Real Deal with Akil

Louisiana Tech Commit AJ bates talks final year at Seven lakes, being the all time leading scorer in school history, AAU, and much more

January 05, 2024 Akil Williams Season 9 Episode 10
Louisiana Tech Commit AJ bates talks final year at Seven lakes, being the all time leading scorer in school history, AAU, and much more
Real Deal with Akil
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Real Deal with Akil
Louisiana Tech Commit AJ bates talks final year at Seven lakes, being the all time leading scorer in school history, AAU, and much more
Jan 05, 2024 Season 9 Episode 10
Akil Williams

Seven Lakes senior and Louisiana Tech commit AJ Bates speaks on his commitment to the University, being the all time leading scorer at Seven Lakes. Bates also talks about being from Michigan and his upbringing and moving to Houston. 
Bates also speaks on the Houston Hoops and the business of AAU and also tells a story of when he got humbled in a game.

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Seven Lakes senior and Louisiana Tech commit AJ Bates speaks on his commitment to the University, being the all time leading scorer at Seven Lakes. Bates also talks about being from Michigan and his upbringing and moving to Houston. 
Bates also speaks on the Houston Hoops and the business of AAU and also tells a story of when he got humbled in a game.

Speaker 1:

Yo, it's the real deal with a kill podcast, the easy corner collab. Be back with another one. Subscribe rate review, spotify, apple, whatever you list to your podcast, wherever, however Easy, talk to me.

Speaker 2:

Another day, another dollar. It's another episode of the easy corner plus the real deal with a kill Our guests. One of the best point guards, not only in the city of Houston, but one of the best point guards, I would say, in the state of Texas, one of the best players in Houston. Houston Hoops own Seven Lakes 2024, louisiana Tech Commit is in the building. Mr AJ Bates. Man, how you doing today, bro, man, first of all, man, I kind of just want to get started off. How was your Christmas? Obviously, it's your new year, so it's a two-part question. Number one is how's your Christmas, but number two, what are your goals in 2024?

Speaker 3:

My Christmas was really easy, you know spent time with the fam, worked out a lot, just kind of got to spend time with not only my family but my teammates, just with practices, and then some goals I have for 2024 is just honestly for me, just becoming a better man and also like help around the house a lot more and just kind of build closer, closer on the relationship to God, which I think is something that I've been trying to work on for the past couple of weeks. But as far as basketball, it's just about getting better every day and, I would say, just improve in all aspects of life.

Speaker 1:

I see you got the Louisiana Tech on your chest. Yeah. What made you come to that decision?

Speaker 3:

What really got it for me was just how they were on me from the day they offered me. Coach Smith did a real good job from the day he offered me to the day I signed. Like I really like he built that relationship instantly. Like he texted me as soon as I posted you know that I was supposed to receive the offer and ever since that day he's just been texting me asking me about school, about life. But the one thing that really got me to go to the Louisiana Tech was just the relationship that you know, like they built my family, like Coach Smith has a daughter and you know she wrote a card to my sister and like that really made me feel like okay, like I'm going to a spot where they care about the players but the families and you know, and Coach Hesse reminds me of my dad a lot like as far as like his coaching to where he's hard on you but he loves you. So I think that that was a really big, big like part to maybe go to the Louisiana Tech.

Speaker 2:

He says Law Tech. Obviously that's the future journey for you, but obviously we're the easy corner in the real deal with a kill. Obviously you love this game of basketball. Talk about the journey and how you started, when you picked up your fondest memories of picking up a basketball.

Speaker 3:

It started off. It started off in Michigan. You know, I'm born from Detroit, michigan. My pops played college ball and he was at a Concordia in Auburn and I just remember just going to his practice, just playing a ball, just you know, being a little kid, just you know, you know, just hanging around him and his teammates. And then I moved to California in like 2009. And I think like that's when it really started to pick up. You know, I started to actually train and I remember when I was little, like my pops, like he was my coach, like I think like until I moved here, like he had been my coach all my life and and like the crazy thing is like he was like like he wanted me to be a like a pass first guy first because, like you know, once you're a son taking all the shots you know, my parents complain.

Speaker 3:

So he was always hard on me because he wanted me to be the best, so it was always just do the little thing. So I think that, like, like, that really helped me be the player I am today. And like, in, like, I think that in, like, in my game I got a little bit of everything. I got that Midwest grit. I got that finesse from the West Coast and I think now I'm starting to get that.

Speaker 2:

you know, like that soft, yeah, like Texas, toughness, yeah, Texas toughness athleticism which is crazy because I had no athleticism Like like.

Speaker 3:

I couldn't jump over a like a phone book or nothing. Like I was unathletic, Like, like, like it was bad.

Speaker 2:

But you talk about your athleticism and how it's gradually improved. But I've said it and I've watched you for a very, very long time you have been able to get the job done. What about your game that has that? You've seen mature, but you always had that confidence, no matter what age, to get the job done. Because I just feel like you've been a Katie staple for the past four years. You've been the staple for a Katie district basketball. So just talk about that.

Speaker 3:

I just think that, like, like, what really sets me apart was just my playmaking and like, just being a coach on the floor. I think that, like that really helped me out, kind of just solidify myself as a top guy, like you know, like within the city, and I think that, as like as time went on, you know, like, always like a score, but just having that confidence to go out there and be like okay, I can set my team itself, but if, like, if I need to go, I need to go, and I think that, with like help from trainers, my pops and no coach has any like like you know, like me and him talk about basketball every day, like I would his office in the morning, like we talk and like he's just like hey, like no, like this is a game. We're like I'm gonna need you to go to go out and score or, hey, I need you to facilitate this game, you know, because, like they'll be focused on you, try to find your teammates. So I think that just playmaking and probably just my shooting, because, like that's something that people had said before, that I was that, that you know, the main thing people said that I couldn't do is I'm finished.

Speaker 3:

You, I was athletic enough and I wasn't fast enough. My shooting got better. Okay, he's done an athletic. Well, now I'm dunking the ball. So, like what do you want? What do you want? Like what's him do? Okay, I know my angles, I know how to use my body right, so it's like I don't need to be the fastest, like I know how to control and be. You know and play control, so I don't need to be. You know, like deep box, you know sprinting up another court.

Speaker 2:

You're a student of the game and obviously you know the lineage and the history. In this short time period you've been in this city. I want you to actually talk about the thing that you actually really brought up. Talk about these critics of Houston basketball and like, like, just talk about like you just said, like they don't give you your, just do, obviously, like you said. They said you couldn't shoot the ball, they said that you're not athletic. But so talk about the critics of Houston basketball, because I said don't get me wrong, I'm, I'm, I'm one of them. But at the end of the day, I said I'm willing to come and tell you like this is what I think, but just talk about you. When you and your peers see those criticism, what do you think of that?

Speaker 3:

I mean everybody's, I mean like everybody's in touch with their own opinions. I mean, you know, like I can't change with someone's things, but like you know, like I don't mind if you, you know, take over. But I mean I just think that it like it feels to me to be better. You know, like I remember freshman year. They told me I wasn't athletic enough. I spent every day in the gym working on just squats. And was it that jump guard, jump guard. Shout out to the jump guard, Shout out to the jump guard.

Speaker 2:

I got you, I got you. I got you. Yeah, yeah, jump guard.

Speaker 3:

But, like, jump guard really got me right. And you know, like and that was really the main focus was just okay, let's get the body stronger. And then like, and then they shared it was okay, well, he can't shoot. Well, I spent all my time in the lab shooting. So it's like okay, well, he's not quick enough. We on the track with jump guard, so you know jump guard getting me right, so you know hey, listen, y'all ever need any boost. No, the jump, or to get faster. No, no, no, hit up jump guard.

Speaker 1:

I know you were talking about Chris, so it's like you know how we was in high school. I know I know it's probably the same Chris than we was in high school.

Speaker 1:

But they was, you know, we was playing ball. They was like, oh, you couldn't really relate to, but you guys might like easy that, watch our play and you know, not in the same age but same group, yeah, that's relatable. You think that's much more easier for you and some other guys to like talk to somebody like him or you know the interview, as opposed to like you know, the older guys, as you know, soon tired. They really just not yeah In the culture in a sense.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's easier just because, like, like, they understand the type of basketball we play, because, like, the older guys are more used to you know traditional yeah, traditional, to where you know it's gotta feed the big man. You know your big is not supposed to be shooting threes. But, like with guys that are younger, like they understand the type of basketball that we play, so like they can see, like, okay, like this guy he's not a typical point guard but he can do what a point guard needs to do.

Speaker 3:

So I think like, just like having people like that really helps us kind of just not get overwhelmed by these older guys. Yeah, kind of criticizing us because they don't know what the game is like. Yeah, like nowadays.

