Rainbows Rising

Pick a Card, Any Card - Choose 1 to 4 for a Love Tarot Reading, Spirit animal, crystal and Healing

Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 5

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A special reading for your month including a crystal to work with, a spirit animal, a tarot reading, a healing and a reading specifically for ❤️love / relationships ❤️.  A great way to start off the month of February; knowing what to expect.   

Pick a number between 1 and 4 to select your personal reading for the month.

(spoiler alert: if you picked 3, please remember to source your coral ethically to ensure the protection and preservation of the natural ecosystems of the ocean 🐠)

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro - Traveler by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to Rainbows Rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raaja. Welcome. Thank you so much for joining me today. For all of those who are my my followers who have been listening, I want to say I'm so sorry, I didn't post on my usual day Wednesday, I had some health issues this week that I need to take care of before thing care of the podcast. So thank you so much for being patient. And for joining me again. So here we are in February. And I know that kind of spring is just on the horizon for many of us. And especially with February, in the United States, we happen to celebrate this holiday that's coming up in a week or so here. It's it's the holiday of love, it's Valentine's Day. And I know that that's a pretty touchy holiday for a lot of us. For those of you who don't have any, any significant others, it can feel quite lonely. Or for those of you who are a little against the the whole like candy, corporate candy, Hallmark holiday, I completely understand. But I think it's important for us to you know, broach the subject of love and love in spirituality, and these hot topics of twin flames and soulmates and what being a conscious lover can mean for you. So we are going to be kind of exploring the topic of love and relationships and not just romantic love, but also platonic love, and familial love. So we're going to be diving really heavily into that this month. And just know that I'm not going to make every single podcast this month about about relationships and twin flames. So don't don't get too weird about it. I know that I would feel really uncomfortable listening to a podcast that only talked about that for a whole month. So just know every every week, we will be talking about the different elements of love. And I'll be covering all those. So for today, we will be doing our monthly reading, I'm going to be doing four different readings, we have your stone, the animal of the month for you the situation that you are experiencing right now, the healing that you need right now. And the very last cards will be for understanding love and relationships. And once again, that's any kind of love or relationship platonic or familial, or even, you know, romantic love. So go ahead and take a moment to choose a number between one and four. I'll give you a second I'll send out the vibes.Dudu Lulu. All right, I got my stacks here, just feel into it, pick your number. Always go with your first first intuitive choice. Whatever came up first for you go ahead and pick that. Do you have your number great. If you had anything besides one, you can go ahead and skip to your to your reading in the there should be like a little chapter down below. If you want to just listen to the whole thing. Well, more power to you I set the intention that it be for you to receive all of that information. All right. So our first reading your stone of the month is labradorite. labradorite is the stone of magic of destiny of intuition. This stone is best known for being the Philosopher's Stone, the transformation stone, it helps with self reflection and looking at the inner self and being able to transform the qualities within ourselves that we're not so thrilled about. So when working with the stone, whether it be meditating or carrying it on you putting it in a necklace or you know wearing a ring, you really want to keep in mind that you are reflecting on things that you want to change. So these can be qualities or behavioral patterns or habits that you don't like. And it's not that they need to be changed. It's if if you don't like it about yourself, you have the power to shift that you do you have the power. So carry labradorite this month and work with it, it will enhance your intuition. It will enhance your ability to see the dualistic nature in yourself and work through those those areas where you are not feeling so unified. You can also use it for Dream Dream work. So moving on, we have the animal that you will be working with this month is owl, owl. Owl is all about hidden wisdom, and kind of working through different realms, they can see through deception, and truth, and magic are really big key notes. With the owl. No one can deceive an owl. At night, owls can see through the dark with precision, and clarity. And when an owl is ready to strike, it swoops down on its prey on silent wings, making Not a single sound, the beat of its wings makes no sound at all it is it is eerily silent. And so when you're working with owl this month, I want you to recognize that you might be feeling this a sense of knowing someone might be trying to deceive you. And maybe you question that, but