Rainbows Rising

Dreamweaving with Amy Raye Jordan

March 24, 2021 Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 11

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Amy Raye Jordan, a Transformational Therapist, joins Rainbow Raaja to explore the therapeutic benefits of dreamwork.  Sharing dreams of their own and discussing the dynamics of the vast playground of dreamscapes, you can begin to apply dreamweaving into your daily practice to invoke your own transformation.

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/Outro - Traveler and Blinking Lights by Alexander Nakarada

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raja, and I have a very special guests. For you guys Today, I would like to introduce you guys to Amy Ray Jordan. She is a transformational therapist. And she is going to be discussing dreamwork and and how that can help you transform today. Hi, Amy.

Amy Raye Jordan:


Rainbow Raaja:

how are you

Amy Raye Jordan:

Thanks for having me? I'm great. Good to be here.

Rainbow Raaja:

It is amazing to have you on the show today. It is such a privilege. I know that you specialize in dream work, like how do you use dreams in your sessions?

Amy Raye Jordan:

Well, I'll have people bring in dreams in order to sort of elicit a relationship between themselves and their unconscious material at the beginning. And then through that work, we begin to build a relationship between themselves and their higher states of consciousness so that they can begin to experience for themselves how much of their own wisdom they have access to. And then at a more advanced level, how much other dimensions within their own sort of, I don't know, internal world that they have access to. So it's both sort of a bridge to their own truth of unconsciousness, but then that becomes sort of a longer bridge to their own multi dimensionalness, if that makes sense.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah. So in in, I've covered dream work this whole month preparing for this interview. And I personally, I've had a lot of I do a lot of dream work myself. I'm just curious, what is your, your perspective on the dreamscape? And like, like, what is it? And how can people you know, maybe do more in their dream time and use dream time to like help themselves with Ascension?

Amy Raye Jordan:

Well, so when you say dreamscape, what do you mean, specifically by dreamscape? Because we might have different language? So I just want to kind of make sure we were on the same page about what what I'm answering?

Rainbow Raaja:

Well, I just, you know, I use the term dreamscape to encompass all the different dreamscapes. You can it's

Amy Raye Jordan:

Yeah, like the terrains, right?

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah. And like, when I'm dreaming, there are some dreams that I have that I know are my subconscious, right. And I'm processing things and creating, you know, scenarios to play them out. But I don't have a lot of those dreams anymore. A lot of times I'm, I feel I'm in other dimensional realms, either experiencing other lifetimes, other you know, time lines. Yeah, and just kind of sometimes doing actual work there. There have been a couple of dreams where I, I meet clients on the dream plane, and they asked me to do work for them, and I do work for them. But um, you know, I, I don't I don't know what your perspective on that entire, the range of all that is. And I'm really curious, somebody who specializes in dreammork. Like, where do you come from?

Amy Raye Jordan:

That's a really, that's a good question. And so everybody's so unique, right? And what they're working with in the point of Ascension that they're coming from. And so dreams really meet us where we are. And we get to use whatever terrain in whatever dreamscape we are in to work with that which is up for us personally. And then there are, you know, sort of general dreamscapes scenarios or dimensional states of consciousness that we all have access to. It's just depending on where we are, right? And what's, what's that next thing that we're needing to work through and work with in order to sort of level up to the next level. And that changes for all of us all the time. And so, what I find is that there are Different dimensional states of consciousness are different states in which we find ourselves at different times. And usually they come in kind of a grouping. where, you know, there'll be a cyclical, you know, maybe for six months or three months, I'll have some, just like basic dreams that aren't, don't feel that interesting. And then when I'm going through a growth period, that sort of an archetypal level, then those dreams will become much more lucid and profound and have more depth, or feel like I'm entering other dimensional realms. And I'll have more waking consciousness in those dimensional realms and be more interactive with them versus sort of having the dream happen to me. And, and those are the ones I track. And they're very clear, in terms of Oh, this was not an ordinary dream, so to speak. I don't, you know, ordinary sort of term that is just used to sort of describe, it's not really dealing with, to sort of unconscious. Compost, you know, where you're just composting the day to day, this is something that is meant for my soul. And it feels different right there. They all have different feelings to them. And, and so dreamscapes in that way, become really important in that they are sort of like walking into a different world. And that world is populated by symbology. And metaphor, that often runs deeper than what meets the eye. And so like when you wake up and you're thinking about that dream, you might think, oh, that doesn't make any sense. But if you start to think about it from a more depth, and multi dimensional level, it starts to kind of unpack itself. And so it's up to each dreamer to kind of take a catalogue of these dreamscapes. And I like to encourage people to take notes and just bullet point notes, because usually dreams come in impressionable form. And so you don't have to necessarily write the entire dream down, although that's good. But a lot of times, we kind of lose the ability to do that over time. And so we're gonna hurry or whatever. And so if you can just bullet point, the dream, including, you know, this is what the house looked like. And this is, you know, this is what the environment around me look like. And this is what I felt like. And these are some of the things that happened, or this creature showed up or whatever, you begin to build your own catalogue of the different worlds that you personally visit, and that are being built for you by your higher consciousness for you to interact with. And they're different for every person. And so it's kind of important that you build this relationship to your own dreamscapes. So that you build an understanding of the language of dreams. And the symbols and images and experiences are kind of like your own personal language, intro realm language, and it can't be dictated for you Although dream dictionaries and things like that help. In certainly sort of stimulate ideas about the connections. But really, these connections are between you and yourself, and you and your higher self that travels to other dimensions, and communicates through symbols and images versus say, a specific, you know, physical language. And so as you become aware that you go to different dreamscapes, and that they change over time, and that the feeling and texture and experience they're in also changes over time. You know, really keep track of them and try to understand them for yourself so that you can begin to grasp what that meaning is for you specifically. And then, if you're working on something in your therapy work or in your own transformational trajectory, some inner work, as it were, the sequence of these dreams will be so layered with information for you about yourself that they build an understanding of yourself. That is so much more expansive than what your waking state can often comprehend. So they're like, these dreams can be unpacked for years. Yeah, the dreamscapes themselves, right can be developing for years. Right? And so it's a whole other world.

