Rainbows Rising

Trust the Angels with Alyse Korn

December 15, 2020 Rainbow Raaja / Alyse Korn Season 1 Episode 19

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Special guest Alyse Korn, a powerful Biofield Tuner and Angelic Healer, shares some Angelic wisdom and tips for working with these high vibrational light beings.  She also shares a protection meditation and a healing for all who need it.  This episode has a meditation and very relaxing energy healing, please do not operate machinery while listening.  Aka - don't meditate and drive.

If you are interested in connecting with Alyse for a healing or more information check out her links below.

Alyse's Facebook
Alyse's Website

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/ Outro - Traveler and Tranquil Fields by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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Hello, hello, hello and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raja, and I have a very special guest for you all today. I am here to welcome Elyse Korn. She is going to be talking about angelic healing and all of the things that she uses to help her with her work. Welcome, Elyse. Thank you rainbow Raja, thank you so much. It's such a pleasure to be here on this beautiful Saturday morning. And I'm hearing Oh, hi, California, which some of you may know, as very spiritual place. And we're very close to nature. Mountains. That's a beautiful area really is. Have you been out here? Oh, yeah, I used to go to Ventura a lot. So of course, you have to drive through Ohio, because that's just a much nicer drive, actually. So, um, we have talked to the last two weeks about Archangels. And we did a little bit of connecting with angels and talking about how to do so. But I would really love for you to share how you connect with angels, and about the work you've been doing over the past couple years with. Thank you. Thank you. So yeah, the, the angels are around us all the time. And so many, many people who connect with them naturally, you know, some people see angels. And so I actually personally don't see them, but I experienced them. And I feel like the more that we work with angels, it's like, you know, working out and growing our muscles that we start to become more and more sensitive to the to their energies. So we know angels are very high vibrational light beings. And so as you so as I, as I call in angels in the morning, I'm calling them in with their names three times. So you might want to, let's say, Today's Casio Saturday, so I would call Cassio Cassio Cassio Cassio. Please be with us in love and light, love and light, love and light for our highest good, highest good, is good. And with the law of three. So you may as you start working and calling in angels, you may start seeing feathers on the ground, you might start noticing repeating numbers like oh is 111 It's a 1212 You know, we might start seeing those patterns. We might start to have kind of smell aromas like carnations or roses. Maybe kind of a frankincense smell tributed with angels. And yeah, what else? We I just think it's really important to, to connect with a love in our heart and to be really true. Honest with our intent. Yeah, so. So what can you really, like utilize angels for like, we all know that every once in a while you call on an angel for like prayer, or I know I call on them for protection, especially like, if I just don't feel right. In my my room or the house or walking home. I'm like, Oh man, it feels not so great. I'm gonna call on Archangel Michael and just feel a little better. But is there is there anything else that we can do when we work with angels that helps our personal development, our ascension, or helps us work with other people for manifesting or whatnot? For them? Absolutely. So I believe that that they cannot interfere unless we ask for their assistance. And I believe it's for our spiritual transformation and our physical that they're here to help us with karmic issues. Well, I think it's really interesting that when you first started talking about the angels, the lights in your room, like got super super bright. And I definitely felt a shift even though we're how many miles away. I felt a shift in your environment. Like when you started calling in the angels and talking about them, it was like they're here. So, um, when when working with them for karmic issues or even Even he like healing wounds that you have in your in your heart. Like, do you have any practices that you personally do that that help you move through those stages? Like, I know right now I'm working on letting some some people who've hurt me go, I've got some like super deep heart heart pain that I've moved past like, for the most part, it's it's pretty healed over. But all of us have been hurt by someone and sometimes it just it leaves a little deeper of a wound that's harder to get rid of. Is there a way to use angels and working with angels to like, kind of let go of those connections and move past that that pain? Right, right. So as you're saying that, as you're saying