Real Deal with Akil

For all the.. puppies??

October 20, 2023 Akil Williams Season 9 Episode 7
For all the.. puppies??
Real Deal with Akil
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Real Deal with Akil
For all the.. puppies??
Oct 20, 2023 Season 9 Episode 7
Akil Williams

Remember the days when clubbing was all about letting loose and dancing the night away? We do, and we miss it! The club scene has drastically changed, transforming from lively dance floors into spaces filled with couches and sections. The real human interaction we used to enjoy has been replaced by technology, and we're not fans of it. Join us as we look back nostalgically at the golden times of clubbing and express our longing for the days when you could actually find your girl in a club or church.

Furthermore, our old-fashioned love for dance floors leads us to a broader conversation about the impact of social media and online platforms on human interaction and dating. How have these digital platforms altered our behavior and expectations? Let's take a moment to ponder on the responsibility that comes with having a platform, especially when expressing opinions without causing offense. Does anyone remember the times when college football was more about the game and less about the politics? We do too. 

Finally, we shift our focus to music, specifically Drake's new album 'For all the Dogs' Are we the only ones who think he's not quite up there with J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar? We invite you to join us as we dissect his music and ponder on what his potential collaborations could mean for his career. So get comfortable, tune in, and let's indulge in a bit of nostalgia together. It's not just about lamenting the past, but also reigniting our love for dance and music, and discussing the current state of social media, sports, and music.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Remember the days when clubbing was all about letting loose and dancing the night away? We do, and we miss it! The club scene has drastically changed, transforming from lively dance floors into spaces filled with couches and sections. The real human interaction we used to enjoy has been replaced by technology, and we're not fans of it. Join us as we look back nostalgically at the golden times of clubbing and express our longing for the days when you could actually find your girl in a club or church.

Furthermore, our old-fashioned love for dance floors leads us to a broader conversation about the impact of social media and online platforms on human interaction and dating. How have these digital platforms altered our behavior and expectations? Let's take a moment to ponder on the responsibility that comes with having a platform, especially when expressing opinions without causing offense. Does anyone remember the times when college football was more about the game and less about the politics? We do too. 

Finally, we shift our focus to music, specifically Drake's new album 'For all the Dogs' Are we the only ones who think he's not quite up there with J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar? We invite you to join us as we dissect his music and ponder on what his potential collaborations could mean for his career. So get comfortable, tune in, and let's indulge in a bit of nostalgia together. It's not just about lamenting the past, but also reigniting our love for dance and music, and discussing the current state of social media, sports, and music.

Speaker 1:

Yo, it's the real deal with a kill podcast. Maybe back with another one. Subscribe rate review, apple podcast, spotify.

Speaker 2:

However, wherever you get your podcast, hey man, you better start shouting out YouTube. You need to start putting your stuff on YouTube, bro.

Speaker 1:

YouTube as well. Tell me if you're getting about YouTube. Tell me if you're getting about YouTube. You gotta shout out to you.

Speaker 2:

I got to the real you. That's what you gonna call it, the real. All right. Well, it's called. Well, yeah, the real you. But it starts with a while. Shout out to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, nah, I ain't gonna forget about YouTube. I got to start posting back on there. Actually, I almost thought I forgot my password when I tried to log in there a couple of days ago, but this is gonna be a good one. I do want to start off this podcast, this episode, with this, because I saw something on social media, on Instagram, today and I just had to repost on my story because I've been an advocate for this for years Living in Houston.

Speaker 1:

We got to get rid of these couches and these clubs. Like it's sickening to still have clubs and we're still in the same mindset of thinking that we got to get a section, thinking we got to stand on top of these sections, which is couches that have cigarette holes in them and shit and buy these bottles and do all these things. That's not fun. Fun for me and I'm pretty sure I'm speaking for a lot of people that's listening to this, that's gonna hear this is the dancing Dancing and having fun, because when we sit here and say we don't, when you ever talk to somebody, I'm pretty sure you talk to somebody and they say I'm not really a club person, I don't really like going like that and actually I don't really we all are. But the fact there is that when we go out and go to these clubs and have fun, it's going to be out of town, out the country, vegas, anywhere out the country, wherever you wanna go, to Cancun, whatever but in your own city, like in Houston, where people isn't dancing anymore because there's no space for it, we get to the point where we have to feel like we got a body section to have a good time, which, in actuality, that's not really having a good time.

Speaker 1:

Now, hey, they do have you wanna have a VIP section and do your thing? Cool, I wouldn't just wanna flood it around the whole building. That's where I'm coming from with it. This the thing and easy can attach to this too. Once I started going to NABJ in 2015 and I seen nothing but black folks in suits and heels Cause, that's the notion of another thing. That's another theory. They say, oh, I need someone to sit down, my feet get tired. That's a mind thing. Tell them when we go to NABJ mind people that be dancing in heels.

Speaker 2:

Hey man, nabj man, that's a different breed man. But the thing is you're saying successful African-American people, you know talk about their life, but you know they're handling business.

Speaker 2:

But you know, to me you can't really, really, really, you know, say about the couches and stuff like that, because I think it's a different scenario in that kind of space because people are actually sometimes dancing apart in, but they're also there for the main thing is networking. So, like usually, you know, for the parties, you know, we out there trying to have fun, you know, but like in NABJ, I think you can't, it's really no comparison because it's all about the network at the end of the day.

Speaker 1:

It's all about the network in it. So I'll say a story. When I used to do Ubrin in college, I remember I was with a person that was visited from Jersey and it was his first weekend out here in Houston and the first thing he said to me was like man, what, why don't dance out here? I'm like man, there ain't no place to even there are some, but it's flooded by couches, it's flooded by sections. You ain't even have no space. And that's the one thing people be missing.

Speaker 2:

No, but honestly no, but no, but it's not even that too. Honestly, to me, some of these females just don't wanna dance no more. Like dancing is almost a foreign language. It's almost like it gotta be on TikTok or on camera for you to dance and you're not even doing the real dance that you know that body to body. You're not doing none of that anymore.

Speaker 1:

So it's like you gotta really be on a date night instead of seeing the girl out, exactly Because my thing is I always want a picture to where, like the end of the night, take the last 30 minutes instead of playing the hardest child music or playing a little baby or money back to the end of the club, I would say, look, there's to be a DJ the last 30 minutes to slow it down at the end. You see that shit that you've been looking at the whole night. You know what I'm saying. She kind of giving you hard to get a little bit them type of vibes. But then I would say like, hey, some KC and Jojo on, some Jo to see on it's.

Speaker 2:

You know this is dance, go ahead. What song is it Keir?

Speaker 1:

Shit man, it's a lot of them. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 2:

I wanna know what KC and Jojo what.

Speaker 1:

KC and Jojo, it's so big.

