Rainbows Rising

Let Go of My Ego with Nitin Adsul

April 28, 2021 Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 15

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Nitin Adsul joins Rainbow Raaja to share his journey of using Kundalini Meditations to let go of his ego nature amid the world of Hollywood red carpets and movie stars.  Now living a modest life out of the limelight, he found his peace creating independent films with heart, over producing box office hits.  Nitin shares how he broke through the personality facade that the film industry projected onto him and found his own path to fulfillment.

Connect with Nitin Adsul
email: nitin@7dotsmedia.com
cell: 703 402 3783
website: www.7dotsmedia.com

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to Rainbows Rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raaja. And today I have a very special guest for you all. I have Nitin with us, and He will be sharing his journey battling the ego self and finding a way to live a more humble life. Welcome to Nitin.

Nitin Adsul:

Thank you very much for inviting me to your show to your podcast.

Rainbow Raaja:

I am I saying your name properly? I want to make sure. Awesome. Yes. So So tell me a little bit about your journey. And like, I you know, so many you're a producer, right?

Nitin Adsul:

Yes, producer, director, writer.

Rainbow Raaja:

So so many producers get get lost in the Hollywood dream. So So how did you overcome that struggle?

Nitin Adsul:

Um, yeah, it's been a challenge. Um, you know, you get lost into that Hollywood dream, because you see, on TV you see on videos, you see them at Hollywood, on the red carpet, receiving awards. And then you making something films, and also I was doing that, and it's just always, you get attracted towards it. I want to be there. I want to be on the scene. Now. I want to be on the red carpet receiving that. Oscar, I guess you know, so, yeah, it's been challenged. But you know, when you are following that dream, you don't realize it, you feel it's all good. It's all good to have goals, it's all good to have dreams. But what we don't realize it, we actually losing the connection with the self in that process. And then, you know, you achieve something, then, you know, you get some awards. I've been making independent films. So film festivals, screenings happen to those, we got some awards. It felt good on that day when you receive the award. But the next day, you feel like, Oh, you you kind of want it again, you want that feeling constant, like addiction, like thing. So you get again, kind of depressed, kind of frustrated. So that's ups and downs. It's a challenge, you know, it's, it's not healthy for you. So that was I was going through and But somehow, you know, I was fortunate enough to get into meditation. And that helped me to really connect with inner self. And slowly, slowly, that ego self started shedding off. Um, and then the World became like, like, enjoyment is like happiness, you know, just you happy with whatever you're doing. It is just more authentic than just showing off or, and the director and the producer, I'm the Hollywood I'm making movies. So it solves I I showing the other people who you are, and keeping that outer presence of you. What's, what's fine after a while?

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, I mean, it's, I've spent a little I grew up in LA and you know, I spent quite a bit of time around Hollywood and spend some time on the red carpet with people and I can tell you that those crowds really drain you being around, like being in the VIP areas and like being kind of the center of other people's attention. I was just a child. So like, you know, I have like Jon Lovitz in my face, and, you know, you're so excited, but it's so exhausting, so exhausting, making sure that you're, like, not getting too much attention. And, I mean, I can't imagine how you can take yourself, you know, because you're, you're still producing movies, even, you know, independent films, which I think sometimes are even more glorious than the box office ones. But like, how do you step out? After being in a place like that? How do you keep your confidence? Because, like, ego does preserve our confidence to an extent, but how do you step out of like, the ego without destroying your confidence,

Nitin Adsul:

right, right. Yes, so have definitely boost your ego and that directly or indirectly boost your confidence and you feel proud you feel confident you feel or want to do more and more and more. But that confidence is actually under a shallow base, a shallow foundation. So, what happened to me, though, even though I was making films that time with that kind of a false confidence, I want to say, I was not fully happy, there was an inner happiness that was missing. I'm confident. Confidence was there. Yeah, of course. Yeah, I feel good. I feel, oh, no, hey, look what I can do, you know, that was there. But I think what happened was, I was shifted away from the true purpose, or from that connection with the self and the universe. So when you shift away, the universe pulls you back. And it's like, gives you a slap, basically, you know? No, so what are you trying to do I want to make this movie, I want to make this hollywood movie, I want to get Oscar. So you put all your energy, put all your confidence, everything towards it, and you impress people, you get whatever you want. But is that what you're supposed to do in life? Is that your true calling? Is that your true purpose? So what happened is kind of a project that I wanted to push, they went up to some extent. But then there were some hurdles some blocks. But then they say, Oh, no hurdles are part of life, you've got to overcome those. So again, with that false ego, like I'm going to build this competition, I'm going to go around and find some way. So that actually felt good for the ego, self, oh, I can overcome this. But actually putting myself more away from that true calling from their true nature. And then this film project didn't happen, something really terribly went wrong. And then I had to really, really surrender. No, it was like, No, you you're not the God or you're not the man or what, you know, we have capabilities, artistic capabilities, but you got to find a medium or a sweet spot where you operate. That is for Universal Consciousness for the good. So I was away from that. So those projects stopped. And then I really, there was a day when I was that was in 2009. When I really surrendered, said, universe, you tell me the way. I think I'm the artist. I think I can tell stories. I'm a storyteller. I think I'm a good director, producer. I was asking why I'm not getting it, why not getting it? Why why why asking outside questions, but then then decided, I'm not gonna ask why question anymore. I'm just gonna let the universe decide what is your idea of my life? And I will.