that I'm actually feeling a lot of energy around my upper heart area, and like even in the back, because I believe like that back like we carry that, that energy, like everything is right, like it's all electric, all and, and even from our birth or past lives. And I believe we carry these karmic issues with us into this lifetime. And so you're asking, What can we do? So I believe that each of us has a day Angel. Like I'm born on a Tuesday. So I'm working with Kanye L. And so I'm working with the color creation read, which is we think if we talk about the chakras, like I believe that healing starts at our base, like our safety and our security. And so I believe that is we work with heart forgiveness. And we work from our, our base and our root and grounding, connecting with Mother Earth. And then we can work up through that through heart, and then bring more, let's say, No, I'm working with color, more magenta. So I was just saying, we each have our day Angel, with and so I call in my day Angel and ask to bring in those strengths like to strengthen my strains and, and to help me with my weaknesses, I believe we each have our zodiac angel that we could work with, like I'm Libra. So I work with Verkehr well, that we have our guardian angel, we have our client airy angels. So there's like oh, and even our elemental angels. So I'm so we may be working with area. So many people are right familiar familiar with Arielle Uriel, or foo Ellis, the Lord of the waters. So healing with the waters, and whatever water of life we feel connections with the ocean, like purifying with water with fire with the elements. Some of these Angel names you're using are not so common. Is there a specific program or system you're using to connect with these various angels? And they're like, what ties them to you what what they resonate with the most? Right, right, so that's a very good question. So I am going to credit you know, a long time ago studying with Doreen Virtue, but wanting something a bit deeper, and I got a hold of some a deck of cards by Angela mugger who is in, in Hazlemere in England, and and so I started working with her cards and I like these really resonate and I'm, I'm starting to see like when I close my eyes and I'm doing these cart meditations with a cart, I'm starting to see flashing lights, and like you're talking about the colors more enhanced and I'm just feeling this really deeper connection. And so I I picked up a copy of her book, which is Angel healing and alchemy and started working with the seven day angels. So calling in Melchizedek the father of the day, the day angels and the rainbow light and then starting working like Gabrielle angel of Monday can my L angel of Tuesday Michael Wednesday and Zadkiel Thursday honey Oh, Friday. We've got Cassia like today is Saturday and Raphael healing Angel connecting with gold in the sun and just started working deeper and deeper and things started transforming in a phenomenal way and starting to do a lot of healing. A lot of shifting people came into my life like I met you and you know a lot of right yeah getting deeper and deeper and then it's like out of like that rabbit hole you just keep going deeper and I feel like every level of karmic you know issues and healing then I believe we like we start over there's a new level again but at a hyper deeper or is it higher and higher. Oh, right. Oh, Yeah, so that's, that's really interesting. Thank you for sharing the days of the week. I'm sure. Those out there would love to know what day they're gonna resonate with. I was born on a Wednesday so it it, it would make a lot of sense well, I'm always calling my home like, Hey, Michael, Hey, Michael. I've worked with Gabrielle and, and Raphael quite a few times to feel like, you know, I don't know too much about angels. It's more of like a feel for me than it is about a study. And Gabriel I always call when working with like, animals or children for some reason. And then, Raphael, I've only called Raphael for, like, super serious clients. And it was it was actually before I worked in your workshop, you're in angelic workshop. Like, I don't know where the name came from, I was in the middle of a session, and I was like, Oh, I'm gonna need an angel for this. And that session actually went really well. But it's just really interesting. Like when you do start dabbling with the energy you can feel it and you will just start hearing these names of specific angels come out of nowhere at least that's how it was for me. Like I need to call this particular person hold on. But um, yeah, your workshop was really beautiful you use singing bowls to write and these like, mine is very small and not not very fancy. But you you had these sick, like, sell a night Sarah blades yes, those days are those on the podcast? I'm so sorry. You can't see it. But it's there there literally sell a night with a really heavy duty cool silver handle and crystals at the end. And you use that at the end of our our class. And how do you use those and and how did you? How did you come across that and get inspired to start