just know no one can deceive you right now, you need to trust your intuition. Trust your first instinct, and connect with the spirit of owl for seeing the total truth of the situation. Now this is coming up for the situation, which give me just a moment is right now you're going through a time of grief. Or this might be a moment of you walking away from an unhealthy situation, or an unhealthy relationship with someone. And you you might be feeling really indecisive about it. Or maybe you're feeling really bad, don't this is a super happy, happy. You know, good, good choice. This was a good choice for you. This is a very healthy choice. Right now your grief is healing. What was wounded in that in that dynamic, whether it be a situation or relationship. And you just have to trust that right now. You need to take that time and really be with yourself and allow yourself to heal. And I know you had the super happy vision of what things were supposed to be, you know, that, oh man, it was gonna be this this great family unit. Or maybe this was like, I'll be making enough money to support my family unit. And just know that that was a dream. It was a dream. It was a happy vision. But it was not as you perceived it. And it does take two or three depending on the situation to create that dream. A dream takes a co creation of everyone involved. And you weren't getting that. And that's totally okay. I know you're feeling brokenhearted. But right now you're going to be better off supported. And just know that even though you feel like you've lost a whole bunch, you feel like really alone and kind of sad. And just know that like right now you're on like the horizon of wonderful, wonderful things coming into view. In this particular card, you have like a rainbow of butterflies, like literally right overhead, even though you're looking down at all that you've lost, you have all these beautiful rainbow butterflies flying like really close by. And just take that time and really allow yourself to clear all the emotional, you know, attachments to these people or the situation, cry it out. It's totally fine. You are supported right now, by your guides. I know you might be feeling a little betrayed. Maybe you feel like you've betrayed yourself, but just know that your tears and your ability to let that go is going to help you heal and help you receive a better situation in the future. Okay. Your healing is doing some shadow work and I know we We're just talking about labradorite. And looking at the qualities of ourselves that are not so great. And once again, we're coming back to that. Look at what brought this downfall. Look at this downfall of this situation, this relationship as an actual gift, that, that you have been given an opportunity to address triggers, and maybe some behavioral patterns, that you can now begin to show yourself love and compassion. And that you can recognize what these triggers really mean. Are these wounds that need to be addressed? Are these things that maybe you you can't have in a relationship for yourself, like, these were boundaries that were being crossed. So set those boundaries, and don't let another person walk all over you. It is time to really open your mind up to these these triggers these negative qualities of yourself and realize this is a moment of enlightenment, that really, you're being gifted with a chance to transform yourself from the inside out. Okay. And by transforming these aspects of yourself and accepting that your triggers are really just here to let you know, that somebody has hurt you. And that you should really be you know, saying, Hey, stop, you're not supposed to do that. That now you can set better boundaries, and hold them stronger, and really treat others with love and compassion, and expect that from another person as well. And as well as this, this healing that needs to happen is you will also be able to start a new, a new life, a new beginning. Through this being able to trance, transform yourself and know that this isn't a new beginning for you. And this card that I'm looking at does have another butterfly, we have a lot of lotuses and butterflies on these healing cards. Just know that by transmuting, your darker aspects into the light and bringing into the light what they meant for you that you can bridge and create a bridge to better visions to a better future, and know that you deserve that better future. Okay. And the last card, which is in regards to love is you will be receiving unexpected help or guidance. The appearance of this particular card usually comes up when there is like true magic at work or destiny at work. Don't judge this person coming to help you by their appearance, or what you previously knew them to be or do for you. Because they're coming in as new help. This person could just be you know, maybe a friend you only went to to play video games with or go for afternoon walks or a work partner. And now suddenly they're acting as a confidant. And that is going to be really helpful to you because you're going to be able to increase your support system that's going to help you through this difficult time of letting go and they might even have some things to share from their perspective as well. Okay, we're going to move right on into group number two. group number two, group number two, your crystal of the month is rainbow hematite. Rainbow hematite is the stone of the mind. It helps you sort things out. It helps you