Highly Sensitive Humans Podcast

Common Myths of the Highly Sensitive Person

September 28, 2020 Jules De Vitto Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode I share some of the common Myths of the Highly Sensitive Person and why eradicating these myths is so important to help us reframe what it means to be sensitive.

If you are a highly sensitive person, or you know of anyone who is highly sensitive, this episode will give you a better understanding of what some of these commonly shared myths are.

More about your host, Jules De Vitto...
Jules is a Coach and Educator who is experienced at helping Highly Sensitive People to overcome anxiety, stress and burnout. Jules is Highly Sensitive herself, and has been practicing mindfulness for over 10 years to find greater balance and reduce stress in her day-to-day life. 
She has a degree in Psychology, an MA in Education and an MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality! She’s taught for over 11 years and is also a qualified Transpersonal Coach and Mindfulness Teacher.

She’s a published author through Changemaker Books and John Hunt Publishers. She wrote Resilience: Navigating Loss in a Time of Crisis to help people through the Covid-19 Pandemic!

Featured in Psychology Today, Psych Central, Medium and Insight Timer - Jules is accredited through the International Association of Coaches, Therapist and Mentors (IACTM), Transpersonal Coaching and Therapy Network (TCTN) and is an Authentic-Self-Empowerment Facilitator.

You can stay connected with Jules through the following social media:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highly.sensitive.humans/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/highlysensitivehumans/ 

Join the 8-week course, 'Step into your Authentic Power as a Highly Sensitive Person' starts October 4th 2021, and is limited to 20 people! Join now!

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About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

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