using that in your your own healing practice? Well, that's a story in itself, like the angels guided me. I had a dear friend that I've known since I was playing gamelan. When I was a master's student CalArts and Maria Baldwin, she, she had a little boutique at a spiritual, holistic, fair den in Burbank, California. And I knew that she was going to have an operation, I just felt like I think angels like you've got to go. And I went down there. And there was a woman, Kathleen, who's also healing practitioner, buried down in Orange County, and she had a booth set up and I just, I noticed the swords, but I passed by, and I spent time giving some healing to my friend who, who actually passed over to those sites just shortly after that after her operation. But so that was a whole thing in itself. And then on the way out, I stopped by Kathleen's booth and I saw these incredible cellulite swords of light. And I asked her if I could pick them up and she says, you know not I'd normally don't do this, but I just sense that it's okay for you to do that. And I had this such powerful connection with these swords. And she said by the way, the creator of these swords is giving a light worker training down in Orange County this weekend, would you like to go I think something else was going on and I you know, I bowed out of that and I headed down to the weekend workshop and so we learned all about these swords I picked up two of them. And so these are made by Tom letter in Colorado, they are for healing the the physical body systems, they really activate and balance the chakras, the meridians they can really open the gates, the lattice systems and clear the lattice systems really for chance forming and accessing higher and the you know, the multiverse connecting with the multiverse. They activate the seven rays of light accessing are the Ascended Masters in the angelic realm. There's over 400 crushed crystals. Wow. In the handle, wrapped with copper, like with volcano, meteorites, crystals from temples in Japan and Peru. They've got the sacred waters from 45 locations around the planet. I gotta get one of these. Yeah. There's over 500 pictures the angelic beings the sacred geometry do activations Lemurian tones. There's some esoteric acupuncture patterns there crop circles, pictures of the Enoch, unicorns are just incredibly powerful. So I also do biofield tuning, tuning with medical grade tuning forks and using the light language. So all of this angelic healing the source of light, all of this comes into play in healing sessions. And so yeah, these are just incredibly powerful tools. And I believe that if you go to Tom letters website, he has, he has them there, you can take a peek. Sometimes they do virtual training, so you can actually, you know, have like a little they have a little store set up, so yeah, Lightworkers definitely check out Tom sores. Awesome. Well, once again, while you were talking about this passionate experience, did you not notice the lights go? Just so cool. You um, I don't know. I don't know if you can tell or not. But I'm sitting here I do see energy bodies, I see. Guides and such. And like, you're you're aware you're you're an Earth Angel, right? You're aware of that. Okay, just Yeah, cuz you've got huge wings in your you've got some great, beautiful, beautiful healing abilities. And just for all those listening out there, like you guys are out there. The angels of the earth here to heal and help us all rise. Emily, what about discussing maybe I could give four ways of asking for angelic protection especially. Yeah, right. Right now, I think we yeah, we definitely need that, don't we? We have no idea what's gonna happen. This new year, we could use some protection. Yeah. So one way we could do that. I believe, just grounding. So closing our eyes, and taking some deep breaths. You could breathe in the present and breathe out the past. And as you're breathing in, you want to breathe deep into your belly and ground that into the heart of Mother Earth. And breathing and peace. This breathing out anything, no longer serving us. And we can call upon Michael Michael. Michael, please be with us in love and light, love and light, love and light. And we can imagine Michael's protective Blue Cloak enveloping us from head to foot. We can also call upon Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle. And you could we could see ourselves envelopment swirling silver and bring in some colors of invisibility especially if you just feel we need that protection. We just need a little bit of invisibility. We can call upon Raphael, Raphael Raphael, we can visualize ourselves inside a pyramid or a golden egg and fill this with Rafael's golden sunlight rays. And then we can also bring in any loved ones. And we can bring the loved ones into this pyramid and we can ask Melchizedek Melchizedek Melchizedek we ask to fill this with this pyramid or egg with the violet ray of transmutation. And as we emerge, we just see the sea since that aura violet around us. That's beautiful. And we think the angels Love and Light loving light