Speaker 2:

It's all my life I'll play that. It's a lot of them. I'm not gonna sit here. A lot of you, I agree with you. The only thing I disagree with that last song. It has to be Mo City Done Before you walk out of any club in the city of Houston if you're not playing the Mo. The Mo, they gotta go, they gotta go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean ended off like that. But my thing, I just think that when I've seen that and I reposted on my story, it was more so like man, like that's something I've been talking about for years. It's documented. I've always been like you. Mean you still got grooves, it was like one of the last ones, but I ain't been in grooves in forever. You used to have Drink Houston back in the day. Like Drink Houston, before it closed down, was the last of the dance floor, like all the clubs. I think that's where we're getting there Now. I think people would start is getting sick and tired of trying to find other places to have fun. Like clubbing was part of date nights back in the day. I asked my brother all the time back in the day Like they was going to the clubs to have fun and have a good time. That was date night.

Speaker 2:

But you gotta realize, though, like less social media, less phones, you know what I'm saying. So I think it's a you know, we can't, we really can't compare Like, you know what I'm saying. Like they, I'm pretty sure if the arrows were reversed it might be the same thing these days, but like, obviously, you know, at the end of the day, like you know, there's no dating websites. Like, if you want to meet a female, you gotta go up there. You feel me, it forces you to get. You know. That's why I just feel like we're missing kind of the social aspect these days, because you know, you know you can type back. Then is, rather, the only way you can type is if you're writing a note, and eventually you gotta kind of face them.

Speaker 1:

You have to find your girl in the club. Back then your girl was in the club. I mean, which was in the back? The club or the church? Yeah, the club or church or library or club now, cause it has a bad taste and people smile when you say club now, back then taste to me all the time. They was on the dance floor and the Rockers was winning back in the 90s they was on the same dance floor with. It was Jodeci.

Speaker 1:

I think saw it from Southern people, one of the two Next to him on the dance floor, like that's. You know you ain't gonna get that vibe, you go out to somewhere. Next to you is Cardi B and Offset. That's not gonna happen, no more. Sexy red yeah, they ain't gonna be sharing a dance floor with them. It's at this day and age, it's impossible. They're gonna have 10 security guards and all that 10?. But I think one day we gonna get back to that point. But you know it always circles back around. But that was like my little event of well, I was event number one, yeah, event number two.

Speaker 1:

Talk to me, as long as I've been doing this podcast, as long as I've been in this field, doing this for six years. I never really tapped in and I never really talked about the things people go through when they have a podcast or hell being in journalism or anything like that. I'm gonna give a quick story. I'm not gonna say no names. This past weekend somebody I know has a podcast and I guess they touched on the topic and they asked you know, they put on their story. They asked their viewers about a certain topic. I think it was about, you know, dots and hoes. I forgot what it was, that need to hear no, dare the part.

Speaker 1:

She reposted a screenshot of the message he sent to her. Basically, he said he likes to show what they do. He just disagreed with her and what she was saying and was like, basically, it's like that can give like some whole vibes, some things, just out of there, blah, blah. You know who? Response was Boy, shut up. Now, maybe she knew the person, I don't know, but the way the response was, I doubt it.

Speaker 1:

I hit her up. I said yo, like you know, he's just given of opinion about something that he don't disagree with. I mean, you ain't gotta go off on him like that, I don't care, you gotta, you gotta just going off. I said man like I understand where you coming from, but at the end of the day, you have a platform. You have a platform either a small, big, whatever man. Somebody disagreed with you. You can't feel a certain way about it. Again, I don't give a fuck, I don't care about blah, all right. So I get on my story and I say what I have to say about the whole thing this past weekend, because I'm bringing this up to say this like that's one of the things that come with it when you start a platform. You know it, you don't. When I started this podcast six years ago, I knew from the jump I don't want nobody. I don't want everybody to just agree with what I'm saying. I don't want just one side, I don't want everybody to be like yeah, yeah you right, you right, that's true.

Speaker 1:

I said some things that I know people the wrong way possibly. When I went on one time and said, hell, all racists are Republicans, all Republicans are racists, I said that 2020, I was 26 years old. I got some people like, man, now you tripping on that, blah, blah, blah. And I got some people that agree. But I'm not gonna sit here and just want everybody to agree.

Speaker 2:

Can we tell them, man, I'm the dude that still says that. You know, shaq is the most overrated center.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have your pin on that. And my thing is this if anybody, if you're gonna step on a platform, you're gonna have an opinion about something. At least back it up with something. Don't just say it just to get a click or don't get mad when somebody disagree with you. When you had a platform, when you're just not starting off and the audience isn't a fill out arena, what's gonna happen when you get to that point?

Speaker 1:

If you wanting to get to that point, if your dreams and aspirations ain't trying to get to make it the biggest podcast or platform, it is that I wouldn't care to, then I'm gonna stay out of that. That's none of my business. But if you are trying to aspire to be something greater than where you at now with it, then a comment like that about somebody disagreeing with you is nothing. What's happened when you get racist slurs, people trying to cancel you out? That's the part of the game. It can't just agree with anybody that they say it's not gonna happen. There's so many things. There's some things I said that I'd never posted on social media that I feel like that was meant. Look, I'm not posting this at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I'm not afraid of the comments the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the. I think it's just me, just you have to just be tough minded. Like you know, once you turn on the camera, once you turn on the video for everybody to see, like, trust me, there there is plenty of of of of of high school gyms that I've walked in and said I was like, yeah, I said it. But the thing is to me, I'm big on just standing on what you say, At the same time, like I just think that's what makes you stronger, that's what makes you kind of just tougher in the in the end. So like, like you know, I've heard, I've heard the worst of worst.

Speaker 2:

I remember one year I was typing up something. Somebody told me, stick to girls basketball. And I looked at him. I said, bro, before girls basketball I was, I've interviewed almost every top guy in this city and so I said, before I started doing girls basketball. So like, in the end, like I just think it, that's what comes with it. So, so I just feel like if you're not mentally prepared for that, you're in the wrong business.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is, people gonna respect you more of you if you just back up, say what you say and you stand on what you say. I give a quick story At TSU, this one I was covering the football and basketball team, heavy, especially football. I'm not gonna be biased to one, I'm gonna say how I feel this is for their station. This is everything. This one me and Rob was at KCOA shot to Rob and we're TomBud. We're previewing with TSU football team.

Speaker 2:

Hold on. Was that part of this too?

Speaker 1:

No, he wasn't there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It wasn't on the point, it was at the radio station. I don't think I ever told you this story.

Speaker 2:

No, I think I heard about it, though you said something like then people started calling you yes.

Speaker 1:

So this will happen. Like alumni, they're like what did get them out? So this will happen. I previewed, we was previewing the season. That's when they got the new coach, degryff was on the team.

