And that's it. And that's all. And you say to me, me, too, oh, my gosh, you start to tell me you start to connect your story that mirrors the thing is going on the flame. Now you your esteem, just rode because of something I said, and all I'm doing is being a tree. And I'm being in I coined this phrase the other day, in the fall, in your fall, you will stand naked before the world in Fall autumn. But I said it in your fall, I want people to understand and a lot of the way that I teach can be called Heyoka. Because I'm sarcastic. And I'll say something to you in a serious manner. And you're going to have to like pay attention, you're going to have to really step up to, to to hear it in your follow you will stand naked before the world. That's what happens when in order to remove the trees lose their leaves. And guess what they do. Not only do they lose their leaves, but they remain rooted in food and they keep giving to the world grandmother treats Can I have a branch to make my drunk grandmother tree can I have a branch to make those my house I'm cold grandmother can have a branch I don't take the whole tree, I go to a different tree. But interesting thing about doing that. So I'm giving I'm rooted in Africa and I'm giving giving to you now that's what I do. But that tree never ever, ever sees itself it sees the star the moon the sun, the sky of the clouds it sees the birds of the air it sees the ground down them as it sees us in you and me but it never sees itself. That's what I want for me that I want to mirror the tree as much as possible. I will be a grandmother in my duality and my divine feminine and have also be a grandfather rock or grandfather stone grandfather son and the life right grandfather son the man the manifestation of the male energy is the direction of the east direction is springtime New Beginning so I get to I get to be the sun the light the shimmering light that glows on the water in the direction of the west direction of the woman at the time of losing the lead of the fall have been better buried naked is the tree that warms the the tree over time and in springtime because of the sun because of because of water because of the air. It starts to sprout new new growth new leads and new fruit for all of us new branches all the twit I won. I want to be like the tree you know and it may sound like a lot of hooey hocus pocus to some people in other realms if you will, you know other in the city you know where they're busy being in their third eye and I'm now in their in their ego. You can't be your third eye without being grounded into the earth. If you're in your third eye and you're not grounded in your body in your in your feet. Then what you're actually channeling is not is not wisdom or insight from your guides. It ends up being like just a bunch of static judgment, the judgment that we judge others with that I used to judge out of the woods back in the day, whatever. Yeah, that's what that is. But I mean when I talked about using me, I didn't apologize I'm very a Mac as a matter of fact that I have stepped into the power of the wisdom that I have been given in my in the duality the second half of my Lifetime because of the things that I walk through in the first 52 years of my life, those are the stepping stones to when I became an elder and 52, according to the Mayan tradition. Now, all those things are the stepping stones of my wisdom, and others will heal because I had those natural, great experiences. But they were the three marriages I talked about. Those were experiences that Oh, pay attention, Anthony, you are not supposed to. You're busy trying to get love and begging and pleading with from your mother. And she didn't have the capability to give it because it's a batter. It's a battle. But I already loved I couldn't hear that right. So I said how long places I ended up with, with nothing but what I meant wasn't nothing because I have the wisdom to help people who are stepping into a relationship and you know, and I now I say, if you want if love yourself like you would want a lover to you, right? Where did I get that from? I didn't. I didn't go to college. But I have all this wisdom that comes from looking at my experience and look for stepping out of my fishbowl like Mercury Retrograde, right communication retrograde slows down, I stepped out of my fishbowl and look into the fishbowl at my clean field. I go back inside with my vision with my eyes. And then I go when when I get it, I go back inside and I'm inside. I'm not bringing it pulling it in from an external place. You know, you We met at Lionheart and at Lionheart, Laura fine used to say what you learn here is not going to come from here. What you learned here is going to come from here. Wow. I I have been overpaid by that statement. Yeah, no, I should Well, not really. Because there's still I still have a whole lot of life to live. But if you if you understand the statement of gratitude and, and love and just like wow, I've been honored, I've been honored, I get honored every day. And it's always something I'm like, okay, okay, I can do this. And we're back that gratitude, holding that space of gratitude for well, you know, not just this beautiful Thanksgiving that's going to be coming. But like, gratitude is a huge part of evolving. And it's you know, experience, and recognizing how far you've come. And when you hold gratitude in your heart, you actually invite more wealth, more experience, and more love and light into your life. And that's what I find to be like one of the most beautiful parts of, you know, practicing gratitude, whether it be making a list, or whole oponopono even has like an element of gratitude, where you're saying like, Thank you. Thank you, I love you. You know, all that, please forgive me. Thank you. I'm sorry, that that I think that's I got them on. But the thank you, and I love you part. Like, I am so grateful for my life. And I'm grateful to you for being here and for sharing your life with all of the listeners that are listening, whether it be presently or in the future like it's it's a very vulnerable naked spot to be in. Just being being there. Yeah. And holding that space and sharing your story in your, your wisdom. And it is it it is interesting like hearing what does come through because you do seem to just kind of have this flow that that comes through when you're speaking it's really, really beautiful, how it it