Speaker 1:

Do you look at rankings yourself and be like man? Why is this dude over me? Honestly, no, I really don't look at rankings.

Speaker 3:

I rather just. I rather play against that person and just show him why I should be ranked higher, but like, honestly, like I don't really care about the rankings.

Speaker 1:

So what you got right now? What's your number right?

Speaker 2:

now, currently, I know, I know, I know, I know he's within the top 10 this year. I already know like probably like top 20, top 30 in the state. So, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm for show, I'm for show.

Speaker 1:

So what's the other offers besides? Like Louisiana Tech or Louisiana Tech just like stood out, like look, I'm coming here.

Speaker 3:

I would say Sam Houston had a really good chance to get me. The one thing that kind of hurt was just when the head coach had left. I didn't hear from them for a minute. Yeah, I was like I'm going to coach Bob, and no, coach Bob is a great guy yeah. I just felt like it was just too late to kind of give me and like, and like from that time, like a lot of time is just on every day, so it's just like I kind of have to like show.

Speaker 3:

But like, honestly, like that coaching side was great and like. Nothing against them, is just just the timing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's on me. Of course that makes sense. That makes sense Because it's never proven process could be tough, right, you know? Then sometimes too, we see it where a team will guarantee you like, hey, you're going to be starting here, and sometimes it don't go that way. We hope it, let you start. Obviously right, you want to go there and start, you want to go to the league and everything. But let's say you go to La Tech and then the promise that you was getting ain't happening, like, what is your mental? Like, like, how are you mentally just overall, with stuff like that?

Speaker 3:

Honestly, I'd rather earn it. You know like a coach can tell me oh no, like you can start it, you can do this. I'd rather earn it, I'd rather go in there, you know, be the freshman on campus that's fighting for me Chip on the shoulder.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like chip on the shoulder.

Speaker 3:

Going, you know, like going in there showing them. Okay, I can start, like I can play with them, like you know, like you'll see all this stuff about me, but like let me show you what I'm like. I wasn't the type that's abusing, so I'd rather just go in there and know improve myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it's one of the things where it's like sometimes they'll tell you like all right, we're going to have you stop us. And it's like you got to have it go one after the other, like I hear you coach, you know your serve, whatever, but then it's like I still want to have that chip, still want to go, and because I haven't you haven't proved anything yet. So yeah, I definitely get that.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of chip chips on your shoulder. Talk about the move to Texas in 2019, because obviously a year later it was COVID. So just talk about kind of just being that new kid on the block and you know you still trying to that chip. You know everybody in Texas is all eyes if they see one, one type of trend. They try to shut it down.

Speaker 2:

But like I said, you've been a kind of amazing. So talk about that transition in 2019 and also the COVID year in 2020. And you, because I was in some of those gyms and I was just like oh God, like we didn't know what was going to really happen.

Speaker 3:

Honestly, like, honestly, like that, that moving process towards here was kind of tough because I lost my coach and I was really close with him. So like I was really just trying to finish what I started in California, like with my friends, of knowing that it was my last time playing with them for that for that summer, because I didn't know when the last time I was going to see him. And then so, getting here, I was kind of homesick and I was just like I want to go back home and I was like just give it a chance. So then we started eighth grade and I played football. So like I was like I didn't know I did that just to kind of like waste time about the season. I was like I don't know if I was in camp. I kind of like that's. When I realized, okay, I can really like do something special because, like my middle school, like they were okay the previous year, but like once I got that chemistry because, like a lot of those guys played football with me, so I, once we built that chemistry, I was like, oh, yeah, we're going to be something special.

Speaker 3:

And then so a I went to make who's back with my California team and when I came back, that's when everything I shut down. So I was like, okay, how am I going to get to the gym? Like, luckily I got a like a ministry school like right by my house, like I could walk to it, and so me and my pops would just go every day, just just just working out, just getting the shots up. And I think that really helped me out, because it really made me stay focused and be like, okay, you need to put everything aside and just really focus on this and like if you put focus, like you're going to get better. And I really helped out too because we were doing the track, we was doing the football, like we was doing everything possible to keep me in shape and to make sure that I'm still developing as a player.

Speaker 2:

Can you talk about your middle school team in eighth grade? Like talk about that team oh that's he.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, that team like we would like, like we was some characters like a lot like, like a lot of my teammates now, like Brett you knew, hey, we was all of that team, like it was a real, like I think that's it. Like that group would have stayed together, like like till now, like we would have made a lot of noise.

Speaker 2:

What was the record on that team? I think, y'all one district, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Like we lost like three games Max.

Speaker 2:

Max, which I will put just still one district. So the only question I have about that, because you know that eighth grade year that you guys were in that was the first year of the city championships. So I coached that like Olympia middle school team with Jacoby, chris, and then you know we played in that game against Silsby with Draylon and Jerry, so like I got to see kind of a lot of the best eighth grade teams around, like that was the first. That's when I knew that the 2024 class was special because I walked into that gym and saw a lot of those top players in eighth grade at Booker T that day and I was just like, oh my.

Speaker 3:

God, like, yeah, because, like, because our district was filled with time, like, like in my school you had me Brett, you had Johan, at time you had Luke.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You had White.

Speaker 2:

Luke was on your team too In Michigan. No, no, no oh in the district.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah yeah, but like we had a lot of good times where, like it was and like and like it was tough, because Morgan Ranch was probably the best, that was probably the best team I'm not gonna lie because like they had, like that, a lot of athletes in the inside. That's when Christian was like taught everyone. So I'll rebound it, yeah, so, but like I think like that, like that eight grade year was probably one of the best years.

Speaker 2:

Talk about your transition to the Houston Hoops, the EYBL circuit, the, the, the Krim or the Della Krim. We know the statistics on if you play on the EYBL, who makes pros and all these division things. Talk about your first time touching an EYBL team, the legendary Houston Hoops, and I want to say, give me the conversation on how you, how you got on that team.

Speaker 3:

So it started off. We was in Dallas. Yeah, we had. I was with Drag Nation Houston at the time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And and we had played Doya at the time because like that's when, like everything was the Covis, like they really used the, the, like the Hoops name, yeah, and then they played it and like they had Bang, they had Aaron, they had all these guys, drey Long.

Speaker 2:

Drey Long yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, like I don't know, I think I had like 20 something that game and like I mean like we lost about like 20. But like I mean like, of course, like you lose to a team, like that Exactly. But like I held my own coach back, I talked to my dad afterwards and like this that stayed in contact, and then like yeah, came to couple of my games, yeah, and like I didn't know who he was.

Speaker 2:

So you know I'm big roll up in there just with the hat down, Just looking like yeah, and like we're talking about the game.

Speaker 3:

And then I was like okay. And then so after, so, after my freshman year, my pops like like he came up to me and he was like listen, like this is a big opportunity. Because, like I was, trying to stay like I was, like I got that relationship with.

Speaker 2:

God, and that's the other question I just really have. I keep going with that story. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

But like he was like listen, like you just take this opportunity and like you just just just trust me. I was like okay. No, no, like I was going to steer me, yeah, so I was like all right, let's get it, but that 15 year team like it was, like it was some characters like me, jared Drey, justin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Lou, like, like, I think like that group bonded really well like on and off the court.

Speaker 2:

I just want to know, like, when it comes, because what's your advice when it comes to a decision like that? Because there's a lot of guys that can get the numbers on independent teams but then go to a circuit team to play the role. So, like, what is your process? Because, mind you, dre Law Miller is a guard, justin Begg is a guard, jared Harris still needs the ball, luke wants to shoot. So, like when you, when you, when you go through, like I know you're probably thinking that you want to build camaraderie, but, like at Drive Nation, you're the man.

Speaker 2:

But on a Houston hoops EYBL team. You're almost about to play in a role. What was the final decision in that process? I know that's hard.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I see, I think like I was thinking long term because, like in clubs, like like you don't have four or five stars on your team and like you can't just be the guy who's going, you know, take every shot. So I'd rather get prepared now. You know, like be used to, okay, your role is to play defensively with the ball. I'd rather work on that now than have to wait, than I get to college and I'm like okay, what I got to do. But I think that just for anybody who's gonna make the decisions, just find the best fit but at the same time just know what's best for you. Because if you wanna really really take this to another level, I would say, just do what you're good and join a team. But if you still kinda like eh, I would say just work on yourself and like say it the same.