Speaker 1:

Shot to DeGryff and I had some like, okay, why is DeGryff left? I'm voucherful because his talent was above everybody and it's like to me. So I'm voucherful and I'm predicting the season. I'm saying, look, I'm gonna give y'all three games. I'm gonna give it to y'all, y'all. And I was saying they, worse than Mississippi Valley, at least Mississippi Valley trade play harder. Give me that over somebody that don't care, I'm just going off at the mouth.

Speaker 1:

Next day, oh my God, the sports director, the alums, the football players, was saying, okay, we're gonna. You know they was. I seen some subtools from some players. I was like, okay, but guess how many wins they had that year? Two, two. I gave them a game.

Speaker 1:

But the reason why and to this day I'm still cool with a lot of them the reason being was because what I was saying wasn't to disrespect them or saying things bad. I'm going off what I'm seeing week in and week out. So at the end of the day, if I was a person to say those things and not show my face and I go to the games or not and be on different energy, then that's when the respect is lost. But if you stand on what you're talking about and you say how you feel, but you not in a disrespectful manner, that's cool. We see it all the time. Look, it's perfect. We see it all the time in sports, steven and Smith. We see that all the time. He can go places and they're not gonna. They're not gonna beat them up or jump them. He gonna stand on what he's. It's respect. So I think anything of a platform that's like I'm not gonna go off and nobody this if they disagree with anything we say For what that's not just lost the potential subscriber member, I'm not gonna do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's funny that you say that because, like I've told people all the time I'm gonna be the. If I'm wrong, I'm the first one to admit it, like amen, I was wrong. Like there are so many games that I've went to and I predicted wrong. But the thing about it is people know what I'm coming, I let them know, like hey, this is what I think. I say you guys are my guys no disrespect, but this is what I think. And but the thing is, a lot of coaches actually around this city, especially Houston basketball, they respect me for that because, like easy, a lot of people are just gonna hide. I said I'm not, I'm not. I said it's no duck season for me. I said that's my. I said I want all the smoke. You know I love that. You know me, I love it. So you know how I am.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this thing you know, that's the important key in all of this. You know, because if you don't open up the can of words, I can't say a fucking quote. I was gonna say I was gonna say a quote, but I'm not saying that I'm not, I'm gonna mess it up, but all I'm gonna say is you're gonna start a platform. This, for anybody that's listening, this is my two cents. If you're going to start a platform and you have aspirations of trying to make it big with your platform and you take some type of slight disagreement or criticism, take it and just move on. There's no point to get mad at anybody or somebody disagree with you and go down your comments and your DMs and people disagree with you. You're going off on everybody. No, stand what you say, stand on what you say, respect their comments and move on, because you don't want to just lose an audience. You can read it and move on. Read it and move on. That's to me. When I saw that, when I saw her post, I said man, this is crazy, this is crazy. I mean, I'm not surprised of who she's, because of who it was, but it's just like man like this, the person say they like your show. Yeah, they say like y'all do a good job of y'all. I don't agree with this and boy shut up. I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Moving on, I think it's time for you to probably give us some type of credit. Just a little bit, Because I know I'm not the biggest Ohio State person. Told you how I feel about Ohio State Corp, but you do gotta admit CJ and the Texans, they looking, they looking pretty damn good, they looking pretty good. Was that three and three, Three and three, nine to buy? They got Carolina in Tampa, they got Carolina in Tampa next, so six games. How you feel about Texas and CJ Shroud?

Speaker 2:

D'Amico Rhines is doing a great job.

Speaker 1:

D'Amico Rhines doing a great, great, great damn job. Shit, he's looking very, very good. But who was you great? Who was you great on?

Speaker 2:

D'Amico Rhines doing a great job.

Speaker 1:

That's it. That's it. So, cj, get no. Come on, I'm not the biggest Ohio State person, but you got to get some type of credit though Beat up O-line, not a true no more. Receiver Pierce has to be looking the best so far.

Speaker 2:

The same coach got to prepare them, d'amico Rhines doing a great job.

Speaker 1:

CJ gets no credit. We're getting here right now.

Speaker 2:

D'Amico Rhines is doing a hell of a job.

Speaker 1:

So what's going to take for you to like give, like CJ and boys, some credit? Tank Dale.

Speaker 2:

Like I just said, man wonderful job by D'Amico Rhines.

Speaker 1:

Tank Dale, don't get nothing.

Speaker 2:

D'Amico Rhines is doing a great job.

Speaker 1:

Jalen Petrie on defense.

Speaker 2:

D'Amico Rhines is doing a wonderful job.

Speaker 1:

So what's it going to take for you to get a CJ credit?

Speaker 2:

You got to listen, bro. Like just win big games, keep winning big games. Just win big games, Win the big one. I'm not here for the red season.

Speaker 1:

It's great.

Speaker 2:

Three to three after six games. Okay, there's still season to be played, but I'm going to give credit to D'Amico. Rhines is doing a wonderful job.

Speaker 1:

So who's your great D'Amico Rhines job?

Speaker 2:

No, he's doing a B plus.

Speaker 1:

B plus. That's the only great you're going to give up. That's it. So basically, you want to see a Super Bowl, is what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, I'm not saying Super Bowls, but like win the big games, bro, that's it. You know how Houston is.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I get it, I get it. Speaking of Houston, quick partnership break, yes, sir, from our new partnerships with new partners with Clutch Clutch room, now Sip it slow. Once I know me, think everybody know me. No, I'm a drinker, I love me some drinks. And one thing I always tell people I'm telling you about a certain bottle, certain brand Talk about that, Teremona.

Speaker 1:

Talk about Teremona in the past. Talk about some tequila, mm-hmm. You know I'm switching over to rum Now. This Clutch is from Distillery based in Houston Very, very great Smooth. Now for me. I'm not really a mixer type of guy when they come to drinks. How about you?

Speaker 1:

No, I don't drink you know, that I don't drink, but I do. Clutch Distillery. It's a rum. I love it a lot. Love it a lot, and this segment is brought to you by Clutch. Now we're gonna call this Clutch Performer of the Week. They can go through high school, college and a fail, however, I mean we could do baseball anything. So you want me to start off my Clutch Performer of the Week, or you wanna go? No?

Speaker 2:

you got it first, man.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna start off with PJ Walker. Hell, he used to play with the XFL team in Houston, so I'm gonna start off with him. What he did this week against the San Francisco 49ers, the last drive, I know it wasn't just him. It wasn't just him, but he was the guy to help that drive, to help get the go ahead field goal and beat San Francisco Eventually. I mean, of course, at the end San Francisco missed the field goal. But I'm going with PJ Walker, who got the first team snaps this week. We thought the Sean Watcher was gonna play At home led the four quarter drive. Pj Walker, clutch Performer of the Week. What you gonna like him either. Brothers boy didn't he throw like two picks? He let the go ahead drive to beat the San Francisco 49ers. I'm going, pj.

Speaker 2:

You know what I was going? Michael Pinnick's.

Speaker 1:

Nothing about him too.