Rainbow Raaja:

Let the universe take the lead. Right. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, I totally relate to that. I, I have a lot of ambitions myself, and I start these projects, and they start off really well. And a lot of times, they you know, finish to completion. But they're they're those duds, you know, that you put so much time and energy into and you have this whole like fluffed version of it in your head, and you just hit block after block and you're kind of like maybe this this wasn't what I supposed to be doing. But and yeah, I totally relate to that. I've, I've come to that same place where I just trust the universe. I asked the universe, hey, show me what I'm supposed to be doing. And that's kind of how I got here.

Nitin Adsul:

That's great. That's great. Yeah, that's and that gives you fulfillment, that gives you peace, basically. And then it just you never know what opportunities will come. They say you have to create your life, the life I know thing. But if you let the universe be the driver or the guide, then you you will get so much opportunities that you couldn't even think of because you're thinking this direction. But there's a bigger thing here, you know, you're not even noticing it.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, I mean, I I didn't know anything about podcasts like not a thing. I just kind of was like oh yeah, it's kind of like a radio show. People like to talk about themselves. That's Totally what I thought podcasts work. And this random person, like super random person was like, hey, um, I would love to give you a free coaching session. Don't even worry about it. Let's, let's just, I'm gonna help you kind of get your life back on track. So I was like, Yeah, you're gonna drink this water, you're going to eat at four o'clock in the afternoon, you're going to only eat, you know, fruits and vegetables beginning of the day. And you're going to walk a mile a day. Oh, and you should try podcasting. And I was like, I don't know. He's like, Listen, you like to talk? I can tell. Just go ahead. And so yeah, that I mean, the universe just plopped it. And for some reason that night, I was like, Yeah, why not? I sat my computer. I made my first podcast, and it hasn't stopped.

Nitin Adsul:

Wow, beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah. So it shouldn't be

Rainbow Raaja:

what what kind of guidance? And like, what kind of tools can you offer the listeners to like, be able to cultivate this universal truth of surrender, like surrendering and just allowing things to be is one of the hardest? I guess one of the hardest, like, self masteries. To do like, the the sense of like, losing control, and the fear of losing control is, is such a, like, drive of the ego. how can how can they how can we as individuals all just trust, and like, like, stop the worry so much, right?

Nitin Adsul:

Yeah, I, I, I got benefited from meditation. Meditation is the one that made the switch for me. However, there was that surrender before that. So I let the universe decide, hey, you do this, and I'm gonna just follow with my friends. And during the same time, the switch happen, meditation came into my life, or I started doing meditation, and it started giving me deeper experiences and some energetic experiences I received. And then after that, I know the life change. It's just a purposeful path, like what your show is, you know, you just kept doing and right people came and no help you

Rainbow Raaja:

got clients suddenly got listeners, suddenly, people are recognizing you and you're like, wait, what, I didn't think this was gonna happen.

Nitin Adsul:

Right? Exactly. So, you know, the meditation experience that I had, I decided to make a documentary on that. And right away the right people, right artists, right musician, right people that I wanted to interview disappeared, and that movie was made. So after that, I became a meditation guide and personal life coach and I teach that so I think that is, that is the one that was the key that changed me. So when I offer I offer my meditations to people and through guided meditation, we surrender to the energy within the subconscious mind within to remove that egoistic physical nature. And that has helped me and my clients as well so I cannot really feel

Rainbow Raaja:

Would you mind sharing what what that movie is? Because I'm super interested in watch.

Nitin Adsul:

Yeah, that name of the movie is Kundalini is a documentary Kundalini is the energy of consciousness is a Sanskrit word means coiled up, the energy is coiled up at the base of your spine, and raising that consciousness you become more more aware of your inner nature and your creative gifts come out and brings peace and harmony. So that movie is on Gaia channel. If you have a subscription, it's it's like Netflix for spiritual movies. So it's been there, I get a lot of messages from people they watch the movie, they were able to explain to their to themselves what was happening to them. So it's actually kind of rated one of the top movies in Kundalini. So you can go and check on Gaia channel. It's 64 minutes long documentary.

Rainbow Raaja:

Awesome. Yeah, I'll check that out. Thank you.

Nitin Adsul:

Yeah, yeah. So based on Western experiences from Western people from here, America on the left, but has some Eastern connections as well. Okay.

Rainbow Raaja:

Cool. So I'm kind of circling back around to the you know, this this ego mind and, and how much of an impact it really has on us and besides driving the the need for success. You know, did you did you notice, like, working through this ego as these base desires of the ego kind of classes did? Did you notice that there was like any other challenges to overcome while overcoming that ego state? Or is it mostly just like, yeah, good way to the universe?

Nitin Adsul:

Yeah, it's. So when you are in that ego driven lifestyle, the way you talk to people, the way you work, the way you show your false, you know, things, cars, or homes or things like that, you just want to pretend that you are, you try to fake it until you make it also so you know, all those things are are false coverings and costumes, and the masks that you have put on, it's difficult to let go those are. So those are the challenges. So once you start becoming authentic, these will come to you they will go, Oh, Nitin you are this, you should not be talking like this or showing your weakness or showing your vulnerabilities for sometimes you have to be, you know, be honest. And I did, I did basically some people who were expecting how you are you can do this, but it's a no I can't, I'm just not going to do this anymore. I just, I'm just not capable, you know, I just not feel this is the right thing to do. So those all other things like, you know, having showing off with with your home with your car, with the peer pressure and all that stuff, which comes along with it. It's It was a big challenge to let go. But But I did I, I live in a modest place and nothing much, you know, I don't feel like showing that false kind of a lifestyle and feeling more peace at the inside. Sometimes it just feels like when you see other folks are the friends and families having no big houses and lavish lifestyles and cars. But then everybody has their own process. Everybody has their own life, their own journey. And I don't want to pretend like my journey is like that, or the division is like me, we are all individual. So I just focus on my authentic day to day presentations, my presence and expressions and keep going I am that and that gives me that peace, which is more than it cannot compare with million dollars as well. So you know, those were the challenges that came through while that surrendering that arm. But yeah, you know, first comes after us after some time. So when I had that roadblock in 2008, for that movie that I was trying to make. Finally I made that movie after a few years in 2015. And it did win awards. It was actually made in India and it won't Filmfare Awards in India, which are equivalent to Oscars in India. So eventually I got it, got it after a few years, I had to work on myself to surrender. So you know, it just comes unexpected though the the fruits of it. And you should not look for the fruits, you should just look for the right work, authentic work and you know, just do best what you want to do. That's it.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, so it sounds like being driven to fulfill your heart's desire. And not necessarily like, what you think you you want. But like what your heart really wants to do and being humble in your journey towards it. And working from a place of integrity. Like it sounds like that's that's kind of the key and like surrendering to, to the opportunities that arise when they arise. Like I would have never ever done a podcast ever had had this person not suggested it had they not been like, Hey, listen, you know, you are ready talk a lot, so why not try and make a career from it? And that I mean, nothing rings so true to me. So I did it. But like man, what a journey you've had what a journey.

Nitin Adsul:

No, I agree with you what you saying, you know, that person came and told you and that's what if I really look back for last few years, whatever projects that I thought from my mind, again, this heart and mind what you're talking about talk with a heart and not mind. Whatever I was thinking, Oh, I want to do this. I want to do this. I went up to something some someplace but didn't install. But the other projects where people just appeared or they gave me ideas. Those were just smoothly happened. So it's always heart and minds game. And when you thinking with hardware connected with heart the right ideas and inspirations and people come. So

Rainbow Raaja:

it totally feels effortless. I know that feeling. I know that feeling when it just, it just flows, when you are in the flow of life, there is nothing like it.

