Make It and Sell It

004 To rent her home, with Maria-Victoria Checa, Painter

Cory Heyman, Cottage Cupboard Cooperative Episode 4

This episode describes art as a path to home-based entrepreneurship and the ways in which a new hobby can be transformed into a part-time or full-time career.


We all find our passions in different ways. For this guest, Maria-Victoria Checa, discovering a love for painting was the result of renting her home a few years ago. To attract interested renters, she wanted to fill her walls with colorful paintings but did not have a ready source. So, like many other parts of her life, Maria-Victoria adopted a “do-it-myself” attitude and taught herself to paint. Her teachers? YouTube, books, and imagination! After moving from her home to an apartment, Maria-Victoria didn’t think she had the space to continue painting. However, a small paint set as a gift from a friend was all she needed to start again. She hasn’t stopped. She spends three days a week thinking about painting and then executing her visions. The result has been a portfolio of art that has resulted in gallery showings, awards, and even commissions!


Learn how Maria-Victoria developed this recent passion, how she successfully merges her passion and her entrepreneurial aspirations, and how she has been able to turn her new talent into a growing business!


Maria-Victoria’s paintings can be seen on Facebook, at, and her own website, 


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