to recognize that the only limitations that you have are your own concepts within your mind. These are your your mental limitations, right? This stone will help you transform negativity and negative thinking and help to activate your Kundalini and to see through darkness and into the light. So I'm seeing kind of a little bit of a like a pattern here. Seems like maybe right now you have some like negative mind chatter or some, you know, some fears and doubts about where you are and what you want to do and where you're going to go. And this stone rainbow Hematite I will really, really help you to be more grounded, more focused and recognize that a lot of that negativity just, it's not going to help you move forward. Even if it's well warranted, it's not going to help you move forward right now. And if you are able to get your hands on a piece of rainbow hematite, it will help you clear out all that negative self talk and see things in a lot more positive light. The animal that you will be working with this month is Lizard, Lizard. So lizard is all about dreaming and dream work. Recognizing that the shadow side of reality is where you review your dreams before manifesting them. It's really important that we don't just, you know, have a bunch of dreams, and then just think that they're perfect the way they are and that we manifest them. I'm sure you've heard of Be careful what you wish for because it might come true. This is that such a situation you have some dreams that you have. And maybe you are rushing a little quickly, without allowing yourself to really recognize why you have these dreams coming up. What shadows are you casting? And maybe are the shadows casting on these dreams. Sometimes we create dreams as a way of avoiding something or as a way of coping with something. Recognize that maybe your your shadows are actually helping to influence your dreams right now and that these dreams are not really for your highest and best good. So do a little bit of that shadow work by asking those hard questions. What is the worst scenario right now? Like what are you most afraid of? What are your nightmares? What are your? Like? What are your motives for the dream? Now this can also 100% mean dreams themselves? So are you an active dreamer? Do you dream do you dream journal. Keep a dream journal by your bed. Try your best upon waking to like have a nice dark room when you wake up, pull out your dream journal and write down all the symbols and all all the details you can. And when you're done writing down all the details of your dream. You can, you know analyze what those symbols mean to you. Or you can pop open an app like dream moods, and look up some of the common symbolic meanings behind some of those symbols. So dreammoods.com is a good source for looking at dream symbols, and recognizing some elements that might come up in your dreams. But dreams can be very, very telling dreams can really help you understand what's going on in your subconscious mind. So if you don't really know what you know this whole, you're manifesting a dream that might be influenced by your fears. Well go ahead and have a couple nights of dreaming write down those symbols. Try and understand that and work with lizard. Really think about lizards as much as you can draw a picture of a lizard if you can, and see if you can tap into that medicine. Okay. So the situation that that is calling for this, this animal right now is that right now you are feeling emotionally imbalanced. You are having a lot of anxiety, maybe moodiness, there's a chance that you might be a little self absorbed or absorbed in your work or your stress and not really able to put your attention elsewhere. And that's okay, sometimes we get really self absorbed because we're overwhelmed. So be sure that if you are overwhelmed, or you have a lot going on internally, and you're, you're becoming self absorbed, and that's affecting your relationships and how you're interacting with other people that it's time for some self reflection. It's time to maybe take a self care day and meditate and take a bath and just kind of ask yourself like, what is it that I've outgrown? Are there things in my life that I can start saying no to and maybe not feel commitment towards that are not my responsibility? What do I need to let go of and just know that it's really I mean, you got to take care of yourself first. You have to take care of yourself and doing this takes strength. It really does. You're going to have to do some of that, that healing work and self care work on yourself for what is coming. Because it looks like moving forward, you're going to have to have some discernment, that inner strength, you're going to have to have a well of inner strength, because you have two people coming into your life or currently a part of your life that are very opposite opposite in a lot of ways, and you feel the need to have to choose between them, or this could be in a work partnership or in a love relationship. But you have somebody who is very stable, very strong, they are very intelligent, they make decisions with certainty. They are very comforting and grounded. And they have no need to hide who they are. And there's an eagle in this picture. And eagles are animals that are connected both to, you know, the guides to the divine to the cosmos, and very, very grounded. So this person is wise, and also grounded in reality, and they understand Practical Action. The