Miss Teacher Mom

Creating a Family Culture

Katlynne Mirabal Season 1 Episode 28

Every place has its own culture - intentionally created or not.  During the years of raising their children, Doug and Nancy Wilson realized that the liturgy they were practicing in their own home was creating a unique culture, and it caused them to be even more intentional about what kind of a culture they were creating for their family. 

I learned so much from what Nancy shared about the components of the culture in their home - things like, Christian education, saying lots of "yesses" and fewer "no's", weekly worship, foods, holidays, and especially "jammie rides"!

In this episode, Nancy will talk about the temptation to take the path of least resistance and little effort in raising children versus the fruitfulness of hard work on behalf of your children. She'll also encourage us to put away sentimentality and encourage our boys to be "stand up men" and our girls to be "courageous and virtuous women."

Nancy Wilson is a pastor’s wife and homemaker in Moscow, Idaho, who has written several books including The Silver Lining: A Practical Guide for Christian Grandmothers and Learning Contentment. She is the host of the Femina podcast. She and her husband, Douglas, have three children and seventeen grandkids.


Family Culture Femina podcast episode