Pastor Jonathan’s Sermons

Born of Spirit

jonathan althoff

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Matthew 1:18-20 All creation runs through Jesus Christ… History is Hisstory… Human history (John 1:1-3)John 3:5-6 two types of birth: Born again means born of spirit. It does not mean you said a prayer or made a choice. It means God has done a work in you by the Holy Spirit that you now know you could not do. Rom 12:2 to have a transformation: to B180. You have new heart born into you by Holy Spirit, or still what you use to be. Why spiritually reborn? Cuz born into Adam! That life is death, new life in Christ is because he is the new Adam (I Cor 15:44-49).He has born a new desire in you. I Cor 13:12 to desire to be like Him! 2 Cor 5:17: a new creation you are. Of Spirit you are born. Learning a new way of relating to yourself, others, God and the world is your task. Not born of spirit and belonging to Jesus Christ doesn’t mean the war isn’t going on as the lineage still exists!Romans 8:5-11 spirit and flesh are at war. This is why you desire control! Satan knows God won’t bless that!We are no longer carnally minded (1 Cor 3:1-3) Flesh cannot understand what I am talking about. (I Cor 2:14) Choices are simplified… does it glorify God? Is it helpful/uplifting? If not, squelch thoughts, words or ideas of carnal nature. Have you a need to seek God to help youchange your thought patterns? You cannot do this by choice; again, it is by the Spiritof God.

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