just moves very fluidly through you. So I'm going to take a look here real quick. Yes, yes, we should definitely be doing an offering or sharing a practice to connect people with their animal medicine. Did you want to do a medicine song or did you want to do a practice what did you want to offer our listeners to help them on their their personal journey to enlightenment to ascension? What do you want to share? What does spirit want to share? There's a song that I sang today when I opened the video the moon To the moon day video that I got this morning Oh wow a or a or watch a four I am Joy I am like I am spirit and five like I am Joy I am love I am spirit and I am like right because we talk about that the sun I am the light I am the shining light the shooting and I like to sing that because there is I in it. I am you know oh ya I am Joy. There's the you in it you are Joy You are Love Your Spirit you are like then there's the week. There's no AI without you and there's no us without we. So it's about streaming together and showing together the collective and bringing it into a place where I I'm not a needy person, but I want you to be in my life. I don't want to need you to be in my life. But because of who and what I am, I'm going to extend the invitation. Because dammit I'm worth it. Right and that's, that's speaking to the twin flame energy that we're talking about. It's not all about sappy love and all that stuff. Know that my friend that I had lunch with today it may just be a cool day now we're in the balance where we're elders and we come together with you Sarah who knows what that wood wood is going to look like in a hurry to get to point b You're just enjoying the journey you have gratitude for the steps along the journey so let's let's hold space for for that that gratitude. Did you want me to drum with you or or join in or or whatever? Yeah, I got Do you want to rattle you want drumming? I got I'm gonna write a little sage. Cool I think I'll do this make a little love gets down to it I'm going to smoke the pike open the corner for the songs of the spirits who come in and honor the listening audience boy boy shoes Hi I'm Shane. Shift O. Ah for a for a or a enjoy spirit H O R. O O R A viewer joy. You are you are spirits and you You are Oh, oh oh. Oh, we are we are we are here he Oh, you shouldn't shoot a horse you may stay home than that boy should caution or shoot in the ocean love the sage, thank you, thank you for all of those listening. I'm gonna hold space walking crows gonna hold space that you receive the cleansing, the clearing the blessing as well you know, I would ask that those listening and those that are not used to listening reluctantly, at the same time that they would stop being afraid that they would stop feeling the shame that they would let go of the hurt that they will let go of the wounds and they will rise above life. Breathe into your lungs breathe through your lungs and into your fire and stoke that fire. Give yourself the fuel and the breath. You have always wanted. Not what you needed. What you always wanted. And I've been distracted these are life I was beautiful. Thank you so much. I was beautiful offering thank you for letting me participate. I'm honored. Thank you for inviting me. Yeah, Aye. Aye Aye. I don't think we've we've done that together. So that was really special because I do it with your videos. When I watch you live I'm always like, drumming and tuning in and singing alongside and I make sure I do like harmonies sometimes like yeah, I'm going with my gut sometimes even throw in their own little light language or ancient wisdom. And it's beautiful. So thank you for allowing me to share that with you as I've been doing that secret. Secret anyone? Anyone joining in, you know, on the other day, we went through the journey and the group that went to will Should we bring in our drums and rhizomatous a few years. I'm taking you on a journey. But that's up to you. And they all left them in the dark because I wanted them to be to not have to do anything just to be engulfed by the sound of the 27 inch stroke. Yeah, I've heard that one. That one's beautiful buffalo drum right? Oh, man, that one really gets me. Like, not even up here. It's more like Oh, down here. It's a good job. Good job. Well, thank you so much all of you listening thank you walking crow for being here. And why don't you go ahead and share your information where they can find you how they can reach out. Take your classes get some of your your wisdom. Well, I'm I'm based in Sedona in the village of Oak Creek and I have a studio there called uninfected studio called out of the blue, where you can find transformational sacred medicine, birth by me. Earth medicine, drums and rabbits and even a sacred blanket for that use for ceremony. You can find that by going to www dot sacred drum medicine.com www dot sacred drum medicine.com If you want to reach out to me you have questions. You can send an email to walking CRO at Sacred drum medicine calm walking CRO at Sacred medicine.com or Anthony at Sacred junk medicine calm. Anthony and Pedro medicine calm or you can call me you can reach out to me or text me at area code 818-442-1717 Hope? Uh huh. Well, thank you so much. And thank you all of those listening from home. Thank you guys for supporting my show, please be sure to subscribe if you want to listen more. And I hope to have walking crow on again in the future. And let me know. Write me some comments. Send me some messages for anything you'd like to improve on the show or anything you like. I want to hear from you. So thank you guys so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And hope you guys have a good Thanksgiving. Have a good week, you guys. Bye. Hey, it's me, Ray. Maharaja. Thank you so much for listening to today's show. Did you ever notice I don't have any ads or promotional content. That's because I really want to make sure that I focus on the lessons, healing, and tips and these episodes without any distractions. While that also means I don't monetize at all. If you like the show, your support is the only form of payment I receive from producing this show. If you have a moment today, please show your support with writing the review. telling a friend about rainbows rising, making a donation, joining my Patreon or getting a private session with me. Thank you so much for the continued support and let's ascend together