Miss Teacher Mom

Creating a Family Vision Part 3: Cultivating Healthy Emotions with Melanie Krumrey

Katlynne Mirabal Season 1 Episode 21

James 4:1 asks “What causes quarrels and fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?

The heart is deceitful above all things yet our emotions are also gifts from God. As parents, we have the opportunity and responsibility to shepherd our children's hearts and overflowing emotions. Mel provides wisdom and insight regarding submitting her own passions and emotions to Christ as she helped her children to the same. It's insight you'll want to hear as we seek to raise our kids with eternity (and adulthood) in mind.

Melanie Krumrey is mom to three adult children whom she homeschooled K-12 grade. She is also a pastor's wife in Amherst, Massachusetts and serves her church as the Director of Women's Ministry.  She loves to read, run, teach, write and practice hospitality. She blogs at Dwell Abide Adorn and you can find her on Instagram.

Resources Melanie mentions:

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Ted Tripp

Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp