Rainbows Rising

Dream Pillow - Crystals and Herbs for different dream practices

Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 9

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Ever wanted to learn to lucid dream?  Maybe you used to have vivid dreams when you were younger and you want to return to a dreamworld of color and sound.  Did you have a prophetic dream and you want to have another one?  Rainbow Raaja talks about crystals and herbs that support specific dreamwork and even how to make your own dream pillow so you can deepen your dreaming practice.   💤 Sweet Dreams   💤

Recommended reading : The Kin of Ata are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/Outro - Traveler and Chemical X by Alexander Nakarada
(vocals by Rainbow Raaja)

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raaja. And today we're going to dive a little deeper into the heart of dream work. I really wanted to talk a bit more about why dream work is so important to spiritual practice. And its roots in shamanic cultures across the globe. I wanted to talk more about crystals that support dreamwork. And what crystals will help you with specific goals when working with dreamwork as well as making a dream pillow for sweet, sweet dreams. And that is what we are going to be doing for today's show. So diving right in to the shamanic significance of dreams. Dreams have been associated with spiritual practices since the beginning of time. Dreams are such a mysterious thing that even with the vast amount of technological advances we have made in the past century, we still know so little about what dreaming is. And back in prehistoric times, tribal shamans use dreams to predict the future. They would use dreams to work through fears and blocks by dancing the fears into this world, where they then would transform the energy from the nightmare. From that darker dream, the negativity, the fear itself, they would transform that energy disperse it and through that they would heal. They would do deep, deep transmutation work through dreams through nightmares. And shaman would do this for other people as well. So if you were having a nightmare and you went to a shaman that specialize in dream work, you wouldn't even have to really tell them the details of your dream besides I had a bad dream and when it happened, and they would be able to journey into your dreamscape and resolve the the issue whether it be a piece of you that is refusing to learning lesson whether it be something you regret, whether it be in a lost entity, whether it be you know, whatever it is, whatever it is, they will find it, they will extract it, bring it into the physical plane. Or if it's if it's something that isn't harmful, they would transmute it and help bring it to light in the dreamscape so that you would be able to absorb the lesson to absorb the power from that in your own dream world. And shamanic practitioners would also utilize dreams for creative potential. You know, they they found that dreams were these incredibly magical manifestations of of interdimensional energy. I mean, dreams are doorways into other realms, other realities, other potentials into the past, into the future. Dreams are almost like time travel. And for someone who you know is interested in this, you could technically use dreams, even to change the dimensional reality you experience here. People call this quantum jumping, you can use dreams to change your actual reality. Choose a different timeline as they say. So shaman knew the power of dreams. They always have. That's why it's coming back around because there is power in your dreams. And they knew that; they knew that. And, you know, there was a book, a book that I read, it was called the Kin of Ata are Waiting for You. And a theme in this book is that these very simple people live very simple lives, they have no electronics, no communication with the outside world, they are completely isolated from modern people of this day and age, they live very humbly, they have little mud huts. These people focus their entire life, on the state of dreaming. And when they would dream, they considered these dreams to be the the dreams of the whole world, that they were responsible for upholding the fabric of reality for the rest of the world, whether in the past or in the future in the present. They believed that, that their dreams held power, more than just the power to go, Oh, yes, this is a cool dream. They believe that their dreams actually held tangible power. And every single day, the entire community would gather together in almost like an amphitheatre type place. And they would tell the story of their dreams. Each day, they would dance their dreams, they would express their dreams, through music, through acting through words through storytelling, through just whatever means they could, whatever means they could. If they had a nightmare, there was a specific place, they would go It was like a small cave, almost, that they would sit in darkness, and reflect on the meanings, the understandings and the warnings of this nightmare. And once they did understand, and they were able to fully integrate those lessons into their life. From there, they returned to society. And were able to go about their day until the evening, when they would share the revelation with with the community. Now this book is fiction, based probably loosely on Aboriginal cultures. It really reminds me of Australian shamanic cultures and, and how they would utilize dreams. But the interesting thing about this book is what how, how their dreams and really, really shaped this sense of peace in their life. That they knew they had control over their reality. They knew they had control over what they experienced. Just through this ritual of sharing their dreams, of working with their dreams. And growing up I really hadn't realized that that this wasn't something everybody else did. But every single day my mom would asked me What did you dream last night. And most nights I had something to say. Most nights I had a pretty vivid dream or several vivid dreams that I could recall and share with her. Sometimes they were of the future and sometimes they were of a time I'm not aware of and sometimes I was someone else. I was in a different world on a different planet. Sometimes I didn't really know what had happened. I just was I just almost was omnipresent watching other people. There's one on every single day, every day of my childhood into my teens. And when my mom stopped asking, What did you dream last night? I would tell my friends anyway, all of my friends I tell my friend Hey, you weren't my dream last night. This cool dream. We were in this park, I think or in this tennis court or something. Doing something looking up at the moon, or something like grass hills, I guess. Man, it was a cool dream. Yeah, it sounds really cool. I had a similar dream with you last night. Really? What were we doing? We were walking, but it was daytime. Oh, cool. Was there anything particular Yeah, there was like mushrooms everywhere. Oh, weird. Interesting. Like several months later, we had that experience. She and I ended up walking all night long. In a park. We hung out all night, talking about the stars and talking about the universe and what we theorize this was all about. And we talked and talked and walked on what until the morning until the morning, where we laid on the grass. Next to mushrooms, tada mushrooms, just like in her dream. And I remember stating out loud deja vu in every single prophetic dream that I had as a kid into my teens. And dreams have been an important part of me, transforming of me recognizing where I am in this present moment, and where I want to be and the reality that I want to put power into. If I don't like my reality, I change it. And I have done that through dreams. Through dreamwork. There's a lot of a lot of things I can help you. I haven't really used lucid dreaming. But journaling my dreams has been very, very beneficial. I have used quite a few dream pillows, or placing several crystals of real dream crystals in a bag under my pillow. That's been really effective. I've used herbs and sachets, like little little baggies of crystals and herbs to help support my dreams. I've applied essential oils. And so even though we are in a day and age, where we are constantly bombarded with screens, which I believe has a negative impact on our ability to recall dreams to be able to forge our own dreamscapes. Because we get entangled in these in these other worlds that are you know, whether real or unreal, you know, imaginary fiction, whatever they are, you get tangled in them. I mean, I'm sure you've had a dream of the TV show you're watching or the movie you were watching or the video game you were playing. I know I have. You know I've had a really cool dream of playing Guild Wars. After playing several hours of Guild Wars one night, I just had a guild wars dream, adventuring the lands It was great. I enjoyed it was a good escape. But, But the problem is, is you know you have enough of those, you're not really able to experience your own little dream world. So when faced with all these screens, and these different stories, these different worlds and technically screens are almost like portals to these other worlds. How do you reconnect with your own dreamscape. So the best way to do that is you can start playing with some crystals. Now, there is an actual crystal called a dream quartz. Dream quartz and I hear those are really good. I personally don't have one. I like herkimer diamonds, I have a really big one. It has been really nice to sleep with. But if you can't afford those expensive crystals from those like New Age esoteric stores, just go get yourself a little bit of Amethyst. Seriously Amethyst or labradorite. Those can be really, really good starter crystals to start with. Now if you want to get more advanced in your dream work, go ahead get yourself a herkimer diamond, go get yourself a dream quartz. According to Melody, the crystal goddess lady, she recommends convoluted sheet quartz, which not only helps with lucid dreaming, but it also makes your dreams vivid. It enhances your dream state you can have a much clearer dream recall where you won't even have to write your your dreams down anymore. And you'll have a lot of past life dreams. So if you want to just kind of get a crystal that just does everything, get some convoluted sheet chords and just stick it next to your bed The bigger the better. Right And yeah, I mean there really are a lot of crystals. I mean I made a list here like I have a list just...oooph... we have we have crystals for prophetic dreams, we got crystals to help you connect with your guides. We have crystals for manifestation, lucid dreaming crystals to meditate with for dream interpretation. past life dreams, you got vivid dreams and dream recall, happy dreams, increasing your dreams. So many so many and if you guys want to know more crystals for dreams, you want to learn how to use these crystals more than just pop them in a bag put them under your pillow. Please please send me an email or hit me up on one of my social medias and let me know that you are interested in this topic. But just to you