Speaker 2:

But I don't think I'm gonna go. Michael Pinnick's the Clutch Performance of the Week, the New York Jets defense, the New York Jets defense Eagles coming undefeated. But Robert Sala almost probably saved his season. Even though the great Aaron Rodgers is out, he probably saved his season. So I'm gonna go for the Clutch Performance of the Week, the New York Jets defense congratulations, Big win. I'm not gonna say big statement win, but big win to keep your season alive.

Speaker 1:

I almost thought about Michael Pinnick's. I thought about him. If Colorado, I'm not gonna power him, we ain't gonna touch on him too much. If Colorado wouldn't win that game, I'll probably woulda said should do it, because he would probably had a great game.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, that's 29 point lead, so like was he really clutch.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know that's what I thought was gonna be a bigger win than that. But yes, that's how. Clutch Performance of the Week. Clutch rum, go grab it, angel Leverstore in the city. Y'all be seeing this for the next foreseeable future. But speaking of sports, I wanna stay on sports for a little bit. I really wanna stay on Houston for a little bit because the WNBA expanded their lead to Golden State. I didn't really see that coming, honestly, but it's a good look for the Bay Area and I just wanna throw a quick PSA out there for people that's listening. Bring back the Houston comments. We won the first four championship of this league. The Houston comments to me is still the best run I've seen in WNBA. I don't watch it as much as I used to like back in the day when I was a kid, but I'm waiting for somebody else to win. Four in a row, three in a row. Has that happened yet?

Speaker 2:

No, it hasn't happened, but I can't lie. We might be looking at another dynasty out there in Vegas.

Speaker 1:

I know the A's.

Speaker 2:

Asia Wilson, bro, even though I mean A listed. I love B stew but there's no way Asia Wilson finished third in league MVP voting. She's probably the best women's basketball player right now. Asia Wilson so like. But like the comments, obviously there were a staple Legends, a staple for the WNBA. I'm an advocate for it because the thing about it is, especially with Houston basketball, the way like it's kind of growing with girls. Right now I think it's good to see the representatives, like in Houston high school basketball, watch a professional team seeing how it was really done, instead of having to go to Dallas when you should have one down the street with a lot of these girls coming from the city of Houston like top ranked girls that they could put in that work.

Speaker 1:

I want to know what's going to take for the comments to come back. Conflict is going to come back at some point, cause last time I remember towards the end before they ended off the comments, ticket sales was kind of low. It started to deteriorate after that. Right, I do remember that. I think it will come back because I remember the New York Liberty left and came back.

Speaker 2:

When did the Liberty leave?

Speaker 1:

They left at one point. I never think the Liberty left. I don't think they left at one point.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think the Liberty never left. I think, like them and the Sparks are still the two teams that's still here. I think the New York Liberty, I don't think they never left, cause.

Speaker 1:

I don't think they left that. Do you remember that? I think they came back. I think I remember their first opening game a couple of years ago was against the Sparks. They left at one point.

Speaker 2:

I don't think the New York Liberty never left. I think they're like, like I just said, I think those them and the Sparks are the two inaugural team and maybe the Minnesota Leafs.

Speaker 1:

Tom, I remember the Liberty came in at the same time with the Sparks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, them and the Comments, they're all like the inaugural teams in the WNBA. But I don't think the Liberty left at one point. I don't think the New York cause. You know that's it and you know I just don't see them leaving because that's a big market Like I don't think they do. Your Liberty never left.

Speaker 1:

So the Comments is the only one that left.

Speaker 2:

No, it's like. Sacramento Marnoch is not there, miami Soul is not there, the Cleveland Rockers is not there.

Speaker 1:

Cleveland Rockers I remember that. Miami Soul when was that? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

no, no, they were they were.

Speaker 1:

That was in the beginning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's when Lisa Leslie I think that was when she got that first dunk against the Miami Soul.

Speaker 1:

Really Mm-hmm. I thought, let me see New York Liberty.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that. Yeah, I don't think they've. I think they've always been there.

Speaker 1:

Let me see.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There was one of the elite franchises Damn okay, never lived. Yeah, they never left. They've never left. Oh, shut the. Okay, wait Okay. Transition seasons okay 2003, 2009, okay, nevermind. Okay, they are who the? Why don't they love?

Speaker 2:

they never left.

Speaker 1:

Damn. Okay, oops, my bad, but but your comments need to come back. I thought they left for some reason, but, um, I Think, if they do come back, I think it would bring a lot of energy for especially for me, to go back and watch WBA. I turn it on here and there, um, I think for the women's side, for college basketball. I think I got turned on to them after that championship.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna be a good season this year, I think, the stars of stars for the college basketball girl season, like with Angel Reese Haley Van Leaf transferring from Louisville to LSU and then all of a sudden, like I just Katelyn Clark is still there from Iowa.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so not a football story.

Speaker 2:

But, but, but. The return of my girl, paige Beckers, for you called. I Think this is gonna be one of the best girl. I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think. I think it's gonna be interesting, but I know I'm in.

Speaker 2:

South Carolina, so you still can't forget about them. They're gonna be good too.

Speaker 1:

So, besides Houston, who else, what other city you want to see? Get a team you have to name like two more.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna throw in New Orleans, I Don't know about New Orleans, but like I would say, I would say Miami probably needs a team to Miami and then like, honestly, I Wouldn't I think the other team that they can probably benefit From them coming back, I really think the Detroit shock, I think, I think, I think, they love them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they, you, but I think they had switched to Tulsa shock. So yeah, so like they let. But I think I think they they've earned that lineage and that team back. Yeah, yeah, because they were fun to watch under Bill Lambert and stuff like that, so yeah yeah, I'm a road, yeah, I'm a road.

Speaker 1:

Houston, miami, new Orleans, I'm a row in the ones. God like the energy, especially after I think they ill issue. I mean it's even though it's in bad rules, but the same time I still think it burned that that energy. And more eyes to Now, cuz I was talking to somebody a while back she comes, she's with, she covers Dallas and we just talking about cities and all this is like back in May and we just talking about different cities. Who should get it real light. Houston, in New Orleans Especially. I want to see Houston because I mean that's a, that's a state point.

Speaker 1:

Don't be a dad Now. You can't even write the book of them. Yeah, that's the first page. Yeah, shit, that's. I mean swoops, I can man. I dare somebody name you a bit better. Well, I ain't gonna go that far cuz I watch them in bed like that, no more. But my favorite all time is Cynthia Cooper. That's how I mean. I don't watch it no more like this. So I can't name all the new people like yeah, I remember at that time to Coop Lisa, leslie, teresa with the spoon. They was the Jerry West of Bill Russell, the Woodchimp they was that. You know what I mean? They was a pioneers. I mean he moving to the Candace Parker era down in Toronto, I see. And then now we in, like I guess we in the Breonna Stewart and Asia Wilson era, you know. So yeah, I mean I I'm not for me personally. I like where the WBA is going, yeah.

