Make It and Sell It

011 Clarifying Commercial Kitchens, with Bev Martin and Nancy Rohrer, Food Producers

October 20, 2020 Cory Heyman, Cottage Cupboard Cooperative Episode 11

In this episode, food entrepreneurs Bev Martin and Nancy Martin, talk about their ghee production business, including expanding into a commercial facility and marketing a lesser known product.


Bev Martin and Nancy Rohrer had worked together for years in marketing when they discovered ghee, what they describe as “a better butter.” Ghee appealed to each of them for different reasons, but they both became increasingly excited about sharing this remarkable product with the world. The marketing world had been changing, and they had been interested in collaborating on a product that was that was more tangible. Ghee was it.


Nancy and Bev experimented with flavored ghee recipes in their home kitchens but knew right away that they would need to produce the ghee in a commercial kitchen. It wasn’t easy to find a kitchen at the start, though, and at a rate they could afford. However, they persevered, taught themselves how to run the business, and now, seven years later, the Ghee Gals have a thriving business. They sell locally, distribute widely, and have a strong online following.


In this episode, Nancy and Bev talk about the evolution of their business, their experiences working in various commercial kitchens—including the challenge of producing during the age of Coronavirus—working with employees, and marketing a lesser known product.


In a bonus segment, the Ghee Gals also discuss one of their biggest mistakes and share advice so other small-scale producers can avoid similarly tempting but risky situations.


You can find out more about Nancy and Bev’s company, Simply Ghee, at as well as on Facebook ( and Instagram (


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