Rainbow Raaja:

I've been keeping journals of my dreams for probably the past decade. And it's like, you talking about that, like, I literally can track. Like, when dreams were were like, leading into an a, you know, a certain skill being being taken on, you know, like, I'm, I got visions of people years before they actually showed up in my, in my life. And, and I mean, there were times in dreams, like years and years, you know, before things were happening, I would meet like a certain being, and I'm like, Oh, this is a weird being. So I'd like draw a picture of them in my dream journal. And then two years later, it turns out that like, I, you know, doing light language or doing, you know, spirit language, it turns out, that's the being I've been communicating with, for that one that showed up in that dream. And it's just really neat to track it back. Because in that moment, it means nothing like, Oh, my gosh, why are these, you know, foxes running around in my dream? Makes no sense. But then like, three months later, when I find out my best friend has been deceiving me? Oh, well, that makes.

Amy Raye Jordan:

Yeah, right. Right. And it also there often be I don't know, if you've had this experience, I think you probably have it, where you'll have a dream. And then, you know, it'll be a significant one, and that you won't, but it won't make sense, you may not have been to that place, or you may not know it exists in real life, or whatever. And then a year or so, or six months or however long later you find yourself in that physical location. And you realize that you've caught up to yourself, and that there's something to be noted and notable about where you are in your internal awakening in relationship to that physical moment in time. And that's kind of like you're setting like breadcrumbs for yourself ahead of time so that you're like, hey, pay attention. Hey, this is where you are now, or this whole new chapter is opening for you now. And you know that because you had a dream about this place, x long ago, and so pay attention, right? Yes, literally walked into dreamscapes, like in physical time going what I had a dream about this place, holy cow.

Rainbow Raaja:

That happened to me too. I was just about to say, um, a couple years ago, I had this dream, where me, my partner, and our two kids were like, well, at the time was just one kid. But you know, I was pregnant, my dream. So I was wandering around this like, hillside that had all these little clay shrines. And they were like, really cute. And we were looking for houses. And we were like, wandering around this hillside. And I was like, Yeah, like this property. There's a lot of potential here. And it just felt really magical and a dream. And about six months later, my boyfriend surprised me with a trip to Hawaii. And I've never been to Hawaii, I don't know anything about Hawaii. And we went to like one of those smaller islands that are not as well known. And on that island, we ended up visiting this like Japanese shrine area, and there's one big Japanese shrine, but then the entire hillside behind it is all these little shrines. And I was like, This is the place for my dream. And I had my dream journal, because I take it everywhere. When I, you know, whenever I sleep, I pulled it out. I showed my boyfriend from like, six months ago, I was like, Look, these are the little houses I saw in my dream. He's like, that's really creepy. And I was like, it's awesome. And I did an activation at that spot, because I was like, so excited.

Amy Raye Jordan:

But it's like, that's a really good example. And I don't mean to interrupt, but I just wanted to say like, what I feel and hear in what you're saying, in those images that come to me as you're speaking from, you know, because also as you're retelling dreams, you're bringing information in with you. That is pre cognitive or metacognitive. Right? It's coming from beyond this plane. And so as you're speaking, it's bringing with it information into our conversation that I will say to that, that particular dream feels to me as if those were the little people Have that area of that land. And why is a very specific energy she the Hawaii is the consciousness is all new Earth, it's very beautiful and very activated. And so the little people, the little beings, the consciousnesses and the spirit beings that live at the ground level, and build little bridges up there speaking to you calling you home in a way asking for your involvement also at that place. And so when you get there, they're celebrating your arrival by making you aware of that intimate connection that you're going to have with him at that time. And so it brings into you also a sense of celebration, and a sense of joy. And had you not had that dream ahead of time, you wouldn't have come into contact with the specialness of that. And so they also get a lot out of your activation. Right, just by your awareness of their presence, and your connection to that land. In that moment, it becomes sort of a sort of a forward ceremony and celebration, if you will, that you get to experience because you had that dream.

