Rainbows Rising

You have a Secret Admirer - Its not who you'd expect...

Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 6

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With Valentine's Day just a few days away, we all have love on the mind, whether you have a partner or not.  There's a secret admirer out there, ready to love you....❤️

Discover how to empower yourself and your relationships with some tips and tricks.

Essential Oil Brands I recommend:

Love Bath Recipe:

  • Rose Petals
  • Epson Salt
  • Rosehip oil or Rose water
  • Rose Geranium essential oil (5-7 drops)
  • Sweet Orange essential oil (5-10 drops)
  • Vanilla essential oil (5-10 drops) or Vanilla extract (3 drops)
  • Clove (5-10 drops) and Cinnamon (5-10 drop)

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/ Outro - Traveler and Ambient Motivational by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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hello and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raaja. And today, I want to wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day. But not the,

Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, the, the Valentine's day that we have come to know and many of us loathe. But the Valentine's Day of honoring yourself, honoring and loving, and respecting yourself, whether you have a partner, or whether you're flying solo this year, for for this holiday, I want everyone that is ascending, everyone that is taking care of themselves everyone that believes themselves to be a conscious, spiritual individual. I want you to find a way to woo yourself this year, I want you to find a way to give yourself the love that that you so desperately deserve. Not that you need, not that you want, but that you deserve. Now, I know that there is a lot of a lot of people out there who just can't find worth in in themselves. Maybe they find it really hard to accept themselves fully for who they are. Maybe they're self conscious, maybe you grow grew up with parents who just just you just never were enough for them. But I want you to know that you are enough. You're more than enough. And this is your life. Nobody that you can ever cross paths with deserves your love, your attention and and the beauty of your affection and admiration and your gifts of love language right beside you. You are a sacred beautiful person. Spirit, spiritual being alive with life. And you deserve it. So for those of you who who may have some issues with with doing even the littlest thing for yourself. I just want to go ahead and just kind of throw some some new questions out there some introspection reflection for you. You know, why? Why aren't you enough? Like, why is that guy over there? That girl over there more worthy of your love than you? Are you living their life? Were you made specifically for that person? If if they were to perish, would your life have absolutely no worth? And if so, why? Why do you feel that way? At what point in your life did that become your truth? At what point in your life? Did you believe that? And I know that it's a little harsh. But introspection and those hard looks at yourself as harsh as they may feel at times can really truly be the most enlightening moments of your life. Should you dive deep enough into that discomfort. dive deep into that pain into that hurt. Know that place of other have grimy discomfort into that memory. You don't have to wallow in it. Just understand understand And that whatever happened to you, whatever happened to you is not of you. It does not define who you are and it does not define your sense of worth unless you allow it to your belief in yourself your confidence in yourself is not reliant on other people's perspective of your worth. And I know that that specially for anyone who has experienced trauma or abuse, neglect, abandonment that facing those darker fears those darker shadows and recognizing that really truly, you are this incredible person with some wounds, you got some boo boos you know, it's okay. It's okay. Everybody falls down gets a scrape or broken arm. It's time to dust yourself off. You know, go on and, and bike over to the store, hop in your car. ride down to that store. Grab yourself on those big old boxes of chocolates. If you don't like chocolates. Dry yourself a nice hot bath.


You don't have a bath. That's fine. Go ahead and take yourself out on a date. You don't have money write yourself a love poem. I did. I wrote myself a love poem this year. I wrote one last year too. And this is what it says. It is called I'm My Valentine. They say love is crazy, lovely and blind. True Love You must search for in order to find I discovered love seems to seek you out. Once you look within you shed all doubt. Love is learning to say no when your shame says yes, respecting your body and mind to get rest. Love is taking a long, hard look in the mirror. forgiving yourself for acting out of fear. Love is knowing how many years you have run, climbing, competing until you had one. Love is facing down demons no one else can see silently fighting until you broke free. Love is embracing your flaws, your haters new best. The ones that are now strengths only you possess. Love is accepting that even when feeling alone. You are filled with power reining from your throne. No one can do rail you manipulate or lie when you're in love gives you the strength to say goodbye. I am filled with gratitude and a deep sense of pride. For the unlikely true love. I found inside. no greater gift given this Valentine's Day than this poem to myself and are handpicked.

Rainbow Raaja:

bouquet. And even with that love poem. I know. I know that there's people out there that might still really struggle to accept themselves. I want you to take a moment and really evaluate all of the difficulties you faced. Go ahead, allow them to flash before your eyes. Think of all of your most difficult struggles.


Think of all the hard horrible, traumatic things evolved the mistakes you've made. Go ahead. Think about it. I'll give you a moment. Yeah, you've been through a lot. You've been through so much. You don't need to keep beating yourself up. You tried your best. And you continue to improve, or you want to be here, you want to be listening to this self help podcast, this podcast about empowerment, this podcast about rediscovering your power and your worth your magic. You wouldn't be here if you weren't ready to heal, and to forgive yourself. And to forgive the others that made you feel less than the beautiful, incredible divine being that you are. Or handsome. If you're a guy, you know, that's totally fine too.

