Stories of Astonishing Light with KJ Nasrul

Sacred Sound: Crystal bowl healing Pt 1 | Deva Munay

Deva Munay Season 2 Episode 49

Sound is one of the oldest and most natural forms of healing known to our planet. Sound frequencies can restore one’s mind, body and spirit back to a state of balance. KJ welcomes Certified Sound Healer Deva Munay to explore what this means today in our Pandemic-riddled world. 

Deva has traveled and studied healing modalities across many landscapes, including Belize, Peru, Indonesia, and Egypt with the hope of incorporating the wisdom of these cultures into her sound journeys. Her mission is to create a unified field of pure awareness, with the intention of invoking deep states of healing, transformation, awe and wonder.

In this first half of a two part conversation, KJ and Deva recall discovering the restorative properties of sound--- calm and tranquility; a technique to quiet the mind chatter!-- through extensive travel to post -injury recovery. 

The ladies also acknowledge that while this was a year of heartache and grief (on a personal and global level), it introduced new resources for wellness to a new audience. Somehow the world crisis prompted a return to a common mode of communication, a bond through an ancient language. 

1.  Seek surroundings completely different than your known, familiar world. 
2. There is this collective consciousness. Whether we're physically touching or not, we are constantly impacting our world and one another. 
3.  Even in grief, this is what I can understand: destruction and transformation can lead to a higher good.
4.  Nothing is ever truly lost; it is transformed. 

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Episode Mentions: 

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