Stories of Astonishing Light with KJ Nasrul

Recovering, Transforming and Transcending Fear | Terri Kozlowski

KJ Hoard Nasrul / Terri Kozlowski Season 2 Episode 47

How do you move forward as an adult after experiencing a childhood filled with abuse and trauma? We discuss this in today's SOAL.  Our guest is Terri Kozlowski, a Native American Warrior,  certified life coach, blogger, and author of the book "Raven Transcending Fear". She is also founder of the Soul Solutions Podcast and YouTube Channel. 

Terri specializes in empowering women by teaching them to set personal boundaries, reframe the stories they tell themselves, overcome their fears, and push past their limiting beliefs.  

In a conversation that honors intuition and healing creativity, KJ and Terri explore how to untether from the fears that hold us back from living genuine, enriched  lives. Terri shares her exquisite reframing inquiry (a simple question composed of  two words)  that shaped her courage as an adult to finally begin healing wounds caused by nearly unspeakable childhood trauma.

Note:  There are references to experiencing childhood abuse, which may be triggering for some listeners.


  • Release attachments, release your suffering
  • Reconnect with and remember your intuitive, healing gifts with creativity 
  • Reframe the "Why me?" question into an empowering declaration of transformation 

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Episode Mentions: 

Connect With KJ & Bliss Begins Within 

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