know give you guys a little bit more on the herb side I recommend mugwort just just just go plants mugwort and a little pot gross mugwort put it put in a little dream pillow. Lavender! lavender we all have lavender nowadays. Pop some lavender in a dream pillow. Seriously. That'll give you such clear calm dreams and the smell is so fragrant and amazing chamomile drinking kameel tea before bed ah you will have dreams trust me you will have dreams if you have like vanilla chamomile you'll have sweet dreams so you can also drink a tea of mugwort he please please please you know look this stuff up and and and explore your like herbal supplement stores and don't just go throw and things and I'm and I've had mugwort tea but don't just go throw and things and a cup because you heard on a podcast please please but yeah, yeah there's there's just a lot of herbs that you can you can use for enhanced dream work. So some essential oils you can use for dream work would be like frankincense and cedar wood is a really good one for dreamwork as well. sweet orange. So So cedar wood is more for like visions and unders you know getting getting more like vivid, spiritual like dreams. So these dreams are going to be giving you insight of some kind. Whereas Frankincense is going to give you kind of adventure like dreams. And sweet orange is going to give you dreams that are going to help you work through any kind of like, third dimensional like real life emotional issues. If you have a diffuser using one of those and a diffuser before bed, and you can like mix it with lavender, which will help you have deeper sleep, and help you with just having like restful sleep, and then throw a little Amethyst on your pillow. Like, there you go. You got like a dream blend right there. Now if you happen to want to make some dream pillows, if you want to make some dream pillows, get yourself some fabric, make it something new, really like something that's beautiful, or you like the texture, or it's, it's, it was like your favorite t shirt when you were in high school, or it was like your grandmother's quilt that's falling apart. Now you don't know what to do with it, get something that means something to you. You're going to want to cut some squares or patterns, you want two of them, you're going to turn it inside out and face the two outside bits together. And you're going to sew the outer edge until you have one edge open. Okay, you just leave like a whole edge open just just enough that you could put stuff in there. Or if you want it to be resealable, you can attach a zipper. Okay, so you turn it inside out. So you should have a if it's a square, it's a three sided pillow with an opening just like a normal pillow case would be. If you made a heart shape or something that is not a square, you might have a little bit of a curved you know edge to work with there. But that's when now that you have the outer material on the outside. Just go ahead and start placing your mugwort, your chamoline, your cedar wood, your frankincense, whatever it is, you know drop a couple essential oils in there if you want put your crystals in there, I'm going to pop a herkimer in mine, some dream quartz and Amethyst labradorite I'm going to go ahead and pop some Lodalite, otherwise known as Shamanic dream quartz which is usually has a clear outside and a bunch of kind of landscape or, or textures of like different colors on the inside. It almost looks like there's a little world on the inside of the stone. Lodalite. That one is also a very powerful dream stone. Now that one's more for doing work with your guides, doing shamanic journeying, doing like active, pretty advanced, dream work. I'm, I'm probably gonna throw one of those in my dream pillow. And yeah, so just just have fun, have fun. And you make something really beautiful, something that you can put next to your bed or something that you don't mind putting under your normal pillow. And you can even make a little pocket on the front that if you don't want to so your best crystals inside. You can put little pockets on the outside and slip your crystals into the pockets. I have done that that is a really good way not to lose your crystals in your bedding. And yeah, yeah, you make those little pockets. You can also put little totems if you have any Zuni fetishes. You can pop those in if you want to put wishes, like oh, this is my intention for tonight's dream. You know, I want to manifest this in my life. I want to see what this reality is like I want to go to this world. I want to meet this guide. I want to do this. I want to go play with this spirit animal. Put that on a piece of paper and pop it into that little pocket. The pockets are revolutionary. If you really like doing dream work and you want to like actually use this dream pillow. Put the pillow pockets on trust me it's so worth it. Well, I think that's it for today's show. Thank you so much for joining me today. Join me next week for a sound bath reiki Healing activation for your dreams. And the following week for our guest, Amy Ray Jordan. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist who specializes in dream work and shamanic healing. And she applies the western, you know, psychotherapy with shamanic spiritual principles and I'm super, super excited to have her on. So we can explore the importance of dreamwork when trying to work through anxiety or depression, or any of those, any of those ailments that plague us all from time to time. So please stay tuned for that at the end of the month. Thank you so much. And remember, let's all ascend together. Have a good day guys. Bye.