Speaker 2:

Just talk about, like, your mindset going there, because that's what I believe that kinda separates you with a lot of guys in this city. I think you're one of the players that stays, even kill, like you don't. We never see you really get too high or react to things Like I just feel like you always played with a pace that you've been here before, like you've seen it Like. So just talk about your mindset to train yourself to play with high caliber P5 guys like that.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it's just like my drive to win. So like I'm willing to sacrifice my scoring if it means I gotta go the best of player. Like if we need to win, it don't matter if I got a score 30 or if I gotta get tennis assists. Like I'm willing to do whatever it is to make sure that we win. So like to play with those guys. I knew that I had a field ball handler, I had a hit open shot and I had a defend. So I and I think that we all knew what we had to do for us to succeed and I think we did that pretty well. So like for me to sacrifice scoring, to be a playmaker and to be a defender. I think that that's what really helped us out. I mean like, and, of course, like we had guys like Justin who can shoot the ball.

Speaker 3:

And so, like he know, like he will hit his, shots, you know, and judges like let us isn't the mind, let us isn't. And like all those guys, we kind of sacrificed what like we took a word, all really good at it, and just made it into a good team. Like coach King said it best, we're the justice league, like he, like we, like we're all main guys, but when we come together, no, no, it was the Avengers, it was the.

Speaker 1:

Avengers. It was the Avengers.

Speaker 3:

He said that like when we all come together, like separate, we're all great heroes, but when we combine together, we can do something special. So that's what really got us in that mindset.

Speaker 1:

I know you are bills like can be intimidating for some people, so I want to go back. How long, how many years you played EYBL Three? Had you ever had like a humbling moment? Like a team hummage you or a player hummage you? It was like oh shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the crazy thing is that first year like that was the week long or that was a two week one Cause like it was like during COVID.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So, like you know, like it was there for two weeks, the EYBL is why I'm not playing football today.

Speaker 1:

Oh really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cause that, like Texas, is known for football.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But, I went into Augusta and I just I seen the time and like I got home I told my parents all that, listen, that football stuff got to stop Cause you know, like everybody, like I'm spending all this time getting hit when guys are in the gym getting better.

Speaker 1:

What was the issues?

Speaker 3:

playing at football Quarterback, quarterback, okay, yeah. So like I like that had really impacted my the city, like the like the level of competition was just like insane. So like that, really like that first year was like okay, like this is a whole different level, so like so, like you. So like, if you really want to be one of those top guys, you got to lock in from the jump. So quit all, the quit everything else.

Speaker 1:

You got to just lock in on basketball. That's a nine to five.

Speaker 3:

Oh, not even nine to five, that's nine, it's 12 to 12. Yeah, yeah, wake up, work out. You got like and it's like and it's different cause, like we, like, no, like we kids and I like we still got high school, I don't know like you still got classes and stuff. Yeah, like you got to treat it like it's like you'll like the pen on it. Like you got to like work out. You got to maintain your body. You got to get through a high school season then get to another season to where, like you got to travel. You got to know like it's really like awesome process, like, like you really got to get ready mentally and physically for that.

Speaker 1:

You bet in football, basketball, basketball, basketball. Yeah, playing quarterback was, would you give yourself one through 10? 10 being the highest, seven, seven. Yeah, you got to be extra in your cerebral. Like what kind of? If you have to compare yourself to a quarterback, who you? Who you compare yourself? College pro.

Speaker 3:

I would say probably like a like a less athletic Jalen Hurts, less athletic Jalen Hurts yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like.

Speaker 3:

I could throw the ball, I could run a little bit, I was slow, like that's, when I was still fat. No, no, no, no yeah. I said a little weight on me so I was blazing fast, but like I knew how to use my body, so like I know, like I can no, like I can stiff I'm like a truck, but like my main thing was just using my arm strength to get my knees up.

Speaker 1:

I know we talking about you. I'm gonna touch on football a little bit. So do you watch a lot of NFL? Yeah, who you a team? The Lions. The Lions Hold on a minute, are you a lot?

Speaker 2:

12. Okay, so you had hard times.

Speaker 1:

So now you're seeing y'all. You got them going to Zubo.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not.

Speaker 2:

You're a realist.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Like, see, like I don't like, I don't like this is no, not to anybody else, but I just can't stand countless Like they think every like they think they like well, like y'all are not all that like there's better teams.

Speaker 2:

Like y'all just got the national spotlight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a trip. How now the generations go on that. Now your generation see like damn these Cowboys fans is horrible. They're gonna keep going on forever and ever. Your kids, your kids, kids, your kids, kids, kids, kids. It's gonna say the same thing. So that's what's. That's what's gonna happen. You got NBA team Business, Business, okay, so you just think.

Speaker 3:

Hold on hold on hold on hold on Talk about that. Hey, listen, I you know it is what it is. I mean like. I mean like you got to make changes at some point. So it's just like if it's trading, somebody, cutting somebody, finding the coach, like, like.

Speaker 2:

If it's, but he just got the 70 mil contract though.

Speaker 3:

But like like 20, 27, 28 games is like that's, that's wild.

Speaker 1:

But I always thought he wasn't meant to coach a team like that because he's so young. Yeah, I think what they? One of the youngest teams in the league. Yeah, you know, he needs like a veteran team. You know, and I've seen somebody say they should trade Kate. I don't know if there's. I don't think they should do that.

Speaker 3:

No no, no, they need to get Kate some help.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I like I was talking to one of my like my teammates like if he gets another, like another guy that can get his like they would like, like they're not bad.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Like the Randall. The Randall solid guy, j-n-ivy's solid. They just need another guy that can get theirs.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Seven lakes, seven lakes, obviously, like I just like, like, like I said, we we know what you've meant to seven lakes basketball. Talk about the moment you stepped in the door, knowing when they rolled the ball out. Two four make two. Four is making that impact. Just talk about talk about that. Talk about coaches and everything.

Speaker 3:

So my freshman year, honestly, I don't know where I would be, just because I, because, freshman, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm going for football. You know, one of my teammates had hurt his knee and he was going to be out for the season, so they had put me with this, like this group of guys that were trying to, you know, either make a varsity or get cut, and, like I, I killed it, Like I was, like I like.

Speaker 3:

I stood out and like and like. I looked at my coach after and he's like, yeah, my first couple of games I I'm I'm not gonna lie, I struggled, like it was. It was bad, like I think. My first, like the first, the first five games, I think, like I, I averaged three points and then I think I think, once we got to my first disher game was when I really took off and it was against Moran.

Speaker 2:

Was LJ still on the team at the time? No, no, no, no, no, he just left, okay yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I was there when LJ was playing against 7-L-A's.

Speaker 3:

But I was, I was there, yeah, yeah, yeah. But but like that was like like that was my breakout game because like I came off the bench and I was just a spark plug for us. And then the next game it was against Tompkins and me and Luke always had that rivalry and that was my first game started and I had the game winner. So I so like, from that, from that, from that moment on, I just knew, okay, if I could just continue what I'm doing, I can leave a big impact on this move.

Speaker 2:

Did you? You, you won Newcomer to year, you won Newcomer. So just kind of just talk about these Katie rivalries over the year. Obviously you got Katie, you got Tompkins, now you got the new rivals and Katie Jordan, madey Creek. So just talk about over the years, you leaving an imprint on Katie basketball because, like I said, I watched the LJ Cryer years. We can even go back to your boy, trey Picney. Yeah, trey.

Speaker 2:

Picney, yeah, so so, so, so, so, trey, a T-Frustle in those boys and obviously, congratulations on being the all time leading scorer at 7-L-A's, because that's a big deal, because you guys, guys like Trey Picney a T-Frustle, cameron McGusty, so like, just talk about. You know the lineage and history behind those 7-L-A's greats. Talk about that, you know. All time leading scorer at 7-L-A's.

Speaker 3:

I mean like it's just something that always like, always thought like my like my freshman year, I remember I like our record board is in front of the gym. I took a picture of it and I said I'm breaking some of these records. The record I want to break was all time points, all time assists and all time wins. So I knew that from the beginning.

Speaker 3:

Is is that I keep like if I just go in and I just produce and just play the way I know I can play, I like, no, I can get like and I didn't even like like the record didn't cross my mind. So last year, like, when I got a thousand and like I was, it was like midway through the season and like I started talking to my pops. He was like if you just continue to do what you're doing, like you can really break it Like and like and like, not just break it by a little, like really extended. So like that's been my like, of course, like I'm not really chasing, chasing it, but like it's something that like if you play, you know yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And like I think that, like honestly, like I don't do it by myself, like my teammates have helped me out along the way, like I've had like a plethora of great teammates that have helped me achieve this.

Speaker 3:

Like you know, my shout out, josh, you know, uh, to how, like, like all those guys, like, they really got me going. You see, you know, like, so I'm from my fishing, you know like, you know like, like, that's like, like that group our chemistry wasn't the best but they still were showing me the ropes. Like, okay, like, if you really want to do this, like you got it. Like, like the two seniors I had that year, they really show me the ropes. Okay, like, if you really think that you can do it, like, just like, do this and this and this so that you can develop as a player and really elevate your game. And I also play, play, play in EYBO. That helped me in my confidence of like, okay, I need to. I need to bring this energy over to seven legs and I think that my sophomore that's when we really, because that's when I got to hard back.