other person that you're teetering between is somebody who is more, he needs to be more guarded, maybe a little bit more reserved and quiet, they've got a lot of armor on. And there's like lots of crystals. So they're probably a little bit more tuned in with their emotions. And they maybe maybe give off a lot more of this, this dreamlike state, you might feel a little bit more spiritually attached to this person looks like there's like all these beautiful feathers and medicines hanging from a tree. So this person's more like, you definitely are feeling more spiritual connection to this person. This guy is like the moon to the other guy is the day there's a lot more feminine energy coming from this particular person, we have a horse, which is freedom. So this person represents some kind of freedom to you. And so you have you have the duality of these two people. And you have to decide which is going to better benefit you or maybe you're working with these two people. And these two people help support you and give you strength. That's, you know, everybody's different has their own situation. So I'm trying to give all the different variants here. But what I'm asking you to do is to recognize who better support you right now? And like, what exactly are your needs. One of them looks like they're very, they're very, they're going to provide you a lot of protection. That's the one that's more spiritually inclined, but they themselves need a lot of protection, they're very guarded. And you might have to work harder to see through some illusions with that person. Whereas with the other person, they are very direct, they take action, they are very assertive, so you can kind of relax knowing they have everything handled, looks like this person is a little less attuned to their own emotions. So you might have that that issue is that they are a little bit more stern feeling. So let's see what the healing is for this particular situation. Okay. It is time to cross the threshold. It is time to trust that all is safe on the other side, that I am safe to express my true authentic self. That is your mantra for healing. It is time to cross the threshold. It is time to trust all is safe on the other side. I am safe to express my true authentic self change is happening. You're not in control, and you are freaking out about that. And that's totally okay. Just know it's okay to not be fully in control. You are supported by your guides. You are supported by your ancestors. You're supported by your friends and family and you're being asked to challenge the social norms, and trust the intuition of your heart, it is time to make the choice and to step over that threshold, know that everything is safe despite how, how uncomfortable it may feel, and to trust your intuition and your heart when making a choice. Okay? I know that's a hard one. Okay, and the last card is for love. Listen to the stillness, beyond the sounds, beyond the noise, open your heart and sing. No words required. So I don't know if you've ever tried authentic singing. But we all have we all have connection to the the song of the universe to the earth song. And when we just play some gentle music, or even just, you know, listening to, to the sound of the song, beyond all the noise beyond all the sounds of, you know, our normal world, sometimes you can catch a melody on the wind. I'm sure you've heard that melody before. And just sing, sing from your heart, sing whatever noises or sounds come out. Don't judge yourself. Just let those sounds out. Start with a little hum. And allow yourself to free your heart. And when you open your heart and you allow yourself to sing your song, you sing that melody that is within you. You also open up yourself to new outcomes, to connecting to the truth of your situation. And you will get insight through that song, you will heal things that need to be healed. Okay, so once again, just open up your heart and sing. You don't have to sing words, you can just sing different melodies or noises. You can even sing the same phrase over and over and over again. Just allow that song to come out. However it needs to come out. Okay. Here we are, we're on group number three, group number three. Okay, group number three, your crystal of the month is not a crystal, it is coral, coral. And working with coral, you're working with the ocean, you're working with the ebb and flow of the the flow of the universe, recognizing sometimes it's time to withdraw into yourself and sometimes it's time to act. Also, coral is a symbol for symbiosis, working with another to achieve the same goal, even if you guys don't have the same goals, right? So for example, a clownfish will live in a sea anatomy, so that it can get safety and protection whereas the sea anatomy allows the clown fish to live in it, so that it can get food and even though their goals are different protection versus you know, eating, they work together, and they both get something out of that co creation. So working together is your your, your goal for this month, and I recommend if you don't have any coral that you go out and get some because it's also going to help you connect with your emotions and clearing out those old hurts help you with working with others to create peace, and also coral holds wonderful ancient wisdom from her from older generations and from the ocean itself. So if you work with coral this month, that's those are some good things to work on. And