Rainbows Rising

Pick a Card : Mother Wound - What's your Mother Wound? Pick a reading and get a Healing

May 12, 2021 Rainbow Raaja Season 3 Episode 2

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Choose a number Mother Wound Reading and Activation.  Mother Wounds impact us and our ability to nurture ourselves and others.  They affect our connection to our feminine energy- which is our intuitive side, a healing side, the side that comforts and protects with fierce love.  When we heal the wounds our mothers left behind, we can better support ourselves through acceptance and compassion.

Pick a number between 1 and 7.  You can skip to your number chapter.  At the end is a medicine song and light language activation to open your heart to the healing needed for you at this time. 

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro - Cannabis Dreams (part 2) Steven Halpern

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raja. And today, I'm going to be doing a reading about those mother wounds we talked about last week, we all have some some hurdles with our mothers. And today I'm going to be doing a three card reading. You just have to choose a number between one and seven, there will be chapters, so feel free to skip ahead. And, you know, just take your time choosing a number, go ahead and choose one now feel into those numbers between one and seven, one and seven. These three carts the very first one will be the low wound, what the wound is. The second card will be what caused this wound. And it will be it will be general, but I will do my best to give several scenarios that might resonate with each of you. And just do your best to allow memories to come to you when listening and be open to receiving your own insight. I'll be doing Reiki during today's podcast so that you can connect with your own healing process. And the third card is an animal spirit, the animal spirit will be holding medicine. And each time you think of the animal spirit, it will help you process the wound help you move through the wound help you heal that wound. And I will tell you what the animal spirits medicine is, and how it will help heal said wound. So just get comfortable. If you're driving your car, that's totally fine. At the very very end of the of the video, I will be doing an activation. This will open you up to doing deeper work on these mother wounds it will be to help you begin to see those Mother Mother wounds more clearly, to see the patterns and to see what behavior changes what beliefs you need to change in order to heal those wounds. So be open to that at the end. All right, well, let's get started. Number ones, number ones your mother wound has to do with a mother who really, really liked to have control. She saw you as the queen or king. And she wanted you to know just how special you were. However, she was constantly giving you instructions. Maybe she micromanaged you as a kid or as a teenager, maybe she really like tells you when you're not living up to her expectations with a little bit of judgment, always giving advice, even if you didn't ask for it. So there is a sense of someone kind of controlling you and that that has always made you uncomfortable. I think even though you recognize that that her advice is helpful at times. You you really had difficulty feeling as if power was taken away. And so what caused that that wound is there was a situation in your life when her advice actually ended up causing a sense of betrayal. When her her micromanaging or her her Scituate you know whatever, whatever it was that she was doing to control the situation ended up actually deeply, deeply hurting you or it almost felt like you got stabbed in the back. And you you felt very alone in those moments like you couldn't trust your own mom anymore. And that's really difficult to deal with. So just know moving moving forward that grieving That situation grieving that loss of trust, grieving, that loss of connection is really important to moving through that. The animal for you to work with, and to begin to call on when working through this mother wound is the wolf, the wolf, I think this is a really interesting animal to come forward for healing this wound. Because the wolf is, you know, it can be a pack animal. But there's also that saying, being a lone wolf, right, when you're a lone wolf, it's, it's you're running around without a pack. And you have to learn how to do everything on your own, which is probably what you had to do when this wound happened. If you are someone who has had to kind of like, leave your family behind you and go off on your own, be kind of a nomad, you just kind of became strong in your own way and did everything on your own. Call on Wolf, to help you reconnect with family. Call on Wolf, to help practice letting go of the resentment, letting go of the anger, it's important to recognize the power of a pack. That you are part of this tribe, that even though these people may not always be the most reliable, that they are there, that they that they can be relied on at times for certain things. So call on Wolf, to to help heal that to grieve the loss of that trust to grieve the loss of that connection. And all that time, which you might resent yourself, for losing call on wolf to let go of the past. And to move forward into a family unit. Reading number two, reading number two. So number two's, it looks like your mother was so nurturing, and so caring. But it seemed like she gave her love to so many people, maybe you had a lot of siblings. Maybe it felt like her work came first. Maybe she had other commitments that she was responsible for. Maybe she was a volunteer for something, maybe she dragged you along on whatever. But this card is showing that your mother was a part of a huge group that she nurtured, that you were a part of this. And that, you know that there needed to be a little bit of flexibility and you felt slighted in in the amount of attention you were receiving, which negatively impacted how you were able to take care of yourself. Now as you're moving forward, you realize that, you know, you, you don't know how to nurture yourself, and maybe you don't know how to nurture others, maybe you're