Speaker 3:

And like that's when we I bought the energy and like he was bringing that energy, and I think that, just like that California connection, like that, that vibe, like we kind of brought it to the team and I and I, that's really elevated us.

Speaker 2:

Talk about your relationship, though, with um, because I said I know that he I don't know if he's still around but with Trey Picney, like it's like yeah, because at that point, like when we're in school, he was the guy like that was the forefront, even though he had a talented team with Prince. Oh, oh, no, was I teeth? All those guys playing like when they were like in the heydays, like, oh, these guys can make a straight one. What is the advice that Trey Picney gave you to as a seven legs point guard, from point guard to point guard?

Speaker 3:

Uh, he just told me just no, just continue being myself, Just no, just be a great teammate, Just be a playmaker, but just be that dude, Like just go out there and show why you can be the best. So like that's what really like. He really gave me that advice just to really like motivate me.

Speaker 2:

So tell me about your first ever playoff experience in seven legs, because, because it was your sophomore year, right, freshman year, freshman year, so, so, so, so, so, tell me who you went out to. I will get to last year, but like, but, like, tell me those first two years in the playoffs, in the, in the, in the buzz you started creating, because we're going to get to your junior year, but talk about those first two years.

Speaker 3:

Freshman year we played a talented, a talented Travis team and Travis, that was 2021. Yeah, that was like Mackay, that was Kandall.

Speaker 2:

Oh, mackay. Oh yeah, mackay was this year yeah.

Speaker 3:

And like and like. I started training with Mackay and like like around that time and like that scene was just we got smacked. But I knew like okay, but but getting smacked also taught me that it's not sweet. Like you got to really get your guys together because like we was, like we were over the place, so like that really that really like was like okay, like you got that one Got out the way, let's get better. Off season. Sophomore year, we ended on a heartbreaker.

Speaker 2:

Were you, were you the offensive MVP your sophomore year, or? I know you want to. Okay, you're just a game VP, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so sophomore year we play against Bel Air. We great, great battle, and Noah just Cash one from the no, yeah, no man, no, no, no man, no, he ain't cast on, bro, and like that's the one, because I we said, and like we had win, that time, we see, do not let him, don't, don't help, don't help, cuz that's all he's good for.

Speaker 2:

He's not gonna put the ball to ground. He didn't. You know if he's open you soon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and like we told our guy cuz, like we knew he's a top guy yeah and our guy just helped and Just released it and I'm gonna do the best like looking like oh.

Speaker 2:

Was that the second round of third?

Speaker 3:

second second and I see the wind on. It is just Like that one still hurts, cuz I was the senior group that I had, like like they were juniors, my freshman year and like I kind of built that connection like like okay, you're too like you regime, like it's all or nothing, like we need to beat. Yeah and then obviously, just know, it just got a cash and it just hurts talking about it.

Speaker 2:

And then last year we're getting before the playoffs. What the run that you guys kind of made during the season. Just kind of just talk about, about that run. Obviously, like guys like Josh, here comes the freshman sensation, the Niles price, brett Norton, all those guys talk about your we're gonna get to the playoffs. But just talk about the names that you guys were taking Throughout that year, because that year I was, just like it, almost propelled like unfinished business to this year. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean like it started off, like we started off playing as AZ Compass and like and like one thing, the. Hessin always tells us that we're not like, like, we're never gonna duck smoke. Yeah, like like we're gonna be the ones who not so like. That was a big challenge for us just to see, like, okay, where do we stand, and like we lost. Yeah but it was a respectable loss to it.

Speaker 2:

It's a national ranked team Like five-star guys, p5 guys, yeah, and like we like.

Speaker 3:

No, we know the other one like I think that game I could have done a lot more, but can't change that. And then they seem to last with us. To see this. I don't know cuz Jerell.

Speaker 2:

Jerell, baron Jerell, the brown commit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I threw it at three and then. So we after that we kind of just kind of had like a though, like a moment.

Speaker 2:

Was it like a 20? Was it 22 at the top game winnish? Y'all went on like a 22 game winnish.

Speaker 3:

I think we went on like we went on like a Like, a two game win streak. We lost to Dawson Okay then shout out Jaden Miller. Jamelli yeah, no wait, we had one. A tournament came back. We played Dawson. We lost by three that. That Thursday we played JLo, shout out, jlo, marshall, marshall, okay, and he and he gave us the word and like we just like listen. But I'm like we've been together.

Speaker 3:

We was like listen, if we want to make a big run, we we got to stop all the little stuff, like bickering, all this stuff, because like we go bickered, like we see each other every day, like we don't get annoyed, like you someone breeze wrong, like yeah but like we just kind of like okay, we got to hold each other accountable, we got to make sure that if we're gonna do this week like we like, we have to do it right, and that next day we just came out like Like a new, like a whole another yeah and I, and I and I think that's a really started the spree because, because I was sitting here on the news every day, every week.

Speaker 2:

It's like, bro, because I think last year Did I? I picked y'all to get to the regional finals because I said I love, I love seven legs. I said nobody's being united. I'm sorry, no, I said, no, nobody's be, nobody's being united. But, like I said, they gonna get. They gonna get to the regional finals. But like, just talk about what. Did you learn about yourself in that streak Did?

Speaker 3:

you and did you win district MVP again. Yeah, okay, all right, yeah. So, like, like, the one thing that I learned is that, like, no matter what, just Just just be within yourself, like we have a lot of guys who felt like their role should be bigger, and I and I think that some of those guys were nowhere in the right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah but it's just knowing about what. What can you do to help a team be successful? And I think that the guys who did their job, they did a great job. Like like EJ Last year, number three, like he came in thinking that he wasn't a player lot and he started and like, and I told me, like, said, listen, we need you to hit open threes and we need to defend, and he did that too.

Speaker 3:

He did that great. Like he would hit cornered, like like his, like his three Was the corner three and I just always and I knew because he put in the hours and he Know he repped it and I said, ej, if I hit you in the corner to shoot, and he shot it and he really stepped up for us and like and like and like all rocks, like we had guys step up and really just Come out their comfort zone just to help us and be successful. But one thing that I said that really helped me was just having having the support from not only my coaching staff and my teammates to be a Leader and, no, be the guy.

Speaker 2:

That's a great question that you say that because, obviously, like district MVP, district newcomer of the year, at a young age, knowing that they're a senior to all your team, how do they, how do you convince them to buy it when you're the young guy?

Speaker 3:

It was tough at first, just cuz I was the freshman yes, no, okay, fresh, maybe, like you said, but like I think that the more the guys were around me they realized, okay, he's, he's serious about this. But and I think they really clicked my sophomore year, because that's when we were really senior heavy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but like they really trust me, like okay, like we're giving you the keys you like, just drive us to finish line. And I think that with like those the guys I have now being like on JV and so I would like they seen that so that went. So they now, when it's their time to come up, they know that I'm not trying to steer them on, I'm trying to guide them so that we can all do it together. And I think just building that bond, not only on the court but off the court, really helped me out. Just Spending time my teammates like me and Nas work out together and like I'm always trying to like ask him okay, like you seen this on the film, like what do you think? Or like I'll see like Brett in class and be like, hey, like you watch the film, like it's just about, but then that building that connection, I only on the court, off the court, and just enjoying that time together so I'm here, I'm here a lot of things.

Speaker 1:

I'm having a lot of accolades, dish, a new color dish, mvp, all-time breaking records. You can see yourself to. You know the best to come out seven lakes, I'm at least still there, but you think you the number one.

Speaker 3:

I think I'm up there with some of the guys. I mean, I think I got to prove myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah like.

Speaker 3:

I think that Like, like, the records don't mean anything and you don't produce like right. I think that if I solidify this year with a ring, I think I can easily be the best place, but I think that I'm still like I saw the prove nothing right, like I Can win as many games as I want, but if we're not Like, it don't mean nothing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then you. You know social media is big right now, so when you you walk around on campus they saying, they calling you probably young goat, young legend, you know what does that do for you, like mentally?

Speaker 3:

I go one after other is just I keep in the back pocket, just like, yeah, I mean of course it's great to have that love and support community, you know, like the people like in my area but the same time is like no, I'm gonna prove right, so I still got it. Just keep that killer mentality and I have that hunger to win, yeah. So I think that like that really motivates me. I want to step up a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I want to. I want to understand a younger generation. All right, me easy, 30, right. So we Saturday weekends will go to, like tomorrow, the movies, before we go any further. Do you got a girlfriend, yes or no? All right, we can move on. So you know, you put in basketball to the side what's what's a weekend, like you said 18 or 17 just turn eight, like he just birthday, just happy, happy birthday.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's literally just 21.