Speaker 2:

These girls are getting way better too.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They go need them because that's our power is coming in.

Speaker 1:

Yes, all parts coming, then I think they need more. I think it do me need more, think I know there was a Some situations where good players are getting cut because they had no words to play, they have no roster spots, so I think that's that that's a factor. I think they need to add some more teams and I think it's gonna get better. But yeah, I can't wait, I'm excited, yeah, but I want to go back to castle ball for a little bit. Kind of, we're talking about Michael Pinnick's and I knew last time we recorded with some of my packs for a quarterbacks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, damn fucking Kayla Williams, bro, god damn it. I mean, that's just been the knock, bro. Like him able to win these big games, bro, like that was his opportunity that like for real, for real, just more. Like you just got to win big games, bro. Like, yeah, he threw three picks.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the thing. I was thinking about this after that while watching that game. I Know he's a number one pick.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I know he's gonna be the top guy coming out. Yeah, if he wants to come out, yeah. But there's a couple things I took away from that. Yeah One I won't be surprised if he stays another year, because he might need might maybe need another year.

Speaker 2:

It's not even that like it depends what team gets in the more pig.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because he's making a lot of money in IEL so he could be. I look Arizona gonna one. I ain't going over there.

Speaker 2:

I don't see Arizona's even going number one you know the path you know the path is over six.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, we don't ain't gonna take them though.

Speaker 2:

Why not? Well, that's the story for another day. But to say why was I say why not? I love Bryce Young, you know that's my guy. But like to me, like I've seen it too many times, like we didn't think that the the coach was taking luck when paid manning was there, josh Rosen got shipped out of there when Calamari came, like they. They know what's up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but one thing I took away from Kayla Williams was when the playing field gets even and there's fast defense in the NFL, you don't have all of the top guys on your team, what happens then? I was just thinking that when I watched the Notre Dame, I'm like man, like I know he's good, but Does he have? Because I don't want him to fall into that part where he's like it's for ready, he's just a free starter with the ball. I mean, you know he got the talent, but there's other things, um, can we talk about the big game? World was gonna be 17 games of that, you know. So I mean I, I know he's good, I know he's, I know he's gonna be the top pick.

Speaker 2:

But when I look at Michael Pinnick's, though, yeah, His ability to throw the ball like he's like he's putting it through windows like I. I get he's in here a lot, but he looks like to out there.

Speaker 1:

To his, his everything about him, to me, his mannerisms and everything reminds me of watching, like when I just watch him play, like I know watch was a Houdini, yeah. But when I watch him play, just his, I mean the smallest details the wristband, the born arrow celebration, yeah, and one behind his back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you know, just just a throwing motion. I'm looking at those things with him. It's like, yeah, this dude is Fearless, like and that's all I was saying with the mother packs. Well, like man, I really believe what the way college football is right now. There's not a just powerful pound. I mean you can say Michigan, but they about to have a test this coming week with um Penn State. So let's see, because, man, the way Washington look, I might put my money on them beat. I could put my money on Washington against any of the college team right now and I'm confident with that.

Speaker 2:

I'm not. I'm not too confident because I just think the right now, like I said, I think the the Pac-12 is looking like the old Big 12 man, the old big, the old big 12. I just think it's a scoring league. So I just got to see them against when it comes physicality, and against like NFL. That I'm not saying they're not NFL defenders, but like I really just got to see it like can he win those games and stuff like that. But you know, on the West Coast it's a different type of offense, baby. You know I'm sorry about like you in the pack 12. You almost need like 35 to win, but you obviously we saw Caleb Williams against Notre Dame Not a Pac-12 team and play the worst game of his career, yeah, so so that's what you say. Like I wouldn't exactly put my money on that because just more like you know that big that, that Pac-12 competition, like you better score 35 points or you're not winning no games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean and that and and that could be true. I just think that now, with the way, the way the landscape is right now, you do got the big twin with some bigger players, you know like an SEC of course, but man hell, the way the SEC been looking is like, yeah, but think about it is.

Speaker 2:

You know those are dog fights. You know there's a dog fight. So I'm just like we've seen, all like like you. You saw Colorado on Stanford 43 to 46, you feel me so just more like 36 to 33 with Oregon, like these Pac-12 games are high. But I got. You said Caleb Williams went up against Notre Dame and through three picks. Yeah, that was, that was, that was bad and that's almost the best quarterback in the country and the best the quarter, the best the country has to offer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was a soccer performance. I ain't that blowout exactly. I didn't. I didn't see that come exactly. I mean, if you had to name your four teams right now in the playoffs, who would it be?

Speaker 2:

Man number one is still Georgia. Number two, obviously, is Michigan. Number three, man, I hate Ohio State. I gotta put Ohio State in there right now. Number three, and then at number four.

Speaker 1:

You got a Ohio State over Florida State.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got Ohio State. I got Ohio State and then I said at number four man, I said I'm not gonna sit here. A lot like Oklahoma had a statement win, but I don't know if they're the fourth best team, though I, yeah, I don't think they're the fourth best team. I don't think they're the fourth best team because, like, I really believe some of these one-loss teams are actually better, but, like, but you got to kind of give the edge to the, to the team that's undefeated, because I said, I know I don't necessarily think some of these one-loss teams, like, can be better than some of these teams that are standing undefeated right now.

Speaker 1:

Number four gonna be Michigan, georgia, florida State man, give me Washington, give me Washington. I'm gonna give those my four, I'm gonna roll with it. No order, I think I'm well. If I, if I did say, or making this interesting, I'm gonna say one is gonna be Michigan, two, georgia, three oh man, I'm roll with it. Three. Washington, four, florida State, that'll be my my four, right there. I think if UT never would have lost, I probably would have put.

Speaker 2:

UT in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're in there they're in there, but I because Florida State. I was looking forward to that, mind me, and Florida State game coming up in November, but God damn that stupid ass play man. That call was so dumb.

Speaker 2:

Was that crystal ball?

Speaker 1:

I still haven't recovered from that. I still haven't recovered from that. Well, yeah, that's all good, because it led to them getting beat down by North Carolina and then I was looking forward to it Like that, like that play. That's the worst call I've ever seen in my life, because it was obvious Dang Taking me and get out the game. It was the worst in the Super Bowl. Oh, that's worse. That's worse than Russell, because it was obvious Damn, take two knees and your, your game is over. Take a knee and you're about to lose. I mean, you're about to win, russell, you can at least somehow vouch for that, because it was situational when your line tried to full it's.

Speaker 2:

I don't need to vouch for that bro.

Speaker 1:

You can't vouch for it, but the only difference is that the mind me one was obvious. It was 39 seconds left. Once you take the knee, the game is over. Yeah, you know, that's. That just makes that work. If that was on a bigger stage, bigger level, oh yeah, we would have been. That'd have been. Imagine DI Sanders doing that shit. Oh, he's getting criticized. It's over with, like no. So, oh my God, yeah, that was so. I can't look forward to that.

