Rainbows Rising

Taming the Ego - Reprogram your ego and take back control over your habits and thoughts

Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 13

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Get that guy in check!  Your Ego has been running the show and it's time you tamed that little bugger.  Rainbow Raaja shares how you can reprogram your ego and take back control over your habits and thoughts.  There's no room for excuses or procrastination this time, because this time you have the wheel.

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raaja. And today, I'm going to be talking about how to start building new paradigms, new ways of thinking, new belief patterns. throughout our life, we pick up certain patterns from other people through conditioning through society. And when we are living in these in these patterns, we have a tendency of kind of drawing the same, the same situations to us, because we are looking at new beginnings, because this month we are exploring the ego and better understanding the ego. I really want to bridge that gap by teaching you how to work through your your ego, impulses, and how to build new, habitual paradigms, through through your mind through your actions. So where we begin with that is, it's really important to understand like what our ego is, and what drives our ego is a part of our primal I guess the best word for is programming, our primal initiative of our of our body to receive what we crave, to receive our desire, we follow this ego, because in in the past, it would keep us satiated, it would keep us safe. And it provides us with little boosts of serotonin and thrill seeking hormones. And the problem is, is as we are evolving spiritually and physically as a species, our ego is not always in our best interest. Because our ego also is tainted and influenced by our ancestral wounds, by our past life memories, by our actual biology and our hormones, and the pheromones by karmic ties, karmic debt. And so when your ego is having to sort all of these different energetic strains of information, it can get jumbled, it can get very confused. And that's why it is important to learn how to clear all this stuff out how to reset your your mindset, how to reset the paradigm, how to break these cycles and habits so that you can start fresh, so you can start to be be the power in where you are going. A lot of times we say oh, we can't, you know, stop eating sugar because it holds this power over us. Like I'm addicted to sugar, I'm addicted to cigarettes, I'm addicted to this, you know, I, I want that person so bad. I can't live without them. Oh my gosh, if I don't get that raise, I'm gonna die. All of these things are projections of our ego. These are projections of what our ego mind our primal desires are primal you know, directives project as necessary for survival. It's what we put value into for our worth. So, it's important that when you feel those things come up when you feel something that is out of your control, whether it be an emotion, whether it be a drive, whether whatever it be, you know, and You can tell the difference between an unhealthy drive and a healthy drive. Because with a healthy drive, you can always take a moment and assess how that makes you feel in your body. With an unhealthy drive, there's always a feeling of not wanting to deal with it. You know, if you're quitting smoking, if you're quitting, you know, you're going on a sugar cleanse. At first, you're like, I'm going to cleanse myself, I'm going to quit, I'm not going to do this anymore. But about two, three days in, you get intrusive thoughts and impulses you want to give up, it has control over your physical body, over the emotions you feel over your, you know, over over your drive to do other things. Whereas if you have a drive, you know, you're like, I really want to draw, if you if you were to stop and say, Okay, well, you know, I'm gonna hold off and see if drawing is for, you know, an ego impulse, you'll hold off for a day, you know, you're not gonna go into a stress filled, fit, not drawing, you might really still want to draw, but you're not going to have a panic attack to give yourself an excuse to draw. So that's kind of the first way to know if you are acting from an ego place is if this impulse is something that you don't conceptually understand, like, being addicted to sugar, you know, sugar is bad for you in access, you know that it's going to impair your health. But yet, you do it anyway. The only reason you do it is you like the taste you like the feeling that you get immediately after consuming it. But then you have guilt, but then you have regret. And you kind of are upset with yourself for giving into your baser you know, feelings of impulses. And so that's, that's a good way. A good parameter for assessing whether or not your ego is in control of that particular scenario. This can come up in like so many situations that maybe you wouldn't even think if you're someone who has commitment issues, because you were hurt in the past. Ego might make you feel like you need to break up with your partner for no reason, you'll start having totally pointless fights with your partner. And you can assess whether or not this is ego by Do you remember what you thought about? Do you? Do you remember what it was that you were fighting about? If you don't? It was you projecting a wound? You will your ego was trying to get some kind of benefit from that scenario. And a lot of times, you just will feel fired up for no reason. Wasn't even important. Is it really important who did the dishes yesterday? So first and foremost, just to kind of recap, is it logical? If it's logical, I want to draw because that sounds like fun to me. I feel like drawing versus I want to eat sugar because even though I know it's really bad for me, like my body needs it. I need those sugar. I need the nicotine I need whatever. So yeah, there's no logical reason behind that. There just isn't. The second is do you have regret or remorse? Do you feel negatively afterwards? Like I like to say three days. If you have like a three day window, have you had a big fight with your partner? They don't really