Speaker 1:

You can possibly go to the gas and get your back renown but, On a weekend like what's what's so we can like to get away from from basketball?

Speaker 3:

It's kind of tough because I'm always just, but honestly it's really just about spending time. My family, I spend time with my friends because it's hard to Spend time with them during the season, just because I'm always locked in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm locked in, whether it's training or it's practice or just working now, but it's really just just to spend that time with them, just to catch up on like like and like you know, my pops can just talk about basketball, just sitting down, just watching the game, just talking about okay, I see this in a game, like in night. It's just a little stuff like that. Oh, my sister's like they go, they don't bother me, so like it's just like how can I give them attention? Because, like it's hard to give them attention and you see it, because I'm always in the house, right, right and it's just doing little stuff, just help out, just to show them my parents, like my parents, I appreciate if they do and then like with friends, you know, it's just about Just just enjoying the time I have with them, just no going out like go and get food, just hanging now, just chilling.

Speaker 1:

So I think, like I probably that goes like I do outside of basketball so many like no, no girl, no distractions from like girls and nothing like that.

Speaker 3:

I mean like Right but I'm really just more focused on yeah, I get into the season just focusing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, kind of Molly movies, big. You know you walk around the mall and you see, you know, see something like okay, whatever, whatever. But I know that could sometimes get away from the court, since court is key. Can I notice we're watching the video earlier. Just think you was talking about who you was talking to, but your personality stood out. Some people Might mistake it, for, like I look at his confidence and a lot of times we're younger people, like in high school, they're more a bit shy, not really expressive. Where does that come? Does it come from like your pops, some of your family, to get like that confidence?

Speaker 3:

Uh, it just came from. You know, like me being young and just just going on and just saying hi, which is crazy, is because I grew up with a stutter, so like it's just like it's wild for me to just be so talkative. Yeah and like just not, let that hold me back, right? So like I, uh, it really just came from just being around teammates and friends and family and just Talking just about literally anything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know that sometimes. Yeah, I mean when it comes to that, because the podcast platform wasn't there when we was in high school. So now this it gets y'all like a little practice training for like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know these questions gonna be more laid back, you know I'm saying. But when it comes to those other people, they're gonna ask some hard-hitting questions, analytical, about the stats, the game you had. You know what I mean. So that that's, that's very key. Before I get back to easy, though, I do want to ask this question. I asked a boy, justin, I wonder your top five? Already I do them, don't disappoint me now. Okay, you already tell me you got. You already tell me you got OT 7 quantity in there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So oT 7 quantity.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I listen to trying to. I listen to Ken Carson. Who was that? Ken Carson? Ken Carson, ken Carson.

Speaker 1:

Ken Carson, who's that?

Speaker 3:

Just the artist I listened to.

Speaker 1:

Where's he from?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, does he rap? Yeah, he rap, he rap.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Ken Carson.

Speaker 3:

I listened to a lot of Tidler created. Okay, I can rock with that, some Brent Files and I listened to. I'm gonna say Drake, just because I listened to Drake, your fives not bad, I can rock with it. I can rock, I'm gonna check on Ken Carson.

Speaker 1:

He's more like a lyrical rapper.

Speaker 3:

Nah, he's more like that new school type of rapper Like Uzi.

Speaker 1:

But Uzi not bad, though I like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm like Uzi be my top five too.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, I can rock with that.

Speaker 2:

The brand of Katie basketball. Obviously I think you're at the forefront. Elijah Black and Jaden Holder, jordan Gibson and Jamal at Mady Creek argument for Scotty Gullery and Tom Kitts. Just talk about this brand of Katie basketball because, like we're at school, we know that Katie, we know they're gonna dominate that rock in that Pigskin, that football that's what they known for, but for the last, probably last four, years, not even four because we can take it back.

Speaker 2:

Like Jamal, the enemy made state in 2018. Lj Crier averaged 35, his senior year in 2020 for more than rats. So just talk about like almost probably I would go, since, like 2018 that this Katie movement for basketball has elevated Talk about it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, like even before I got there we knew about LJ, I knew that he could do it. But I would say, like ever since my freshman year, like it's been real competitive, Like my freshman year, like we went seven and oh, and then we went four and five in the second round addition. So it's not like like no, I can't even put it on. There's talent, Like there's guys that they're not the most athletic, they're not the most, just like me, they're not athletic, they're not fat, but they know their stuff. So I would say, has a player that they can get there? Yeah, just, luckily.

Speaker 3:

No, we got like we got about four, five, six, so they can know they don't like know like they can go. But I think that our, our district's been real competitive ever since, like like from my freshman year to now, like it's been real, real competitive. And I just think that people don't only put a lot of respect on Katie just because they think he's football or no. They think of an aspect like like the basketball is just like like bland, but like we got, like like there's who present, there's who present.

Speaker 2:

Katie, real, yeah, real, like, like, like. I would go as to far as to say if each region, like each district, had like to get a district five, I wouldn't be surprised if Katie come out on time.

Speaker 3:

If Katie was like a Dunkinville, where it's just one school and a like you know, like in a city, I think that we can go really far with the amount of talent that we have, like and like and like there's so much time that it would be hard to cut people just because like there's so much, like there's so many good players and like it's just hard. But I think that like, like, like, like we were, like Dunkinville was just one high school and a big city, I think that we can go to state Every year, because you guys are damn near one of the best teams right now with a spread district like that.

Speaker 2:

The other question I want to ask you, I want to actually ask you about two specific players. Number one I'm going to ask you about Nas price, obviously that's your guy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's my guy.

Speaker 2:

One of the best players in the country in 2026. Talk about his development from last year as a freshman to now.

Speaker 3:

I'll take it back to when I was in and he was in seventh grade. I knew Nas could be something good. Just just the way he played in seventh grade and like he was smaller, skin, like still skinny, strong. But I knew that, like like around this time, that he'd be good. And I knew, like just watching the his development in the gym, just the way that he's like my nurse as a player, like he's like he's gonna be something really good and like with him in practice we just like is like we go at it like we go, like we don't fight, we don't scrab, like, but it's out of love and it's because I know that he's gonna be the best out of me and I'm gonna be the best out of him. And just his development from last year to this year, I think it's more of just maturing. Just last year he was a freshman, yeah, trying to make it.

Speaker 1:

Which, which, which?

Speaker 3:

y'all like yeah like fresh playing versus like I've been doing it, and I kind of told him like, hey, listen, he's gonna get, it's gonna be high, is gonna be low, but you just can never just let your mind just slip by. And I and I and I that's one thing I told him last year was just as long as you stay focused, you'll be fine.

Speaker 2:

For seven legs to be successful. What do you need from him?

Speaker 3:

Just be him, be be that guy, play like a force. Simple as that. Just show people why, why you had this option, why you're straight so high. Just just be you like. And I and I told him every time like you can like, like if he's flushing. Not be you because not as it, not as probably the best players in like in the state coach you easily without yeah he just gets in his own head because he's number one in Houston in 2026.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's not even doubt.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I think he just over thinks a little bit. But when I was just playing freely, like, like, like there's a practice where he just be hitting stuff and I'm just like, hey, you got it today I guess, but not like, like, not as the moment is just more like. It's been incredible. Just his work ethic is the way that he's matured, the way that he's grown as a basketball player. He's like. It's really impressive and I'm really proud of him.

Speaker 2:

And the other person. He's my guy, mr Brett.

Speaker 1:

Nord like we have a good relationship.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to tell you a quick story. I was actually going to leave when y'all play San Antonio Brett no, I know I wasn't going to film it. Brett comes up to me before the game because my camera is in my car. Brett said, easy, pull out the camera is going to be a show. Yeah, I said Brett, I don't have time to be playing with you. You know I don't like wasting, wasting SDCOP space and I don't like wasting battery space. He said, easy, I'm going to tell you again pull out the, pull out the camera. This boy, brett, probably went for 27 and that game and then gave it a shot.

Speaker 2:

I was like. He was like he's. This is what he tells to me. He looks at my camera and I don't think you even got it, he. I zoom in. He looked at me easy hooper's hoops, I was like yeah, but just.

Speaker 2:

But I was with him during the summer because he played for my boy for FFE, so like, like, coach Blair is a good friend of mine, so like, I saw the development and the work that he put in, specifically this year. Talk about him knowing that's your guy since middle school and this is your last ride together. What's the conversations like with that guy? Like it's almost like a Kobe and Derek Fisher like thing with y'all to talk about that relationship.

