Stories of Astonishing Light with KJ Nasrul

Tiny Astonishments: Compassionate Conversations | KJ Nasrul

KJ Hoard Nasrul Season 2 Episode 40

Can we have honest and crucial conversations -charged, heavy, electric, passionate, uncomfortable, provocative as they are-- today?  If yes, what do they look like? How do we start them? It is these questions, and more that KJ contemplates  in today's Solo SOAL episode. Stick around for a few minutes as she accompanies us through a Compassion Invocation and music mandala. 

Questions Worth Considering: 

1. Would you Come Sit With Me?  If you saw me hanging out on the couch or at a table with an open, available seat, would you take it? What stops you from sitting next to me? What compels you to sit next to me, engage with me? Come Sit With Me experiment, as envisioned by artist @jackieshermanart 

2. What happens when we let go of  attachment to the outcome, but instead focus in the moment, on the process?

3. Do you recognize the impact of nonverbal communication? What happens when there are no words? An experiential Expressive Arts Therapy seminar brought many nonverbal conversations that were just as profound and telling if not more than any verbal exchange. 

4. What would it be like to talk about the grief, fear, and passion and channel that momentum towards advocacy for issues that are important to us and our communities?

5.  The conversation is just beginning.
This week, a Minneapolis jury found former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of murder of George Floyd last year, on May 25, 2020. We have much work to do, Healers. It starts with talking about it

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Episode Mentions: 

  • Artist and writer Jackie Sherman - Come Sit With Me 
  • KJ's Interview on WTF Live With Melissa Morris- YouTube Video 
  • Compassion Meditation Background Music: Seashell Sound Mandala, performed by KJ 
  • Intro  & Outro music: Canada Lo Res by Pictures Of The Floating World 

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