that's beautiful. I definitely felt that. And is there. So you mentioned several angels is there like specific reasons you would choose different? You know, like Raphael versus Michael or how do you determine which ones do you use in circumstances? So Michael for strength, truth protection, also really like the throat communication. And so if I feel that I want to enhance that, then I would call upon Michael. If I want to work with The violet ray. So Melchizedek I would call upon first the father of the sacred seven. I would perhaps call upon area who's also associated with violet, maybe or a Tron associated with violet I might call upon the ascent. Well now talking about Ascended Masters Saint Germain, associated with violet, of we're talking about Raphael is associated with the sun, masculine, Gabriel silver, feminine. So they're also the colors, the planets, the planetary symbols, the colors, crystals, associated with each of the angels. So I think if, if someone listening to the podcast is interest in working with angels, and exploring further, I do recommend that angel healing and alchemy by Angela mugger. She talks about the crystals, the essential oils, the planetary connections, Zodiac connections, working with the day angels. Awesome. Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna be checking that out. I definitely. Um, so you you do bios, bios, field tuning as well. Yeah. And you combine that with light language and angels. How does that work? That sounds? I mean, that sounds incredible. It sounds really, really relaxing. And I mean, I can almost like tune into that, that, that feeling and it's like, ah, like a good hot tub, you know? Exactly. It's like. So the biofield tuning is the work of Eileen McKusick. And if anyone's interested, she's got a couple programs out on shift network right now that I'd highly recommend is a great starter, and she's been giving some podcasts as well. So some really great lectures. So she and she has a background as a massage therapist. She did her master's degree she wrote a healing with by excuse me the so check out her her first book, she's writing another book. And I'm sorry, I had a little spin. Isn't I'm not remembering no worries, no worries. So yeah, she has a Foundations Program. And then the actual training and advanced training. So I've been through her programs in person, and now through their virtual. So we're working with medical grade tuning forks. And we're working with just connecting and grounding the human biofield. So what what is that we're all energy like, like a battery, we have positive, negative positive terminal. So like negative connecting, and grounding, positive connecting with above? So I think these systems work hand in hand together. Absolutely. So just, we want to bring back into coherence. So if we're feeling a little down, stressed, depressed, you know, a lot of heavy energy this year, there is. So it's using using sound energy to bring our body back into resonance, just you know, like tuning a guitar string, it's out of tune. tuning our bodies. Absolutely. Wow. So, um, we've covered talking about the different angels, the days that are associated a little bit about those tools that you use when working with angels, how to call the man with the law of three, and a little bit about what you do and how you incorporate angels into the work you do. Mmm hmm. Were you interested in in demonstrating some of your your healing? I don't know if you've gone online with your your healing or not, during this lovely time. Right? That's a good question. So when are we have this like Vango sunflower field that popped up in like spring throughout summer. And I brought the bowls out and I did a healing outdoors and I posted that video on the healing with Elise that's on my Facebook page. So continue there. So I've got a fork right now. Let's see what I've got. I think I've got my Yeah, that's my piano. I've got my sort of light and I've got my 144 so if anyone is familiar with the Fibonacci series, Alright, I see I that's the spiral. Yeah. Right. Yeah, it's It's the symbol of pretty much content like infinite life. And right. And so if we see that in phi, the FY like one, one, right, two, three, that continues number. So we've got got my 144 hertz fork, and I've got my hockey puck. So I could just do a little bit of grounding right now with my fork, because we've worked with the angels. So I'm going to go ahead and activate. And I've noticed, I also have my 528. Let me just I do a lot of this work intuitively, you had asked how I combined it all. So I like to start by grounding with my fork. And then I usually check the field, I tune in with the chakras and see what needs not, I'm just tuning in. Right now I'm just going to invite kind of your hologram and everyone that will listen to this podcast here right now in the future. So we're all invited here. And let's just take some slow, deep breaths of this wonderful light Breath of God energy of the angels. we surround ourselves with a pure white angelic light, to protect us and this time, let's focus on our