Speaker 3:

I mean it started in football. I mean, like it's just like we both play football. No, like he. Like you know, he's one of the first guys to really like bring me in, like, make me feel welcome, and then a grade basketball. We kind of just clicked and I just like I knew that I can count him. No, I tried to go back door. I tried to be hoping for that three and then so my freshman year, I kind of split up business. Honestly, she should have gone to JB, but like he's on the top place, but we still like, we still worked like like a practice, like, like he like, because I think like they're practice before us, he would stay after. No, like get up shots and like I like, and like I see his development. Yeah, and he's come a long way.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, because, like Brad before was just a just a guy who just wanted to shoot him out, but now he can mix it up, he can like, he can really mix it and I think that's one thing that I've done. I noticed for him that he's really been going like. Going for is to be a three level guy and I think that he can like, like, he can continue that into college specifically in that Brennan game.

Speaker 2:

When you got like y'all were the prom time game seven o'clock, the headliner, san Antonio Brennan versus seven lakes to potential state contenders teams. What did you see with his performance in that game? Did he just introduce himself to the to the state that I'm one of the best players? Yeah, yeah. And I think that?

Speaker 3:

what did you tell him after that game? I just, I well it started that before because he was kind of frustrated because, like because I can't hurt his knee and like he ain't really played well against, and I just told him next game like I'll talk that that Friday night was next game and we knew that next game was going to be a dogfight and I got it going early and then they started to tell me and I told her I said, listen, just go go. And Brett went, and then we that final moment, I mean like Brett really helped us out. And no, I'm not, I'm gonna give some credit to some guys. Isaiah San.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I was gonna talk about him next. That's probably the best freshman in 2027.

Speaker 3:

Isaiah San was the big Sean with the game, like he had a loud nine points, but it was like it was not points that we need that, like he was just in the right spot the right time, just knowing that he puts in the word. And then guys like Tillman who, defensively, like they took that challenge to guard Kingston when I was, when I was, when it or I was out, and we got guys like he's a junior, who guys think that he's asleep, like they look at him, like OK, this guy out here, but he, he can lock up. And we have guys like Hagan who can come in his shots and we got to our JV kids who we had called up and they and they came in like they knew that time was really limited but they came in with the energy that we're like we're like we're a family, so that like they came in support and I think that, like with Brett doing good and all of us combined kind of elevated, all of us.

Speaker 2:

I do have to ask you about that game. To one more question about that game People don't realize coach H didn't coach that game. So so for you guys to play one of the best teams in the state the team that made the state the final four year before it's a win, that game without your coaches? I remember asking one of the assistants he said, to force leadership. He made sure that we stayed the course and we made sure that we were going to get it done. So just talk about what did you find out about your team that night, knowing coach H wasn't there?

Speaker 3:

I found out that we have guys who are not going to quit on, like, like, like. We have guys that are going to fight to the very end, like they don't care what type of dogfight we're in. We're up, 20 down, 20 tied game. Like. We have guys who are going to fight like and like. We have guys who are going to stay together and we're going to guys that like, no matter who's coaching, like they go, like like they go stay together. And I think that Coach Cole did a great job because he got us prepared because, like with coach H has been out, he really stepped up with practices and, like within our basketball period, like he really been annoying, he was like listen, like I know coach, like coach H is a guy but like what was like, like while he's gone, like we like keep going. And I think he did a great job with that. But I just think that like it wasn't like, like it was like it was only only my leadership.

Speaker 3:

I think it was a combination of things like a team, like we all, we all spoke and we all knew what we needed to do to win, and I think that that really that really gave us the confidence and the energy to win that game, because even when I was being out, he was talking the whole 824, 824.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, no, I didn't play yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because I'm not going to miss finger. But even with him being out his energy, talking to me on the bench 824, I need you to go 824, 824 screen coming here, like just him doing that helped us and I think with all of that combined that that's really helped us pull it out.

Speaker 2:

We're going to fast forward a little bit. Playoffs last year Obviously you go down in the fourth round to Orlando Horton and his boys. I think Orlando Horton had one of the greatest playoff runs. Like I told everybody last year, he was a minute in 23 seconds away from pulling off the house money upset against against my United, like I like the word. But talk about from that game to now. What is the team's mindset? From that game last February, four rounds to this day, january 1st 2024, finish finish.

Speaker 3:

That's. That's the one thing that we got. The we say is finished, like we finish the game finished, like like no matter what you're doing, just make sure they finish all the way through. And I think that that mindset has really carried over from last year and I think that, honestly, this is probably one of the best chemistry teams that we've had.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I was going to ask you that obviously last year we had the big fellow, josh. This year is the freshman, isaiah Santos. I'm not going to tell you to tell me who is the better team, but I felt like this team is a little different from last year's team, because I think this team is more like winning a game like that. I don't know if you guys win that game last year.

Speaker 3:

I think last year team was more talented, but this year's team is more well bonded and my chemistry was okay. We're a lot better just because we know, like what we have and we know that like, if we all just stay together and we just just continue to do what we do, like no matter who we play as we can play against anybody and I we feel confident that we can come out with a win.

Speaker 2:

So I do have a question, though two losses, obviously to Duckerville and obviously to a task of Cedar those are three losses to Westlake.

Speaker 2:

Oh, westlake, and Westlake too. I do have a question, because you guys do be brining. Do you concern yourself? Can you guys beat those upper echelon teams? Because to me those are the games you're going to have to win in the playoffs. Obviously, like last year you guys were actually fighting against Clear Falls A lot of people expect you guys Bo-Mount United, seven Lakes regional finals Do you have concerns about? Because there are some teams that you know like, oh, they're going to play good during the regular season, but what happens when you play the top dogs? Like, can you beat them? Because even though you guys be brining, I think you all lost to Duckerville only by five. Seven Lakes wasn't really that much right, you got to lose to them, but all I mean if that's because you didn't lose to them but 12. Okay, so like, is there any concerns? Like, can y'all get over that hump?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean honestly like there's no concern. I mean I mean no excuses. Yeah, I mean like we didn't have nozzles. We didn't have I mean the first two, we didn't have nozzles. We didn't have foot chest and Westlake and I was first game back. But I mean like we can't make excuses. But and I think that with us having games on our belt now and with us having all this like this whole season just to get everything together, I think that by the time that we need to play those games again, like we'll be prepared, just because like we took their best punch and we felt like we didn't give them our best punch. So we think that no matter what circumstances happens that we can come through and play against those teams and win again. That's good.

Speaker 2:

We're going to actually transition out of the school basketball, but now it's time to have a little fun. Obviously, on the last show, your boy thinks you guys are ducking smoke.

Speaker 3:

We're not ducking, mr, mr, mr, mr, mr, mr Big.

Speaker 2:

Is there anything that you kind of just want to say to in response to that?

Speaker 3:

We ain't ducking no smoke. I mean, our motto is we not first so we can set it up, like you know, like it can be after the season, like we can set it up and we ain't ducking smoke, like we like we go to it.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, there's some questions I do want to ask 2024, obviously large class, we know what it is. And the other thing that I do want to actually talk about you to is I think I mentioned on the last show as well in an era that we see in the transfer portal and I call this the transfer portal high school your peers are actually staying four years at school. What does the loyalty mean to you? Because obviously you're at several lakes. You choose to lead instead of just kind of just going somewhere and saying, oh, I know I'm the missing piece to this state championship, but you choose to build and lead and try to create your own legacy. Talk about yourself being that way and some of your 2024 compadres like staying put at places that when we thought like, oh snap, I think they about to lead, but they're like no, we're going to finish it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean I think it's just more about keeping your word. Like I mean, I'm a Rato coach. I mean, like my freshman year I was literally rocking with it. But I told him I was like, listen, like I'm going to give you, like, like, while I'm here, I'm going to give you my best, and I think that that really helped me like like make him feel sure that, okay, this kid's going to stay.

Speaker 3:

But I think that it's just more about not really more about the school, but more about the community. Because, because, like, when you stay, you're like like you just don't have your school support, you have the whole community support. Like, like last year, like everybody was supporting us and us and Jordan no, just because we're all from the same little city to where they're pushing for it, they're pushing for us to win Like rivals, like we're going to be rivals in the season, but at the season, like we had got some single time. Hey blood y'all. No, I mean we want you to make it all the way. So I think just staying all four years is really more about a pride and more about like it shows like who you really are.

Speaker 3:

Like, of course, like if it's a better opportunity, of course take it. But just staying four years shows that you really care about not only yourself, but just like representing the like, the school and the community.

Speaker 1:

I'm listening and I like that and I like the mindset and I'm curious to know like life at the best, because your goal is to make it an NBA, obviously, but let's just say I'm not going to want something happening, not injury, but just something like that. If I can make it, do you have that, that plan being like, okay, did this don't work?