Rainbow Raaja:

Wow, I'd never thought of it that way. But yeah, it makes so much sense because like, it really did feel like the island was calling out to me, there were there were multiple parts of the first dream I had. Besides, besides this, this hillside, there was also a volcano and there was like, there was like a guy in my dream that at the time, I didn't know if it was like a good person or a bad person. And I just kind of was like this is I'm just gonna consider this a neutral person. I didn't know the guy. And um, yeah, so I mean, like, it would make sense that there was there was some spirit calling me to to the island. It was it was a really beautiful, beautiful experience. And even to this day, my boyfriend I talked about, like, we want to retire there. That's such a beautiful place. It was so magical. I felt so many spirits there.

Amy Raye Jordan:

Well, and the fairies are sort of, I want to use the word offshoot because I don't want to be in that way with them. But they're related right? To the little people. There's a relationship between fairies and the little people. And, you know, there's a lot of fairies in that way. And I forgot about your connection to fairies. But that makes a lot of sense.

Rainbow Raaja:

I consider all fay bloodline beings, relatives. There's, there's so many there's like trolls and dwarves and the sidhe. And like, there's just so many so many I, it would be really hard to be able to Section them off, it would take forever to be like, yes, and there's this many of this. But

Amy Raye Jordan:

Right, right, there's so many different little Earth beings that are helpers, right in that way. Mm hmm. And then earlier, you were speaking to about receiving information or visiting with other people have this plane or other dimensions in dream time.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, and yeah,

Amy Raye Jordan:

yeah, that's the whole, that's kind of the same, right? Because it has a link to what we're talking about, and that that was a calling out right from other consciousnesses and other relatives, right. Um, and in a similar way, we will often come into contact with our spirit guides or our helpers or our protection or our inspiration or however you want to call it, that our relatives that are not simply are not only aspects of our own personal higher consciousness, but are a part of the interconnected consciousnesses of life. Right. And so, you know, sometimes we will not only provide healings, for those that seek our counsel on on other planes, but we will be given healings on the other planes by our assistance. And that is a whole different kind of dream experience where you realize that the dream is happening outside of yourself in a way like that there is another consciousness that is bringing their contact point to you versus you Looking for a contact point outside or in yourself, right. And those dreams, I find so humbling, because it just sort of speaks to the magnitude of the infinity of consciousness. Right and that we have an experience of something. So you know, when, when we're gifted a healing in dreamscapes state, invites, versus the physical plane where we have our resistances are limited in so many ways or we perceive that Dreamworld helps us to remember that we are not actually limited, that we are available for interactions that are beyond ourselves in such a massive way. And that if we can begin to understand our own divinity, through those little moments through those very humbling dream experiences, we begin to bring that consciousness into our waking lives as well. And we begin to integrate that information of our own limitlessness into our Earth state. And that begins to transform everything, if that makes sense.

Rainbow Raaja:

What a profound concept. Like, I personally don't have recall of dreams where I'm being healed. I've done journeys where I've been healed, which is similar, but not because, I mean, like, you can learn to lucid dream, I've practiced it, but I actually really like the spontaneity of allowing, like my spirit to me too. So, I know, it's like a new day. Yeah, actually. So I just and seems like my personality in the dream world is, is a little different than in reality, so it's, it's nice.

Amy Raye Jordan:

Tell me more about that. What do you mean?

Rainbow Raaja:

Um, so like, I'm, I'm pretty reserved here in this in this reality, like, I'm allowed in, like, I have a good sense of humor and but um, in the dream world, I'm a lot more like, I'm always fighting. I'm always kind of like, gung ho about like, oh, there's something really creepy over here. Let's go do this. It's like, I'm just so ambitious to explore. And I remember I actually talked about this last week, I covered nightmares. And what that really is like, I consider anyone who fights back against their nightmares, nighttime or nightmare warriors. And I remember after doing dream work for a client, that I did a virtual session. This was a long time ago, I think actually talked about it too at one point, um, where I did a session on this, this gal, and we found out there was, you know, something interacting with her dreams. I like, took it out. And then that night, I was in a really unknown dreamscape in the dreamscape. It was nighttime. There was a bunch of triggers like a man feeding a Griffin a bunch of kittens. Griffins are one of my totems. From my childhood kittens are like my favorite thing, a whole wide world. And then I was like, I'm not a fan of this and I like tried to like you know, sometimes if you walk in a dream, you can exit the dream. So I had like started walking away from that scene. And it just turned out that like where you would normally like exit the dream. It almost like flipped and there was a car and I just knew to open the trunk of the car and there was her spirit. animal was like killed in the trunk right? And I was like, really mad, and I turned to the sky in the dream. And I said, I'm you're not welcome here. This is my you know, this is my world, you can't be in here, right? I like yelled at the sky, I had some other specific thing to say I just knew I was not in control of this, this space, and I was pissed off because they were messing with me. And the Spirit came through me and I, I don't know how to describe it. Because it was literally I was standing in the dream. And the next minute, it felt like it came through the top of my head and out through my face because I saw its face. And I woke up screaming. And I've never, I've never woken up screaming before. But my cat cue was sitting on my head at the top of my head. And I was like shaking when I woke up. And I went and did a whole bunch of cleansing and stuff. But yeah, I don't know where I was going with that. I totally got lost in the in the recall. I'm so sorry. What were we No,