we're gonna work on working with your animal this month, your animal is the Flamingo. Okay, the Flamingo flamingos are all about connection through your heart, connecting to your heart and also heart healing. They are a an animal of community. So what you know you have your coral which is about working with others and then you have your Flamingo which is a community animal that works on connection through the heart. flamingos also learn balance. They learn balance, through trust and through rest So remember that you are going to focus on that self healing connecting with water. You have like both the Flamingo and coral that are connecting you with that water and your heart and connection, but also to find balance through rest, okay? And that can be meditation that can just be sleeping, it's up to you what you want to do with it. Now, the situation you happen to be in right now is it's time to quiet your mind and regroup. You're at a place where you are being asked to make decisions or you feel that you need to make a decision right now do not make any hasty decisions. Okay, you need to find balance, before making a decision, your heart and mind are, are not in balance right now. And they're actually being affected by fear that your that that you're holding in right now. Your heart and mind need to be balanced, without fear holding you back, it's time to regain your personal power and become a leader. But in order for you to do that, you need to take some time, regroup, do some of that Flamingo healing, you know, by meditating, finding that balance, recognize that there might be a little bit of a tug of war going on, within you. So figure out what it is that you need to balance in your life before making decisions and moving forward. It's time to develop your gifts. And to plan a strategy, planning that strategy will help you with those, those steps moving forward. Because it looks like you have some really, really wonderful things coming. You know, you have the Emperor that's coming up here, that's one of your cards. And it is about balance. It's about about recognizing that that power of mind and power of will and, and knowing that sometimes you have to wait before before acting. Okay, the healing that you need right now is to be gentle on yourself. And that you need to allow all of yourself to feel the emotions coming up. And, and just to express them. allow those emotions to come up about whatever it is you're going through. Whatever fears you have, whatever excitement you have, express those emotions, allow them to be there, allow them to exist, give them permission, accept yourself as you are, whether you're ready, or you're not ready, you know, except yourself. It's okay to not have all the information before starting a project. But it is important to sit down have a plan of action before moving forward. So accept yourself as you are, you are a perfect imperfection. And I'm not just saying that because you know, that's what the card says or, you know, that's what I'm getting from the card. But we all are human, we all are perfect imperfections. And sometimes our imperfections are what make us the most beautiful. I'm sure there's been a time when you've gone to the store. And you you know, maybe you were looking at a shirt, and there was a shirt that had its printing just just off a little bit. But it almost made it more beautiful because it was just askew. Or I know when I was a kid I always dug through those stuffed animal baskets, looking for the one stuffed animal that was unlikely others Why? Because it made it unique. You are unique. And you need to recognize that right now in this moment. You are unique and beautiful. There's you don't have to have any expectations for who you will be or what you need to be moving forward. Just know that you are perfect right now. You are perfectly imperfect and that is okay. Just know that unconditional love towards yourself and towards the state that you are in presently will bring you back home to your heart back home into your body. And that when you enter into that flow of unconditional love, you can create channel creativity and you can really Let go of control and allow yourself just to be who you are. And when you do that, you will flow effortlessly, there will be no need to fight anything moving forward. And that's what's so beautiful is when you do connect in with with your imperfections, your uniqueness, and you, you hold that love for yourself that you can really be the best version of yourself. Because it's our uniquenesses that make us the most special. Okay. And for love. Let's see, I'm gonna pull out the love card here. ooo. Okay, so we have a really interesting dynamic here, we have two pairings of masculine and feminine cards, bind it together by the Smith, we have the queen of shadows, and the Lord of the forests, which are black and white cards in reverse. And we have the Green Man and the green woman. That's, that's a really cool pairing there. So the queen of shadows is about introspection, and really pulling, pulling all those aspects of yourself out of the shadows, all those aspects you don't like even the parts of yourself that you used to love, and maybe have neglected. These, these might be, you know, hobbies you used to have when you were younger, or maybe before you entered your relationship with your significant other, that you suddenly stopped doing these things, just because they didn't have an interest, it's