Speaker 3:

and I'm going to do what? So I actually got certified by Microsoft for Word, excel and all that. So I'm trying to like either become like a sports agent or like an accountant, just because I know my dad's an accountant and like I can kind of learn the ropes from him. But a sports agent or just like a statistician, just because I want to stay close to the game. Who are you so? And I think that, like those are really two.

Speaker 2:

That's very unique. Like you don't hear kids, like especially at the young age, talking about statistician or you know, like stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

See, I think it's like my favorite subject.

Speaker 1:

I'm really good with numbers.

Speaker 3:

So like, but just like staying close to the game is always going to be something that I want to do, so just it'd be like a sports agent or like a statistician, or just finding a way just to stay connected to the game. So like it don't matter, like what it is, but like those two will probably be the main two I would pursue.

Speaker 1:

And when's your love for that coming bud?

Speaker 3:

Um it really just just growing up, like with my dad, just like seeing the stuff that he does, like with the numbers and like it kind of, just like you know, like it made me curious.

Speaker 3:

So it just like I started asking him questions about it. And then when I got to high school, I, you know, like they got the classes today. So I'm like, well, if I want to do this and stay close to the basketball, I got to do this other stuff. So just taking those classes really kind of helped me. And then just no, just my love for math, I mean, like it kind of just helped me, you know, stay.

Speaker 1:

So it's like you know how they say, like in sports, like first one here, last one out. So it's kind of like that for you, like in the classroom, more so like staying back a little bit for like poly tutorials, or maybe like knowing what the teacher's trying to figure. Hey, this lesson we did. I need some more insight on this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean I'm not gonna come up here and say I'm an A-plus. I mean like I did struggle in the beginning, just because I was having that fresh mentality like, oh, I got all this time, like I don't got a, but with the support from, finally, my family, but my coaches because they teach the subjects like math and all that so they really helped me become a student I am today. So I'm just learning little tips from them, like just like study techniques and like going to tutorials, like they really helped me out and that's what really got me going for like as far as like academics, like they really got me the support and the motivation that I needed.

Speaker 2:

What are you talking about? The academic piece? How much do you stress that on your teammates?

Speaker 3:

Um. I mean I don't have to because my teammates are like oh yeah, they're smart, I got you, I got you. I mean like, I think, like our highest GPA is like a 4-6.

Speaker 3:

Oh jeez, it's not me, but like my team and like and like and like. That's one thing about us. Like our team is like we have guys who have ties with each other and like we always, hey, like need help with this, like and I just want to talk about us being together, like we're always looking out for each other. So, like that's one big thing about us is like having those classics together and just asking for help, like that really helps us out too.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, and I get it because I know when I play. But I feel three to four years Like my academics was bad. You know, get on a team, but once when midterm come, I'm not even playing district. I got district. I went play district senior year and I was a senior. I know how. I know the emphasis of trying to stress that academic part because a lot of these teachers don't really. They want to just make sure they students make. You know because you got some schools out there that you know when they come to top athletes they like we want to look out for you. But some schools don't, you know, don't work like that and I appreciate I like that you have the mentality of having something outside of basketball making sure, because a lot of times players they just focus all in and they don't think of a plan B. So I really do appreciate that mindset though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and my school does a really good job too, because like we're one of like the top schools for, like you know, like for academics, yeah, so like there's always resources to get help, and I think like that's really not only helped me out, but helped everybody out, because like our school is like they push you to be your best but they also give you the help that you need.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so what's the? I'm gonna do what I want to ask for. Let's say a freshman is watching this or an eighth grader watching this and they want to get to where you want to be at. They want to go D1. What's that one advice you give them, top management?

Speaker 3:

That's the biggest one. That's what I struggle with Top management. There's always going to be time to hang out with your friends. There's always going to be time to be on your phone. But put what's necessary first, like get a workout in, do your homework, go to class, like. All that extra stuff can happen in another time. But just make sure you manage your time well, because I learned the hard way and I don't want people to have to go through what I had to go through, so just time management would be the biggest thing you know.

Speaker 2:

Top five players in the league. Right now, right now. Ooh, okay, I want to kill Axie Bajada before that. I want to. Really I'm gonna get the kill question before that. Jordan O'Lebron.

Speaker 3:

Jordan. Okay, that's a true. But I will say LeBron has more to his game, but Jordan's just, he's Jordan. But going up watching LeBron, I can see why people would say LeBron. But I will say, if LeBron came first it wouldn't be all right. I'm not gonna get to that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I got it. You know what's?

Speaker 1:

funny. It's crazy how the Jordan thing. It goes on, it goes on generations on. You can put on a Jordan highlight and you can be like he's doing things that players can't even do now, like you don't even see they doing on the court. So it's crazy how the Jordan that's wild.

Speaker 3:

Top five players in the league Top five right now, and Edwards.

Speaker 2:

You know what? I'm gonna give you respect because Minnesota's one of the best teams in the league right now.

Speaker 3:

So, like Shay, oh yeah, yeah, gotta go. Joe Kitch, okay, so I'll say Katie, just because he's my favorite player.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then, Well, let's do this. Let's say, post LeBron Katie.

Speaker 3:

You're like the new guys, the newer guys, yeah, like Shay and Okay, it's like the younger guys, I would say so, shay and Edwards, yo Kitch, yo Kitch. Luca, yes, yo, yo yo. I like Tyrese.

Speaker 2:

Maxi Since South Garland. Baby, I'll take Halliburton, halliburton, halliburton. Oh, I'll take Halliburton Halliburton. Yeah, halliburton I thought Max but, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Halliburton, yeah, I'm gonna get you. Yeah, I think that he's stepped up from the post-hardenship. I think he's stepped up tremendously. I think that him sitting behind Harden, he kind of learned a little bit and then, like now, with him having to step up, I think he's doing a good job.

Speaker 1:

Yeah because Halliburton didn't. He have like a 2020 game reason yeah yeah.

Speaker 3:

He's good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's good. So who you got like the best? Well, no, I'm gonna go with you. You said Yoke, so I got Yoke as the top 10 big all the time already.

Speaker 2:

No, no, he is a top 10 big though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got him top 10. I always liked him over in B because he always was durable. I got him top 15. Top 15? Yeah, so you taking him. Or Patrick Ewing Him, him, or David Robinson, david Robinson, really, yeah, you agree with that?

Speaker 2:

No, I said Yoke passed him up this year. I like Yoke just passed him up for me. So I got Yoke at 6, right now the 6 big man.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna tell you something easy to have told you. You probably don't tell a lot of people this Chris Paul, I like Chris Paul, I know I'm with you. Everybody in this room do.

Speaker 3:

Three out of four people do See, see, see, I can like Chris Paul is a he's, no, he's doing it again, right, but there's like there's a little stuff that Chris Paul does that no other point of our does is like it's the little things and I and I that's what separates me. He'd all right.

Speaker 1:

He think Chris Paul is not a top five point of all time.

Speaker 3:

As far as accolades, no, but just being a player of the game, yes.

Speaker 1:

Can't go against it. You know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm not even going to go against that I'm not going to go against that Because his impact on teams is what's really great, but the problem is that I understand what everybody says, but I think for a long time, a lot of people consider Chris Paul as this championship player.

Speaker 2:

But you had one of the championships. Yeah, he has one of the championships. So it's just more like now is your impact on teams? But we're not saying that about like guys like Steph or LeBron, we're judging them on the championship mantle. Yeah, so it's just more like you've had a lot of good teams. Yeah, you've been the guy. You've been not the guy. You've been the first option, the second option, third option. It's just more like amen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I would say he's a top 10 player for sure.

Speaker 1:

But you know what's funny? Now go back with that rough.

Speaker 2:

He had beef with Bro shut up, we're not doing this?

Speaker 1:

We're not. Doing this, we're not having this conversation.

Speaker 2:

I think there's some rest to go out for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Like come on, like bro, he's busy in year 19.

Speaker 3:

Me being a business guy like I know. There's like I read something like that. Some rest would go out there. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I believe that that could ruin. That could ruin somebody's series.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. Like game he, I found out he rough game seven when he was on the Hornets against the Spurs. You know he had it out because the you know that's messed up how he did his son Once. I heard that that's kind of messed up and I think you know I always say I'm a Chris, I'm a Chris Paul person because he another thing but he don't like Houston teams. He don't like the Rockets, the Texans, the Astros. He don't like none of them, chris Paul.

Speaker 2:

No, I'd be happy when they lose Top five. No, my five it's not in top five for 2024 guys that you would run with. And I want you to keep in mind beg is your boy. I did not pick you. I know he did Big did not pick you. He said I love AJ, I'm not picking.

Speaker 3:

Okay, Just from the city right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah 2024.

Speaker 3:

2024. I'm a go from my center. Give me Trent.

Speaker 2:

You know, it doesn't even have to be in like this position.