inner self as we breathe in words. Letting Go relaxing and going deeper. So I'm working with my 528 right now. Just imagine your chakra centers this column, meridian line, vertical line downwards reaches from your crown to the top of the head through your forehead, your throat, your heart, your solar plexus, your tummy, we've got the base of the spine, the root of your being. Right now I'm being guided to visualize the golden light of Raphael, the angel of the sun, pouring down through our crown and feeling the love and the healing light flowing down through the meridian line, completely filling the column within sending love and light from our feet through the rootlets down into Mother Earth connecting with a worldwide web we asked Mother Earth for her healing, drawing straight up into our body we call let's call upon Casio because it's Saturday Casio Casio Casio, we ask you for support in whatever area of life that you may feel is needed at this time. And so I want to connect the energy from below to above through our central channel feeling really nice spirals sending current descending current father's sky swooping down to kiss Mother Earth just feeling we need to ask some assistance on behalf of family members ourselves and family members feeling this energy and comfort it feel it feel you feeling more relaxed more peaceful it's trusting that you'll receive the guidance and the support that you need at this time just remember just trusting the angels you'll always be helped and supported. Remember Love is the key Ah thank you, thank you the ions the ions are always a good sign. You know things are moving when you're yawning salutely I feel a lot of heat on my feet a lot of groundedness Well, was there anything else you wanted? I'm all spaced out but more I'm in my heart, it's like so calm in my heart. So I'm just gonna enjoy that. I'm feeling like we could wrap it up with some. I'm feeling guided to call upon peace to Sophia, peace to Sophia, Sophia, Divine Mother. Please be with us in loving light, loving light, love and light. And let me use the 144. And I want to do some is going to do a little bit of calming in. I'm feeling that there's the fear, maybe anger fears and judgments, someone like this. We could let that go. And I've got Michael sword or the Selenite sword here. So I'm holding this game, keep staying in that relaxed, Deep State. Going into the inner self focusing into that more calmness. There we go. Right. So I like to wrap, wrap this up with the figure eights, or just some figure eights here is beautiful, wonderful, radiant light all around us. That's to letting go asking Michael to cut using his sword, which is the Topaz Ray. Ah go ahead and connect the divine will or will with the Divine Will. was connecting up there drawing more straight back into our body on healing and energy for comfort. There we go. I'm going to use go back to my 528 for a minute. I'm just going to cocoon us all up in this energy in that radio radiance all around this pure coherent light there we go. Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you. I'm gonna end up just sitting in my office after this just all sleepy. And relax. It's gonna be so good. I'm so looking forward to that. Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. That was beautiful. That offering was absolutely gorgeous. And I know everybody is excited to now go go home and work with their angels. Yeah, and I I definitely say you, you probably don't want to do this while you're driving or Oh, yeah. In the description. Yeah. Beautiful. I'm doing a little autograph right now. And so I'm using the R. I've got some light pink. That's beautiful. And the green healing spirals are beautiful. Thank you. Okay, awesome. Well, thank you again. Thank you everyone for listening. Thank you for stopping in. And if you guys want to reach out to Elyse and get some information or sessions with her, I'll put her information in the description below. Please click on her links. And it was such a pleasure having you on today. And I just I can't thank you enough. Great. It's such a pleasure. Thank you Rambo, Rashad. I wish everyone a happy, beautiful, warm and peaceful. Solstice. Yeah, and holidays. Beautiful holiday season. Alright everyone. Well thank you again for joining rainbows rising where we ascend together and I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful rest of your week. Bye guys. It's me Ray mirage. Thank you so much for listening to today's show. Did you ever notice I don't have any ads or promotional content. That's because I really want to make sure that I focus on the lessons, healing, and tips and these episodes without any distractions. Well, that also means I don't monetize at all. If you like the show, your support is the only form of payment I receive from producing this show. If you have a moment today, please show your support with writing the review, telling a friend about rainbows rising, making a donation, joining my Patreon or getting a private session with me. Thank you so much for the continued support and let's ascend together