time to pull those out of the closet and take a look at them and start incorporating them back into your life. The Queen of the shadows also asks you to recognize the parts of yourself that are not the most desirable. So it might be a bad habit and might be things that your partner is triggered by if you don't have a partner, these are just probably pet peeves that you have with yourself, or maybe insecurities you have about yourself and really being brutally honest with yourself about this. Now, the people who are going to be getting this reading, they could be already partnered up I see because we have this masculine feminine pairing. I have a strong inkling that a lot of you will have partners, or will have this dynamic. But I can also see this as a person who is struggling to balance the masculine and feminine aspects of themselves. And they're looking at how do I become a more whole version of myself. And so the queen of shadows is asking you to acknowledge, just acknowledge, that's all you have to do is acknowledge your own insecurities. What about yourself? Are you not comfortable with what parts of yourself? Do you really not like? Go ahead, pull out a piece of paper, write them down, write them down, it's okay. It's okay to not like certain parts of yourself. The cool thing is, is once you acknowledge that, that's like the hardest part. Because you don't really have to change yourself. You just have to be able to see those parts of yourself in a different light. Once you bring them out of that dark closet, you can start to go, Well you know what, that little mole on my face isn't so bad. I kind of didn't like it before. But now once I like I'm taking a closer look, it's kind of cute. Seems like there's a lot of people who have these little moles on their face. And, you know, they're they're not bad. They're cute. And the next card we have is the Lord of the forest. The Lord of the forest is the eternal masculine. This is a card of action and strength. And so when it's in reverse, I feel like this card is really asking you to to notice what you are not getting either from your partner or from yourself. What do you need? Because there's a weakness there. You're not getting something you're not being supported somewhere. What are you needing right now? Take action go to them say Listen, I'm not getting enough cuddles from you at my I need more cuddles, can you do that? And if they can't, then recognize, okay, they can't do that. How can I give myself that that love and support that I need? You know, so find a way to compromise and to connect with your your relationship and with yourself and see what it is that you're you're not giving yourself to nurture yourself to nurture your soul and to give you strength. Okay, Moving on, we have the Smith. Now the Smith is what's interesting is this card is actually about this little little gnome. And he, he is the one that crafts, wedding rings, and little rings to share with your significant other. So I get the feeling you guys out there, maybe some of you are engaged or thinking of doing that, Well, congratulations. But it looks like you guys have a little bit in your relationships to work on. So the cool thing about the Smith is that he is reminding you to keep your promises. Your word is your bond. Do not make promises you don't intend to keep. So don't tell your partner that you're going to go do that one thing, if you're not going to go do that one thing. And don't, don't, you know, agree to a promise that your partner gives you. If you don't intend to keep it, don't just say it to people, please them and to not hurt their feelings, because it's going to hurt their feelings so much more when they realize that you can't, you can't keep your promise later. Remember that every time that you make a promise to someone, if you don't keep that promise, like, you're only as good as the promises you keep in the actions you take. And if you break that bond, the emotional bond, the trust that's there, your connection with that person will break too. So I know if somebody lies to me, especially more than once, and they don't keep promises or they blatantly tell me they're going to do something even if I didn't bring it up and they don't keep that promise. I have no interest in connecting with them anymore. I don't trust their word anymore. They're not they're not honest to me. So, your word is important. And your connection is important. Hold on to that we have next is the green woman which is about subtlety and beauty. And the gentle flow of energy in nature and creativity and inner strength and, and recognizing how beautiful nature is connect back in with nature. recognize how beautiful nature really is and how green and alive it can be. And how healing and nurturing that can feel to just go out and take a nature walk. Just go sit under a tree for 30 minutes it can feel so revitalizing. And the next card we have is the Green Man which is irresistible lifeforce and virility. So this, this card can kind of be the, you know, the, the, the, the hunk man, right? We got this, this guy that just, you know, is very, very, very attractive and irresistible. But also on the other side of that we have to recognize that this Green Man card is talking about the strength and the power of nature and how nature is so dangerously alive that it will crack through cement to reach sunlight. And if you're in a partnership and you have a partner, a man