Rainbow Raaja:

So, take a moment. Put your hands on your heart. Unless you're driving, don't do that. If you're driving, just go ahead and breathe into your heart breathe into your heart. And for all of us that have hands and can play some on our hearts without endangering our own lives, just go ahead and take a moment. But down that broom, down that dish, just take one moment. Breathe into your heart. Love yourself. Appreciate your journey. You are strong, you're you are brave. Look at all that you've overcome. Look at all the love you've given to other people. Look at all those times that you sacrificed yourself for another.


And all those times that you made a mistake, because you were so trusting. You were so open. All those times that you gave, and gave,and gave till you had nothing left, like The Giving Tree. It's time that you gave back to you. And so besides giving you a long lecture, besides trying to hype you up to remembering that you are living this life for you, you are living in your body, you are living to pursue your dreams. You are here on your mission of empowerment, your mission of love light. Besides all that, I'm going to go ahead and give you some ideas on what you can do to really treat yourself this Valentine's Day for a little, little spiritual twist on Valentine's Day. Make yourself that twin flame soulmate connection

Rainbow Raaja:

that you deserve. Be the lover you deserve this Valentine's Day. Okay, you wake up that Valentine's morning and you're going to make yourself the most delectable savory breakfast. If you can't cook. Hey, that's what doordash and grubhub all those are for. really treat yourself spare no expense. really, truly, you know what I'm going to be eating on Valentine's day morning. I am going to be I'm going to be doing some chocolate dipped strawberries. I'm prepping them the night before. It's so easy. It's so easy just go get some fresh strawberries like two or three days before Valentine's Day. Leave them out for a little bit so they like aren't moist or wet. Just get some chocolate chips, any kind of chocolate chips, whatever you prefer white chocolate milk chocolate, dark chocolate. Any any of them is fine. You're gonna heat up some some water on the stove, boil it pop a little. If you don't have a double boiler which I'm assuming most of you don't. If you have a metal bowl that fits over the top of your saucepan. Place the metal bowl over the top of your saucepan. If you have a heat resistant bowl that fits over the top of your saucepan, put that there I think just put the chocolate in there over the boiling water has to be pre boiling. And just stir the chocolate and don't stop stirring or it's gonna it's gonna count To burn the bottom of your bowl, so just stir the chocolate until it's all melted. There's no chunks in there, it should be smooth. Turn off the heat, you pop your strawberry in. You place it onto a plate or a tray with a little bit of parchment paper and you pop it in your fridge. And tada, you got some chocolate covered strawberries for the next morning. There's no better way of treating yourself of honoring your beautiful, amazing, vibrant being, I think give yourself that chocolate covered strawberry. As a breakfast. Go get yourself some nice flowers if you have any growing currently where I live. All our flowers are are not around there. They're hiding because it's winter time. But go to the store, buy yourself some roses. There's a whole bunch. There's so many. You could even celebrate Valentine's Day The day after Valentine's Day and like get a bunch of discount roses. It'd be a great idea. Get some discount roses. You're going to give yourself those discount roses, you know a dozen roses, cut their little stems, prep them the day before pop them in a vase. Get them all set up right right where you like to eat. Maybe go out on your porch or your patio, go sit under that tree. Enjoy the morning with your chocolate covered strawberries or maybe just close up in your favorite little robe. Those chocolate covered strawberries and your roses and you're going to give yourself a a love bath. We're gonna do a super special love bath. All right. This is gonna like increase your sense of appreciation for yourself. This is going to fill you with with recognizing those qualities that maybe you struggle to see in yourself soon and give you new vitality and give you confidence so that you can go on out there and face the world and all their little paired up couples all around the play you know all over the place with their Instagram stories. Go on out there and know that your Valentine's Day was an authentic true. Love Valentine's Day because you took the time to draw yourself that warm bath. You took those rose petals from those roses you went and bought. You go ahead and drizzle them into your bath, grab yourself a bag of Epsom salt just you know dump like three or four cups like if you want just dump the whole bag. The cool thing about Epson salt is when absorbed into your skin it gives you like super smooth skin and it helps with detoxification and muscle relaxation. And it works on not just the like psychological level of like de stressing you but it also works with the nervous system and your muscular body with releasing muscle tension and pains, but you put enough Epsom salt in your bath and you will actually have a very buoyant bath