a lot more conservative about how you nurture others because of how your mother made you feel. Now for some of you out there, this could also symbolize the loving, amazing home and and connection you had with your mother, that you were really really deeply connected with your mother and that she nurtured you perfectly. You had this happy safe home where you felt cared for and that maybe she is now past or maybe you know that that she is in you know, unable to care for you in those ways anymore. So just know that there's there's multiple different ways this could apply. The animal Totem is the bat and the bat is to help you recognize it is time to let go. It is time to allow whatever death of you know, if your mother did pass away and you're you're just missing her and you're reminiscing. It's okay to let go. She's not going anywhere, you know, she's, she's her memories are not going to disappear, you're not disconnecting. So it's okay to allow that death to lead into a rebirth for you. It's okay to, you know, recognize that that era is over, that if your mom didn't give you that attention, that it's time for you to give yourself that attention. You know, the bat goes out at night when there aren't that many other predators out. It's, it's like the optimal time to watch the sunset. And, you know, to just fly around carefree without worrying about giant cars, or trucks, or people. And you can just kind of be private, maybe all those years of your mom giving someone else attention, you just want to get some alone time. So go take that vacation. So the medicine that is recommended with this particular animal Totem is actually going and taking the time to watch the sunrise to watch the sun rise. There's just something about a sunrise that helps you remember that there is always a new day, after the darkness, that no matter how sad, you may feel about losing someone you love, or no matter how hard it can feel, to open yourself up to love someone or care for someone or care for yourself. That it's okay, because a new day is starting. We are on to reading number three, reading number three, okay. Who This one's a good one. So, the mother wound here is lack of communication. Whenever you guys have have interacted, you guys completely don't understand each other, maybe there are disagreements, you completely missed each other's points. And it can become very tedious to to feel connected with someone who is not able to understand you. So this this particular, this particular cycle started. Either when you were when you're kind of a teenager and starting to go through, you know, hormones, and when you really start to become an adult, and you wanted that independence, and you wanted that freedom and you wanted to be on your own, that lack of communication started at that point. Because your mother didn't want to let go. She didn't want to let go of the innocence that she saw in you. She didn't want to let go of that little baby that she knew you to be that little boy, that little girl that she held and loved and saw growing up. She didn't know how to let go of that. And still to this day, she she holds on to that. And this card is asking you to, to see that, to see that your mom is, you know is wrapped up in this in this moment of who you were and sees you as as at your most innocent, your most pure moment. And that there is a loss there that she has yet to process. There is a loss that she doesn't know how to process. She wants to stay in the dark about it. The animal Totem for healing this wound is the gazelle. And for the gazelle. I I'm seeing I'm seeing you recognizing your own growth. Recognizing the innocence that is still within you and that playfulness and and remembering those times when you are a child and You would include your mom in that play, you know, running around and encouraging her to play tag with your hide and go seek. And you can incorporate that innocence back into your relationship with your mom, maybe by inviting her to go to yoga with you, or inviting her over for dinner. Or have, you know, have her go out to dinner with you have her over at your house really create beautiful ambient space for her, like, dress up your living room make her feel like it's a special occasion. And, and just spend some time do a game night. This this Gazelle card is about centering yourself and seeing yourself in a new light and a younger light. And remembering you know those those pieces of you that may be your mother is missing. And finding a way to reincorporate those pieces back into yourself. So that your mother can begin to see you, as you are now through that new lens of who you once were reading number four. So this card really makes me think of some kind of some kind of disconnect, some kind of control issue in regards to maybe religion, some kind of control issue in regards to a relationship, some kind of control issue in regards to your school work, when you were in school, or if you are in school. This is this is a dynamic that on the outside seems, seems to be a positive, a positive thing. But you don't feel as free. And you you feel as if you are you're unable to to wake up to your own your own, you know, belief system or wake up to your own potential or wake up to your own ideas, because your mom keeps directing you into these areas. And maybe you feel as if you are under a knife, that that if you were to leave the church or to not believe in the things your mom believes in. Or if you were to say, you know what I really don't like the to, but I don't want to play tuba anymore, that your mom would judge you for it and that she would be upset. And that's that's kind of the basis for this is you feel trapped. Even though you know your mom loves you and protect you and you don't feel endangered in that way. In fact, in these cards, I see a lot of admiration for your mother, you look up to your mother, but you feel emotionally and spiritually trapped. You feel as if you really need me to explore yourself. And so the animal that is being called on for that is the tiger. The Tiger is always been a symbol of power. For me when I work with tiger, it is about camouflage, but power. And so I think that this Tiger is bringing you