Rainbows Rising

Harness your own Light Language - Techniques and tools to speak light language today

Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 3

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The different expressions of Light and how to begin to use "Light Language" for yourself.  Techniques and tools to support your exploration of your own language of light.

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/ Outro - Traveler and Chronos by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raja. And today I'm going to be exploring the different types of light language, and how you can start to connect with your own origin or method of utilizing light language in your daily life. You might be wondering, why would I want to do that? Well, light language is a subtle way of shifting the habits that we have that we're not so fond of, of manifesting the goals and intentions that we want in our future, as well as attracting certain people and outcomes to situations. So for me, when I use light language, I'm using it to facilitate that for others in sessions. And they set their goals. And I work with my team, whether it be my higher self or my guides, or their guides. And I facilitate that through the vibrational frequencies in this song or chanting that happens. Now song and chanting isn't the only way light language can be shared. You might not feel comfortable speaking light language to another person. You might not even be comfortable speaking light language to yourself, I know I wasn't at first. So it's totally okay. If you want to hum. Or you can sing songs that you are comfortable. And set the intention that you're allowing the the guides or your higher self, the being of light to have control over the inflections of how you are singing that song. Maybe you don't want to go vocal at all, that's totally fine. Because as you found out from season one, we have intuitive artists such as Justin Serebrin, as well as the artists we are going to have on next week. Nalinee Diosara and these artists utilize their connection with their guides and through light language. And they interpret it as imagery. And they are able to translate it into art. And I'm able to do this as well. I don't advertise that as much. But some people call them auragraphs is very, very similar, or intuitive art, intuitive painting. So know that, you know, those those, the terminology really is interchangeable. It's all about connecting with this, this inner knowing that you're connecting with this inner magic, this inner light that's helping you manifest or create the reality you want to be in. So when I do my intuitive art, my light language art, my light code art, my auragraph art. I saw start off with an intention. Just as I do with my sessions, singing or speaking light language to be able to create, you always start with your intention. You want to make sure your intention is in a positive way and that you're like I don't want to be angry because all your body and your energy is going to focus on is angry. It doesn't here I do not want by you setting your mood to angry. That is what you're going to draw to you. So try not to do that. You want to set your intention to something you want in your life. I really would like to have a Ice Cream Sandwich next week. I'm going to set the intention to get an ice cream sandwich. Okay, so that's a silly one. But you can set it to I would really like to add attract more like minded people in my life. I want to feel more fulfilled in my career. I want to move through the situation I'm in with ease, I want to find solutions, I want to find clarity helped me better understand the situation, setting your intentions in these ways, will give you an ability to give that energy of focus. Because light language, as we've talked about is vibration. Its intention. And it's your heart's desire to have these wishes fulfilled. Okay, so you want to make sure it's very clear, concise, and that it's a positive feeling in your body, because you're going to be translating that feeling within you into vibrations or into illustrations, or into movement, as some people also use light language as a static dance or intuitive dance or intuitive movements. So you can always go about interpreting music in a way that is fluid and allowing your body to, to move to translate your intentions. There are a lot of people who use light language in a gesture form, to be able to use their hands and their bodies as a way of bringing the intention through while still speaking English. So by speaking English, or your preferred language, whatever that may be, you can also utilize your hand gestures. When connecting with this intention, this heartfelt desire to bring your wishes into reality. So if you are someone who connects with the stars, if you are someone who sits outside and you have a specific star that you are attracted to, that you notice that night after night for most of your life, you are being drawn to a specific cluster of stars are a star for me. When I sit outside ever since I was young, I was always drawn to this teeny, teeny tiny cluster that looked like a little teeny, tiny baby spoon. It wasn't the Big Dipper. It wasn't the Little Dipper. It was much smaller. It was so small, that every time I tried to point it out to my mom, my dad, my friends, they all said Oh, that's just this, you know, that's just like three stars up there. But it wasn't. It was seven, and I could see them very clearly. And they twinkle that me and I love them. It turned out it was Pleiades. So for me, my little cluster was Pleiades. I also really liked Orion's belt, I felt very drawn to looking at that cluster and the Big Dipper. And you may be somebody who just likes looking at stars just go out, connect with the stars, open your heart, connect with that energy. Maybe you're somebody who doesn't connect with the stars at all and you connect with the songs of birds go out and connect with those songbirds dance to the songbirds should you desire to. The beautiful thing is is with light language we are listening to our heart's desire. And we are translating that desire into