Amy Raye Jordan:

no, it's totally fine. We're just, you know, talking about the ways in which we experience different sorts of dreams. And this idea of, you know, nightmares versus what you're talking about is distinct, right. And there's many different kinds of nightmares. And a lot of nightmares come from our own shadow stuff being asked to be resolved and seen. And so we're like basically antagonizing or terrorizing our own selves through these nightmares. But what you're talking about, is more of an interdimensional experience of energetics, that you didn't have total control over because it wasn't all yours, right, you were more of a medium, and a facilitator for healing and sort of sounds like being asked also to witness that that person had her own path, and that you didn't have a lot of jurisdiction over her path. And that her experience was supposed to be what it was, and it wasn't pleasant. And so like within that,

Rainbow Raaja:

yes, a journey when I did the journey for her. Yeah, I didn't she'll because it I hadn't really done any virtual sessions before. So I, you know, like, for me, I was still kind of it was my first or second year practicing dream work for clients. And I was like, Okay, I can, you know, it's virtual. It's not that big a deal. So I went and I like, didn't shield beforehand. But we did meet this super gross dripping black thing in her second dreamscape. The first one was 100%, like, brought on by her, and the second one was not. And it was like hiding in an alley. And it felt so wrong. Like there was a wrongness about it. And I asked it to politely like she had hired me to do this work. And I was like, Hey, listen, she's been having dreams, you know, nightmares for the past 15 years. She says, she's ready to be over this. So you have to leave. That's my job. I'm here to tell you, you're not welcome here anymore. And so it was like, no. And I was like, Well, you know, like, I'm here for the clients. I'm getting rid of you. So I did, but I wasn't shielded. And I'm pretty certain that like, my rainbow shield that I have as like a daily use kind of thing probably was really, you know, obvious of, you know, I have a tendency to think that maybe that was a beacon of sorts, where it was like, Oh, well, this person messed me up. I was I was getting all kinds of fear from this person. But maybe I'm wrong. I just know, that night, I had, like this dream. And I was totally aware that there was something in control. And I was like, Yeah, you're not welcome to have this control, you need to leave. And, you know, that was my experience.

Amy Raye Jordan:

Right. And that's, you know, that's really this is where we kind of get into the sort of nuance of, of these things that are maybe beyond the scope of this conversation. But at the same time, I'll just speak to that by saying in my download of what you're talking about, and I see the alley and I see that I see where you're at and that thank you for sharing your images, um, is that so, in that particular case, and again, I'm just speaking from the intuitive guidance of seeing what's there. Um, in order to do an extraction like that, there, it needs a way to go home just like any disembodied spirit or confused energy system. needs a road home and telling it to go isn't enough?

Rainbow Raaja:

Oh, no, I called in Angels. I know, guides, and I had angels come in, did I not go about that the right way?

Amy Raye Jordan:

I don't know, if there's a right or a wrong, it's just that in my, this would be like my thinking about it. Right. Like, um,

Rainbow Raaja:

and so you know, yes. You know, I wouldn't

Amy Raye Jordan:

know and you're talented at what you do and you have efficacy. So there's no, I'm not saying like, there's a wrong way. I'm just saying like, this is what I perceive happened. Is that in her, so if it's not of her that being that was, in this particular case, and inheritance from the line on the side of her mother,

Rainbow Raaja:

yeah. Okay, that makes sense, because that was 100% what that entire thing was about,

Amy Raye Jordan:

okay, well, so in that way, randomly related, family related, right. And so in that way, the extraction has to go through the line of the mother and up through there. Right. And so it's a matter of a healing that line in order to invite this being to go back, it's an emissary, it's a messenger, it's an antagonize er, for the sake of the healing of the ancestral line. Right,

Rainbow Raaja:

I had not been introduced to ancestry work. At that time, I, I had just started doing dream work. And my guides, just last year got me doing ancestry, like working with ancestors and healing lines like that. So that's right.