know what the fight was about. You don't really know what the fight was about. And you feel negatively about it. Several days later. It was ego driven, whether by them or you someone's got a wound and it is being ego driven to benefit in some way. So once you've determined whether or not a drive a desire, something that you want to do is ego based. Once you've determined that it is ego based, that is when you can start to do the reprogramming work. When you're reprogramming you You're looking at that behavior and you are, you're going to give it value. Now we're not talking about going, Oh, yes, sugar, it's so valuable like gold No, like different type of value, you're going to look at the behavior of desiring this, this action, desiring this object desiring, whatever it is that your ego is motivated by, you're going to give that a value. And the value is determined by what, what the wound is, like, what exactly is fueling your ego self. And you can have a conversation with your ego self, you can get into the mindset of the situation, or the particular habit you're trying to break, you can feel it in your body. And you can kind of dive deep and meditate down into that space, listening to your body, picking up on any visions, you're getting any intuitive feelings you're getting, you could even put that on paper, you could draw it, you get to write it, do some automatic writing in regards to it. There are so many ways, it's called reflective work, you can do mirror work in regards to it. But this is this is like Shadow Work stuff. So please look into reflective practices if you don't have them. That's like a whole episode in, in and of itself, but your goal is, is you're going to do some deep diving, you're going to dive into why you have this pattern. And once you know why you can replace that pattern with a positive pattern. So for example, if I'm trying to quit sugar, and you know, I want to make sure that I'm, you know, rewarding myself for for quitting sugar. You know, I'm gonna say, you know what, I don't need sugar anymore. I'm going to do some kind of not necessarily a ritual. But if you're into that do a ritual, I'm going to write myself a letter, I'm going to sign a little contract, I'm going to make a verbal agreement with myself, I no longer need sugar in my life. I am done with the contract with sugar. I don't need it in my body. I would love to visit sugar. But sugar is no longer a resident in my home in my body. And I would like to send sugar on its way. All right. So I've made that decision. I am concluding that. So I'm going to bring it into the manifest into the third dimensional world, whether writing a letter, writing myself on agreement, burning it, singing it, singing it, whatever your method is do it, and then replace that action with something positive. So maybe instead of eating sugar, every time I get the the inclination to interact with sugar, I am going to instead dance. I'm going to go downstairs, I'm going to pop a record on my record player. And I'm going to dance passionately dance, I'm going to dance whatever sugar craving I had, if I felt like Oreos, I'm going to dance Oreo dance. I'm going to draw an Oreo maybe drawing an Oreo will help. But your goal is that you are rewarding yourself with something that is giving you that same rush that's a healthier habit. A healthier habit. Something that you might want to start incorporating maybe taking a walk. Maybe instead of that box of Oreos, you want to have three strawberries with a tiny dollop of whipped cream on top. You know and it it is being consistent every single time you reward yourself with that new activity with that new action. And this is how we can train our ego. This is how you can take back control. And with more and more practices and habits that you break through the reflective work and replacement of of desire desires. You can quiet down that ego and the ego will be able to trust your judgment a lot more. And I'm not saying we're separate from ego because the ego is really just our shadow self. It's our it's our it's our primal part of ourself that helps us stay a lot. It's our mind versus our spirit. Right. And so it wants us to serve too, it wants us to know we're okay. And it is constantly doing its best to provide that. But if you can provide it, instead, it won't have much of a job and it can sit back and relax for the first time and ever. I know my ego is much quieter now than it was five years ago, because I've done a lot of that work, I quit cigarettes, I stopped doing all kinds of, you know, I got more into healthy eating. I did, you know, I walk now I do a lot of dancing a lot more physical. So these are, these are ways that you can break bad habits that you can change the narrative is through these kind of replacement practices. So while you're doing that, you are creating new beginnings, you'll see parts of your life. You know, we talked last week about spring cleaning. And I'm sure if you did the practices of dumping some of that stuff in your house out, you probably noticed that new opportunities, new people, new things came into your life immediately upon dumping stuff out of your house out of your life dumping old, you know, as sad stories, and narratives and you dump all that stuff, and you're gonna get new friends, you're gonna get new co workers, you're gonna get new information, new insight, you know, wonderful, wonderful blessings into your life. And it's much like that, when you start realigning your energy into a place where you want to be, you know, we all have things that we are ashamed of things that we don't like about ourselves, things that we want to change. These are practices that can help you do that. But you have to clear the space. You can't buy a grand piano, if you have boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes of junk in your room. There's no place to put the beyond gotta clear it all out. Okay, so yeah, I mean, that that's pretty much I just wanted to give you guys a couple of practices to start working on your ego. start being more aware. Just start noticing, when that ego comes into play. You know, a lot of times our, our ego brings baggage with it, you