the medicine, of kind of going out of your comfort zone, but keeping it to yourself. So if it is religion based and you want to explore other churches, you can go to other churches, just don't talk to your mom about it. You don't have to do that you can set a strong boundary and say, This isn't a safe topic to have with my mom. So she doesn't need to know this is on a need to know basis. And so just know that you know if you're feeling really frightened to allow yourself to explore these other these other options because of your mother's judgment or that she has RAF that might be thrown against you. You are encouraged, to be strong and to to go and explore Are these in in different ways that your mother wouldn't be aware of, you know, like listening to a podcast or another way of correcting this, this energy. You can candle gaze is where you light a candle, and you just stare at the flame and you breathe calmly. And this will help you to rebalance your energy to help you regain strength, spiritual strength and courage. Okay, we're gonna go ahead and move on to reading number five, reading number five. So for reading number five, I see, I see you as being someone who had to take care of your mom. Maybe she was not emotionally Well, maybe she had a lot of depression or marital issues that you were someone that had to encourage her to stay strong. You were someone that had to really be by her side and be her guardian angel help her make decisions to not get into trouble. And I see this as, as probably the case, because she was either a widow, or a single mom, that you saw your mom as this extremely strong person. But she took on a lot, like I see, I see this very, very powerful person, like spiritually powerful person. So she has like mental illness, or any kind of emotional ailments, it could come from the amount of information she's receiving from the universe, from her guides, that she could be channeling a lot of this energy and not know how to ground it into the earth. She doesn't know how to protect herself. You know, so she's receiving all of this information, I could also see this as being you know, a very fiery individuals, someone who might not always be the best decision maker may be a little impulsive. Um, but you know, just just a really strong person. And that that may be through seeing, seeing her this way that you, you know, that when she needed your help, that when when you actually had to take care of her that it tainted your image of her just a little bit each time you had to help her. It made you sad, because you saw her as such a strong person and you're like, Why? Why can't she she, you know, stand up again, why can't she get up. So what I see as your animal Totem, the animal Totem for healing for this wound, is the snake. The snake snakes like to shed their skin. You know, they they are constantly growing and changing and evolving. And snakes are also the guardians of unawakened magic, and creative potential. And I get the feeling that even though you see your mom in this extremely incredible light that you know, she's this powerhouse that, you know, she has all these amazing abilities, that maybe she's not able to see them. And in order for you to, to encourage her to see those. Those things. Maybe she starts a bunch of projects and never finishes them. You know, maybe you guys can start a meditation practice together. Or maybe you can do yoga together. Or maybe you can be beside her in spirit. And just help her remember that she has so much power within her that is just waiting to be unleashed. That really it's a confidence issue on her part than it is any fault on yours. And that you can't force someone to see their own worth. But you can be there to show them their own worth. Encourage them to discover their own worth So, sit with that and see how, how you can connect with your mother and, and their, you know, magical potential for greatness. All right. All right, we are now on to reading number six, reading number six. All right reading number six. So it looks like your mother wound is 100%. Just just, you know, your mom just did not give you attention did not give you the nurturing you needed or deserved. It's almost like your mom completely withdrew emotionally, physically, mentally, from connecting with you. In in like every sense in this particular card, you have this, this young boy who is at the fetus of his mother who has, you know, I can, almost has turned into a tree and that she's reaching, reaching reaching far away from his his grasp. And it makes me makes me see that that you have tried really hard to, to make that connection, that the connection isn't your responsibility that you can't force someone to nurture you, you can't force someone to love you. And that's all you've ever wanted. You just wanted your mom to see you. You wanted your mom to recognize your worth, and you know how hard you work to get where you are. And so this started as well it looks like it started when she became a mom. She She has the mentality of the sea turtle. We all know the sea turtle comes to the shore, it digs a hole it does the work it pushes out the eggs into the hole and you know, covers them up and and leaves them to fend for themselves and find their way back home. She wanted so badly in her heart to be the mother bird who goes and gets the worms and brings them to the baby birds. But in the end, she still just pushed you guys out of the nest. I'm looking at this card that has three sea turtles hovering above her head and a nest in her heart. And there's so much love there. But there's also a disconnect. I see like a lot of soul loss, a lot of sadness. Your mother has a lot of pain and and has had suffering that maybe she has not disclosed to you in full. And that is why those things happened to you. And your spirit animal, the medicine animal for this is the Cobra I see that this animal is bringing you the wisdom that you learned how to be your own teacher. You didn't rely on your mother, you were your own teacher, you had to rely on your instincts you had to rely on I guess on on your own gut. And because of that, you have become strong and dangerous. In certain situations, I'm sure. And that this is this is about standing tall and understanding that there there is a deep and powerful lesson in the path your mother chose to take you down. She taught you one of the most difficult but powerful lessons which was independence. True, true independence. You have the capability of caring for someone the way your mother never was able to care for you. You have to open up to that. You have to you have to really feel into your heart. For that, but she taught you how to survive to be a predator. Were all those other boys and girls that were coddled by their moms given everything given love more sensitive and weak spots, weaknesses. And although you felt completely abandoned, completely detached, that she gave you the greatest gift, which is you were in full power of your life. That's a powerful, powerful, powerful message. All right. All right, we're on to our last reading. Number seven, this is number seven. Ooh, your mother wound is a good one. Your mother wound all my, your mom took care of you so much, well, too much, you became a little spoiled, you became a little lazy. And I'm not saying that in a bad way. I'm saying that your mom pampered you and took care of you. She tucked you into bed each night. She loved you so deeply as you wanted to protect you from all the horrors of the world. And because of this nurturing You know, it it. I think maybe it set you up in a mindset where we're now you expect others to do the same. That things now feel a lot more difficult because she was she took care of you so much that she she, you know, really, really nurtured you and coddled you in a lot of areas that would have been beneficial for her to say, okay, it's important that you learn this skill. So this started, huh? There are real dangers at some point in your life. Your mom really had to stand up for you. She really had to put her foot down and fight you know, whether it was her own experiences, whether it was a perceived threat to to your, your well being. But she legitimately, you know, kept you safe. She protected you she was the shield to protect you from harm. And, I mean, I guess, I guess the healing that would be needed here is, is just remembering how hard she fought. Because it looks I mean, I don't see much bad stuff here besides being nurtured and cared for and your mom fighting hard. Or, you know, this could also be you know, this happened when, you know, if if you happen to have a domestic violence situation or abuse in the past that was done by a male that this card could also be that if you were in a situation that was actually physical, physical, emotional, psychological danger. This card could also be that this this whole over nurturing over protecting you came from that situation. Your medicine animal for this wound, is the frog. Now the frog is one of the master healing animals. This this animal works to cleanse you on a very deep level, they clear all the gunk and all the muck and they help you really rest, restore and wash away any pain and the sorrow any anything from the past. And so frog is asking you to call on it to help you rebalance and he depleted energy. To help you clear your energy, and this will also give you new vitality moving forward if you happen to be a little lethargic or maybe you're just not as motivated. You know, if you live with your mom and you're like, I don't need to get a job because I'm taking care of like, why would I need to do that call on frog frog will help, like, give you a new lease on life by cleansing you, helping you connect with that powerful, powerful healing that water can provide you and frog makes it rain, there's so much prosperity that comes through working with frog. If you if you look in other cultures frog is seen as like this, this prosperous, you know, almost, you know, financially lucky little symbol. And so, to bring frog into balance to work the best with frog, go to a lake, a river, or an ocean, or just take a spa day. And just connect with that water and call on frog to help you heal to help help replenish your depleted energy sources and to help you like reinvigorate yourself and remember how hard your your mom really fought to keep you safe. And that it's time that you fought to be strong. And and to do you know to to you know, do her right. do right by her show her how strong you are through her sacrifices. Okay. So, I hope those resonated with you guys. If they didn't let me know I I'm not psychic. I'm a shaman. So hit me up, let me know if they resonated let me know if they didn't let me know if you like these. I enjoy doing them and I want to be able to help you guys connect with ways to to heal and to to be creative with different approaches to healing processes. Alright, so like I said, I'm going to go ahead and do an activation. This activation is to help you connect with your mother. help you connect with your maternal ancestral line to help open you up to any healing any unresolved issues, any pain, either through your mother or through yourself and to allow for clear communication and expression of your love. Okay, Yo y'all, Yong Yong Oh, oh hi you y'all y'all know my hair. My You're my MA MA Hey y'all here on your mind. Hey. Oh, Khan. Yeah he joins can he go Oh, oh my hand yeah mo You're too My hand Ah, you know, your low Kuan yoy your ma Hondo. Hey, yo, ma. Hey. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, World War Two. man. Hey, boss. Your rah rah tone. Hey. Oh no. Hey nine more. Hey, Ma, y'all. Yo, hey Ma. Ma. In more home. Hey Hey Hey, no hanayome Mondo ha Hey yo yo Ma. Hi Hey mon. Oro yay Hey Dong Dong Dong work on a blow alacra is schwa in Malacca schwa we aim alacra him now why mana Nasha Tata auto, la cara, I Ishwar la Kuru man and a guru in LA Kuru issue Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah O m lucky ash Kwok ku ke Latin a loco to end that under our to do order a schwa laka laka Rocco am Xuan lucky Angie, Angie, a Mullah in law guru a Shabbat in Morocco, who you in general is a Amarillo Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah who a him no more law I Shu Allah I am up or are like OSHA rule II my rule ish low low crew are a group issue IE group in my app, M and j and m A and it two and Lee