So oftentimes, like entities like like that, are, are inherited, if they're not of that single person, right. And that person is often at the mercy of those inherited energies. And so bringing that into consciousness is often what dissipates the energy of those entities, and creates the healing, it allows them to go home, right? And so it's there to bring awareness to itself. And it's can be very disruptive. And, understandably, we would like for that to be gone. And obviously, it was killing a part of her spirit, you know, unfolding that part of herself and repression, that energy, right. And so your assistance in helping bring awareness into activate that is still going to be helpful. But because it wasn't yours, to Put aside before that awareness comes through, it's, it's gonna create some reverberation. So there wasn't anything in it. That was bad for you. It was just sort of pushing back to say, No, you don't understand. I'm going to like have, I'm going to show you the power of something that's beyond what your own awareness is carrying. So until you can meet its awareness with your own. You can't help it go home. Right. And that's just all that was. And so there isn't like, it's good to do cleansing and all of

Rainbow Raaja:

that. I was kind of surprised that my dream self because I wasn't lucid, right. Like who, right? The part of myself that is doing the dreaming that is active in the dream scape. I was actually so surprised that it knew what was going on. Because a lot of times, I'm just kind of adventuring. I'm doing my own thing. But like I remember in this dream, I was like, okay, Griffin's eating kittens. No, not cool with this. I don't like the fact this is nighttime. I don't like looking at a giant Mansion House. I'm gonna walk down this road and leave the dream. Oh my gosh, literally, I was like, I walked through the wall and it like, like, repelled me into a different scene. But I'm still there. You know, it was like, okay, so something's here, you know, and I, I remember talking with a guy and like said, I knew somebody was in control of it. I was like, I'm not cool with this. And

Amy Raye Jordan:

yeah, that was your beautiful commitment to that person. Your beautiful commitment to help, right? And so you were being asked to become aware, because that person was unable to yet bring that into awareness. And so you weren't going to leave until you witnessed until you had some awareness to bring back into your work. Like that's your that's that's the gift of your commitment, and your, your loyalty and your ferocity and your desire to be witness. Even though part of you wanted to leave, like your commitment to that awareness was larger than your desire to ease your discomfort. Right and, and so in so many ways, it's just such a beautiful example of what healers can do. And sometimes even beyond what we think we're capable of, or even know what we're doing in those moments, but all of that because of your heart being in such a great place, and in such an aligned place, is only going to produce good things. And so that is your shield is the alignment of your heart, and the alignment of your commitment. And so that is your protection beyond all sort of intentional lies, ideas about what we have around that the only true protection in the upper worlds, is your heart alignment. And because your heart alignment is in the right place, you'll always be protected in those realms. That is never to be disputed.

Rainbow Raaja:

Well, that's good to know. Cuz I can tell you waking up screaming, seeing some creepy Oh, yeah. On the inside of your eyelids. I was I was like, I'm gonna have to go see an exorcist. I was. But Baca

Amy Raye Jordan:

was a very active entity. Oh, it was, it was Yeah, this is, you know, it was especially when, you know, is this like what you're saying? Like when you're seeing other people's stuff, too, because it's not related to you. It's also even more scary, because you're just like, what does that even mean? Like, but what we're not contextualized, then is their own DNA. And in their DNA, that stuff is gonna make a lot more sense, right. But because we're witnessing there's, it doesn't even feel related to us. So it feels extra other an extra scary.

Rainbow Raaja:

Interesting. So, you know, circling back around to dreams, and yes, as a whole, so that we can start helping those listeners out there wanting to like start to do the dream work we're talking about.

Amy Raye Jordan:


Rainbow Raaja:

So like, what Well, is there any practices or anything that you would recommend or anything you can do to help them have a deeper dreaming experience? Or a more more conscious, dreaming experience and awakened dreaming? experience?

Amy Raye Jordan:

That's a good question. For me, what's helped me is tracking dreams, right? Like writing them down in these bullet point ways. But also, saying them out loud to someone really helps also. Right, so talking about them out loud, often fills in. So it's like, for instance, if I'm telling you or you know, we were talking about that dream, right, or I'm telling you about a dream. As I'm talking about my own dream, I'll often get information about my dream. While I'm telling it, and that's really helpful. So first, I would start Honestly, I would start with writing it down, I would start with, what I usually recommend to people is you just keep the dream alive in your head, like you just, you know, you write it down, but then you kind of keep it in the back of your mind. And then you start notice little signals that will bring that dream up. And so I start tracking it that way to sort of weave meaning I'm in and then that helps me catalog and build a dictionary for myself, about a particular dreamscape or a particular arc of Ascension that I'm going through based on these dreams. So you build your own language, and build your own understanding of the beings and the places and all of that. So it's just like building a relationship, right? And making that relationship is tangible, and as close to yourself as possible. So you keep it awake, by working with it all the time, and working with your dreams all the time and saying them out loud, and you'll automatically begin to get smarter about it. Because you already have the information. It's just living in you in a way that you may not yet know how to interpret. And so the more you engage it, the more information you're going to get from yourself about this stuff because we as beings have access to all of this information, we just have to learn how to access our own access points. And by engaging anything, you will begin to understand it more and so by saying it out loud, and talking it out loud, and noting the information that comes and learning how to have a dialogue so like listen to your friends. Tell you their dreams, and recognize what happens in you and what you know, and what you see and what you feel and learn how to ask questions about their dreams. And then do that as like a dyad, where you then say your dreams, and then you begin to just sort of build a relationship to the dream world that will begin to inform you. And that's, for me the most active, what's my dream circles work really well, you know, where you have a dream group. You know, and then the other way, of course is, is meditation and learning how to tune in to your own subtle self, puts you into a higher degree and a higher frequency is strengthens your own frequency of subtle beingness. So that when you do go into dream time, you have a stronger cord of attachment to your waking consciousness, which then facilitates your ability to be more awake in the dream world. Right. So that's the other piece is strengthening your ability to travel with your consciousness to other dimensions so that you can track it better, right? And remember your dreams and have interaction they're like, that's often the first part of the process is just remembering them. And then how am I awaken them? And how awake Am I in them? What do I bring back with me? Like, there's a part of you that goes back and forth. And so meditation strengthens that part of you that's able to go back and forth from altered to waking states of consciousness, and sort of stay in coherence so that you have access to information on both sides of the veil more readily. Does that answer your question?