Speaker 1:

For the state Miami game, no more. But before the state going win the conference, they go on, they go on potting getting the playoffs. They look good. George Travis is a good player, yeah, but yeah, it's. Um, this is a good, this can be a good game. It's going to be a good year, though, because, like we said, like I said last time, the playoffs this year is going to be very interesting because it's never been to a point where, like, it's an even playing field. But that has to do with NIL transfer reporter. That's playing, that's playing a part, because, sure and I know you've been wanting to hop on this topic, will and Jada yeah, I'll let you, I'll let you out the floor, man.

Speaker 2:

Man, it's. It's just crazy what I'm seeing with with, you know, with a, with a couple that is damn near as powerful as any couple couple in America. You know, it just looks like the demise. Like Will Smith been taking big hits since this Chris Rock slap, so it was just more like I just feel like everything is coming out. Um, you know, I think you know, but to me it's just more like it's unnecessary, like I don't think Jada really has to just sit here and go this route. You know, telling Will Smith. You know what I'm saying. I've been separated since 2016. Like, but what do you gain from that? Like Will Smith, you know he's already banned from the Oscars for like 10 years, so it was just more like you know, his image is really really kind of just, I don't think he's really taking a hit, but like it just adds more to the fuel, since, since the slap hurt around America.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Now I'm looking back at the slap. It was pointless now because they went in together, according to her man. Look, man, I ain't allowed to, I haven't. I don't really do a lot of uh, I don't know talking on about celebrity couples in gossip, but this, I mean, this is this is exactly Will man, will, my favorite actor, man, it's. It's this. That's why I really don't like to. You know, talk about. We don't know what's going on with these people. Lives, yeah, it'll be, it'll be looking so great on camera and all these things. But, man, that stuff be. You don't know what's happening behind closed doors. They can take all the pictures, take all the red carpet shoots and all that and that's what they did.

Speaker 2:

Man, they, they, they, they pump, fake their body.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they act this you know what I'm saying Like they can fake anything, you know they can make everything look so great, you know, but man, it's. It's just a pain for a human to. Oh my God, I know y'all still get on me about it, but when I got cheated on at 18, like that shit was painful and that's not on a level of this. This is world humiliation, everybody. And what happened to keeping your business, your business? That's my biggest takeaway. Why did, why is this? It's beautiful for everybody for us to know we don't care. We don't care, like what happened to keeping the business, the business, like keeping private. Why is this a thing for us non-fivers to know Y'all making?

Speaker 2:

millions Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Why y'all telling us, hell we trying to figure out, can we go buy groceries next week? Ain't y'all giving us problems?

Speaker 2:

that million dollar problems, million dollar problems.

Speaker 1:

Come on, man, that's really what we had right now. Y'all giving us million dollars, problems that we don't care about, we shouldn't even care. Y'all telling us are y'all business? No, man, man, that's it.

Speaker 2:

What's your granny used to say Champagne, mind, champagne, mind champagne mind with a Coca-Cola pocketbook.

Speaker 1:

That's what my granny used to say. You got a Coca-Cola pocketbook with a champagne, mind you know, and they having champagne problems, like that's why, when I go back to that red table, talk with Will on the man, that shit was so fucking ridiculous to me.

Speaker 2:

The word entanglement was.

Speaker 1:

Man, it wouldn't even the fact. Ain't that red table talk produced in their house? I don't know if it's produced in their house, but Because I think when I talk behind the scenes it was like in some. I guess one of their I don't man?

Speaker 2:

I think you said obviously when he did that they were probably separated.

Speaker 1:

Why didn't you like y'all husbands and wives talking out between y'all two Like that? You know how crazy it is for her to invite the you to your her own platform. That you probably that the husband's probably funding, help funding she. He's making more money than her. You know he's the. He's the A-lister. Yeah, man, let's just keep it above. Let's just keep it above. Somebody named me three of the biggest movies Jada Pinkett did. Her biggest roles oh my God. Oscar nominated performance.

Speaker 2:

Well, I love that. It all feels good.

Speaker 1:

And what else? And that's and they. That was a that's for the hood, that's for the blacks.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, because I said I know where she was in Girls Trip.

Speaker 1:

I forgot she was in that shit.

Speaker 2:

The other one is a hood movie too. Jason's Lyrit.

Speaker 1:

She's on. She's on BET Plus movies. You know, I'm just like man. She's only relevant because of Will Smith.

Speaker 2:

We were only oh yeah, but she was in a different world too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she had, she had an episode, you know she, her and Poc. But what, come on, man, my thing is it's like she's only relevant because of him. He's the man. You know, like my thing is just like man, like this it's a champagne, they have a champagne problem. They have a champagne problems. Like I might not be gonna name this episode, probably either champagne problems or million dollar problems, because that's what it is Like. They're having them different and they're telling us people that's trying to struggle to make a living and inflation is high. You got Palestine and Israel. We got America might get bombed at some point. We got real problems and real situations happening and nope, we're stuck here talking about the goddamn celebrity couple of we shouldn't give a damn about.

Speaker 2:

Champagne poppy.

Speaker 1:

No man. And speaking of champagne, I do want to touch on Drake album because we ain't talking about it. Well, he had an album out last time we had the episode you heard the full thing Yo, real dude, a kill. First thing I want to do is give a huge thank you, a huge shout out to our partners. We partnered up with clutch rum, so they're a local distillery out here in Houston, texas, black owned distillery off the heights in Stoodywood, and y'all know me when I talk about alcohol and I promote them on my social media. I'm not going to lead y'all the wrong way, but I'm a touch on this run. So for me, I really wasn't a rum guy until I had this, honestly. So when I had it a couple weeks ago, I said, ok, this is very good, and the drink that I had was 24 K spice rum. So basically, is after the Bruno Mars song, obviously right, but that is a good taste and I'm not really a spy drink, but when I had it with this type of rum, it was actually very good. This run with natural flavors and it's actually handcrafted in Texas. Again, huge shout out to our partners with clutch. Go grab that your local liquor store, total Wine Specs. And then it's black owned. Support your black owned businesses. Reveal the queue out.