this world through whatever medium, we decide. Whether that be through song, through chanting, through this indecipherable language, through intonation through humming through illustration through as some kind of sculpting if you want to go and carve a stick, go carve a stick. But I believe that there is a certain magic that comes through when we are diving into our hearts space. And we are pulling our intentions out of ourselves. And we are setting that intention to make it real, to do some sort of action to make it real for ourselves. And I believe that is that is what light language can be. Especially when you're starting, starting out, it's just recognizing that you've had past lives, that maybe you feel connected with fairies or angels or aliens in some way. Maybe you just want to connect with the land to mother Gaia. Maybe you just want to connect with the universe or your guides. I've always had a deep connection with crystals sitting with your crystals connecting with their energy talking to them and giving their them your attention. Feeling the vibrations in the crystals that will really help. There are specific crystals that will guide you along little faster. Such as Lemurian seed crystals. Those are pretty pretty powerful, as well as moldavite That one's going to be a pretty expensive stone to get your hands on but if you can get your hands on a pretty decent sized piece of moldavite it it is it is a powerful one to work with. tektite that's another interdimensional meteorite stone that one works with with extraterrestrials as well as the moldavite does as well. apophyllite and fairies crosses will help you connect with the fairy realm. Especially green apophyllite. So there's also like moqui marbles I believe those will help you connect with ancestors and ancient civilizations in your past lives with connecting with the spirit language of the land, and with with the earth. And there there's literally numerous stones I'm hoping those will give you some solid starts. I like to balance my crystals with protective stones. So if you're working with Moqui marbles, working with some obsidian, it's a really good balancing stone for that working with Lemurian seed crystals, I balance it with a piece of raw Amethyst. And when working with apophyllite or a fairies cross, I balance it with a spirit quartz. So I like to have one in each hand and go ahead and and work with with those energies you can connect with angelic energy through angelite and balancing that with selenite. So that is a really strong way of just starting to connect with the vibrational frequency of these light kingdoms and tapping into the the wisdom there and allowing these stones to speak through you that that will bring you closer to being being able to facilitate this for yourself. And the real key here when you do start to work with whatever form of light language you choose to work with. It is being open and non judgmental of yourself setting your intention that you are only connecting with light that you are connecting with the light and with love. And that when doing so you are safe that you can trust it. Sometimes it doesn't come through sounding so pretty. Sometimes it comes through just sounding like a bunch of clicks and weird noises and I had to learn to trust was coming through by having my guides pretty much just troll me. They just made a bunch of funny sounds he made farting sounds for a while they just weren't trying to trip me up where my filters would let them through without interfering so don't be surprised if you are starting to work with light language and you find yourself making just weird sounds and we you know when i when i started channeling the English translation they really were testing me on how clear of a conduit or how clear of a channel I was being how much was I getting in the way so know That there is a very real chance that you might be tested in this way, by your, you know, by your higher self, by your spirit guides, it is really important to break down those barriers so that you can have a very clear and pure transmission come through. We don't want our filters getting in the way and mucking it all up, right? So, setting your intention to being open to receiving and being a channel. And that doesn't mean that something's gonna come into your body and talk through you that doesn't No, no. Many times it already feels like it's within you. For me, I when I'm, you know, working with my guides, I call them in, I call them in, and I, I work with them that way. But there have been times that I have spoken from my heart. And it is me speaking coming through me. I know people who chose the collectives they wanted to work with. There was a young man that he started channeling light language years before I even was aware of it. And this was probably 10 years ago. And he had started automatic writing with the Pleiadians, the collective The Pleiadians. And he had began doing this through a hypnotherapy course, he had finished. And he had started to do these, these meditations. And he just allowed himself to freely right after dropping into a self hypnotic state, and through these transmissions, where he was writing and writing these messages from the Pleiadians, they would tell them why, who they were connecting with him and what his mission was. And then he began to speak it. And he would just make all kinds of weird noises. It's important that if you do that, that you know who you're contacting, and why you want to contact them. But being open and allowing yourself to automatic write, or to speak or to have a conversation, just being open to having a dialogue and listening to what you receive. And we're not talking just listening with your ears or listening with your mind. But this is listening with your heart. And allowing yourself to feel the answer within you. Beyond working with a collective, if you decide you want to do light language art, or any kind of intuitive art and connecting through this, the spirit medicine, the spirit language. I know I've been doing light language art for a very, very, very long time. I have illustrations from over 10 years