Motorcycle Men

Episode 107 - Ride Report, Mouth Pound and The Chef

Brothers on Bikes

Hello boys and girls,

On this Episode:

  1. Centralia Ride report
  2. We're joined by Listener EJ "The Chef" Kooker
  3. Ban on Gas and Diesel engines in the UK and parts of Europe
  4. Shark audio speakers
  5. Ciro 3D
  6. La Minz Scooterathon
  7. Where's Woody
  8. The Chrome Poll

Thanks for listening and remember your support also helps our vets. 50% of all donations and contributions go to Vetrest to help those vets.

Patronize our fellow podcasters and Vloggers. They share the same passion we do!!

Ride safe kids and remember, we say stupid crap so you don't have to.


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