partner, just just if you know eventually hopefully with their their their promises being more honored, they will learn to use their their appeal their strength in a way that no matter what comes in your path as a couple that they are always pushing to overcome any obstacles that if you're the man, you know, I'm just gonna say if you're the man, you will overcome all obstacles to connect and be be with your partner that you're always going to try and overcome any odds that that may you know, try and come between you and now we are moving on to group number for group number four, your crystal of the month is aura grape agate if you have just normal grape agate that will totally work. Grape agate is really incredible for activating psychic abilities and helping you understand your dreams having clear, vivid dreams, lucid dreams and it helps with mental clarity. It also helps you connect with your guides. So work with agate, grape agate, grape agate this month to really cultivate those psychic connections, and work through your dreams because your animal is Wolf, wolf. And wolf is super connected with the moon, which once again, the moon correlates with psychic abilities. So you're going to want to be in connection with your psychic abilities this month moving forward. Wolf is the teacher. Wolf is the teacher, you have new ideas and methods that you need to share them, you need to share them, maybe they're not completely in order. That's okay, go out in nature, spend some alone time connecting with nature, maybe on a full moon and tap into that full moon energy into that nature energy. And you should get some some knowledge and secrets from that. Because wolf is really really strongly connected with that unconscious knowledge and secrets. You have new ideas and methods that you need to share and get out there. You have either haphazardly stumbled upon this information, or you have gathered it over years of study. Just know that that as as someone who is going to be connecting with wolf this month, that being in tune with that, that moon energy will help you also connect with your guides and download that subconscious knowledge of secrets and wisdom that you will need to get those ideas out there. Okay, and the situation is that you are a gifted healer, you have intuitive wisdom, that's probably where you're drawing all that wolf energy from right, that intuitive wisdom, you get a lot of power from nature, a lot of power from your dreams, and from your creativity. You need to ignite your spiritual courage, and you need to stand by your truth and wisdom with integrity. You can't let other people and what other people are doing on the internet or what other people are encouraging you to do. Sway what you know, in your heart. You know who you are, you know what you want to do, and you're a little timid about doing it. But right now is the time to step forward with power and confidence. And know that what you have within you all that information, all the wisdom, it is needed right now people need to hear what you have figured out about life, because they will connect with it, they really will. Um, so you also right now, you, we have the set the seven of wands, and there is that that feeling of needing to take action, but it's it's misguided right now, right now you are dealing with a lot of aggression. And you've been suppressing some emotions or feelings or thoughts. And that's really challenging you in the tasks that you're trying to do throughout the day. And unless you align with your heart, and stop, think before you act, you're going to keep coming up against this this fiery energy that almost like burns your life to the ground. So if you've been having trouble with like, bursts of like frustration, or just feeling angry and all that fire energy, just take a deep breath, when it bubbles up. You can walk away, you can take a deep breath. Just think before you act and try your best to only act from a place that aligns with your heart. So if you're about to yell at somebody, just touch base with your heart is it for my highest and best good right now to yell at this person? Or should I act from my heart? I think I should go for a walk. I that's what I'm feeling in my heart. Okay. Just know that right now is a time of new beginnings. And because you have all these new ideas that you need to share, you need to bring your physical life into balance with your spiritual life. So you have that weird you know, I guess you're having some issue with balance. balancing those areas of your life, you need to learn to control those fiery emotions to control those bad habits, your anxiety through harnessing these energies that don't support you. So use your creativity to your advantage. Take those negative energies, those, the anger and the anxiety and take those feelings that are so you know that you just want to burst, put them on paper, sing a song, dance it out, trust me, it will make a world of difference. And when you learn how to transmute those feelings, those energies that usually would take you down. And instead these are going to bring you fulfillment and healing. And then you can start to feel on top of the world and in control of of your life. Again, your healing card is animal spirits. Keep your eyes and ears open to the animal kingdom because they will be leading you to new insights, new power, when you connect to the animal kingdom, you will begin to feel supported. Okay. Also, because