where you can almost create like a float tank level of buoyancy and you can float in your bathtub. So you throw a whole bag of that Epsom salt make sure the water is warm enough to actually like dissolve the Epson salt make sure that you have some rose hip oil or water like rose water or rose rose hip oil and make sure that you have the essential oils of rose geranium, sweet orange, vanilla Clove. And you can even do like a cinnamon. If if you so desire. And I know that like on a lot of blogs, they like recommend like 20 drops, I do not I do not recommend that many drops As you hold the bottles of each one, I want you to set your intentions as follows. Rose geranium, you're going to hold the bottle and you're going to breathe into your heart. And you're going to breathe this affirmation this intention from your heart into this bottle. I am worthy of love and appreciation and devotion. And you're going to drop five to seven drops of that. Now, if it just comes out as a flow, that's totally fine. If it's having trouble coming out at all, that's okay too. The oil will give you what is needed depending on on where you are and what your your energetic tolerance to it is. So just know that if it comes out in a burst or it comes out, you know just a couple drops and you can't get much more out of it. That's totally fine. leave it at that. But if you can control the drops five to seven drops is good. Then with the sweet orange, you're going to want to hold the the bottle and once again breathe into your heart and set the intention that this oil is going to provide this affirmation this intention for you. I am a sensual and vibrant being I am full of life. And I have so much life to share. And you're going to go ahead and do about 10 drops of that. Now make sure that these these are like professional quality oils you can get some pretty reliable oils from like Whole Foods and mountain rose company I I might not have their name like completely right. But they're really reliable. I personally use scensible life oils like sense as in like sense of smell. The the scent, scent scible life is my preferred brand. But just make sure that your oils are are well made. And not like highly toxic. With the next oil, the vanilla, either the vanilla extract or the vanilla essential oil, you're going to hold the bottle you're going to set the intention and say the affirmation I can connect with the sweetness of my life. I am connecting to the sweetness of my life. I am connecting to the sweetness of my soul. I am connected. And I am divine. And you're going to go ahead and if you're using like vanilla extract, like 1 to 3 drops, really you don't need more than that.

Rainbow Raaja:

And if it is the essential oil, you're you can do about 10 drops of that. But depending on how much if you're an energy worker, all of these oils you need like five or less drops of really, and the last one clove or if you want to add cinnamon the affirmation is kind of the same. And it's I am open to receiving more spice in my life. I'm open to reconnecting to the sense of excitement and adventure in rediscovering my beauty and grace. Or if you're a man, my strength and steadfastness okay.


So go ahead and put I'd say about eight drops of that of either of those or both. into your bath, you should be smelling some great fragrances at this point. Stir it all up. If you if you have a crystal wand that is not made out of selenite, or kyanite, or Tourmaline like just a big old stick of quartz, you can use that to stir up your bath. If you don't have that, you can just go ahead and use your hand. I like to put a little bit of myself into my bath by either singing over my bath, or playing some music and dancing before I get into the bath. You can even take this time to like add, add whatever you want crystals to your bath or around your bathtub, bring those chocolate covered strawberries into the bathroom, whatever it may be. But I do encourage you to do these practices. Write yourself a love poem. take yourself out on a date. Make yourself some chocolate covered strawberries, buy yourself some roses. Right You know, whatever you can do. To give yourself the best on this this holiday, especially if you're alone, especially if this holiday triggers you in some way makes you feel resentful, or frustrated. Or, or sad and depressed. This is a way to, to give back to yourself, to remind yourself that you are worth being loved. That you are a gift to this world. You wouldn't be here if you weren't. You wouldn't be here. If you weren't meant to do something big. To help someone to change someone's life. Change your own life. To be to be you know, to have this incredible story unfold. I mean really, really bask in your own story and your character. You know what, what, what kind of movie would your life be without you? You know, you're the hero. You deserve to be honored and celebrated. On this day, you deserve to give yourself some love. I love you and I don't know you. But I can tell you I deeply deeply love every single bit of you. All the good and all of your perceived bad because without those moments of weakness, without those mistakes, without that trauma and that pain, those wounds you wouldn't be you. You wouldn't be you and you are powerful and strong. And I can't wait to see what you do in this lifetime. What What do you provide the next generation? What changes are you bringing to this world? I would love to see it. I want to know you. I know that you are an incredible person and I love you just the way you are And you deserve to love yourself that way too. And if you really think that I couldn't possibly feel that way. If I actually knew you hit me up. Email me message me. Find me on Instagram. I promise. I promise. There is there is no room for judgment. I could tell you tales I would turn your hair white. I love me and I love you and I love them. And this Valentine's Day is not about them. It's about me. It's all about you boo. So have an incredible Valentine's YOU day. All right. honor you respect you. build yourself up. Treat yourself like the queen or king that you are. Do it! DO IT!

Rainbow Raaja:

All right.


I love you guys so much. And I know even though I'm not seeing those changes that you're making in your life, I know you're making so many changes. You're making waves. You guys, keep working. Keep working on yourselves. Keep trying out some of those practices I shared and continue to share. Keep working on yourselves and exploring, exploring yourself exploring what works for you. Play. This place, this place is a playground, a vast playground. All right. Anyway, thank you guys so much for listening. I love you guys. And I'm so happy you guys joined me today. Hope you have a wonderful, wonderful Valentine's Day. You, you, you and you

Rainbow Raaja:

All right. Thank you, bye.