Speaker 3:

But if you want to still do strength, you can. Okay, hmm, this is tough Because no, like no, I get. No, I get me, me, chris.

Speaker 2:

Chris. Okay, give me, give me. Give me Jared Harris. Okay, I think you give me Rob Miller.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and give me no, give my teammate, Give me pie.

Speaker 2:

Oh, claire's, by the losing out of technique. Yeah, I think he said the same thing about pie to. I think he chose. I think he chose where I know he chose Rob and Jared, for, yeah, rob, jared's and pie. For a fact, I forgot who's the other one. Let me see who. What else? Give me a 2024 that you wish that you have run with that.

Speaker 3:

That was how I'd run with. I think this is tough. I think give me any one of the bigs from the 2024 class and we would make some just because of my no, but you ran with Trent, so that'll count yeah. I'm saying like a Chris or a rock, like Justin, justin said the same.

Speaker 3:

Thing just because, like my, like my play style is a downhill facilitated type of God's where I can facilitate for my, for me and myself, and you give me a big that can roll I can. I did it with Josh, but you even got like Chris or Rob.

Speaker 2:

So it's funny though, because I told Justin the same my guy was on, I would. It would have been interesting to see you guys run with Zion Pippkin. I said I would. I have, I would pay to see that that guard dynamic. You, zion and Justin in a in a back court. So that was my God. Another question who is the player that brings the best out of you in this city, in the city, when you, when you went, when it's a match of a you high school, when it's a match of like, when you see him like better to get your hard hat ready? There's three.

Speaker 3:

There's three, but I'm a count Luke, because he was here, oh right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Because like me, him like the war since middle school yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm like and like off the court me, look like we're, like we're cool, but on the court it was just something like the energy, like it was just like I don't like this, I just want to beat him. Like I, just like it was just that energy that we had. But off the court, like me, look real, real cool. Yeah, zion, same same thing. I mean, I'm just have battles like we like a you that I you know, and like in like preseason, like we play against, like just having those battles against him, like they really like like preparing me, like with this, graphing this, and it physically plays with the last one. I'm trying to think of some guards that I played against. I would say this is tough because I played against a lot of good.

Speaker 2:

You know it doesn't have to be just 2024, because I know Justin chose Montana.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, yeah, I think it's Montana once and he brought like. I can't really base off of that one interaction. This is tough. Just because I guess there's so many great guys, I would say one person that always like it, like in practice, to always brought out me, was divine. I like that just because competitive and he wants to win Like and I think that that really drove me to because I know something. Yeah, I got to see him, so it's like it really prepared me.

Speaker 2:

Give me a sleeper that you don't think. Nobody really gives a lot, a lot of credit to but guys that your peers know, but the but really the city doesn't know that he's better than what every but people are sleeping on that's.

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to collect, I'm trying to think right now. I'll give him from my school, sean is. Sean can be Like he'd be a P5 guy. I Think that once, like what's he, once he continues to like develop as a player, like he can be Like one of those top guys. And I think someone like not from my school, I think, oh, jay like, like I don't like. I don't think people give him the Modest right that he deserves because he's a yeah, he's really good.

Speaker 3:

He's a smaller guard the way that he controls the game and Just does what he does like.

Speaker 2:

I I said in 2025.

Speaker 3:

I thought that Him in Montana would be the guys, that's, the torch guys for point guards like yeah and think is people don't realize hold is a winner, like he wins he wins games he's, he's competitive like he's, like he's on a real good job at Jordan, just getting those guys together and I like, every time I see him I don't like bro, like, like that's the guy you're passing mental to mental to next year.

Speaker 2:

Basically Top five Houston hoops teammates and I'm just I'm gonna give you a really rated. I don't think big picked you on this one. I think you did, he may have, he did, oh, top five, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, top.

Speaker 3:

But one of them, I got a pair of okay, I got a pair of together because they was always together Jared and Drailin, because they, I, I, we drove up to Dallas and I picked them up and that was the funniest car I. I gotta put those two together because that's like a pack of you, yeah. Yeah, because me and beg always had that. Yeah oh, trying to try to try to see, trying to see Brice Jacks.

Speaker 2:

Saddle Creek 2025.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, my six in you. Yeah, we play together. And the way, though, like the way he thinks the game like we, like we kind of think similarly, it's to where, like, we would just bounce ideas off each other if he gets back healthy, how deadly is he oh? People gotta watch out. That's it. That's a dog. His pops got a right. Like his pops real hard like just like. Like just on my pops. He real hard on him.

Speaker 2:

But guys like, once you get ready, like top top guy and your favorite Houston hoops team that you played on.

Speaker 3:

I Can't pick one that's. That's a I would say. I would say that 17 you team group from my seat, like with jail and I'm like just being around them and. See that chemistry that they built Like. I really enjoyed my time being with them, so I'm gonna say that group just because me, justin and divine like we all Don't move to that team. Yeah, although we weren't there long, I enjoyed my time, just because it's like they made it fun.

Speaker 2:

What's so funny YBL performances that you remember like in your three years like I was vividly there like you know, big told me like when, when, when Fox had 40 in the YBL circuit, your stuff, like that. He said Trey Johnson walked off the plane from Hungary and then 30. He said so just talk about like no, and Jalen Lowe's run, yeah, I would say just experience. Well, I got to. Yeah, experience I got to.

Speaker 3:

I would say just experience. Well, I got to yeah experiencing that run with the 17s they had making it to the final four, like that was something, that it was just like, like it was just different. Yeah, just just whether they were playing the chemistry, just all that. I.

Speaker 2:

Do not to cut you off the performance. When Lowe went head to head with DJ Wagner, I know you were there. Yeah, what did that say about Jalen Lowe that day?

Speaker 3:

They that he's a top guy. I mean, and I'm always said that Jalen was a top point guard. No matter like and like, no matter who you compare him to, like, I think he's one of those top guys and he's showing you now at fit. Yeah, he's a top guy.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm and I and like I've seen it from practices to games like he's always been that leader, that type of guy, and I think that that's like being that like spend that time with him.

Speaker 3:

That's what kind of rubbed off on me was the way that he leads, the way that he like, like he's like Like he'll be a jerk but it's out of love and I think I try to. I use that same, that same type of like mentality to leave my teams and then and then one of my performances I had was it was 16, the first session, the 70s. They're called up cheating the vine and just and like we have played rent and I had like I think I had like a really good game and I just only lose about like five With like a group of guys that just barely together within two days. Like that's like, like that's something that really, because like we had played Like that whole week, like we really had guys who have been together for like like it was like me, game brown, yeah, nolan, like just guys that like we just kind of group together and like we went out I think we we went to and to and like to and to, where the group of guys that just got together is like I would like.

Speaker 3:

I would say the real.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my last question is we we just answered January. Who's that one team that you got more than they can this lock away to play?

Speaker 3:

so See, I'm see me, see me being who I am, like I'm Okay okay, okay, okay, let's, let's talk about it, and I want my rematch with a task either. Hmm, just what?

Speaker 2:

what round would you see? That was that, would that, would that be a region I'm trying to? I got it. I don't remember that okay like just just depending.

Speaker 3:

But I want to. But I want to show everyone that that first game was Like I was just us, like we shot ourselves, like that wasn't them beating us, we beat ourselves. And I think that that's the game that I, that that I want to play, because how many rounds? Until state six.

Speaker 2:

No, they get it five to get out the city. Yeah, bob, to get out the city.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah yeah, yeah, the far as you were was for.

Speaker 3:

Yeah so this year y'all win, state if yeah, I think that we just continue what we're doing back. I like to get anybody.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, and my last question is who is AJ Bates, a Winner?

Speaker 3:

a dog, a leader. I.

Speaker 2:

Love it.

Speaker 3:

I love it. It brings out man.

Speaker 1:

Hey, real deal with a kill easy corner collab Young bull AJ Bates. We appreciate you.

Speaker 2:

Easy corner here with the point guard killer, the Louisiana take commit seven lakes, own mr AJ Bates. Oh man, go ahead, aj. Thoughts your social media thought, everything may follow me on Instagram, twitter snap.

Speaker 3:

I did base underscore 24. I appreciate y'all.

Speaker 2:

Thank y'all now appreciate it oh we out yeah.

AJ Bates
Transition to Middle School and Basketball
NCAA Basketball Player Discusses Team Dynamics
The Impact of Basketball and Football
Basketball Journey and Rivalries
Heartbreaking Loss and Redemption in Basketball
Leadership and Bonding Off the Court
The Rise of Katy Basketball
Developing Players and Last Ride Together
Team Unity and Game Performance Leadership
Playoffs, Mindset, Loyalty, Future Plans
Athletes, Academics, and Top Players
Discussion on Guards and Team Performances
Discussion About AJ Bates, a Winner