Miss Teacher Mom

Creating a Family Vision Part 4: Physical Health with Melanie Krumrey

Katlynne Mirabal Season 1 Episode 22

I Corinthians reveals the amazing reality that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and intended for God's glory. With this in mind, how can we create a vision for the care of our children's bodies? What knowledge and healthy habits will help our children understand the importance of honoring God with their bodies? What will we do when our children struggle with body image?

In part 4 of this series on creating a vision for your family, Mel shares some of the ways she and her husband implemented a vision for physical health in her family. She'll also talk about the tendency, for girls especially, to have a negative body image and how dads can play a crucial role in nurturing a daughter's beautiful identity in Christ.

Melanie Krumrey is mom to three adult children whom she homeschooled K-12 grade. She is also a pastor's wife in Amherst, Massachusetts and serves her church as the Director of Women's Ministry.  She loves to read, run, teach, write and practice hospitality. She blogs at Dwell Abide Adorn and you can find her on Instagram.

Resources Melanie mentions:

Cookbook for Girls by D.K.

Danielle Walker on Instagram