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Rainbow Raaja:

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Rainbow Raaja:

glad and if you are able Place your hands over your heart to get deep breath into your heart space. I want you to imagine your mother's face if you can, if you know her. If you don't know her or you don't wish to connect with her, do your best to imagine someone who is a mother figure to you. Just hold that face of the woman that has been there for you. Who has done her very best to nurture you to take care of you and raise you know allow yourself to open your heart to any healing that you are ready to do. Open your heart to any messages that maybe you were never able to see from her. Maybe messages she was never able to share. Secrets homes love and forgiveness for the one who may have wronged you, but did their very best. Take a moment. really feel that gratitude. Don't just list things in your head really feel into that space. thank her. thank her for even the little things. Thank you for those cookies. Thank you for tucking me into bed. Thank you for reading the books. Thank you for making me food. Thank you for putting a roof over my hat. Thank you for giving me life. Take a moment really feel into that. When you're ready, let her go. Allow her face. And and all of that love to return to her. Just allow it to return wherever she is in the world. To send your love Your forgiveness, your appreciation and gratitude. Send it with her. send it back to her I mean that place in your heart imagine a golden beam of light coming in through the top of your head. This light is almost the the consistency of honey or SAP as it drips down back of your neck and pours into your heart filling any of those spaces that you've felt you had to give pieces of yourself to your mom. Any any pieces that you had to return back to her just fill up any holes with this golden SAP. This life essence is available to you. Allow it really to permeate all the way deep, deep to your core. I'm wondering Ready, just return to the present moment. open to whatever healing comes from that. Well, thank you all so much for listening today. I appreciate you all for coming week after week after week, and continuing to work on yourselves continuing to learn and to grow and to explore, to ask questions. And to to really be able to dedicate yourselves to a practice, whether even just be listening to this podcast, spending time on yourself, and doing your best to to recognize your worth. It's so important. I appreciate you. I know that takes so much courage, so much courage to be here every week working on your, on yourself working through any kind of shadow elements, any pain, any wounds. So, in case no one's told you recently, I am so proud of you. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. I am so proud of how hard you work. I'm proud of you when you know that you are tired. And you're just not feeling up to it that you don't push yourself and that you take care of yourself. I'm proud of you for taking care of yourself. I'm proud of you for saying no sometimes takes so much courage to say no. You are strong. You are so strong. You take such good care of the people you love. And you deserve to know that. So today, I am letting you know that I'm proud of you. That I accept you and all of your faults all those times that you were mean. Maybe even cruel. I love you Even those times that you messed up that you gave up. Because I know you got right back up later that you keep trying that you're here listening and trying despite your struggle, despite all that you have been through. No one knows your struggle. But I recognize that it is yours that you're still fighting. I love you and I'm so so proud of each and every one of you. I hope you guys have a wonderful, beautiful, blessed day.