Rescue Radio by Portland Mountain Rescue

Liberty Ridge Rescue

Portland Mountain Rescue Season 1 Episode 12

Created by Mari Feher,  Hosted by Ania Wiktorowicz

On May 31, 2019 four climbers -- Yevgeniy Krasnitskiy, Ruslan Khasbulatov, Vasily Aushev and Kostya "Constantine" Toporov -- started climbing the hardest, most technical route on Mount Rainier in Washington . High winds that tore up their tent and blew away their gear forced them to stop on the Liberty Ridge route. After spending 5 days on the mountain, the group was rescued on June 6th, suffering from hypothermia and severe frost bite. 
This rescue is personal for so many in  our Pacific North West community. Anyone lucky enough to know Yev knows the deep humility, above human strength and kindness he possesses. 
Come listen to what went wrong, how  good decision making lead to perseverance as well as what pitfalls to avoid while making your plans on your next climb.