we have the grape agate, you should also take into consideration that any animals that appear in your dreams right now are going to be really important to be mindful of, they are going to be giving you some power, giving you some insight to yourself and some some things that you can start to implement or heal in your own life, Dream animals are going to be really important. Moving on to love. So we have the queen of Earth and home, the queen of Earth and home for me is about making your home space, your environment feeling really cozy and warm and inviting. And to really start maybe create like an altar or a place of of peace for yourself in your room in your space. To take some time and honor the things that you feel connect with. So because we have that animal spirits, maybe find an animal from a dream recently, and create a little space on your wardrobe. Or if you have an altar on your altar, where you can honor that animal where you can draw a picture of them, or put some food out for them even though you know it, yeah, just just do it, trust me, it works, but some food out for them and set the intention that you're inviting their power their their energy into your space, so that you can understand their message and what what they bring to you now you have so much inspiration, and so much energy and liveliness in you. And it's time that you start to apply that to some ideas and some situations that are coming up. So we do have that those new ideas that have come into play, and you need to be able to like really cultivate those new ideas, and start to to find places to to share them. Because the next card you have is the queen of the day. And this is about recognizing the blessings of each day. Like how grateful you are to have these new ideas come into your awareness to have, you know, these animals that want to work with you right now. Do have all the wonderful things in your life. And you really should be taking time every day. And sharing your gratitude with them. With with your family, share your gratitude with your home, share your gratitude with your guides and the animals and and sharing your wisdom to you know, go out there and just share a little bit with maybe close friends or people that come to you for assistance and help share with people. Okay, so the last two cards we have is we have the Heartless love. And this is more of like a warning. You know, I feel like this is saying that maybe somebody is interested in you and you are completely oblivious to it. According to these cards, it doesn't look like you need to take any actions if there is somebody who is interested in you and you just don't feel anything towards them. Like that's totally fine. It's okay to say no, please say no. If you don't have an interest in somebody and don't let them manipulate you into a relationship that's not healthy. But we also have to recognize that if somebody is putting a lot of attention on us and we're actually asking for help We're asking for their love. Maybe we're getting something out of that interaction, and we're manipulating them, that that's not healthy. And that that will turn you into what the next card is. which is the Crone, the Crone. So don't don't be using other people, and the resources and the love and the care that they have, for your own good if you don't plan to reciprocate that love. If you have a guy friend, who is spending a lot of time on you, and you care about them, but you just don't like them that way. Be honest. Stop dragging the poor guy around in the mud. Share with him if you're a guy, and you are just like, you know, you have all the ladies attention. And you you're kind of like giving all the ladies the same kinds of attention. Maybe it's best to like, pick one and not not be not not not sleeping, you know, that just don't drag all these other women around. It's it's not very fair. But this chrome card is reminding you that like your actions and the way you treat others can turn you into that like not so nice person. The Crone can be somebody who is super kind, but in this particular situation, it is the witch of Snow White you got the poison apple you're a little jealous of that other the the the prettiest lady in the in the kingdom and you'll want to poison her so you can take her throne and her beauty. Yeah, let's not do that, you guys. There is no reason to be jealous of another person. Because like we said earlier, I don't know if this was for this reading, but we are all perfectly imperfect. And there will be someone for you. Should you be patient enough to receive that person and confident enough to be able to receive that person? So really, it's okay to be alone. Feel confident that right now you're on a mission. Right now you are the wolf you're out to teach people but don't hold it over their heads this information. You know, you're here to help give this information and and share this information in a in a way that helps them so don't be the Heartless love or the Crone. And, and Be kind, be kind. Okay. So that those were our readings for today. I know we're running pretty pretty late in this reading today. So I'm just gonna go ahead and do a little a little song and we will be done and I look forward to talking to you guys later. And thank you so much for tuning in to Rainbows Rising where we ascend together. Alright, I'm going to go ahead and play some music and if you're driving now would be a good time to skip to the next one.