Motorcycle Men

Episode 110 - Interview with Richard Hatfield of Lightning Motorcycles

Brothers on Bikes

Hello boys and girls, 

Welcome to episode 110 where we get an education this week. 

Thank you for tuning in and listing to this show and of course for all of the motorcycle men Episodes. If you would like to help the show out, you can go to our website at and there you can click on the donate or subscribe buttons if you’d like to help us out. 

Another way you can help us out… feedback. Go over to iTunes and give us a rating, good, bad or indifferent… we accept all feedback. While you’re at it, send us an email to or go to our contact page on the website and send us a note there. I read all of our email and we will comment on it during our next show. 




As you know, we here at the Motorcycle Men Podcast are Harley Cruiser guys. That is our thing. Now we also know that there are other types of bikes out there and we do comment and mention them frequently on our shows. However, one faction of the motorcycle world we don’t often speak of because we don’t understand it and to a lesser extent, do not appeal to us cruiser riders. Yes, I am talking about Electric motorcycles. Well, here to enlighten us… Mr. Richard Hatfield of Lightning motorcycles

For those of you out at AIMExpo this week, just know that we would have loved to be there but sometimes, most times, finances dictate actions and it is those times when we cannot do the things we love to or want to do. Perhaps another time we will meet you all. Have fun, be safe and ride a Harley for us. 

Join us next week when my brothers and co-hosts will join me in the V-Twin café for some brotherly banter and long distance fun. From Tim buktu, Chris the Joker and me, Ted, Wrongway, your host, and thanks for listening to the motorcycle Men podcast where we stay stupid crap so you don’t have to. Ride safer kids.

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