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, yeah, that those were some great tips. And I even kind of like zoned out, like, going down the rabbit hole there. At the end. I was just thinking like, man, there's just really, there are so many tools to expand this, this skill, because I mean, we can all see screaming as something you can do. But I mean, to be able to expand what you do normally in a day to day life into dreams, or to even take it deeper, like visiting the lost city of Atlantis or going to another universe or, you know, like checking out what you you know, what, you if you had done that decision five years ago, what we're where they are.

Amy Raye Jordan:

Right, your parallel cells?

Rainbow Raaja:

Yep. Yeah. I mean, there's, I mean, there's just so much you can experience when you could use your


As you're talking, you know, I'm just remembering this. And I know, you've had these experiences too, with, like, going to other times, like places that you know, existed in history on this planet, or on other planets. And going there and having an experience of these beautiful and magical civilizations, and landscapes and places, right, like, places in time where those places no longer exists, but exists in our core of home, like a soul home, even on this planet, from other lifetimes or other times that we've experienced it. Going to those places is like a version of integration of soul pieces, like I'll go to places and I'll feel wholer and fuller as a being when I return. You know, and it's just, it's incredible. what's possible.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, I mean, on that on that I actually, when you're talking about that, I remembered one, one dream I had a couple years ago. It was a really crazy dream, like really, really crazy. It started with me and my partner hanging out on this hilltop. We were just watching the sunset. And there were these hikers and they came up and they're like, hey, um, are you going to be doing the safari? And I was like, what, what are you talking about? They're like, Oh, there's this really cool virtual Safari where you can kind of like hunt down dinosaurs. And I was like, that sounds really cool. But I remember he and I were sitting on top of this hillside waiting for aliens. Like that's what we were like watching the sunset waiting for the aliens. And then these people came up with this option. And I remember seeing that, like the aliens show up in the sky, not in a UFO, but like their outline, and they disappeared and then I was like, totally happy going on this adventure. I was like, Okay, I saw the aliens. Let's go on this adventure. And so we went down into this like jungle and we're in this jungle. And we're like chasing these dinos. And it's like, I knew how to do all these like really cool kind of like ninja things. And I was really excited about that. But it turns out, like plot twist, these were not virtual dinosaurs. They were real dinosaurs, right? And then it turns out that I wasn't me. And he wasn't he, but we were actually siblings. And that was like, really weird.

Amy Raye Jordan:

Oh, exactly.

Rainbow Raaja:

I and like, I traveled in that dream, it was like, really interesting, like, when you were talking about in these other, these other areas, it was almost like I got a taste of that. In that dream,

Amy Raye Jordan:

literally, it sounds like you got like a taste of the what is it called, like, time travel, but as souls, right, and so like these relationships, and maybe relationships that you and your partner had in a past life and like, a conglomeration of your soul connection, having these experiences and other areas on the earth that, you know, you may have had, or you may have had some version of that you got to relive and reconnect with which when you come back then strengthens your relationship to your partner, right and to your own relationship with that person in a totally unique way. Like, that's part of the medicine that comes through these kinds of dream experiences. Like that's amazing.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, you know, just and I do this, I'm so sorry. But I'm just now you like totally reminded me about how beautiful it can really be to use these, you know, this is this is something that's not so esoteric, it's not so threatening to like people not on this path. And my partner is not, I'm not spiritual in any way, shape, or form. In fact, it totally triggers him. So I try not. I try not to involve them too much in my in my work and career. But dreaming is something he loves. He has a dream Walker, he has control over his dreams, like no one I've ever met, like a dream sage. Like, he can literally if I tell him, Hey, come visit me my dreams, he will be in my dreams that night, and we will have the same dream. It is really crazy how much control he has. And that's something I can share with him. So for anybody out there listening, who has like, a really conservative partner, this is a fun activity to share is like dream dreaming together. That is a really cool thing to do.