can feel that baggage, when that ego steps into power. When that ego says, Hey, I'm gonna take over and you're lightweight, what ego knows, step down? No, don't do it. And then you have kind of a mess on your hands. So you can start to recognize, you know what, that was an ego moment. You know, what I'm going to do to make sure that I have more control over situations like that, I'm going to start replacing these ego moments, I'm going to have a talk with my ego, I'm going to do a meditation, I'm going to, you know, go ahead and meet up with my ego and tell him what's what I'm going to set a contract up with him, I'm going to say, hey, you can't do this anymore. And speaking of that, I'm going to go ahead and do a super, super short visualization. This doesn't have to be a meditation. If you're driving, if you're doing anything intensive. You can do this with your eyes open and just use your imagination. Just use your mind's eye and go through the notions. And if it becomes too distracting, please go ahead and skip the last of the episode. But I'm just going to give you guys a super easy practice. Just to try it out. See how it works. Let me know what you guys think. Okay. So just take some deep breaths and arrive in your body. Notice the edges of your skin. Notice the temperature is there a breeze? Do you have any cold spots? What do you see? Where is your gaze. I just want you just to breathe into your body and bring yourself to this present moment. Don't think about what you have to do in 10 minutes. Don't think about all the other things you could be doing tomorrow. Or you know what you wish you had done yesterday. Just bring all your attention right here with your breath. The Rise and Fall of your chest. I just want you to imagine standing At the base of a staircase, the well lit corridor, you can see, it curves up into the right, we're gonna go ahead and start, you know, start up those stairs, see where they lead, you're just gonna step 123 starts to curl around the corner 45678 910 Here you are, the staircase opens up to a white room, there's nothing on the walls is just a desk, you can see the back of an armchair beyond the desk. Come on in into this new room. And you have an awareness that you are meeting with your ego self. I'm just gonna walk up to the desk and you're going to go ahead and sit in the small chair, before the desk. That chair on the other side of the desk slowly spins. And you see your ego self? Does this person look like you? Are they somebody completely different take in their features. thrilly observe the way they look, the way they hold themselves. Because the way they hold themselves, the way they present themselves says a lot about their motives, says a lot about what drives them. So you can go ahead and introduce yourself, let them know that you are here. to work through a specific pattern or a habit. Just go ahead and pick a habit or pattern of yours that you don't like maybe something that you've been meaning to address for a while. You haven't had the time, you didn't have the tools, you didn't know how to go about it. So for me, I'm just gonna pick, you know something about spending some extra time on myself some self care time, I'm going to let this ego self known that that's what I want to do. So what are you going to do? Let them know. You just let them know really gently, hey, I want to work on this. I want you to really listen to what they have to say. If you don't hear what they have to say feel what they have to say. feel it in your body? Do they support this? Do they want this new habit? Or do they want to end this old habit? They want to change this behavioral pattern? If they do ask for their cooperation. Ask them to let you have control over your actions for a while. Give it a timeline saying give me one month. Give me one month I asked that you do not respond to these triggers for one month. Let me have control. Or you can ask that they instead do a different pattern. Hey, instead of eating sugar, I would really like ego to instead want me to dance. to nurture myself. I would really like ego to let me know that I need some self care by making me really tired. Just really tired. Just for a few moments so that I'm aware. I'm needing self care. How is your ego responding to that? Are they receptive? Are they combative? They reserved resistant estatic, excited. Once you have established the conditions in which you would like to change your ego patterns, go ahead and make either like a shaking agreement or a handwritten agreement. Let them know that this is important to you put it on paper, put it in writing or shake on it. Share your thoughts with them. Share your passion, thank them for all of they've done for you. The ego is not an enemy of ours, the ego can be a tool can be an ally, you must recognize that it is a part of you, and that it can be commissioned to do certain things to facilitate certain actions. And when you've addressed all that you need to address in this meeting, say thank you shake their hand, give them a hug. And go ahead and just turn right around and walk back down the stairs. 10 987 curling around that left band 654 coming to the base of the stairs, three two one and you're back in your body. just become aware of your surroundings. And, you know, like I said, You didn't have to close your eyes. If you did. I hope you enjoyed that. If you didn't, well, I hope you enjoyed it too. You know, reach out to me, let me know what you thought of that of that meditation of that visualization. I'm really grateful for you guys tuning in and listening. Anyway, I hope you guys are super excited for our guest at the end of the month. His name is Nitin and he s going to be sharing how he ypassed his ego and how he was ble to find the divine nature ithin him. So I hope you stay uned through the rest of the onth. And you know that you eep your eyes open for that nterview. And I hope you guys ave a wonderful, wonderful rest f your day is such a pleasure o be able to you know, Share, hare these practices with you nd to ascend with you to send ogether with you. So, yeah, lessings to all of you. Love ou. I hope you guys have a eautiful, beautiful week. Bye