Speaker 1:

You know what I call it, right? No, what's your calling? What's the name of the album? Are you calling for all the puppies? Yeah, I mean, it's funny because I was saying the same thing to people under that Drake fans. Look man, I'm going to say this and I'm not the biggest Drake fan like I once was, but is it a classic? No, is it great? No, is it garbage? No, I would at least just say that Listen to the album multiple times and give it and go through a third, it's like OK, there's not a well put together album from top to bottom.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's not anything like that, it's an average album. You know, because when I say this, this is out of 23 songs, when you first hear the first two, three times, you might have 12 you like. Out of those 12, you might like You're only going to pull four or five. That's repeatable, that's actually repeatable. And you break it down like that's only four out of 23. We could go to.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to compare to any rappers, but listen to the album I feel like, yeah, man, I think he just got a step away for some years because I could definitely tell that the love for rap is before music is leaving. I could just listen to him Things he's talking about being petty for no reason. What's the woman named Sparta I forgot you taking shots at her? Like that's what. Like that's literally where we are right now taking shots at other people on this album and it's just petty, is just like, oh my God, it's like a petty party. At this point, this Drake, at the point you could just tell the love for it. He's doing it. You could tell us for them it's. He knows it'll be relevant. You know people going to be talking about them. Yeah, it's the money now. Yeah, it's a business move. It's not for the love of. When you hear a J Cole album, when you hear Kendrick albums hell, you can hear big crit. The love for music is there? New challenges if you push yourself to. What can I do to get better?

Speaker 2:

You have a big, you have a great point. I don't know if you really read up on, like his response to Joe Button, you could tell that he's being relevant, like being relevant for the money. That's what he kind of just talks about, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's always a. You got something in the 767. It's just like you. Something inside of you you kind of hurt for something because there's no need for you to take a shot. There's no need. You're Drake. You should be on the level. You should be a top three selling performing artists right now. But you're not the.

Speaker 1:

They want us to think he's in the top three with Bad Bunny, taylor, beyoncé, taylor Swift, the Weeknd. It's not over those guys, those people. You got it. So and when I tell people that's Jake, fans like look, this dude to me is not top two. I got him behind Cole and Kendrick. Yeah, that's not a knock. I'm putting this man over a lot of great rappers.

Speaker 1:

So, with Drake and people wanting to just hear it and be like, oh, they just think that they hear the songs over and over, I know people can be talking about this damn song with sexy, red and scissors. That's hot garbage. Man, it's not a good song. The song with Yeet yeah, throw that out the way. Like his only best song is J Cole. And guess what? J Cole made the song Like that's, and that's why I'm like, man, you really can't really tell Drake fans nothing. They gonna believe everything he puts out, it's just good, it's for all the dogs, because I already know.

Speaker 1:

I know when he announced it I didn't get hype. Everybody thought that it was gonna be one of those albums where he's put like this If this album sound, if he had the energy of first person shooter throughout the album not saying it has to sound like it, but just that energy because J Cole pushed him, j Cole, and he knew he needed J Cole. And so, because he didn't release the album until J Cole brought back his lyrics, his verse, he sent back his verse. That's why it came out that time. I think 6-Eleven or something like that. Yeah, he, like J Cole, pushed him to the limit, to the brink.

Speaker 1:

And that's the thing with Drake. When he get these features like Lil Yachty and Sexy Red, they not gonna push Drake. I mean they're not. I wanna see him on songs with the Grisselta, the Grue, with Conway the Machine, benny the Butcher, west Side Gun. I wanna see him with Freddie Gibbs Give me some of those guys, but we're not gonna get that. So I could be going on and on for about six minutes about where we should get from Drake moving on, but we're not gonna get that. I mean, it's just.

Speaker 2:

He got his money.

Speaker 1:

He got his money. I think that he's relevant. He's not hot. I think his peak was from take care to like at his top time you couldn't say no bad things about Drake around. From take care to, possibly if Arrhenius is too late, maybe.

Speaker 2:

No, what's that other album? When he was like the old man in front, would do not disturb on that album. Do not take care, I wouldn't take care of whatever album. Yeah, the old man in the front, yeah, like he looked like I don't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, Not nothing was the same right.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think it might have been. I know it was blue.

Speaker 1:

Oh, nothing was the same. Yeah, oh, when he had the partner's head.

Speaker 2:

No, not that album. Oh, More Life. Yeah, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, more Life was cool. It was cool, but I think that was just a little bit after the. I think I was at the time. I was like, okay, drake, what are you doing? Y'all, y'all. But like when you really couldn't say nothing about Drake, it was like hear the hotness it was from that. Take care all the way through that if you're cause.

Speaker 1:

That was a time where, like man, just even though I was pro-Kendrick, pro-cole, you was like, okay, you can hear them songs like he's trying. And he was singing. We had no problem. We don't have a problem with him singing. He was singing back since so far gone. The issue is that there's not anything that he's pushing himself to. We can tell when you listen to him. You can tell when you listen to anybody. It's like man, like they put their soul in this album. They just did that. I can't say the last time. I just heard that with Drake. Like man, he was in his bag on this album Cause this album here was hot garbage. I mean it's not. I don't wanna say hot garbage, I don't wanna say it's garbage, I wanna just say it was a below average album.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't to Drake standards.

Speaker 1:

Nah, it ain't to face of hip hop number one guy. You can't tell me this number one guy in rap, let's say a dude, you knew that just got out of prison or something. And like man, it's a dude named Drake dawg. Real call, he. Ain't he been out of jail? He been in the bottom six feet for like 40 years. I don't know what's going on. The last time he heard rap was when Kool Moe Dean and him shit was rapping. And you be like man. It's a dude named Drake. Man, just do go hard. He's a dr who ever called for all the dogs, okay, okay, you give him that album. He went this is the number one guy in rap. That's not no, that's not a great. You can't do that Like. We're not the level we can just put people on with Drake man, this dude here, cold man, he is hip hop.

Speaker 1:

Now, it's a reason why when you hear past interviews with rock hymns, the M&M's, dmx's, they don't really like Drake like that. They tolerate them cause they probably have grandkids and cousins and nephews that like them, but it's not really somebody's. No, they bring up cold, they bring up Kendrick, they bring up Pusha T's, adjada Kisses, cause, I'm telling you, when Drake. When it's all said and done, we're gonna get to a point where we're gonna be like, all right, we're Drake at all times.

Speaker 1:

Where's the act compared to all the other great rappers? It won't. I won't be shocked if a lot of people leave him out the top 10. It's gonna sound good to put them in the top because it's Drake the name. But if you say rappers pound for pound lyricists, can you really put them over? Jadakiss, dmx, nas, you know, can you really? Don't look at the hits together. That's not gonna go to the hits. No rapping spitting the 16, like going bar for bar. Tell some dudes that he was. They ain't gonna put them over the scar face. They ain't they not gonna do that. You not put them over the top five? Wayne, biggie Pop, jay-z, eminem, kendrick you know you're not, so where does he?

Speaker 2:

fall. He's in the top 10, though. He's earned that right. He's earned that right.

Speaker 1:

He's earned it. I mean me personally.

Speaker 2:

He's earned it. He's earned a top 10 man Like he's. He's earned it like I'm not gonna sit there and go that far, he's earned it. He's earned it like don't get me wrong like you're, but like you know, you don't do it as long as him and still doing it at a high level, even though he's not really like, it's almost like Him and like know how brawn is not his best, but he's still good. Yeah, that's Drake.

Speaker 1:

I'm a prayer more than John Cena. I Don't see the bra I like I'm a LeBron dude, so I'm not.