Nitin Adsul:

Exactly. So

Rainbow Raaja:

you said meditation was like, the main, the main factor that really changed the game for you. Um, is there a specific types of meditation that really help you because there's seriously 1000s and infinite numbers of meditations out there is there like a specific meditation that helps break down those, those ego layers of the self. Um,

Nitin Adsul:

see, I'm, I'm, I practiced few meditations, techniques on some helped me some, you know, from which I learned some things. But I developed my own meditation technique of surrendering to the energy within the Kundalini energy within. So once you surrender to the Kundalini energy within that energy rises, and it's actually starts clearing the blockages within you, including the mental and emotional blockages and egoistic blockages also. So that is what I practice. That is what I do. When I know when I do my sessions, on it's the Kundalini meditation on basically prayer to your inner energy, and then let it rise. So that's the, you know, when we're born, we were born with that energy, that energy resource came in the womb of the mother. And that energy resource has the blueprint of you the true blueprint. So when you connect with your true blueprint, then the false blueprint or false structure that you have created starts falling off. Okay? So then you start recreating yourself the renewal review. So I'm not totally renewed, you in the sense, I'm still a filmmaker, I'm still making films, but the attitude towards it, the way you do it, the the intention that you have it, that all thing is already created. So the authentic thing is Comm. So all the false walls that are created with your ego, they have shattered and false. So that meditation helped me. Once I saw the first time, the first meditation I did in my life was the transcendental meditation. That is what something that I started meditating on. And then slowly, I kind of developed my own technique. So I don't recommend anything or enforce something. This is the meditation you should do. People should try various techniques and see what works with them. It could be a breathing meditation, it could be just gazing at the like, it could be just mantra. It could be, you know, just being in silence and just listening to the, to the universe, or that universal sound to nature? Are anything that you feel connected with? Naturally, are that's what I would recommend, and no, you know, not necessarily the technique that works for one person will work for the other. Oh, that's why there are many techniques also.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, so so when you were describing your Kundalini meditation, what I picked up on was that this is like, literally an energy meditation where you are, you are guiding the energy within your body to almost like light a fuse and clear out the line, kind of overlaying with your like spine, your chakra system, and that you're clearing out stagnant, blocked, and coordinate energy along that that, I guess, meridian line the meridian line, that's, that's really like when you were talking about I could feel it. So you're doing like energy work. And I thought that was really really neat. Um, would you would you mind doing like a super short sample or like doing doing a meditation, um, just because I really love to share with the listeners. Um, my experience, like I literally just now felt you like working in my sacral chakra and like, I think it's really neat that just with talking about it, you can share that experience. Yeah, yeah.

Nitin Adsul:

Yeah. No, absolutely. I would love to do guided meditation now. But what you're saying describing is what happens you know, once we are talking the energy Actually, it's all energetic connection. And that's what my clients say that you know, when we start doing the session and just start, they start feeling better. Energy. But you're right. The only thing I wanted to say is you don't guide the energy, you request the energy and the request being energy, the energy starts guiding you, and you kind of follow and let the let the energy take over. As that's, that's kind of all, you know, thing. Um, so yeah, we can do that. It's like how, like, we have five to 10 minutes. Is that what we do?

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, I mean, technically, you can go as long as you want this is this your episode?

Nitin Adsul:

Alright, so yeah, let's start started. So before I started, I let me give instructions to to viewers. Basically, in the beginning of the meditation, I'm going to say a Kundalini prayer. So attend, you have to repeat that prayer in their mind, as I say loudly. And at the end of the meditation, I will do a gratitude prayer to the Kundalini that they have to repeat in their mind. And then I will be guiding in between the tone of my prayer versus the instruction will be different. So you will know which is prayer, which is instruction. And the way we breathe air is a breathing style. So as you breathe in, you visualize the energy rising from the root of your spine, from the back from the center of the spine, all the way to the top of the head. And as you breathe out, you visualize that energy going back from the front of the body, back to the root, so creating an energetic loop.

Rainbow Raaja:

Okay, so starting from the tailbone, coming up, you're back over the top of your skull and down, kind of your, your stomach and your chest all the way down to like the bottom of your pelvis. Yes,

Nitin Adsul:

exactly. Okay.

Rainbow Raaja:

And just for all those listeners out there operating heavy machinery or driving, please go ahead at this time to you know, you don't have to do the meditation. Pause the meditation, do it when you're in a safe place. For legal reasons. Please don't do this while driving.