ago that I've, I've, I've had clarification from light language artists that that's light language art. So how I do those is I would hold a feeling whether it be a wish or an actual issue I'm working through, I would hold that feeling in my body. And as I began to just draw lines or swirls or shapes, I just allowed my pen or colored pencil or whatever media you're using, I would allow it to move across the page. A lot of times I'd start with closing my eyes and just allow my hand to move. And once my hand had moved around a little bit and gotten some some shapes on the paper, I'd open my eyes and I would begin to see the the picture behind the the scribbles coming through. You kind of see it in your mind's eye in your imagination. Those scribbles will have forms and you'll begin to just kind of work with them and maybe at first you don't know what you're doing. Just trust whatever lines your hand wants to make. And allow them to to swirl and curl and and create the image that is coming through. Another way of connecting with light language and allowing yourself to build that connection is spending time in nature. Spend some time under the stars. really look at your favorite constellations allow those twinkling stars To capture your your heart, sit out there and have a conversation. It won't kill you. Sit outside in the day, and really listen to the birds leave your phone inside, don't bring it with you connect to the sound of the wind moving through the leaves. The trees connect to the songs of the birds as they communicate with each other. Cross miles. now is the perfect time to hear your birds sing. All the birds are singing. And there's less activity happening outside out and about. go on a walk, sit beneath a tree, give a tree a hug, pick up a rock that calls to you. If it's like, Hey, I'm a rock. You're like, Hey, you rock. Let me hang out with you. Let's chill. That's what that's what you need. You need to chill with a rock. Let's rock that's what you say to them. The point is nature will connect you to that piece of you that allows you to open yourself up to being the vessel to being the conduit. You can light language for yourself. You can light language for others. Light language is communication with our most raw, authentic peace pieces of our soul communication with the raw authentic essence of others. It's, it's beautiful when you're able to connect with someone in that way. So I encourage you to drop all of your inhibitions Worry not what others will think of you. I mean, obviously, I didn't go around just sharing it right when I started off. I really spent a lot of time doing it on my own before I went and shared shared this with others. And I'm, I'm happy I started sharing it with others but it just it it became more honed. There was a lot of a lot of my own filters and inhibitions and worries that got in the way at the beginning. And I'm really glad that I waited to share it with my clients and with with people such as yourselves absolute strangers on the other side of of a device listening to me far far away hi strangers. Well, thank you guys for listening to all of my transmissions and for for being open to the lessons and the teachings that I I feel are important to share. And I am really grateful that you guys are here. And I'm going to end today with a light language transmission just spoken from my guides maybe I'll even do it for myself. Let's see who comes through. Just open I'm just going to be open to the light and the love. Setting the intention that it be for. For all of you. No matter when you're listening no matter what you're doing. That this be the message you most need. I'm grateful that you are here. I am grateful you take time for yourself. It takes courage and strength, to look at the things that need work within yourself. It takes courage and strength to decide to change. These our powerful traits, powerful traits that will mold the future you are helping so many more people than you know. With each thing, you shift within yourself, you're shift shifting hundreds of others, you speak with come in contact with it is a domino effect on a huge, massive scale. The work you do is powerful, more powerful than many of you know. Just by acknowledging just by acknowledging your flaws and weaknesses. Just by acknowledging that you are human and have work to do. You are helping others do the same. When we all work together, to be our best to treat others the best we can we all are able to create the best world possible. There is so much love to share. Love is not a limited resource of is infinite. And through love, you can transform yourself and your community. Those across the world, the systems of connection that we have available to us. We are in a powerful time, powerful time where we are rising, rising through the limited abilities of the third dimension where we can connect to others energetically through intention through our love and our hopeful wishes for their best version of themselves. You're beautiful beautiful souls. So many gifts, so many gifts. So many hopes and dreams and so many fears. Fears are okay. Moving through those fears having the courage to fight, to rise and to love again. To not allow fear to take away your power to love others. Have gratitude and forgiveness. compassion for difference. That is where true power lies. As where we all can learn to connect. Thank you. Thank you for all you do. So that was transmission from me from different versions of myself past lives or my duality. And it was, it was from a deeper a deeper part of myself. So, thank you for being open to receiving that and for listening. And like I said, I set the intention that this be for the best of all, and I just let whatever come through come through and I trusted it. So I hope you guys will go ahead and try and do the same. And I wish you the best of luck as I know that this modality, this skill, this tool is a really fun one to play with. And it's really powerful and I know you will have fun with it. So hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Thank you for joining me on Rainbows Rising, where we ascend together. Bye.