Miss Teacher Mom

Getting the Gospel Right

Katlynne Mirabal Season 1 Episode 35

Growing up, my church taught me all about God’s love and mercy, but neglected to teach me about the sin that separated me from God and which required Jesus’s death on my behalf. It resulted in me falsely believing I was a Christian while actively engaging in sin at age 19. I’m so thankful for my best friend who helped me understand the true gospel which includes the bad news of our sin that separates us from a holy God and the good news of Jesus’s forgiveness.

My guest this week, Joanne Parks, will help us get the gospel right as we seek to share it with our kids. In this episode, Joanne will share the gospel beautifully and honestly as well as caution us against four potentially harmful tendencies as we shape our children’s lives toward God. 

Joanne Parks is married to Brian, who serves as senior pastor of Covenant Hope Church in Dubai.  She and her family have enjoyed living in the Middle East for the last 19 years.  Joanne has four daughters, four great sons-in-law, and three grandchildren.