Nitin Adsul:

Okay, let me start the music. Can you hear it? Right. Close your eyes. Just give attention to your regular breath for now. your regular breath that brings renewed energy from the universe to you. give attention to that breath. develop a relationship with that breath. Now I'm going to say Kundalini prayer. Repeat that prayer in your mind. Hey, Kundalini energy, the energy of consciousness within me. I surrender to you. I surrender to you. I request your kind presence within me to flow within me. For me to find peace, harmony and love. For me to become authentic and let go of my egoistic nature and I surrender to you. I surrender to you. With that surrender attitude. As you breathe in, visualize the energy of rising from the root of your spine, through the spine from the back of the body, raising all the way to the top of the head. And as you breathe out, visualize that energy going back to the root of the spine, but from the front of the body, creating an energetic loop. So as you breathe in, Kundalini energy rises from the back of the body, through your spine, all the way to the top of the head. And as you breathe out, it goes back to the road, from the front of the body. Creating that energetic low, rejuvenating, refreshing, your mind, your body, your soul. Breathing energy rises without a notch goes back to the Euro energy, your own power, your own strength. Your true blueprint, the true you is within you, let it rise. let it rise, let it share the ego. Let me remove the blockages. cleanse you. You were born with this energy, the energy of consciousness. It's like the God is within you is the energy that was suppressed for years. Now it's time to activate those true nature truths, true gifts that you were born with. For you to shine for you to become who you are, who you should be, who you're meant to be. Removing the outer false ego conditioning from the childhood and creating your authentic self. Hey Kundalini energy, the energy of consciousness within me I surrender to you. I surrender. I surrender. As you breathe in the golden yellowish light, energy rises all the way to the top of the head. And as you breathe out that golden yellowish light energy goes back to the root, rejuvenating refreshing, your mind, your body, your soul. Keep breathing and keep breathing out keep visualizing energy, your power, your life force, your true gifts, your true nature. shedding off guilt, anger, jealousy, lust, overconfidence, over pride, social conditioning, but creating the new you, the authentic you. The real you the empowered you the happier you are the peaceful you Let the energy take over. Let the energy be your guide and the energy be your consciousness. Let you be the energy, that your whole body be that energy. Let your mind body soul, be integrated with that energy. Let the energy be the fuel for you. A Kundalini energy, the energy of consciousness within me is surrendered to rise within me, flow within me, for me to find peace, harmony and love for me to walk on my true nature on my true path and find peace, harmony and allow for self and others. You are in perfect harmony with the universe right now. Stay in this perfect harmony. Stay in this nature. complete integration with mind, body and soul with your Kundalini energy being the integration and see what that energy gives you a message. Be curious to receive a message from your energy. It might come in the form of a picture, an image, a word, or a letter. That may pop up or a sound that you may hear, pass memory. What an insight that will just come without any force, just be curious to receive it. Oh, oh. Now slowly, start visualizing the energy. Keeping your eyes still closed. Gradually, start coming back to your regular breath. Let the energy settle back at the root of the spine. Keeping the same surrendered attitude. Let the energy go back to the root of the spine. Stop visualizing it. Staying in your breath. Regular breath. Just repeat the Kundalini gratitude prayer in your mind Kundalini energy, the energy of consciousness within me. I'm thankful and grateful for your presence within me. For arising within me, for me to find peace, harmony and love, and I will continue to surrender to you. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you. Now you can open your eyes.

Rainbow Raaja:

Thank you.

Nitin Adsul:


Rainbow Raaja:

Oh, man, that was beautiful. I got so many visions, it was great.

Nitin Adsul:

Well, we'd like to share something.

Rainbow Raaja:

So, I do a lot of art. You know, aside from the podcasting, I do private sessions and stuff. And I like so like, whenever I do meditations or journeys always, like get, like really trapped in the visions that happen. So I've had to, like train myself to come out of them. And at first, I was like, Oh, no, I'm like having daydreams. Again. I'm doing the I get, you know, I'm getting lost in the journey. So at first, I was like, kind of cruising down a snow mountain. Just kind of like going off of jumps. And there was like, a jump, where there was like, a golden chest. You know, jump, and I like, barely missed the golden chest, on the jump. And I was like, it's okay. That's fine. I can take this snow run again, sometime. I just like kept cruising down. And it was like, like, a thick powder slope. It was like, really, really steep. I was cruising down like super gentle, like flying. It was really nice. I was like, Oh, no, no, I'm stuck in a dream, I better come back out. So I like pulled myself out of that. I went back to the breathing of like, circling it up over my head and over my front and back up over my head, like in an egg. And then I was dragged back into another vision of doing, I was like working with a sponge, doing art. And I was like, using the corners of the sponge to write words. And, and so I don't like actually remember writing several words. But the only word that I was able to bring back with me was the word spear. And that was the last word I was starting to do before I went, Oh, crap, I'm, I'm in another vision, I guess. And it was right after I pulled myself out of that one that you were like, just enjoy whatever comes up in the visions. I was like, Ah, so it was I mean, it's it's hard to find a good meditation where I get dragged into a vision, right, easily, effortlessly. Um, and it really was I saw I like, besides those, there were other like really quick snippets, where I was like, there was one where I was it felt like I was kind of in like, Old World, Japan a little bit. And I was just walking down this this road with their little open shops on either side. In the end, the road was like really narrow, but there's just some really beautiful, you know, the Japanese guitar that it's not really guitar, it's not really a sitar music. And yeah, it's like that really beautiful, like twintig thing. So that was in the background. And I was holding, like, like a, like a parasol umbrella thing. I was just walking down this lane. And I had the awareness I was in a kimono and then I pulled my that was like early on, I was like pulling myself out pulling myself out. Because I'm used to having going into these really deep visuals. And for me staying present in my body is the struggle not getting all the visions. So that was that was fun. I got a whole bunch of neat little visuals from that the very, very last one was I was staring at a piece of paper. And like, purple, pink and blue paint just splattered and it was somebody's face. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Well,

Nitin Adsul:

maybe that person might be a resource or something that will bring for you or we will see you will know.

Rainbow Raaja:

Well, thank you. That was so relaxing and so insightful. I hope all the listeners got as much out of it as I did. As I'm sure they did, because, I mean, I felt so much coming up in that. Um, it's really melodic. Yeah. And I like how interactive it is. Because a lot of meditations, it's not very, you don't have very much control. Yeah. And so that's, that's really neat that this tool, you know, to fight off the ego, which is all about control, you're almost you're almost satiating the ego through this practice of like, here, here's a little control. Yes, enough control to keep you keep you up.

Nitin Adsul:

Right? Yeah, actually, you know, that's what it is. It's the real control or real power is within you. You You looking outside everything. So this meditation is, I am not giving you energy, I am not the master of that, you know, I'm controlling you. I'm letting the audience though the actual recipient to work on their energy. I'm just kind of creating an environment for cultivation.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, you're holding space, you know, you're creating the container for others to feel safe enough to

Nitin Adsul:

do that work. Exactly, exactly. So I'm glad to know, you know, the reverse are, you know, you know, to be able to give it to this and share this meditation. But the thing is, sometimes some people may not get all the visions or anything, right away. they'll fix come later, after a few hours. So maybe tonight or tomorrow, they will feel some change, some energetic change in them.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah, everyone's at their own level. That's great that you threw that in there, that, you know, if you didn't feel anything, and you were just sitting there doing the practice, that's totally fine. You know, with with practice comes those other things. And then as you as you heard, I even had to pull myself out of it, because I don't like getting lost in those as much.

Nitin Adsul:

Right. Thank you.

Rainbow Raaja:

Yeah. So I would love for you to share you know that Do you have a practice? Do you work with people one on one, you know, where can people find you or experience your, your art? Because your your film? Is your your art and your expression of self? Where can people find that?

Nitin Adsul:

Right? Yeah, yeah, so I do do coach on one on one basis. I'm based in Washington, DC metro area, or Northern Virginia, I have a central here that I work on. I also do Skype sessions, online sessions, zoom sessions. All the information is available on the website, my film media meditation website, which is seven dots media, so that people can go and check their the meditation, I also have a meditation app mobile app as well, so they can check their www.7dotsmedia.com is my website. And, you know, whatever career life balance that I may have, be happy to. Glad to help you all, thank

Rainbow Raaja:

you so much for holding the space for the self discovery, and for sharing your journey and for helping people out there that may struggle with their own ego impulses. I know I have I've had days where I could definitely use some of these these practices. So thank you so so much for taking the time and sharing.

Nitin Adsul:

It's not me who is doing it is the Help is coming through that energy. We just we just part of it. We just get the list. We just media, basically.

Rainbow Raaja:

But without you we wouldn't have that information. Well, thank you. Anyway, thank you for being so humble. Thank you for you know, all of that. And thank you guys listening out there. We wouldn't be able to share this information without all of you to receive it. So once again, I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your week. And I'm so glad that we all get to ascend together. Have a good day, guys. Bye