Speaker 2:

No, no no, no, no, but it is more like you're LeBron dude, but like, obviously, like you just said, like there's a lot of guys that are not LeBron guys, but it's gonna respect him. And I think Drake is in that same Same mold, like I think like LeBron all around, like he's brood, force and speed. But I think, you know, guys like Kobe and Jordan are more skill and I think that's how J Cole and Kendrick are. Like you know, drake is national with brute force, but you go, skill, it's, it's, it's really it's, it's really cold, it's really cold. And Kendrick, like there's only person that I think that really cross like with skill and in like Nacionality, like that it's probably Floyd, because he's he's 100% skill, but then he got the hits, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean honestly you gotta compare, like that, floyd and Drake, because you know you always said man, you don't, there's not really a memorable Floyd fight or listen.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, I'm saying like he just go back and do your research and just look him up. Yeah, cuz that's what I had to do when he fought a Ricky Haddon. Yeah, but in a moment it's not like yeah, anything. And I gotta say a Drake got some. Drake got some songs. I like there's some songs I get in the car. I'm like man I this song, oh yeah. But it's the only album I say top to bottom, begin to end. I was well put together. There was nothing was the same to me, mm-hmm. Well put together. People love, take care. I guess what take care MVP on that album was the weekend.

Speaker 2:

The blow. He put the weekend on. But no hold on, take care, that was the, the black and gold album, right, yeah, I like underground King, so I'm under crowning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's my house on that album.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's my song.

Speaker 1:

I don't know me. If you go down a little mean, do you take them over?

Speaker 2:

Eminem, I Got to give him a new no, like I just said, you can take Eminem as a lyricist. But I just think with the whole package and stuff like that, you gotta put that in effect. You really just do look like like that's. It is just more like the reason why you almost kind of take brawn over Jordan, because the longevity.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't, I, yeah, I don't. I don't think people are strong, I don't get older, dying a lot too much.

Speaker 1:

I'm a brawn fan. I probably never admitted this. I can't knock Jordan.

Speaker 2:

No dog no no, no, I think it's about it. I don't think we nobody's never gonna knock him. It never gonna knock Jordan, exactly. I don't think just because you're a brawn fan, you don't, that's a disdain for Jordan, like you. Like you know, great greatness is measured. You know what I'm saying. Like, at the end of the day, like, look brawn. Like to me personally, I like Kobe over LeBron, but I still respect LeBron. But like, if it like, it is what it is, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean I did. I think when it comes, when Drake said it, when it's I, when it's all sitting down, I think it's gonna be. And I got said for me there's certain guys he just can't get over. For me, like I told you, my top five of all time is is no order Pock big Jay-Z Wayne Kendrick. Like Kendrick got in my fight, he's my favorite rapper. Yeah, he got it to my five and rap is one. Rap is the one jump topic that when you do top five, Nobody's like the same five in it and that is gonna, because it's it's regional to it's gonna be regional bias.

Speaker 2:

But I think in sports I don't think nobody's gonna have the same top five either, but I think that you're there's always gonna be one common name, like if you're a top five, you probably, you always probably gonna hear the name Jordan LeBron. If you're in football Quarterback, you're always gonna hear the name Brady. You know, but I think like you're gonna have at least one common guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I only say, I only say it in rap, it's, it's, it's a regional bias too, because when you think about so, when you talk to a lot of Houston guys, for example, somebody's a lot of people gonna have scar face in a top five, like especially the older, older people. No, no you.

Speaker 1:

GK, you GK when you go to the East Coast. Ghostface killer. In the south we didn't jam ghostface killer, spectrum, we don't grow skinny so you can rap, but you're gonna have a lot of guys from the East Coast, like man, one of my favorite rappers of all time. My top five is ghostface killer. You know you trust mighty in Houston. I'm like damn, we jam scarface. Yeah, that was our ghost. You know that's our, that's our dude. You go to the West Coast, they might have some guys underground. We don't know. You know it's whatever. You're gonna have cube in your top five. You're gonna have, you know, guys like that. So it's, it's, uh, it's it's regional bias too, in in Lansing, I mean, of course, the five for us is gonna be Different. We're gonna have way in there because shit, we, my goodness, that was our era, that was the error, you know. Um Kendrick for me, I think he's the guy in this era right now.

Speaker 2:

And then big Jay-Z, oh lord, I mean that guy just said like honestly, personally for me growing up, yeah, he was my favorite rapper. So yeah, kanye was always my favorite.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm taking, I got, I got to take Kanye over Drake.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Kanye was my guy. Like that's my guy.

Speaker 1:

Kanye has to go. That's another guy. That's over Drake. That's something. If I, if I really dissect the 10 and think about the fifth of five I left out. I didn't have Eminem, I didn't have Kanye, I didn't put jay cole in there, dmx, I mean it's. It gets to a point like man, can he really? I mean, it sounds like I said, it sounds like you can't put him in there, but Because you, even you didn't put him over DMX, dmx, don't do no.

Speaker 2:

I but think about it is I love DMX, he's my dude, but people don't realize like I probably will listen to like one or two songs from DMX. Oh well, I thought she heard like that I thought she heard like that. No, I love D, like that's my.

Speaker 1:

Ever heard flesh, my flesh, blood, of my blood album.

Speaker 2:

I I got. I probably listen to the songs but, like I said, I'm not really I album. I could I know about songs though.

Speaker 1:

That's my favorite albums.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, I was just more, like you know, but I'm not gonna take anything away from DMX. I know that he was great, so I'm just saying so, like so, but um.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I listen to a lot of Drake, so it was just more like yeah, I'm like so and shit is honestly, ll was the Drake before.

Speaker 1:

He was the Drake in the 80s. Yeah, he was a Drake in the 80s, like he was the first one to bring up the, the term go. Yeah, you know, like he was, he was Drake, you know. And respectively, I gotta take LL over Drake. I'm sorry, I know I'm piss. A lot of Drake fans are, but same time she got it I got a respect. You know he was that dude in the 80s, I got you. But but yeah, this is a good one any, uh, any. Final thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's cool.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to see if I left anything off.

Speaker 2:

I think you, I think you had that wide woman or single, but I think I'll leave it for another day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I was probably. I think I had a cup and I was just thinking about some stuff.

Speaker 2:

Good, because I said I told people that topic and I said I don't know what to really say about that.

Speaker 1:

No, how did I even word? I said I don't think. I don't think. You know it's funny. I thought about that, I don't know why.

Speaker 2:

Even let me, I don't know why I didn't even bring that up. I don't know, because I was not prepared for that one.

Speaker 1:

Ah, I knew I brought it up. I don't want to touch on that. I mean it wasn't really bad I was. It was basically just going off the rim of I was saying it because I'll leave that for next week. So I'm I'm that I'm gonna leave a little to be continued on that one. This is a good one, riddled with a kill easy corner. We out, yeah.

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