Miss Teacher Mom

Imago Dei- The Unborn and Your Children

Katlynne Mirabal Season 1 Episode 27

We live in a culture that increasingly devalues children and the work of raising them. The corresponding messages we hear as moms can be discouraging and leave us looking out the window longing for life beyond the walls of our homes. My guest today, Ryan Fullerton, reminds us that the work of nurturing children is important, biblical, good for society, good for the church, and good for our own sanctification. Moms, I think you’ll be so refreshed by his words of truth and encouragement to you!

Pastor Ryan became deeply concerned by the rate of abortion in our country about a decade ago and knew he could not remain silent on the issue, since God delights in all human life. His church has a wonderful adoption ministry, and encourages Snowflake adoption in which embryos left frozen from the IVF process can be adopted. 

Ryan Fullerton is the Lead Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, KY where he serves the Lord with his wife Christy and their four children. 


Ryan's Sermon: Carefully and Consistently Pro-life  https://vimeo.com/117432429

Nightlight Embryo Adoption https://nightlight.org/snowflakes-embryo-adoption-donation/