Amy Raye Jordan:

I mean, I'm so into the I was just telling someone yesterday, um, you know, there was talking about watching TV or they're like, have you seen the show? And I was like, you know, if I'm by myself, I never watched TV. And not because I don't you know, I just, I honestly like if I like if it's in the evening, and I'm done with my work, I'll go to bed. Because I prefer to just then go dream to go be in Dreamworld like to watching TV all day long, like that's, you know, to, I look forward to dream walking. Like that's, that's the highlight of my day sometimes is getting to go to sleep, so I can go dream.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah. And then a lot of ways dreaming is better than Netflix and Hulu. Because you can live it. I mean, like virtually, you're in is real, totally. Virtual Reality is real, you just have to learn the skills to have control over your simulation. And that's, that's why you know, Dream journaling is so important. And at least trying out lucid dreaming, like, you know, giving it a shot. Cuz I mean, it really was kind of cool. Becoming aware that I was dreaming, and and then like feeling my dream self and my conscious self like merge into one. And then I was like, Okay, I can fly. And then I could fly. And that was really neat. But then I do after that, like, I just wanted to be able to fly and then I was like, Okay, well now now what do I do?

Amy Raye Jordan:

Well, and that's the point at which you know, we can talk about that another time because there's a lot that's like a jumping off point, right. One of the things I wanted to say like you know, the simulation, that's that's a cool concept, and I think is a very like good concept in terms of like, helping understand how to be awakened dreams. And yet at the same time, I don't want to lose sight of something that's been very important to my understanding of dreams and what was given to me to understand about dreams during dream time. By by my own Teachers and a point that they have made very, very clear. And that's a whole other sidetrack is talking about spirits that visit you in dreams, right and continue to teach you, um, but the, the point that they make repeatedly, and it comes back time and time again, just so I don't forget. And so it tells me that I need to remember always to teach it because that's why it's been given to me so strongly. And that is that dreams are real, that reality is a spectrum of consciousness. And so there's not a, it dreams are not a figment of our imagination, and or in the way that the western mind would think of imagination. In indigenous language, there is no word for imagination, because imagination would be so closely aligned with creation. And that what we imagine exists. And in that our dreams are a form of existence that are just, it's only dimensionally and frequently different than our physical realm, but it is no less real. It's no, there's no hierarchical. This is real. And that is not that that's, that's, that's a part of the illusion. The spectrum of consciousness is a spectrum that we travel. And so one is a more dense state of physical reality, and one is a more astral state of subtle body consciousness reality, but all is one spectrum of contiguous reality. And in that the interplay of consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all life is tied to so let us not forget that point. just needed to remember to say that,

Rainbow Raaja:

so the point is, is that you are living a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within you.

Amy Raye Jordan:

That's it. Exactly.

Rainbow Raaja:

That was my worst nightmare when

Amy Raye Jordan:

or the dreamer of your life is what that means.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, right. Well, when I was younger, I don't even know if I can consider is like, I guess it was part of my awakening, I like was trying to figure out what reality was. And I had this this concept that like, that, I was a dream, I was in the dream of someone else. And that when I die, that that I'll be waking up with that person, you know, like that, that I am in a fragment of that person when they wake up. Um, that was like a huge, it was like a concept I carried for a really long time that like, we all are just fragments of somebody's dream. I don't know why i don't i don't i don't know why it was such a big thing. But I just now when you're saying I was like, yeah, dream within a dream, and it's totally, and it's all real. And like, it really is when when we do things in our dreams, it always comes to affect the present day, whether you like it or not, like you have a good dream, you wake up on the right side of the bed, you have a bad dream, you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And even that simple-ness of that. I mean, it goes deeper. Like, I get animals that come in my dreams and they are sending me messages and for weeks, that message will come up. Like a month ago, I had a dream with a bunch of blue footed boobies. They were like, and I like went and I like gathered. I grabbed one of their eggs because I was really hungry. I was on a deserted island. I grabbed one of their eggs and I like ate it and they all started attacking me and I was like I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that. That was horrible. I'm horrible person. And then they were like so mean, they weren't like she they're chasing me around. So I picked up more of their eggs and I was throwing it out him. I don't know why like, it wasn't me. It was like I said, My dream self is a lot less concerned than me like I would have never done that in real. But I Yeah, but you know, I've been thinking I just thought last night of that when we my boyfriend I were watching this video on these like crabs and the crap these giant coconut crabs which are terrifying By the way, horrible, terrifying. There's a whole theory that the coconut crabs ate Amelia Earhart. These these coconut crabs are huge. They're like, like, really big. And they ate like a red footed boobie and watching that video. I remembered that dream. I was like, Oh my gosh, let's write that weird dream with a bunch of blue footed boobies on a deserted island. Oh no. I like sharing all that?

Amy Raye Jordan:

Well, no, it's just fascinating, right? Because in the same way, like, you're on a deserted island. I mean, first of all, like, Where did that come from? Right? And then you've got this like blue footed boobie situation like, where in your waking life? are you drawing from that nowhere and then you're eating the steak, and then they attack you. And then you watch this documentary later. Yeah, with these crabs later on,

Rainbow Raaja:

where the crab is eating the booby. Right?

Amy Raye Jordan:

Right. It's like, you know, it's like your dream turned inside out. And, you know, the, the depth and the, like, you and I could talk about that. And, and really feel into why and what and how all of that came to be right. And that's the magic of noting how our dream world interacts with our waking reality. And then we we died actively work with that information that feeds information to us as we're talking about it. And then we come up with this new set of meaning that we wouldn't have had otherwise, maybe, and maybe not. And maybe that meaning comes later. And maybe it never comes. But what we definitely have an awareness of is that there is a continuous spectrum. And a lot of times it's pre cognitive in our dreams, and that we're going to catch up to it on the physical timeline a little later. And I find that another really fascinating part of often our dreams being such a projection of time. You know, what's that about to like, why are we projecting forward in our dreams, I just literally think it's so that we can have these kinds of conversations that are about an awareness that there is no separation and time doesn't actually exist. And these are those little moments where we get to live it and we get to see it and we get to appreciate it as our as a part of that we're actually experiencing right. It's not just the concept. You had that experience.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah. So tangible My dreams are I can feel them. So so much in my body, like even telling them to you. I'm there. I'm in that dream still. I mean, I know that's like probably more me than most people. But I know for me, when I'm telling people about my dreams, I'm back in that moment in that dream. And I love my dreams. And I always have since I was really young, even the horrible scary ones, I retell them and retell them, I keep them alive. And I'm talking like hundreds of dreams. I keep alive in journals in retelling, in my own head. I don't know why, or where I picked it up. But I like, what comes to mind for me, is it It feels there was a book that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago on this podcast for four dreamwork it's called the kin of ata are waiting for you, the kin of ata are waiting for you. And it's this take on this these native peoples on an island. And their entire world is dreaming into creation for the rest of the world. That's what I'm talking about. And little bit during your life solely to dream in reality for everyone else dream and inventions to dream and and every single night they dance their dreams out or tell their dreams, like do a storytelling or they dance it or they sing. It's real. Yes. And I don't know. Like, I feel in my heart that this is connecting with like Australian Aboriginal culture. Like, I feel like that was something they did you correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel

Amy Raye Jordan:

it's something they all do. It's something we all do as medicine people. And that's something that it's Palladian. Okay, there's a line on that. I mean, it's probably other dimensions as well. But there's a very strong palladium line on that. And it is something that medicine people do that is an indigenous, deeply sacred, beautiful role in the universe. And often, you know, we're dreaming into creation. We're dreaming into the weave of the universe. Just Yes, that's all. That's all true. And that's, that's a very important and deeply sacred concept and so glad you brought that energy into this conversation. And that's, that's truly of the stars. Yep. And I meant to say this a little earlier, as you We're talking but I guess it, it makes more sense. Now even when we share our dreams, as you were sharing with me, when you share me your dreams you share with me is you're reliving it, you share with me the images. And so I automatically receive you telecommunicator, whatever that's called telepathically communicating, you throw the images. And because of the dream, being the origin of these images, they're so deeply rooted in the impression of your experience. And so when you relive it, you throw that to the receiver very easily, because it's coming as an impression so that it doesn't have the same challenge of throwing a telepathic thought, right? Something contrived, because it's coming in the form of a constellated impression. And so you very easily throw it, and I very easily catch it. And in that way, communicating with one another, our dreams is also a way to become more aware of telepathic connection with one another and how we can throw images back and forth, and how sometimes I'll receive information about your images on your behalf. And likewise, if we're telling each other our dreams, and this is also star knowledge. And that all in with on that. I won't say any more, but that sacred also of what you're just describing.

Rainbow Raaja:

Oh, beautiful. I got chills from that that transmission that you just shared. Huh? Well, thank you so much for for taking part in this dream weaving that we have participated in,

Amy Raye Jordan:

I honor.

Rainbow Raaja:

Oh, man, huh, what a gooey place to end.

Amy Raye Jordan:

Totally. Yay, that was fun. Thank you so much.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, please. I'm just I don't I don't know. If you're doing anything if you want to share what you're up to, or share your information with the listener so they can find you if they if they want their dreams checked out?


Oh, sure. That's a really good idea. And you can always contact me through my website at awake.la. That's a w a ke.la. You can also text me at 626-755-3380. That's my work phone. If you don't want to go through the website and request the session. And I am always happy to talk about dreams,

Rainbow Raaja:

for sure. Awesome. Well, I would love to have you on in the future to talk more about. I mean, this felt like a really good interaction. I'd love to welcome you back on the show in the future.

Amy Raye Jordan:

Oh, that'd be my pleasure. Anytime. This was super fun. Thank you. Thanks for inviting me and helping me learn zoom and all the good things I appreciate.

Rainbow Raaja:

Well, thank you all for listening. And I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Remember, let's set together Bye